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Land and Estate Agents. r\ "O" QSMOND *LAND AND*MONETAHY AGENT, 118, QOKKN-STRKET (AdJolningß. Tonka and Co.'v). TELEPHONE N 0...185. BANKERS! National Bank of New Zealand (IJmltofl), Mortgages and Loans Negotiated. Konts and Interests Collected, Monoy Iv vested onFirot-olttaaSecurltloawlth outobarfte. K^tatos manftged for absentees. Valuations and Arbitrations undortakon. Na o Land alfivirs specially understood. > 'ounon to IM and Properties for Sale plaoec on my list free of charge. Evory description of landed property bough or sold to ordor. Large sums to lend on llrst-olass soouritles, QIIY pBOPXRTIKS BTORKS.—Sovoral large ones In commanding positions; every information on application. BTOIiK AND COMFORTABLE HOUSE In a urst-olosa leading position: both water and gas laid In; a fine opening tor someone, Price. £600. with tends,, ALJX>TMKNT,SHORTLAN»STREET—LargK frontage and very deep; splendid buslnest site. Sites of this description (double front age) are very hard to obtain anywhere close to (juoon-s troet This site should at once command tho attention of persons requiring a grand position so near the Post-offloe. BROWN-STREET, PONSONBY-A Capital and vory convenient Six - roomed House almost new; nioo allotment; pretty view, Prioe, £125, with terms to suit. PONSONBY—Very pretty Seven-roomed Villa Residence (now); gas and water; every convenience. Prlco, £425. NEWTON, SYMONDS-STREET SIDE-Very Comfortable Eight-roomed House (Just the sort of house there is so much Inquiry for at present), close to Queon-stroet; gas and water; large allotment| nice view, and cheap l £750. iji a L BTI CONVEMENTLY - SITUATED 8 - ROOMED HOUSE, Victoria Avenue | rent, 14s per BEVKRAL COMFORTABLE AND PLKA-SANTLY-SITUATED HOUSES at low rente to good tenants, (SUBURBAN pROPKRT KB. ffilO.-VERY COMFORTABLE 1-ROOMED COTTAGE, oonvenlent distance from townj Mount Eden district; every convenience, and nice allotment; oaay tonne ot payment. NORTH HHOKK—Two tat-clues Allotments, commanding a very pretty viow. In rapidly rttilng locality, cloho to tl.o wharf. A3 lfis per foot. »SSO KOU AN SROOKED HOUSE and good allotment, situated near Mr Morley's Storo on Ibo Grflit North Ro«fl. A chunco colflam root Witt MOUNT KDEN, VIEW ROAD-One of tho Prettiest j'!')imc>t in tho district, bnilt on bu allotment :'' x S,UI, co.-innaniling a plcorstnt view, ku' .ru tastefully laid out, buili ami flubbed i .-: •.■o.-y r :iii.sriii-iii.iniicr;t:hcuid !>:: Ir.speotef ;o !••'• ttpsrc--int(.a; conu.i:.^ f!vu rooms, Ci-cl,! .ivu of cu]jl)o.irds and jiMiuies.. Prica ow und terms oauy. FIVK AClti-'J. llvo milus from town ; nmthorn axpoct; O) [nr bcto. Thin 'a tho property for an industrious man; terms to suit. TEN ACRES, as above. House to suit will be built on deferred payment dj stem, if required. SEVERAL 3 TO 7-ACRE SECTIONS, suitable for Market Gardens; good soil: convenient to town; good road frontage, SJ miles from town | proat prospective value; easy terms. Money advanced to build with, repayable br monthly or Quarterly payments. 6600 wiU purohasa ONK of tho NICEST SITES for a GENTLEMAN'S RESUJKNCE to be obtained noar Auckland; the size of the site would bo about 800 x 200 feet. MOUNT KpSKJXXi (Valley Road)—A good 6-roomed House on a Large Corner Allotment i Q°h ADSTONE JjJSTATE. 108 PEP FOOT AND UPWARDa—AII the Unßold Portions of that most conveniently situated property known as tho Gladstone Est ito. This Kstate, situated so close to town, and from any portion of which tho views are unsurpassed, is now Subdivided Into Large Allotments. Those allotments are not 33 x 09, but have largs frontnees and still larger depth. Tho prices are such that almost any person may obtain their own freehold at a nominal cost Should tornis be any inducement, the owner is prepared to accept a third cash, tho balance to remain for 3 or 5 years at 8 per cont. per annum. The inducements which this property offors to any persons requiring a nico Resldenco Site or a Splendid Investment are manifold. Fancy being ablo to purchaso a Grand Allotment oloso to town lor 10s por foot. Soil Boml-voleanie, views unrivalled; within 6 minutes' walk of a railway Btation, trams to pass in tho immediato vicinity, 'buses constantly; church and school convenient; gas and water mains within 100 feet of the property; post-ofllco and telephone within a little distance; no clearing required. Plans and every Information mar be obtained s! the of the underslirneo Insurance. ■\TBW ZEALAND INSURANCE i3l COMPANY (FIRS AND MARINE). Capital £1.000,000 Paid-up and Reserve Funds .... £100,000 Protection from FIRE or MARINE LOSS Can iik Effected in this Company. claims mbt with promptitudk and LinKKALITY. JAMES BUTTLE, Manager. HIS COLONIAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY (LIMITED). AUCKLAND OFFICES : 130, QUEKN-BTRBST. DIRECTORS I Auckland.—J. M. Shora (Chairman), S. Thorne George, F. J. Moss, M.H.B. Dunbdin—E. J. Spence (Chairman). W. J. M. Larnach, C.M.G.. M.H.R.; Hon. George MoLean, M.L.C.; Hon. Robert Stout, Premier. THE COLONIAL MUTUAL has added to aU the ordinary forms of Assurance SEVERAL DISTINCTIVE FEATURES, and is tho only Colonial Life Office which issues TONTINE INVESTMENT POLICIES. Tho "Absolute" and "Modified" Tontine Policies of the Colonial Mutual secure advanatti'S not offorcd by any Foreign Company. Colonial Mutual Policies are INCONTESTABLE FROM DATE OF ISSUE, being oniroly froo from obnoxious conditions as to travelling, rcßldonco, occupation, mode of life, B r manner of death. ag H LYA^_ Socretary for N« w Zanland. riOVBRKMENT LIFE INSURANCE. ■ -TT &i:ad Ossiov,; PROVINCIAL BUILDINOB, Wjbllingtoh. sub onlt new zhalahd li?j1 officb. government skcuhity, - mutual insurance, LOWEST PREMIUMS, The Ordinary Branch offers an Insurance of £1200 at the premium chnrgod ols«----whare for £1,000, equivalent to AIT IMMEDIATE BONDS OT £200 In addition to Full Participation in Pronto, WORKMAN'S INSURANCE Specially provided for In the INDUSTRIAL BRANCH. POLICIJSS IeSUKD FROM £5 UPWARDS, WTAI «. PARTICIPATION IN PROFITS. JH PREMIUMS PAYABLE WEEKLY, For which a Collector will tall. SPECIAL TABLES.FOR CHILDREN. Pollutes of £20 and upwards, after Thre« Years, can be surrendered for Cash, or for ■ Free Policy. LIBBBAL BBOOLATIOMS, NOTE.—The Government not only bring! Insurance within the reach of nearly every ma», woman, and ohild in the community, but provides the description o£ policy and mode of payment best Buitod to the requirements of each. D. M. LUCKIK. CommlssloMT, Woke. coke. coke, THK AUCKLAND GAS COMPANY LTD.) Invite Orders for GAS CO.KE. Delivered within 1 mile of tho orks, for Cash; longei distances at proportionate rates :— Sample Sacks of three bushels .. Is 6d FiveSaeks 6s 3d Eleven Sacks, or half ton .. .. Us Twenty-two Sacks, or one ton „ 22s 6d The Company s COKE is made from the besl Greymouth Coals; is superior to that mad< from Newcastle coals, being free from stow and clinker in a remarkable degree, gives a RELIABLE FIRE, CLEARER & HOTTER THAN COAL, ' LIGHTS READILY, and MAKES NO SMOKE. GOOD FIRE IN 10 MINUTES. 1J" OFFICE v FORT-STREET. ©0K» GOES, J COKE ■.'•■'■■ iAßenui,«pri"BvnwvV ' " . _

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 1