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" Called Back " was repeated at the Opera House on Saturday evening before a large and appreciative audienco. Miss Crawford's Paulino, Mr McGowan's Macari, and Mr Hpgan's Cenori were remarkably good portraitures, while Mr Teece did justice to the role of.Gilbort Vaughan. Miss Crawford and Mr Teece were paid the compliment of a call before tho curtain. Mr C. 0. Montrose, who dramatised the story for stage purposes, also camo before tho curtain and ascribed ttie success of the piece to the ability and pains with which Miss Crawford had mounted, and presented it. The same bill will be given to-night, which is th' 9 last but one of the season. ■

(To the Editor.)

Sir,—Will you permit me through your columns to publicly express my sincere thanks to Miss Louise Crawford and all the members of her Company for the skill energy, and determination they have Sis' E laved in carrying , my. drama, l i Called iact," to a successful issue ? Tho dramatised version of tho novelette was written in four days and nights, hi the intervals of my journalistic duties' placed on the stago: with only two lull rehearsals, and its success has been such as : to exceed the most sa'nguino expectations .- Had more time been allowed in which to prepare the drama, and to place it on the stage, I feel sure that it would have achieved; still greater success than it has. Whilst rendering this well-deserved tribute of praise to Miss Crawford and her excellent Company, I take the liberty of thanking the press arid the public for the very kind arid indulgent manner in 'which they have, received this my first attempt at dramatisation.—l am, Bir, yours faithfully .Ths Authob (Charles O. Montrose). Auckland, December 15th; 1881.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4537, 15 December 1884, Page 2

Word Count

"CALLED BACK." Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4537, 15 December 1884, Page 2

"CALLED BACK." Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4537, 15 December 1884, Page 2