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Land and Estate Agentgt Chas. HOUSE. LAND. & FINANCIAL AGENT, HIQK-ST., NKAB SIIOUTLAND-BT. Bankers i National Bank of Nnw Zealand, TELEPHONE NUMBER-ISM. RENTS and INTEREST Collected. MONICY Invested for Capitalists on First olbhb aoouritioa.wiTHOUT oharqk. Six per oont' allowod on depO3ita until invested. MORTGAGES and IjOANS NofroHatsd. BUILDING SOCIETY SHARKS Bought. KdTAT ICB Managed for Abßontoes. HOUSES TO I.XT and PROPERTIES FOR SALlil plaood npon my Liats Free of Charge. AI.LOTMENT£V«onght and Housen Built on the Wookly Payment System. Pinna and Biicoiflcationa prepareri at lowest rates. BUILDING vVJ-01'MKNTS FOR BALK JICSKH rOOTI— Kllcralio, £2 , Kpaoru Road, B3 Nowinarliot. 80a Hopbtirn-etroet, 80s Randolph-niroet '; IJKnr Plane, 80a Weat-slreot, 42s - . Kmmott-stroefc, 02s 6d Boroafordstreet. 70b Conaueet Place. SB Howo-atrcot, 100 a i William-street, 80a aholly Beacn Hoad-fifi Cuatomhouße-Btreet Northooto. ICs and 3|5 Fort-Btrcot (leaso), GOa O'Connall-stroot. IWa Fltzroy-struct, 80a And In various other streetnat low rates, ftiOM) TO LUND, In Sums of £ia and upwards on good securities. £ias.-NBW THUEK-nOOMED HOUSE for Solo at Xl ngdland, with iron roof, good well, &c. Terms If required. NKW FIVK-ROOMED HOUSE for Sale In Ox-ford-streot, £250; House and Shop, Collogo Road, £600; New House, Brown-street, £320; Fiveroomod House and four rooms, Cobdan-ntreot, with 9-sUll stable. fißso', gas and city water. FOUR-ROOMKD HOUBK For Sale in KinffBtroot, £220; Keppoll-Btroet, £200. Fancy Businesa, flttinga, &c. Arch Hill, £35; General tore. Mount Eden. £800. £32f1.-FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE for Sale at Rooky Nook; well-flnlshod, largo allotment. NOIIFOLK-STRKST.-ShopandFivo-roomed House for Sale for £575; cornor allotmont. MOUNT EDKN.-Six-roomod House for Sale In View Road: large allotmont.£;)so. KUSHEIi-STREKT. - Fine large roomy House for Salo. thoroughly well-flnlslied: £530. PITT-STREET. - Splondid Cornor Sito for Shops and Dwolllngß, to bo Leased for 100 yoarg. lors or moro; 72 feet frontage by 98 Us 6d WEKKLY.-Now Five roomod House For Salo In Howo-street; small deposit. PRATT-STRKET. - Well-nnlshed Cottage (now), for Sale for £310; city water. £2SO-FIVKROOMKD HOUBK For Sale in Bond-stroet; will bo sold on easy terms. KUSSKUi-STItKBT. - Five-roomed House for Salo for £225. near Groat North Road. £235—NEW HOUBB Kor Sale,cornor of Edenstreet; allotmont. 34 x 89. MOUNT KDKN — Falthfully-bnUt Family Rceldeneo of 8 rooms with 7 flroplaces; detached wash-house, 2.000ga11. ooncroto tank; back ontranae for buggy. £075, vory oheap. BUKKBY HILLS KaTATE—7-roomed Homo (now) For Sale; very convenient; £300. Alho, Five-roomed House, oxcelloutly built and finished ; £375. Four-roomed House, £300. KINQSLAND-Several Uousoa For Sale very oheap. from £110 upwards. GEORGE-STREET. — Eight-roomed House (Now) For Salo, with large allotment; £460; portion of money can remain on mortgage. RICHMOND ROAD.—Pretty Cottage (Now) For Solo, with all conveniences; £220; gas laid on. Albo. now House for£27o. £191.—Now Four-roomed HOUSE For Sole in centra ofclty(lcaochold). £SOdepoait; bnlonoe on deforred payments. £280.—New Kour-roomed HOUSE For Sale In Howe-Btreot(freehold). £60dopo3it; terms. FASiILY RKSIUENCK of 7 rooms; bath-room, coal-shed, gas and city water, bob stove: off Pltt-ttreot; a Dareain. COMFORTABLE FAMILY RESIDKNCKB For Salo at Avondale and Onehunga, with fow acres of land. HKPnURNSTRKET-Elght-roomßd House (new): gas and water, fine view: £490. FIVE ACRKS OF EXCELLENT LAND for Sale, near Westorn Springs; four mllos from Auckland ; admirably suited for villa residence, or small markot garaeu; water or land carriage. PRETTY VILLA RESIDENCE for Sale in Llncoln-streot; gas. city water, range. FRANKLIN KOAD.-8-rooraod Honao and Allotmont For Sale. A bnrirnln. £190—Comfortable HOUSE Kur Pale In Sussexatrnot. Nowton Road. Sniull uiM»%:*VonljJ £8 YKARLY-Allotmont« %jjKrtfrO»j«g2 Voars Monc?rf. fl. r.':'oL, rtttlld with if desired. SPRING-STRHiK'lVFroeman'sßay—6-roomed Houbo For Sale, well finished; city water, and all other oonvenionoos. Prlco. £SSO. NELSON-STREET - 2 Briok Semi-detached Villa Roflldoncoa For Sale, with large allotment and flno view. Chance for SDOCulator. NORTH SHORE.—New 4-roomod House with larso shod. £300; also, several othor Houbcb. BRIGHTON ROAD, Parnell — Six-roomod Houbo Fcr Salo. allotment JO x 100. Price £300. PONSONBY —Now Six-roomed House and Workshop For Sale; two allotraonta; two (rontoces. Kasy terma. DKVONPORT — Four-roomod Hoime and Bcullory. Quite now: largo allotment. Prioo £250. Grand viow of Auckland, £ICO —HOU3K and Allotmont For Sala In william-strobt. noar St. Jarnoa's Churob. NOKTHCOTE — Seven-roomod House, outbuildinKß, &c, and 30 Aorea of land. For Salo! Very Cheap. Orand Tlow of tho harbour. DBVONVOUT, liake Iload — Sovfiral very choice Villa Sites For Salo, having roud and sea frontages, and possessing the flnoßt landscape yiows to uo found around AurJcland. FARMS also For Sale at Walkomitl, Paremoremo. Waltakorel, Molmrangl, North Shore, Papakura, &o. Also, sen List in " New Zealand Herald " and " Weekly News." OH AS. WILLIAMSON, WPTATK AOWNT. HTOH-9TRRTCT. jp« TT QSMOND, LAND AND*MONETARY AGENT, 116, QUEICN-BTRKKT (Adjoining B. Tonks and Co.'s). TELEPHONE N 0...185. BANKERS) National Bank of Now Zealand (Limited), Mortgages and Loans Negotiated. Rents and Interests Collooted, Money Invented on First-class Securities without oharge. Estates managed for absentees. Valuations and Arbitrations undertaken. Na c Land affairs specially understood, 'ouses to Let and Propertloa for Sale plaoed on my list free of charge. . Every description of landed property bought or sold to ordor. Large Bums to lend on flrst-olasa aeouritles. pill pBOPRRTISB. BTORKS.-Soveral large ones In commanding positions; every Information on application. STORE AND COMFORTABLE IIOUSE In a first-class loading position: both water and gas laid In; a fine opening for someone. Price £509. with tormß. ALLOTMENT. SHORTLAND-STREET-Large frontage and very deep; splondid business Bite. Sites of this description (double frontage) are vory hard to obtain anywhere close ■ to Quoon-street. This site should at once command tho attention of porsons roquirtag a Brand position bo noar the Post-offlco. BROWN-STRKKT, PONBONBY-A Capital and very convenient Six-roomed House almost now; nice allotment; pretty view, Prloe. £425, with terms to suit. PONSONBY— Vory prottv Seven-roomed Villa Roßidonoo (new); gas and water; every convenience. Price, £425. NKWTON, SYMONDB-STRKET SIDK—Vory Comfortable Eight-rooniod House Oust tho sort of houßO there Is so much Inquiry for at present), olose to Queon-Btreet; gas and water; largo allotment) nice view, and shßap"im T a L kt. CONVENIENTLY-SITUATED 8-ROOMED HOUSE, Victoria Avenue; rent, Us per SEVERAti COMFORTABLE AND PLEA-SANTLY-SITUATED HOUSES at low rente to good tenants, OUBUBBAN pBOPBRX KS. a310.-VERY COMFORTABLE i-ROOMED COTTAGE, oonvonlent dlßtanoe from town I Mount Eden district; every oonvemonoo, and nioe allotment; easy termß of payment. NORTH SHORE—Two flrat-alasa Allotments, commanding a very pretty yiew, in rapidly rising locality, clone to tLa wharf. £3 1(8 per MM 1 FOR AN BROOMED HOUSE and good ftfiotmont, situated nsar Mr Morley'a Store on the Great North Roiid. A ohance seldom met MOU?IT EDEN. VIEW ROAD-One Of the Prettiest Houaos in the district, built on an allotmont M x 250, commanding a pleasant view • eai ten tastefully laid out, built and finished ija vory superior manner; should be Inspootec to bo appreciated; contains five rooms, exclusive of oupboards and pantries. Price ow and terms easy. FTVK ACRKS, five miles from town; northern asuect • £30 per acre. This is the property for an industrious man; terms to suit. TEN ACRES, same aa above. House to suit will be built on deferred payment system, II SEVKRA^i 8 to 7-ACRE SECTIONS, suitable for Market Gardens; good soil; convenient to town1 good road frontage, 3J miles from town! great prospective value; easy terms. Money advanced to build with, repayable by monthly or quarterly payments. eM will purchase ONE of the NICEST SITES tor a GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE to be obtained near Auokland; the sleo of the site wonld be about 800 x 200 feet. MOUNT RQSKIMi (Valley Roaa)-A good broomed House on a Large Corner Allotment I Q*L ADSTONE JJSTATE. 10« PEP FOOT AND UPWARDS.-AU the Unsold Portions of that most conveniently Bituafied property known as the Gladstone Estito. This Estate, situated ao close to town, and from any portion of which the views are nnsurpaosed, 6 now Subdivided into Large Allotments. Theae allotments are not 33 x 99, but have largo frontaees and still larger depth. The prices are suoh that almost any person may obtain their own freehold at a nominal cost. Should terms bo any inducement, the owner la prepared to accept a third cash, the balance to remain for 3 or 5 years at 6 per cont. uer annum The inducements whioh tnia property offers to any persons requiring a nice Residence Site or a Splendid Investment are manifold. Fancy being able to purchase a Grand Allotment oloae to town for 10s per foot Soil Bomi-volcanio. views unrivalled; within 6 minutes' walk of a railway station, trams to pass in the immediate vicinity, 'buses constantly, ohurch and sohool convenient; oas and water mains within 100 feet of the pronorty: post-office and telephone within a little aWncesno clearing required. Plans and every information mar be obtained at the

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 1