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AUCKLAND ALMANAC AND PROVINCIAL HANDBOOK Foe 1885 Will contain Specialties of a new and attractive oharacter, and will bo the best Shilling Volumo ovor offered to tho public Tho aim of this work is to describe in an interesting manner the vast resources, the cllmato. and tho scenery of the Auckland Provincial District; its mountains, harbours, rivers, and lakes; its forests and its plains; its cultivated and Waste lands; and toshow foreign capitalists that our genial clime, rich lands, mineral products, ana intelligent, go-ahead people, offer inducement to intending investors or settlers superior to those of any other part of the world. Othor Colonial Handbooks have invariably misroprosonted this naturally rich and beautiful Province.while many pages of tbe abovo work arc devoted entirely to setting forth Auckland s capabilities, and its many superior advantages. In addition to which, tho fullest information is afforded oC all political, social, and religious matters of Provincial or Colonial importance. As each year tho contonts aro re-wrliton. and tho statistical information brought up to tbe latest date, tho annual volume becomes a valuable work of reference, worthy of a permanent place in every colonist's library. Guaranteed Circulation, 6,000 Copies. Last' year's nnlire issue was sold completely out in fix week* As the book has now become a work of dally reference in tho homo of every settlor throughout the province, and la in uso in all publio offices throughout tho colony, and in many leading places abroad, it may with confidence be described as tho beat permanent medium of advertising offered to businoss men. It is estimated that at least 2,000 copies of this, book aro sent abroad annually by merchants to their foreign correspondents, and by residents to their friends who are meditating emigration to New Zealand. They aro found on all Incoming passenger Bhips and steamers. * The work will be issued at tho old prioc— ONE SHILLING. Advertisers are requested to send in thoir business notices without delay or they will bo unavoidably oxcluded. . pOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE. Hkad Ornos: PROVINCIAL BUILDINGS, Wellington. CHI OK&Y NEW ZEALAND LI» OIIWB. GOVERNMENT SECURITY, MUTUAL INSURANCE, LOWEST PREMIUMS. The Ordinary Branoh offers an Insuranoe of 41,200 at the premium charged all«* where for £1,000, equivalent to AN IMMEDIATE BONUS OV *200 In addition to Full Participation In Profit* WORKMAInJ INSURANCE Specially provided for in the INDUSTRIAL BRANCH. Policies Issukd from 66 Upwards, wrm W. PARTICIPATION IN PROFITS, m PREMIUMS PAYABLE WEEKLY, For Which a Collector will call. SPECIAL TABLES FOR CHILDREN. Policies of £20 and upwards, after Thre« Years, can be surrendered for Cash, ot Mr a Kres Policy. • LIBERAL REGULATIONS. NOTK.-Thfl Govornmont not only brtiai Insurance within the reach of nearly every ra»B, woman, and child in the community, but pro* Tides the description of policy and mod* of VV meat best suited to the requirement* of e»cb. p. M. LUCKIB. Oommissloswt. p ROUND LIMB. GROUND LIMB FOR SALE" SOUTHGATB fl MAHURANS roc^f Sffi 0 anoVm> rivSedtor durability and hard-6otUn« Qualities). For tanks and other wst work it is a first-class material. B.KBANE. SOLE AGENT, CUBTOMS-STREET IVfEW ZEALAND INSURANCE J3j COMPANY (FIRE AND MARINE). Capital --_..*WOO,MO Paid-up and Reserve Funds...™.--eiOO.OOO Protection from FIRE on MARINE LOSS Can ms Kkfectkd in this Company. CLAIMS MES WITH PHOMPTITDDH AND LIBERALITY, JAMES BUTTLE, Manage*. rnHK COLONIAL MUTUAL LIFE JL ASSURANCE SOCIETY (LIMITED). AUCKLAND OFFICES *. 139, QUEEN-STREET, DIRECTORS: Auckland.-J. M. Shcra (Chairman), S. Thorno George, F. J. Moss, M.H R. Dunedin—E. J. Spence (Chairman). W. J.. M. Larnach, C.M.G.. M.H.R.; Hon. Gooiyo MoLean, M.L.C.; Hon. Robert Stout, Premier. THE COLONIAL*MUTUAL has added to ail the ordinary forms of Assurance SEVERAL DISTINCTIVE FEATURES, and is the only Colonial Life Office which Issues TONTINE INVESTMENT POLICDJS. The "Absolute" and "Modified" Tontine Policies of the Colonial Mutual secure advantages not offorod by any Foreign Company. Colonial Mutual Policios aro INCONTESTABLE FROM DATE OF ISSUE, being entlroly freo from obnoxious conditions ay to t.aveUlng, residence, occupation, mode of life, ormannerof death. ngmhyAhL Secretary for New Zealand. ri it 1 A T S ALB OF £7,000 WORTH OK BOOTS AND SHOES! AT COST PRICE, ITOR CASH ONLY I FOB ONE MONTH ! TT7ILLISON, being largely overs' JDi stocked with Boots and Shoes of all kinds, ex Glenmore, s.s. Ruapehu, and ».s. Doric, etc., will Sell Off the whole Stook for one month, at Cost Price, for Cash only. As this is a genuine sale, the publio will do well to com o and see tor them selves. Must be sold to make room for large shipments of Boots to arrive, A few prices as follows :— so Children's ElasUo Boots, worth 4s ~ ..2 6 Ladies' Prunella Boots, worth 10s 6d ... 7 0 Do. do do. worth 8s 6d .. 6 0 Do! Kid Elastic do. worth 03 .. .. 6 Do. do. do. worth lls 6d ..8 0 Do. Kid Button do. worth 16s .. ..10 6 Do/House Boots worth 4s 6d .. 0 Do. do. worth 6s 6d .. | 6 Do. Evonioß Shoes worth 8s 8d ..6 0 SPEOIAL CHEAP LINES OF LADIES* KID ELASTIC BOOTS, SIZE 5. ALL OTHER GOODS EQUALLY CHEAP. • THOMAS~ELLISON, BOOTMAKER AND IMPORTER, 7i, QPEEN-STREET. ' ' :'' TVISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned having Dissolved Partnership, are offering tho whole of their ENORMOUS STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, ETC. , Also, •,', -,".- LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, GRINDERY. &C amounting in value to £19,000, at the following . . prices:— , b. d.' Men's Watkbtiohtb, usual prioe 12s 6d.. 8 6 Men's Bluchers, usual price 8s 6d ...18 Men's Balmorals, usnal price 13s6d .. .9 6 Men's Elastic Sides, usual price1 Us .. 8 6 Women's Elastic Sides usual price. 10s 6d.. .. .. .. ...... 66 Men's Shoes, usual prioe 10s 6d V. .. 6 I Youths' Boots, usual price Gs6d .. .. 10 Ladies' Kid Button, usual price 13s .. 8 9 Ladies' Kid Elastics; usual price 8s 6d.. S 6 Ladies' Kid Elastics, usual price 10s 6d S 9 Ladies' Kid Elastics, usual price 10s 9d 6 9 Ladies' Kid Elastics, usual price lls ..7 8 Ladies' Prunella, usual price, 8s 6d .. 5 9 Ladies' Prunella, usual price 10s 6d .. 6 6 Ladies' Shoes, usual price iOs 6d .. .. 6 6 Ladies' Shoes, usual price Us Cd .. .. 7 6 Ladies' Kid Elastics (high-legged), utiual price 12s 6d 7 9 Ladies'Ku> Button, usual price Us 6d;. 10 6 Ladies' Button Shoes, usual price los6d 7 9 GlßLS'Elastic Sides, usual price Is 6d.. 2 6 Girls' Elastic Sides, usual price 6s Bd.. 3 6 Girls' Elastic, usual price 7s 6d .. .. 16 Child a Shoes, usual price 3s '.. ..16 The above are only a few lines, as space will not' permit us to give a full price list. The above sale is the largest and most genuine sale of Boptß, Shoes, &c, ever held in New Zealand. , G ARRETT BROS., WAKEFIELD-STRBET

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4528, 3 December 1884, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4528, 3 December 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4528, 3 December 1884, Page 4