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Bh)pplnit« _t T>Ar!WIC M All STEAM $&tZZyg*[ *- SHIP CO. J*hf§&o?"nUlOVaH THE UNITE! K^ STATES OK AMERICA, YU HONOLULU. TO GRKAT BRITAIN, 'ador Postal Control* w.ln tho Govornmente o; /low Zealand and Now South Wales. Pasienger. hooked through to Llvorpool IASon or Paris, via the Great Overland Rorc 3f America, via the Steaicor. ot the Atlantic •jnes from New York. 1 ' I Date of Date of Steamer. jTons. Sailing to Sailing to I Sydney 'ffrjacp. ■ " " 1885~ On or about 18S5. 7^nl&ndia 3,200 Jan. 10 Fob. 3 ritv of Sydney.... 3,100 Fob. 7 March 3 Sralia!l". .■■■■■ 3,200 March 7 Jan.6 ' FARES i— mret-olasß-- £80and upward! Stneraso «32 3s 9d and upward! first-class to San Franolsco ...£lO MMUg« •"• *M Tnrongb Cabin Passengers are permitted to bJover at Honolulu, or any of the cities of the United States, not te oxceod all months. Spocial Through Bills of Lading issuod on vvfml shipped for Now York, Boston, &c. cithei by rail or via Panama, by I'acillo Mail S.S. Co.'c St Nao tS°WpplnK Orders will bo Issued after 4 p.m. on the day boforo tho Bailing o£ stoamors for San rates and all othor Information »PPlyto BUO WN CAMPBELL & CO., Lowor Qucon-atrcet and Shortland-streot. AXf QRIENT LINE. g&SBP Under contract with tho New r Sonth Wales Governmen for the conveyance of Mails. The following Stoamshlps belonging to the Orient Co. and tho Pacifio Co. will leave BYDNKY and MELBOURNE on the nndormenUoned dates for LONDON, via ADELAIUE, DIKGO, GARCIA (at Bteamor s option), SUEZ:— Stoamer~ From Sydney. From Molb'urne. Austbai,.,.... Jan-" w^n 8 CP200.....J..-. Jan. 31 FoD>L LIOOMA.&>.. Fob. 11 F0b.20 And ortnlghtly thereafter. Through fares to London, £22 to £75. Passengers secure apoolal advantages by booking through from New Zealand. Secondclass passengers by Oriont stoamor are provided with saloon passages to Sydney or Melbourne. PASSAGES FROM LONDON.-Spooial facilities afforded for bringing out Friends and Relatives by pro-payment of the passage-money h SPECIAL RETURN TICKETS, available for 12 months, are issued at the following: rates :— FirstSal.oon £117 Second Saloon - £77 PARCELS BOOKED THROUGH to LONDON at Red-iced Rates. NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED), Agonta in Now Zealand. i»w»aw« TTNION STEAMSHIP JFmiea^ U COMPANY OF NEW |ffSfe*^\a ZEALAND (LIMITED). ly TIME TABLE. — JANUARY. fOR TAKANAKI, NELSON, PICTON, WBMt LJUTOTON, LI JTELTON, AND WEST COAST PORTS (from Mannkan). "steamer. | Date ot Balling. | Penodin I Tuea.. 6.11 a.m. I 8.10 a.m. Hawka I On arrival of mall. 1 — FOB GIBBORNE, NAPIER WKIXJNQTON, iiYTTKI.TON, AND PORT OHALMKRS (from Auckland). Tarawera I Thurs., 8, noon I — Waibabapa I Thnrs., 15, noon I — FOR MELBOURNE (via BlpfD. Waibahapa I Thnrß., 15. noon I — FOR SYDNEY. RwoaboomA I Thurß.. 8. noon I — Tk Anac I Tnes., 13, noon I — tfOR GISBORNK, NAPIER, AND WKLLINGTON. BOQTH.CROBa I TuQB.. G. 5 p.m. I — FOR SUVA AND LKVUKA, Arawata I Mon.. 12, a p.m. I — . ' ifbll IiUSSKLL AND KAWAKAWA. | Tubs.,o, JV-rn- !__r: "EXCUKSION TICKETS.—During tho months Of December, January, and February, Excursion Tickets ffill bo issued at Reduced Ratos, available lor return until 31st March, 1885. Cargo must be booked and alongside TWO HOURS before advertisod timo of departure. Passage Tiokets must be taken at tho Company's Office (Auckland Branch), comer of Queen and Customß-streeta. TVTORTHERN STEAMFJ3I SHIP CO. (LIMITED). Time Tablb.-Januaby. (Weather and other Ciroum stances Permitting). FROM QUEEN-STRKET WHARF. I^^!^^.^ 11 tarn quiokkbt, oheapkbt, and kabibot KOUTK. . Tourists can avoid the tedious and rough overland Jpurnoy by taking passage In the Northern Steamship Company s new and fast Steamors Clanaman and Wellington, which leave Auckland alternately every Monday and Thursday, at 7 p.m.. arriving at Tauranga at b o'olock on tho following morning, when a. Coach nndor mail contract leaves immediately after breakfast for the Hot Lakes, passing .through the Vesey Stewart Settlement, arriving flt Ohinemutu at two p.m. Bame day. FOR TAURANGA AND BAY OF PLENTY PORTS. BTEAMKR. I DATS OP BAILING. Wellington Monday, 5, 7 p.m. Wellington Thursday, 8, 7 p.m. Clansman Monday, 12, 7 p.m. Clansman Thursday, 15.7 p.m. Wellington Monday, 19. 7 p.m. Wellington Thursday, 22, 7p m. Clansman Monday, 26. 7 P-m. Clansman Thursday, 29,8 p.m. Wellington Monday, Feb. 1, 7 p.m. Connects at Tauranga for Opotikl Btaffa and Bay of Plenty Ports every Tuesday. FOB RUSBEUs WHANOABOA. AWP MOWOOKUt. Clansman Monday, 5, 7 p.m. Wellington Monday, 12,7 p.m. Clannnan Monday, 19, 7 p.m. Wellington Monday, 26,7 p.m. Clansman Monday, Feb. 2.7 p.m Fob Great Barrier, Tryphena, Port FitzROY, AND WHAWBAPABAPARA. Blenelg i Every Saturday, 8 a.m. ' . foa Whanbarbi, Whanqabki heads, and Manoafai. ' Macgregor I Every Tuesday, 8 p.m. Fob WHAHaARBi, Whangarei Heads, and Parpa Bay. btHrmvrm ITCvflrv Friday. 6 p.m. Fob"Mkroury Bay and Tairua. . ttoneTg 1 Every Monday and ihursday. / I P.m. . For WhAngarbi and Whangarki Headb (Carrying passengors and cargo for Waipu). A Coach meeta the Bteamer on arrival to convey passengers to Walpu. _______-— Macgregor I Tuesday, 6, 8 p.m. Wellington Wodnesday, 7,10 a.m. Macgregor Thursday, 8,8 p.m. Clansman Friday, 9.8 p.m. Maogregor Tuesday, 13, 8 p.m. Clansman Wednesday, 11,10 a.m. Macßregor Friday, IG, (i p.m. Wellington Friday, 16. 8 p.m. Macgregor Tuesday, 20, 8 p.m. Wellington Wednesday, 21,10 a.m. Maogregor Friday, 23,6 p.m. Clansman Friday, 23. 8 P.m. Macgregor Tuesday, 27, 8 p.m. Clansman Wednesday, 28, 10 a.m. Macßregor Friday, 30, C p.m. Wellington Friday, 30, Bj£2_____,— From Whangauei to Auckland (From Railway Wharf.) Clansman I Wednesday, 7, 0 p.m. Maogregor Wednesday, 7, noon Wellington Saturday, 10, 2 p.m. Macgregor Monday, 12,12.n00n Wellington Wednesday, 11. o P-m-Macgregor Thursday, 15,10 a.m. Clanßman Saturday. 17. 9 a-m. Macgregor I Monday. 19,5 p.m. Clansman | Wednesday, 21, b p.m. Macgregor Thursday, 22.12 noon Wellington Saturday. 21,12 noon Macgrogor Monday, 26.12 noon Clansman Wednosday, 28,6 p.m. Macgrogor Thursday, 559,12 noon Wellington Baturday L 3o_,P____ . Douglas and Argyle as per advertisements. FOR HOKXANGA. _. A Steamer fortnightly (an ncr advertisement). Cargo must he booked and 6.;^ veeßafby i p.m. prompt. Nono will be receive "KS 6tB must be taken at tho Con panrt Offlco. 67. Queen-street. Auokland. EXCURSION TICKETS. - During th months of December, JanualT', aS, d ( Kcb^i Bamowillbo issued at Reduced Hates, aval able for Return until 31st of March. 1884 The Wellington and Clansman for Waiwei every Saturday, at 2 p.m., returning c\or Monday, 7 a.m. _ T?IOR HOKIANGA.—The 8.8. ARGIL! Jj will leave Onohunga Wharf as abon (weather and other circumstances pormltun, on WEDNESDAY, 7th January, at I p.nv Northern Sfeamship Company (Linutod), Auol aiid ; or A. Karrua, Onehunga. PI g V I V I I ,^^^ CKLaMd E K RHEA° January. To Riverhead. Frnm Klverhoa A. MARSHALL, on board.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5450, 5 January 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5450, 5 January 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5450, 5 January 1885, Page 1