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Amusements. TIsBOTT'S OPERA* HOUSE. • Lescee and Directress.... Miss Louiee Crawford j Another Pronounced Success ! ■ • 'TO-NIGHT I '(Thursday). TO-NIGHT J The Charming Comedy (from the Ifi ench), MARIE DE FONTANGE; OR THE BELLE OF THE FAUBOKG. ! Received Last Night with Great and Demons trativo Approbation. -■■ : TO-MORROW (Friday) EVENING, Dec. 5, - EAST LYNNE! . Saturday-GREEN BU-HE3! ' Box Office at Mr Lennox's, Stationer. 1 Boors open at 7.30; overture at 8. Admission—4s, 2s <k-and la. ! R. B, WISEMAN, Manager and Treasurer.^ I q_. ts'EPULciiiy-'s school-room. ; asal-Totwobk - „ -.;. . and ■ - christms gifts, • In Aid of the ' ! GRAFTON ROAD WBiLEYAN CHURCH, ■ FUNDS, Will be hold >n the above building on • TUESDAY, 9m DKCKJ-BER. Doors open at 2 o'clock. '::; ' ■ Musro in tbe Evening. Refreshments pwided. : Donations of Goods, otc, will be thankfully received by th<; Commltteo on or before FRIDAY, 5-11 i'ROX. ;Q T. JAME S* S H AL L. MONDAY, D_.CEMI.KIt 15, 1681. FIJILHAHMONIO SOCIETY'S CONCERT.: , Herr Tutsclike, Conductor, ■:■ _ Tickei-i is. 2s. ______ _J__gf_ra _.e __!-__l'y> .g.HEA TR "E ROY AL. A GRAND BAZAAR and FANCY FAIR in r, aid of Die fundi of tt. Mart's Cunv.i.t. Boneonby. will be opeued in the above T_ca;ro on MONDAY', DeCmber _2. .„ . .',..,,„ Donations ot Goods, etc., will bo . rcceivod at the Conve> t, I'diibouby ; St. I'ouick s School, Hnbscn street, ov by the _ollowi_g lady stallholders:—Mrs* Lanigas. Mrs LteWiSbON, tho Ml-Sli. TOLE, MIS- X.; bIIKKHAN. ■■ '-- Is«iH_i icisd..riiesideacc. ; ■ : . Governor brown c hotel, hobso^-strbst. ■•- Beard and Lodging.. 20s per Week Singioltoom ..-.-. - ■• •• 2;*. per Week. ; \\T Eli- SL BY 00U 8 I . .' |3 floors i reus Hob-on-street), We!te-ioy etrect West An __!_._-*- i-« Zealand. BOARD .AND ElCr. DENOK. A Good Table kept, 1 .iti and wUI-vcn.ta.tod Bedroom . Pltmge end Shower Beth.. and -_■ convenience to^Cissur. fii- comfort m «?oanior. andvi.ltora. Terms, fclj>c> week, - ___. MASON. Propriblraas. _;.'-'3.__He__ :■.,.- _■'~, "JW"EW ZEALAND: RAILWAYS;: OTAGO CENTRAL RAILWAY. COMPLETION OF DuEP STREAM -' ■„•'.: CONTRACT. ■ .: , r. ... .__. . -. ■_ Written T.-n.lcra wiil bs rec i>. i 3 at Ibis oGleo . until noon c£ FRIDAY; lhc.fith D-cmber. _U8!. fo.- the _.bov_ Ccintrait. T bey _r_fp b_ marked, on tbe outside. " Ten _cr;o. Coiii»V.j.iiui ot Deep. - .: Stream Contract," sim inlGfeES'-(l to lb- Hon. j-A 111" Minister for i-üblic Works. Weliii gtotuSgji Tel«r, _.pMcJ lenders. eimiiail. uGcUKi-td aflH marked, will be received i£ preacnt- . tr Miy . -j Telegraph Office by noou <">f the sarno date, vfSMISI vldoa that writttn tc:*.d(_- tiro lodged at any, L'is riit or Resident Engineer's Olilee by. the | tamo hour. ..Drawings. pi*d.l.alions, and general conditions, may be.toen at tiis offijtfv y-.----and at the Public Works Offices at Au_3__ad, ._- Christ. hurcb.Du'.edio. and InvercargilL ,-•::; ~,. The l'>wcit'or a«ytender will not nCcissarily • - . be accepted. '■' ■ '._ .--. __ .„". •.- -"-' JOHN RLACK_TT. - ■ Engineor-in-Cldof, ' Public Works 01. oc; , . . Wellington, Noveir.b i' 3.1.51. • . V. V--' ."■ R. . "*»j^_- <- . A,-.. J- '. -...-. -■ !\n_w. ze._lanj> railw Ays. - SUPPLY AND DSLTVEft _' OF SAWN , '■■ : yIy TIMBER." '. - - •' Gcfliei'al Muriater'a OiEcs, , ■'.';-. Railway Duiurtiuent, ■ .Wellington. Novtinlier, ISSI. Written TeSdcW will bo received sit this Oflioo , up to noen of MONDAY', tith Docember, 15.1, ■ for tho eapply a_a^deUvery of Sawn Timber ■■;' - and Joinery at Auckland and Newmarket. - c ;. . Specifications to bo seen and form. 6f tender . obtained at the' Railway .-Store. Office, New-. market. .-..:. A.:■■•■■■ ■: - ■-'■-,-i v ->•:.-■'. Tenders to-beaddreeßtd to the GeneralManagef of Now Ha-lways. Wellington, and to be marked otunrie "Tender for Sawn Tiuiber.' Theloweetor.ttnylenderVill .net nccc*arliy ':. be. accepted: and TelegraphicJTenders'will net, - boenterUineii. - i _-■ " ■_ J. P. MAXWELL. . ' General _lkna_;er:;N'cw ZgiUandJiaiiway*:^. . m o 'ciii i'"i!'-T"_sß. Tenders a.ij invited uriiilnoon otSATUR"-;. DAY, 13th irst,'for .ejitensive;. ii_citio_ts*-to-—-Hou3P at Kotoucta. -.': ■'■■ • - -- F, Wi GRISY. Architect. 252. Queen aireet. .' ' ~ - - ■'■ '■■'■■ m 0 B U I,'L U E. R S.-"• , Tenders will be received until noon o£ WED-. - NESDAY, Def-em):ei-, for the Ere.tion o£;a Viia Resideiice(l_i-iok) nt thecornorOf Wake-;; field audSymo;idß.bt]()etv ', , • ■; j i. . "PliiLS, &0., at my cfltC_ ,'.. ■: '. ', ■, *■''_■~ W. H. SKINNK.R. Ai'cl.ltect.fp o ' BA .v.; -iTL' ■: £» ■ W~~& ;': _i': 'a Tenders wili.i.'o received by the nrdrrtigncd until noon of TUESDAY. Dih -December ftr tha. k ' -Erectaou liudt'.omp c tion of -vlioi. iii -Karango- "- hare Road. Fl_.iis.tiJ my oliifc, (juoeu street.- ' ,•:■■ '-5,.-M."HE»A,VA'fIU Architect^ . ;- : TI^ENDBRS Teijuired for lioeixciiari'of.: JL thol'lirnoiictoi-. i-'lanstobc-tenatour•'■*.----oilicD till Monday;: December 3, when ihe'ton-', ■ ders will close at noon.—W; P. Hammond and Son, Architects. i".B, 'Chuti;'. ers. - .. '~ y^EVONPORTi"""" NORTH r" SHORE, 'f ,; . ■'■:■' :''WE_LSj3lO_. r ;';.; .-'"•' *-:'':". CARTERS, CABRIEIiS, &0. -, JiittCJES. US-18.-SAND: HOUSE P.LOCKSC '.:- ASH. &-S - . - ' . HA_i_SFsU-PI_EU-' ' '."'*" i j!_v . ■ v.H.-iin!lt»y.r. lit-^-t'ly.ittfilt M'tih. m:0 B V I L D E R S~ CHURCH-STRKET, NORTH SHORE. "'' EDGAR "BLOCK,. 'BUILDERS' AND FURNISHING ■ HiON- :■ •■ ■: MONGER, barf on Solo- : _ :,.,.. '-_■:_.- Cement, Gunpotvder,- Kerosine. Carpenters '■ Tools, Nails.Corruga.tod Iron ttecistcred Grates; > Kitchen Ranges; iso, China, Glass. KartliSi^-.:', waro and Fancy G6od_i ..;■:■• • ~ . V R. & 11* Du,rs^ drVonpout wriAti'K, "•_'."■ HOUSE. LAND, and COMMISSION AGENTS, - GROCERS, GRAIN, COAL, and KIWiWOOD .-.', DEALEIi:. 'CARTAGE CONTRACTORS, BUILDBHS- : MATKItIAU POSTS; ICAILS. ItAILL-OS; BBXSGI:_-,'AND kUA_ITARY PIPES. ,- '' &c...,. &&■;.:-. &o. PROPRIETOfeS-OF BRIdK~ .*: YARD AND SCORIA PIT. . '. . i?1-' s^, .*-'.. -'' -. ■•' "',■_"_' v7-'--i ".;..■*- ■ '•■ *-•_-._.'■ ./'-V>.-_s.'-^ -.XT 0 T I 0•■ E.J I, EDWARD LI-TJCiTgRBEN. Hicriffl of y ' the District of Aueklaml, here*y give nolice,..that under a writ of sale kssed put of the,C Siiproicc Court of New Zcalonrt, "Nortiirrn Dii-s-. trict, at Auckland, in an actlftn wli'ercin SaniUelj^S ■ Jackson, junior, of-Auckland, in tnu » rovincial,;' i District of Auckland, Solicitor, la'PlaintliK • r.d; r ; James Fra«ir, of Victoria Avcnue.'Aiickfouc,in the siid Provincial Di Auo-la_cV.; Blacksmiih, is Defendant. _.■*■•.*''■ I have taken in execmion, at-ibe-OTlt-of, ■the-.,. .-., ■ saidSonrnetJackshn, Hie_.state;a_dinm-retof . said Jainc- Fraser in all.tbat piece or. parcel of , land in thesuidProvlntoPDiS'ri t o.'^i uek.'an(', ooniprisinffallotmetitstumbt'TSSa-idßof asub..' division into lorsof Allotment ntimbiT'2 of Si.c-" tton number-5,, of tf.o Suburbs of Auckland, * bounded as folloft-s: By Lot-< numbers 4. 7, 10, :. 37, and 39, and by VictwiaAvenue. , . - Ao'di also give nutiee that I Et.'il! cause tho' - said Land lo be Sold by" public aue ion at tho" . lalo-room.of Measre Tonks and Co, Queenstreet, Auckland, on f OESDAY, tliosixteenth day of Ouccmber, 1831. ;"' " Dated at Auokland this 22nd Novombsr, ISS4. -. ■■ EDWAIIUL. GREEN, . . - . . .'-1 '• ': Sheriff.; I"~> •P. HULL IS'(3 LINE OP* \ii- :• - COACHES,' .: LEAVE ONRHDNGA-Manukau Hotel-ISO. - 8.815. 9 1.., 11-i.fl.m.', 12.15.1,1.30,230, ' 3, 4.5.0 p.m. Moadays-o.SO p.m. Saturdays—. 5.5. 6 p in. Sundays—B.2o am", 1? nuon, i.30; : pm. *_■' . ' -.. ..,.-.-: '-■- .;. ■■"-.-' ■LEAVE AUCKLAND-Greyhound Hotel— 9,9.15. 10.30.11 a.m..-42.iO, 1. '&.XAS. 315.4,4^45, ■■: 0.15,0,1130.7 pm. Mondays—ll run; Salurdavg — lil. II p.m. Sundays—lo a.m., 2. fi p.m. „ "-o. t'nikki Fare. Is; Return'. in Gil. \j&~: Tiekoty sold by tho dozen i—To nnd from Ono-' huiiK'i. 7o; to and from Grci'f.«ood':i Cornor,fe; to and troin Brown-trcet. KpJotn. ss. , ■ • Ri V, HOLLIS, Proprietor. '":'■""-:■■ ■ ...""'■

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4529, 4 December 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4529, 4 December 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4529, 4 December 1884, Page 1