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WANTED KNOWN-Feathers Cleaned or Dyed and Curled, and Straw Hats Cleaned or Dyed and Altered into any of the I loading shapes, by Mrs D. P. Fisher, in a stylo ' that defies competition. — Address: Oram's Buildings, cornor of Wclloslcy and Hobson , streets. WANTED KNOWN —Mr Askew's "Firo of Life" oures Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, &c. Sold in Bottles, la, Is 6d, 2s 9d. It no v. r fails to euro I— Three doora from Young Men's Christian Absooiation, Albert-street. W" ANTED KNOWN, that Electro-plated Good 3 and Cutlery are obtainable at Goodson'a London Arcade, good and cheap. Books and Stationery are tho cheapest in town, boing sold at Knglish prloos. _ WANTED KNOWN-Charles Kelsey and Co. receive Monthly Parcels of Jewollory. In thiß way their stock la kept well assorted with all tho newest goods. No imitations aro kopt on tho premises. Everything guaranteed real Gold or Silver.—Charles Kelsey and Co.. 120, Queon-Btreet. . WANTED KNOWN, Coffee Tables, 5s 6d; Toilet Tables, 4s lid ; Loo Tableß, oval, 19s; ditto, round, 20s: Kitchen Tables, 8s 6d, 10s, 11b; Moa.tßo.feß,Bs 6d; Kitchen Dressors, 39a—at Dampier's Hobson-street Shop. \%AT ANTED KNC-V-T-^Weriiave conT T Btantly tho latest importations in sterling Gold and Silver Jewellery (all warranted), and havo Bomo exceptionally beautiful, just received.—Goodson's London|Aroado. VO'ANTED KNOWN—Cheap Timber ! it Chkap Timber I And all othor klndß of Building Material, can be purohasod cheaper and better than anyvvhero o so at tho yards of D. Qqldie .Albert-street. WANTED KNOWN, T. Samuels's Art Union of Oil Paintmgß, Maori Chief and Chieftainess, ia now fast filling up. Tioketa Is each, at T. Samuels., Cutler. 108. Queen-Btreot. WANTED KNOW.N.-Handsome Stuflcd Couches, 14s 6d and 19s 6d; hnndsomeSt.uffedChaira,lo9;CheßtsofDrowerß,l93fld; VVashstanda, 5a lid ; Colonial Couches, 5s 3d; Stretchers, Ob ; Flonk Cushions, Is; Hat Racks, ts M.— At Dampier's Hobson st. Shop. ANTED KNOWN,-S. W. Jack & Co., Ponsonby. have a laroro Btock of all tho newest makoa in Dress Matorial, which they aro soiling at prices which defy competition.— Dro3a<Mniado_too_der on the alioriest nolir.n. WANTED, Peopio to iiead Xhings that Speak for Themselves! —J. 11. DALTON, Tailor, Victoria-street East, does hiß own Cutting, and pays a very small rent; therefore he is ablo to mako Garments to Order at name prico aa Shopa soli Ready - made Clothes. £s.d. Well-shrunk Serge Suits 2 10 0 Well-shrunk Tweed Suitß 215 0 Well-shrunk Fanoy Coat, Vest, and Trousers 350 Well-shrunk Tweed Trousers .. .. 012 6 Well-shrunk Twood Troueors .. .. 015 0 Well-shrunk Tweed .. .. 017 0 First class Tweed Trousers .. .. 14 0 Very Best Twoed (of any kind) TrouBora 15 0 Moßgiol Twoed Suit, well-shrunk .. 310 0 Mosgiel Twood Suit well-shrunk .. 4 0 0 Beat of any kind of Tweed 4 10 0 J. H. D. Imports direct from tho Manufacturers, and thus savos tho Merchant's Profit, giving the bonctlt to his Customers.—Note the Addresa: J. 11. Dai.ton. City Tailoring Katabliahmont, Viotoria-atreot East (opposite Goodson's). and at Cauieron-atreet, Whangarei. WANTED KNOWN — DAMPIER'S GRANDEST SELLING OFF IS NOW ON, and the following nro some of the prices taken at random .'—Berlin Wool, 2d per doz.; Fingering Wool, 2d per skein. Is lOd per head ; White Wora'.ed, 3d por head; 6,000 yards Ribbons, 2d per yard; Towels, 's 9d per doz.; grand lot of light Dress Material (evening colours), 4Jd per yard; Prints, 2d and i 4 1: Colomod OitmoalCloth, l.d ; Cretonne,3Jd; i vVhite Flannel, "Jd, Scarlot do, 10jd ; Bluo no., , Is 6d; Bleached Swansdown. lOd; Carnialltea. ' Ijd; Shirting, 4'; Light Sateens, sd; Wincoy, 31d; Tweed, 9d; Chocked Win- j coy, sd; Victoria Lawn, 2d; Black Caah- I mere, Is 4d and Is Cd; Drab Morocn, Cd ; ) Chemises. 2s 2<_ ; Drawers, la * lid ; Niglit-drossos, 2s 6d: Noodles, 3d per 100; i Slato Silesia, 3d ; White do, sd; Diapor. 7d ; Linon do. Is 3d; Brown Holland, Sid; Grey , Linen, 7Jd : Towelling, 3d ; Coloured Feathers, j 9d; Cotton Ticking, sjd ; Cornets, is3d and Is 7d ; j Lidles' Bangles. Id onoh: Coloured Tablrcovors, , 3s lid; La.ios' White Wool Shawle, * Is 3d; White Mondlng, 4d per packet;. ' White Quilts, 5s lid; Turkey Twill, lid; Folt Skirts, Is 3d; Print do.. Is 6d; ' 'jadiea' .rackets, from 3s 6d; Black Canes, ' fron. 4s lid; Children's Felt Capes, (id ; Lidlea 1 1 Plaia Shawls. 1b lid; Woolwork Slippora, Is Id; . Rverlosting Trimming, Oil per doz ; Cream and ' White Frilling. Cd per yard: Ladies' Umbrellas, la 2d; White Tape, 8:1 per doz.. Flowers, 2d per • -uuch; largo lot of Remnants in Prints J very cheap; Toilet Sets, 3d; Ladies' Black Laeo ' Gloves, 1(1 ; Clark's 200 yard reels Black and c White Cotton, 9d per doz.: 1,000 gross of Drets ; rtuttona, 9d per großa: Window Muslin, 2d; I Hoys' Straw llats. Id; Clark's Crotobot Cotton, i 2d skein; Knitting Cotton, Is 3d : Black Wadding, 12 yards for la; Damask Table Covers, 38 , lid; Infants' Bibs, 3d; Infants' Bootees, Id: J Alpicca • Aprons, 2d; Print do., Id and : 6rt ; Children's Droflsc., Is ; Ladles' f Ties, 4d; Ladies' Silk Ties lOd; Mending Cotton, 8d per lb, 2d tho 4; Crape Trimming, j 6d per box of 36 yard-; larko lot of Thread r Gloved, -d: Bplondid White Toilot Sots. = 5.1; Babies' Sun Hata, la; Ladles' Wool F Tics, Id each; Toilet Fiinto. 3d; Ro:b" Tunics, 2a 3d; Black Velveteen. 2b ; Stay £ Buako. Id tho p-ir; Men's Regatta Shirts, 2s 3d : ; Men'B White Shirt-, 2s 3.1; Gonts' Black and J Coloured Bows. 3d; Men's and Youths' Bur- * lingtons, sd;. Washing Scarves, Id; Mon'a I Working Shirts, lid; Men's Sockß. 2d. 3d, and . id ; Girls' Stockings, L'Jd. 3d. and 4d J Ladies' f do.. Id and sd: Men's Cardigan Jackets, 2a; Men's Merino Singlets, Is; Men's Hard Felt __ Hats. Is. 1b 6d; Men's Soft da, Is; Men'B Tweed Hats. Is; Boys' Folt Hats. 6d; Men's Braoeß. 6d ; Men'B Serge Suits. 15. lid ; Boys' '• Kniekor Suita. 4b 6d and 5s I'd: M^n's Paget - Coxtß (twcodl. 8. (id: Men's Holland Coats, is lid: Men's Drill Pants, Is lid; Boy 8 ' Holts, r 2d; Hoys" Braces, 4d; Youths' While _ Molrs'tin Troußcrs, Sa lid: Men's Tweed « Tronsera, 4s 6.1 and 6a lid; Boyß' Tweed • do.. 3 ■ 11(1; Men'B Sorgo do., 3s 3d; Men's Mole- ' akin do.. Is lid; Ladica' Black Straw Hate, fashionablo shapen, 4d; Mon'a Stud Suite?, 2d, 3.1, sd, and 8d; tornado. 4d pot; B. W. Soap, 9 cakes for la; Florida Wator. la Id tho bottle; Violet Powder, 3d tho large packet; Brioche., 3d each; Summer Sunshades. Is lid —At Dampier's Drapery Shop. Wnrfnfleld-atrcet. i 0~ TRADESMEN AND SHOP KEKPERS.-Book-keeperwantßEo_ploy-nient; would post books and make out accounts; highest reference. .-Address " Arpa f _elie." Stah Office. . (, T~ "OTAILOItS.— Wanted, good Trousers } and Vest Maker-.—Appb, immediately, L H. L. Poßßonr iskle, Shortland-Btroet. . WHY NOT DRESS WELL, a When you can get a J> MOSGIEL TWEED SUIT, made to measure, f for £3 3s. l Latest Style and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 3 This ia another instance of tho power of Ready t Money. I WOOLLAMS, Ready Money Tailor, SVdeniiam House, Foot of Grov-atreef. Tenders. ( ,—_____ ———- j_ A UCKLAND, HARBOUR BOARD, j FRESH TENDERS FOR RETAINING „ WALL, SELWYN TEItItACE. ( Harbour Board Office. 1 Auckland, November 12,1881. -v Frosh Tenders will bo received at '.his office -1 until TUESDAY, tho 9th December, 1881, at noon, for Building a Retaining Wall at Solwjn J Terrace. Parnell, in terms of plana and speoiflca- " tioila to be seen at the Enginoor _ Ollico. The lowest or any tender not nccess irily accepted. •> Tenders to be ondorsed " Tender for Retaining J Wall." '• ORAVES AICKIN. Chairman. T~"0 PAINTiU'S AND PAPER- - HANGER.-J. i Tenders will bo received until noon of THURSDAY. 11th inst... for PaSntlng. etc., to a Houao in _p.o_i. Plans, otc„ at my office. R. MACKAY KRIPP, Architect, j? 3, Mercantile Chambers, Quocn-streot; B rp O B U I.LD E RS v EXTENSION OF TIME. * TWO SHOPS. PONSONBY. Tho date for renelviDg Tenders is extended f until 4 p.m. on THURSDAY, llthDecomber, r P. F. M. BURROWS, Architect,, h A M.P. Buildings (over Goodson's). 0 TO ENGINEERS, PLUMBERS, AND . GASFITTJ-BS. . ■''.-; Tenders will be received at this offlcc'up tb _ Noon of MONDAY, loth December next, for the Construction"of Atmoapherio Gas Apparatus for Waitara Wdl'ks. Plan, and apecitlcatiots . at this office. '.-.'•. - J. BANKS, Manager. 125, Queen-street, Auckland, 3rd December, 1881, , ; j mo BUILDER 8. 1 Tenders will bo received iiniil Noon of WEDNESDAY, the 10th ioetant, for tho Soating of tho Auckland Baptist Tabernacl . ( Plans, &c, at No. 9, (South Briiish Buildings. I _ EDMUND BELL, Arohitect. j t m O BUILDERS, is I'endera will be received until Noon of WED- - NESDAY*, the 10th inatant. for the Erection of a Villa on Dunedin-Btreet, Poußonby. Plan-, &c, at No. 9, South British Chambers. 1 ■_ EDMUND BELL. Arcnitcct. mO CARPENTERS.^ Tenders will bo received for tho Erection of a c Cottage at Papatoltoi. until noon WEDNES-.I DAY, 10th instant—Labour only. Plans, otc, ; at my Office. R. MACKAY FRIPP. Architect, 9, Mercantile Chambers, Queen-atreet. . mO PLASTERERS.' Tenders are invited for Plastering a Concrete Building close to Thivo Kings School, Epaom, abo t 2.000 yards; labour only.—Apply on tie , job, or at Connell and Cooper'a, Vulcan Lane, j J TENDERS will bo received until 12 | .o'olock on SATURDAY, the 6th inst. t r . tho Erection of Four-roomed Cottage at Ota f huhu. Planand Bpcciflcailnnßtobeseenatthe. office over Mr Laybourn's Store, Durham-st.—'. ROBT. HOLT. _■...-■■- ■-'■' ■ '■ ■ * /"ILOTHINO and Drapery Stock to be! V. cold by tender.-T. Hill, Parnoll, will re- i „.ive t«n<ler- up to Thurs-iay, the Uth ln%t. < Stock tiu viewaiiy____. _'•' C*,_itiu_od on First P_se. I '"SviO RAll 3E It FfC'B. I JB ,—._ . • (. A FLORAL SERVICS in conccction with , the Franklin Road Primitive Method!.t Church Annivtrjary. will bo be held ;on SUNDAY ,-j jtFTERNOON next,athalf-past'3o'clock. j. Address by Rev. W. S. Potteb. J '.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4529, 4 December 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4529, 4 December 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4529, 4 December 1884, Page 3