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nHAS, rr Asmond LAND AND MONETARY AGENT 110, QUKEN-STItKKT (Adjoining B. Tonks and Co.'B). TELEPHONE N 0... 185. Bankers t Natlona Banfe of Now Zealand (Llinltod). Mortgages and Loans Negotiated, Rents and Interests Collected, Monoy Invostod on Firot-claaaSocurltles without charge. Estates managed for abaenteoo. Valuations and Arbitrations undertaken. Native Land affairs specially understood. Houbob to Lot and Proportlcs for Sulo placod on my list froo of charge. Every description of landed property bought or sold to ordor. Largo Duma to lend on Urst-class securities. rUTI pROPBRTIKS. STORKS.—Bovoral large ones In commanding positions; overy Information on application. BTORK AND COMFORTABLE HOUSE in a flrst-olass loading position; both water and gas laid In; a fine opening (or someone. Prioe. £500. with terms. AUiOTMKNT.SIIORTLAND-BTREKT-Large frontage and vory deep; splondid business slto. Sites ot this description (double frontago) are vory hard to obtain any whore close to Quoon-strect Title site should at onco command the attention of persons requiring a grand position so near the Pcwt-oftlco. BROWN-STKKKT, PONSON/IY-A Capital and very conveniont Bu - roomed House almost nov , nico allotment; preUy view. Prloo. «425, with terms to suit. PONSONRY-Vory pretty Hovonroomod Villa Rosidonoo (new); gas and water; ovory convenience. Price. £125. NKWTON, SYMONDS-STRKKT SIDE-Very Comfortable Eight-roomed House t)ust tho sort of houso thoro is so much inquiry for at present), close to Queen-street; gas and wator; largo allotment; nico view, and ohoap; £750. rji O! ]j BT, CONVENIENTLY - SITUATED 8- ROOMED HOUSE, Victoria Avenue; rent, 14s per SEVERAL COMFORTABLE AND PLEA--BANTLY-BITUAXED HOUSES at low rents to good tenants. ■ CUBURBAN pROPERT ES. «810.-VERY COMFORTABLE i-ROOMED COTTAGE, convenient distance from town; Mount Eden distriot; every convenience, and nloo allotment; easy terms of pay mon t. NORTH SHORE—Two tlrst-Class Allotments, commanding a very pretty view. In rapidly rising locality, close to the wharf. £3 16s per «36U FOR AN BROOMED HOUSE and good allotment, situated near Mr Morley's Store an tho Great North Road. A ctaanoo seldom mot —Uta MOUNT EDKN, VIEW ROAD-Ono Of the Prettiost Housob in the district, built on an allotment SO x 250, commanding a pleasant vlow; gardou tnstofully laid out, built and finished in a very superior manner; should bo Inspooted U« bo appreciated; contains 11 vo rooms, exclusive of cupboards and pantrlca, Prico ow and terms cosy. FIVE ACRES, live miles from town; northern aspect; £30 per aero. This is tho property for an industrious man; terms to suit. TEN ACRES, sumo as above. Houso to solt will be built on deferred payment system. If required. SEVERAL 3 TO 7-ACRE SECTIONS, suitable for Market Gardens; good soil; convenient to town; good road frontage, 3} miles from town i great prospective value; oasy terms. Monoy advanced to build with, repayable by monthly or quarterly payments. «800 wlllpurohase ONE of the NICEST SITES for a GENTLEMAN'S RESH3KNCE to be obtalnod near Auokland; the size of the site would be about 300 z 200 feet. MOUNT RO3KILL (Valley Road)—A good K-roomod House on a Large Corner Allotment; MOO. Q.LADBTONE JjJSTATB, 10s PBR FOOT AND UPWARDS.-All the Unsold Portions of that most conveniently situated property known as jtho Gladstone Est ite. This Estate, situated so close to town, and from nny portion of whion tho viows are unsurpassed, is now Subdivided into Largo Allotments. Theso allotments are not 33 x 99, but ha vo Jarge f rontaecs and still larger dopth. Tho prices uro such that alutost any porpon m»y obtain their own frceliuM lit a nominal cost. Should terms be any inducement, the ownor is prepared to accent b ihlrd cash, the baliinco to remain for 3 or i> yen j at ti per cent, per minimi. Tho inducement. ~;hich this property offers to any jiersonH 'v-julrinpr r nloo Residence Sltf orn Splnndic Investment «v» manifold. Fancy being ablo to purchaso a Grand Allotment closo to town for 10a per foot. Soil soinl-volcanio, views unrivalled; wit.liin 5 mimitca' of a ruilwa^- fit,:itlon, trams to pasa in tlicimmediate vieimty, 'buses constantly ; church and school convenient; gaß and water mains within 100 feet of tho proSorty; post-ofllcoandtolcphono within a little Istanco; no clearing required. Plans and ovory Information ma;- be obtainod at the ofllco of tho undorsignea SAMUKL VAILE.] [JOHN DOUGLAS Vailb & Douglas (Late Samuel Vaile), house, land, and estate agents, land and estate auctioneers, real estate valuators, BROKERS UNDER THE LAND TRANSFER A C T. SHORTLAND STREET (Next the Pobt Offiob), BANKERS! Bane of Nwv South Wales. Bee also our advertisement In "N.Z. Herald and " Weekly News.") MORTGAGES BOUGHT. Comfortftblo COTTAGE of 4 rooms and largo room undorneath; water laid on; close to Throe Lamps ; allotment 33 x 100. Prico, £300, and vory easy terms of payment could bo arranged.—Vailo & Douglas, House and EBtato AgonlH, Shortland-stroet. 1399 COTTAGE ot 5 rooms in a good situation near to town: allotmont 33x100; planted with fruit trees, all in full boaring. Prico, £230.— Vailo & Douglas, Houso and Land Agonts, Shortland-street. UOO Nico little FAKM of 8J ncres within 13 miles of Auckland, on main road, oloso to church and school and railway station; all fenced; half in grass and half in crop; new Houso of i rooine. Price, £3Co.—Vailc and Douglas, Land and Estate Agents, ShortlandBtrcet (noxt tho Post-offlce). HOG HOTEL.—Splendid Family Hotel, containing 30 rooms, all new and well-built of brick and cemented front, together with large public hall, and ovory convenience, situated in a thriving township, closo to railway, &c., stable in connection with hotel, and tho whole doing a good trade.—Prico and terms on application to Vailo & Douglas, Houso and Kstato Agents. Shortland-streot. 1373 SPLENDID BUSINESS ALLOTMENT on tko Ponsonby Road, in commanding position, and of good size. Prico low. 'lornis easy.—Vailo and Douglas, Land and Estate Agonts. Shortland-street. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS, NEWTON, 6 lots each, 2 of them having frontaees of 50 feet by a dopth of 110 feet, and the others frontages of 40 feet by same depth. Prico low, and terms oasy, as may bo arranged.—Vaile and Dounlns, Land and Estate Agents, noxt the Post-offlco, Shortland-street. 1372 SMALL FARM of 14 acres, vory suitable for a working man; all in cultivation; rich land t Hou*e of 3 rooms and kitchen, stoblo, leu, W»*JB00. 1360 CHBAJT LITTLE HOMESTEAD, 14 acres, Em* Ti«i__t; all in grass and crop. Cottagv of I nam* and small ono of 2 rooms. £260. 1353 PARTLY IMPROVED FARM of 13S aoros, »U fenced; 45 acres in grass. Splendid position tor fruit farm; deep water frontage ; close to town. £5 per acre. 1363 £300 - GOOD LITTLE WATERSIDE FARM of 112 acres, with largo run adjoining; 25 to 30 acres in cultivation; splendid place for fruit growing. Terms easy. — Vailo and Douglas, Land_ and Estate Agete, Shortlandstreet: immodiatopossession. 128b £220—COTTAGE of i rooms, with allotment 33 x9S(t., neat garden, and cloae to the tram-lines.—Vaile and Douglas, Houso and Land Afronts. Shortland-streot. 1352 f3oo—Very Convenient COTTAGE of 4 rooms and scullery, allotment 32 x SOft. within quarter of an hour's walk from Quccn-strcot. —Vailo and Douglas, Houso. Land and Estate ARontn. noxt P. 0.. Shortland-strcct 131)2 NEAT COTTAGE 10 into3&^/^Vr utes walk from Poet-office. A Bargain.—Vaile and Douglas, Land and Estate Agonts, Shortland-street. £650—HOUSE of 5 rooms ana Kitchen, gas and water laid on. &c; workshop 24 x 11, Allotment, with frontage of 33 feet to Upper Union-street, and frontage to Nelson-stroet of Slfeot—Vatle and Douglas, Land and Estate Agnnts, Shortland-street. TO INVESTORS.—For Sale, a First-rate Investment-Store and Dwelling-house Leased forsyoarsto a good tenant: rent,32s 6dper week. Largo and Commodious Store and Dwolling - house of Six Rooms in good thoroughfare, olOße to city.—Apply Valla and Douglaß, House, Land, and Estate Agonts. Shortland-street £3 PER FOOT—Splondid Building Site, near tramway terminus; 132 x 274 feet— Vailo and Douglas, Land Agonts, Shorhand street noxfc Goneral Poat-ofiico. LARGE FREEHOLD ALLOTMENT, 66 x 117 foot, together with dwelling-houeo, stables, &c, conveniently situated, within 7 minutes' walk of Poat-oflice, and suitable eithor for private residence sites, or for business purposes; prico moderate. Terms easy. —Vauo and Douglas, Land and Houso Agents, Shortland-street. 1321 £630—NEW HOUSE of 6 rooms, with outhouse, tankß. Sec, and allotment 66 x 198, volcanic soil; convenient situation. — Vaile and Douelas, Houso and Land Agent Short-land-Btroet. 1271 £500—Capital W&torside FARM, of 90 botch,ahmit half richalluvial fiat, 30 acres in craoH. Houeo of 1 roonm, dairy, ohedß. &c.VaileandDouKlas, Land Agents, Shortlandstreet. !"'

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5450, 5 January 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5450, 5 January 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5450, 5 January 1885, Page 1