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hiuul said Eslnlc Agents. LAND 'AND ESTATE AGENT. MERCANTILE CHAMBERS (NKXT BANK 01 New Zkalakd). TICLIM'IIONE KXCIIANGB NO. W. FOR SALE: PAllNKLL—Kxcollont now House for £175, oi loasohold; havinir nearly 50 years to run, at ai annual rental of k'J. Thia is a really goot house, very nicely uituatcd, and should com mand an Immediate buyer. Kasy terms o payment can be arranged. NKW NORTH ROAD-Urand Leasehold Allot ments, at annual rentals of £li 103, £,T 10s, anc £8. To bo sold at moderate premium. KINGSLAND ESTATE —A Firat-class Blocl. coinvrisintr 2 excellent corners. The whole i Kooil frontage. To an ontcrprisinpr Buildei thiß will bo sold in one lot on easy terms, U allow a i?ood margin of profit lo tho buyer. MARICKT GARDKN.-Ono of tho handtosi sites closo to Town, near a Hallway B-tation good black soil; partly fenced. Thia pro ncrty is oiforcd a bargain. To anyone want liir t.9 eslubliu'i a home on about six acrei of Kiound, no better could be selected. Price am. Al2O-2 ACRKS level ground, rich black soil within live minutes' walk of Railway Station orßixAcrra'">r£3oo WAIKOM 111—The pick ol an Kstate, all fenece Kood loamy soil; wator on tho property almost adjoining Railway Station. Only t few sections remaining; from £10 por acre. Bmall cash deposit, the balanco on easy term! as may bo arranged. WAIICOMiri—SmaJI Furins, 10. 15, and 2( Acres. ISo dtijioait required if only buyon will occupy and Improve. AVONDALIC-Somo of the best Sections in this rapldiy-naini? township, to bo sold on Building Socioty tcriHti. SUUUUBAN AND VILLA KK3IDENCE3 MOUNT ABLKRT—2 acres and House, 10 rooms. MOUNT ALBIORT-1 aero and House, 0 rooms, MOUNT KDKN-6 Very Choice Uesidonces, with (;ood allotments, ut prices £170, £550, £UOO, and fllloO. MOUNT ALBKRT-2 acres and Grand Now MOUNT ALBKRT-1J acroa and 7-roomod House. CITY AND MARINE VIISLAS. Wallacic-htiikkt, PonHonby—2 Uouuob, £500 and KM). Coi.LINOWOnD-BTRKItT—3 HoiISOB. PoNBONHvr ROAD-Cheap House. Vkkmont-stuukt—Cood Corner, Now Houso, fllftO. Ci.AHKNCKHTitHKT—S-rooinod Houuo. St. Maky'b Road—Houac, £(iOO. t'KOSI'KCT-STKKBT—-1 IOUSO, £125. -iNuoi-4-HVKHUT—House, £500. Hbi'BUHn-hthbkt—House, £SOO. WOOD-BTKKHT—House, £'.W. GUAI'TON itOAD-HousO, £150. Commkkciai, Road—House, £280. Union-hthkkt—House. £350. Hubbki.i.-sthkbt—Hoiibo, BKIUOSFOHD-STItKET—IIOUSO, &O. HELKNSVILLK—A very compacthlock on thia rising 'I'uwnsliip, closo to Railway Station; well suited for building purpoaen, and sure to Ineroasu in value. This is a good investment to anyone, and will bo Bold at a cheap rato to clear tho lot. SUSSEX-KTREIST NEWTON—Very good OottUk'O of 5 rooMis, well finished. r.iOO. CHEAP ALLOTMENT -Kingslund Estato. m. ALLOTMENT3-Mount Eden Road, £7 per foot; Susaox-Btrcot, 10s pcrfoot; Mount ICden. 45s luid s()a per foot; Ponsonby. £1 to fJH pit foot; Lincolii-eirout, £3 to £1 per foot; Ponsonby Road, £15 per foot; Northcolc, from £1 pur foot, and upwards. PUICEKOHE—A Grand Farm of 80 Acres, cloao to Checao Factory, acknowledged to ho tho boot in tiio diKtrlct. TUAKAU—^A Finit-clasß Farm of UO Acrcß. NEW LVNN — One of tbo Choicest Littlo Forms In t_e Dfatrict, with Good Orchard, which irSL, _t two years, como into Krand valuo. GLAl)Sl\»BE—Adjolnliif: the Northcote Public School. Twunty minutes' walk froni Wharf. A «raud lot of 7 acrea, nil in cultivation, with dwelling newl erected, to be sold very cheap. 520 ACRKS-A. very superior Form on the Thaintß-Rotoriia railway, moatly improved at £t f« per acre. KARANGAHAPK ROAD (City)-I ofTer for a few rtnys only some of tho best frontjiges in tho moot central part of Uilh rapidly-improving thoroughfare. W. L. MITCH E L 1., X & 'i' A'lß A<5K NT 1 Uuumbcu'-Arciidc.oppusiluliniikof Austnilusin, UUEK.V-BTUICKT. n H A S. TT A S II O N D \J .1.1 • \J LAND AND MONETARY AGENT U(>, QUEKN-STHBKT (Adjoin lute B. Tonka and Co.'s). TELEPHONE N 0...185. Bankers i Natlonft Rank of Now Zealand (Llmltod). MortgMßOs and Loans NoKOtlatod. Renla and intoreßts Collected. Money Invested on First-clasaSecurities without charKe. EBtatcn ninnaßod for absontoca. Valuations and Arbitrations undertaken. Native Land affairs specially understood. Houses to Lot and Properties for Salo placed on my list froo of charge Every description of lauded proporty bought or oold to order. Largo Bums to lond on llrßt-class ooourltlos. rjITY pROPBRTIKS. STORES.-Sovoral Ibrto ouks In commanding positions; ovory Information on application. BTOIIK ANU COMCOUTABLE 11OUSK in a firat-olaaa leading position: both wator and gan laid In; a flna opening for someone. Prioo. kiiOO. with tonnn. AI.LOTMENT.SHORTLANDSTRKKT-LarKO frontage and very (loop; splendid business Bito. Silea of this description (double frontage) are very hard to obtain anywhere cloao to (Juecn-strect. Tnia aito should at onco command tho attontion of persona requiring a Brand position so near tho Post-office. BHOWN-STRBKT, PONSONBY-A Capital and vory convenient Six-roomed House almost now; nlco allotment; protty viow, P'loo, fil2s, with torms to Bult, POffSONBY—Vory pretty Sovcn-roomcd Villa Rosidenco (new); gaß and wator; ovcry convenionco. lMco. £125. NEWTON, SYMONDS-STREET SIDE-Very Comfortable Eight-roomed House (just tho sort of houso thoro is bo much inquiry for at present), closo to Quoen-stroet; gas and water; large allotment; nico viow, and cheap: «750. t _, _, _ CONVENIENTLY - SITUATED 8 • ROOMED HOUSE, Victoria Avonuo; ront, lis por SEVERAL COMFORTABLE AND PLEA-SANTLY-SITUATED HOUSES at low rents to good teimnUi. SUBURBAN pBOPKRT BS. WlO.-VKRY COMFORTABLE 4-ROOMKD COTTAGW, convoniont dietunco from town; Mount Kdon dißtrict; ovory convenience, and nice allotment; oaay torms of payment. NORTH SHORK--Two flrstohwa Allotmonta, commanding a vory protty viow, In rapidly doing locality, clone to tho wluirf. US lfiß por foot. fISSO FOR AN BBOOMKD HOUSK and good allotment, situated near Mr Morloy's Storoan tee Great North Road. A chance seldom met with. MOUNT EDKN. VIEW ROAD—Ono of tho Prettiest Houbob in the district, built on an allotment 30 x 250, commanding a pleasant viow; Harden tastefully laid out, built and finished i« a tmt suporinr manner; should bo lnapeotftd t« he appreciated; contains flvo rooms, «_<-__t« of cupboards and pantries. Prico ow _»d terms easy. FIVE ACKHfI, flro miles from town ; northern aspect; AM per aero. This is the property for an industrious man ; torma to suit. TEN ACRES, samo as above. House to suit will ho built on doforred payment systom, if required. SEVERAL 3 to 7-ACHE SECTIONS, aiiitablo for Market Gardons; Rood soil; conyonient to town; frood road frontage, 31 milos from town; groat prospective- value; easy torms. Monoy advanced to build with, ropayablo by monthly or quarterly payments. fIGOO will purchase ONM of tho NICEST SITES for a GKNTLKMAN'3 HKSIDIENCE to bo obtained noar Auckland; tho aiso of tho site would bo about 300 x 200 feet. MOUNT ROSKILL (ViUley RoaS)—A good 6-roomcd Honso on a Lar ( to Conior Allotment; MOO. pLADSTONK Jj] STA TE. 10s PER FOOT AND UPWARDS,—AII tho Unsold Portions of that moat conveniontly situated property known aa tho Gladstone Eat ile. This Estate, situated so closo to town, and from any portion oC which the viowa aro unsurpassed, is now Subdivided into Largo Allotments. These allotments are not 33 x cJO, but have largo t ronratros and still larger depth. Tho prices am mioh that almost any person may obtain their own froehold at a nominal cost. Should terms be any inducement, tho ownor is prepared to accept a third cash, tho balanco to remain for 3 or 5 years at (i per cent, por annum. The inducements which this property otUivs to any persona requiring a nico Rosidenco Si to or a Splendid Investment aro manifold. Fancy being able to purchase a Grand Allotment'clone to town for 10a per foot. Soil aonii-volcanic, viows unrivalled; within 5 minutes' walk of araihyay station, traraa to past) in Lhoimmediate vicinity, 'buses conntantly; church and achool convenient; pp.B nnd water mains within 100 feet of tho property; po!]tofllceandtelophono within a little diatanco: no climrini icquircd. Plans nnd every information ma;- bo obtained at the office of tha uut' cralKued . WH. SKINNER AW!) BON, O BuikVn-3. Carpenters, an'l Joinorg, • Tnlcfti I.ano. All BrascSiOßol Lho BuUdlng Trftd'.i oxcoated b7 Esvorlsnced Workmen.^ Shop Fioate, Office Sittings, fee,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5447, 2 January 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5447, 2 January 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5447, 2 January 1885, Page 1