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For Sale. | fjiOß SALE, the Engine (6 b.p,) and Boiler of the Star O/Bce, Wynd_a_fstrfiei, hating been stiptfreedea' by, new aM Jarge ones, are for Sale > ana, If removod withifl a fortnight, ttill bo disposed-of on *»>■ 1«W torflg. ' •■-—£•.-_, TT^OR SALE; Calliope boot &iat«, Dock^ A? street; Allot/nenlts N«. 11, ißi lSff.-Ap«y BTAfI. •• ._■:_,-- I _. T7IOK SALE, Old fot&teWi sourid, fresh, JD picked, 7s 6d per sack.-Gi lh Layers; Jlaymarkit, Qncen-strccr. . ■fjiOß ®Ah% ch6to;th«2(Kt. centre-board JJ Sailing Boat my Boy. all fiomplete.Apply to j: Barton, CrOBS'-oti'eet, N6wton. OR SALE (a real bargain], 20-foot centreboard Open Boat, with everything complete and in good oraer. Must be sola.— Apply Stak Oftlce^ IJIOIJ SALK, Allotments at Mount JJ Kden.-_p<psy tt) SMrloy W. Hill, FortF'OHT^ALE or Lease; §eViral HsJela j good paving biißincsses ;.mod6rate Cerlfal required.—Grant and Cobkc. 75, Queen-street. #R SALE, valuabl6 enburban Pro pertifis, Ito'uses and Allotments, on do-; forrcd payment; jiroll ft«pOßits.—Grant and Cookc, 7a, Queen-street. —. r -- OR SALE, a Splendid Hou^e, <*Hh 6 apartments, in Bercsford street, .iust flful from Congrogational Church.—Apply Mr McKcowo, Baker, Wkarf. TTlOtt SALE, n small Bush Farm, within JD 20 irfiles Of Auckland, with good houso. All fronting a mSift rodd. A sure fortune to anyono possisalng abont £jtpi -• Anpljf for partlculara to VV.F.11., Post office, AH'Jkldhd.^ . FOR SALE, at MOUNT BREW, scfcJe of the FINBHT ALLOTMKNTS in this locality, having frontages, to Owen's Rodd and Mountain Reserve,' with cheap n P?«>tarßg_; have tho surt rill day. Also. VKRY HANB; SOME VILLA RKSIDKNCE. containing 7 rooms and bath-room, gas, and every convcnlonce: 'buses pass constantly. — Edward Wayto, House, Estate, and Monetary Ag^nt, 5, Mercantile Chambflgj^ Qneen-street. OR SALE, View Koad, Mount Edan, Firatclaiis Family Residence of 10 rooms; very nicely finiohed off, large and 16fty rooms. Bath and bath-room, small paddock, 2 Stalled atoblo, fowl-yard, etc., and good flower and veuctablo gardens. Magnificent view. Insured for £780. Cards to view, and further particulars from D, F. Evans, Auctioneer and Estate Agent, Qucen-Btrect. (135 D FOR SALE, a really .good Dairy Farm, 160 acres good land, well-fenced, good grass, and plenty fresh wotor all the year round, comfortable dwelling-house, and numerous outbuildUea; riU in gotffl order: i-mll «f/omraJt way Btation,- 15 miles frorfl town; and will be M?dchTr:_4plytoJ6_(iSoWit.l~Sd_ftent, mq. a. Qaeen-«trfl6 , ORBALB (£2O cash'), Pall6u-street, Surrey HUIS; Houeo ewitaining S roemns, nil wall nniaacd a»id haviflg evejr coiivcnlenoo; large allotownt. PHCo ( £3OO. Terntß,*2ooash} remainder on weekly payments, or as niay m arranged. —Apply Malcolmson and D» Lacy, The Now Zisoland Hoil»o, Land, and Estate Agency, High-street. . . _____ IjlOR SALE—ONEHUH6A—IB acres ctf 1 flrsUlass Land,with splendid aoflfronttige. One of the beet positions about OnehuouHouse of four roonts, cowshed, eto. One acre in potatoes, 2 acres in oaw, aa* th» balance in Kra«a The nroapecUve value of this place is Tory great. Prioo only £650. Further partlcylars Worn D.ff.RTang. AueUoneer and EBtate Agent, (juciiu-atrcot. ____. TT^OR SALE (cheap), near Mount Albert JP Railway StaUoo, savoral Bpleodld acre Building Lota, lmvli.B a fronta«« of 132 Jeetcoeh to the Onehunga Road j oasy torma.-Apply to D. B. McDonald, lfl. Ininrance BaildingFR SALE, Flat Bush, 157 Acrea of good Land. Nearly all fenced.. 50 Acre* In Qrasa, SO Acf cs in BU»h. and balaneo In natarul state. New Cottage of 3 room; Barn and new Corrugated Iron Buildintr. Stock at valuation. Prico, £100 only | part oan remain 6n inortgaga, -Apply D. F. Etans. Auctioneer, Estate Agent, Queen-atreeL ___J_~_L InOR SALB.—Splendid Building Sites i ' largo lot havlne & frontage of 188 feet to Sarsfleld-rtreet, 330 feet to Curran-sUroet, and 180 feot toEhlmett-street. Tbo whole lot is now offered for £800. really ohoap; would subdivide to great adf antage.-D. F. Evanß. Land Agent. 13W F OR POSITIVE SALE, a nice llttU Farm of 10 acres, part in grass, all fenced and an eight-roomed Houso upon it; 3 miles from Railway Station, and 11 miles from town; also, a good Farm at Whangarei. 320 aores, nearly aa fenced Id, part in good grass, and part bush, good Cottage, Outbuildings and Orchard; tho sheop and caltlo can either be taken at valuation or otherwise; a low price will be taken for tho lot.—Apply to John Soppot, Uonse and Land Agent, Noi 8. Queen-street. FORrSALE, an Hotel, with General Btore In connection therewith, in a; tUlng dlsUct, doiDg a large business. Proprietor to»*j ing owing to hiekncßS in the familyj-1 or parti» oulars apply to Brown, Barrett, & Co., Morohante, Elliott street, fndBTSALE-THE GRANDEST JL LEASKHOLPIKTHECITY-occupiinß tlio first position in Quoen-atreot, on landing at the Wharf. At cornet of.threo street;, viz.. Queen, Quay, and Little Queen Streets, haying frontages at 28 feet each to the first and lastnamed streets, and 120 fe.-t to QUay-6treet. facing ,the harbour. There is a party wall already 'erected, and tho foundations at both ends, at a cost of CUM. The term is for 50 yeare, tho rental for tho first 20 years being £390. and JBSo for the bal&noe. This lot must become {rnmenßely valuable at no distant date. Price, £1,000.— Applr immediately, J. B. Randcraon, Auotionecr. \ ' ITtOR SALE, toaeeof Premises in Upper ■ Queen-street with flvo years to run; now in occupation of Smith and Caughey. Firstclass opening for a Grocer ot Butcher. — Apply Smith and Caßghey. SnOll SALE, Freehold Soctions of various; ' sizes in the cholocot position in the suburbs. Wo srn trepwed to a'raDue with the purchasers and to put np Build togs on these seotlODS on payment of a small portion of the ooBt; balance o« mortirago at 7 to 8 per oonU— Apwly to F. J. Moss & Co., Land AgcnU, Short--land street. ' ■-■' '■ OR SALE, a Very Fine Estate of: 2,000 acres, near a Railway Station, and with Excellent Uwelling-house and all necessary Farm Bulldings.-Apply to F. J. Moss and Co.. Land Agents. Shortland-strcct. , , ■ Try E V ON POR T. FOR SALE—Choico Allotments situated on tho Vauxhall Kood, with magnificent view, good frontage, and -wlthiß easy distance of aiearner. Price very low; terms easy. — For full partl»ulßra apply to Lllewall Bros., Hou»o and Land Agents. PoflM>fflce Stora. Devonport. XJUSINESS FOR SALE.— A large and _£> proQtable Business, in a oouiitry dlstript, for.Bale.-For particulars apply to Arch. Qlark andßons. ■■■ -■-•••* ON SALE, Ground Mortar (delivered in town or subnrbs), 200 caries Portland Cement, Plaster of Paris, Fireclay {by ton or Ib), \ Fire Brisks, &c—H. Jonkinaon, Builder. Lome-1 street. SITE FOR VILLA BESIDENCE, extending from Sentinel Road back to Lawrnnco street, with a total frontage of 628 fefit. The ground is sheltered from all cold winds. The fruit trees on the back portion are numoroud, and very valuable, being in full bearing; last year thoro were about two tons of apples, besides groat quantities of plums, quinces, pears, &c—Apply J. H. Witheford, Shortlacd-atreet , TTREYTOWN, NEAR AVONDALE — \JT SplonSid Allotments in thief rapidly r sing Suburb of Auckland, will be Mr D F. Evans, at his Land Mart, on Tuesday, the fltb. of December. • For 'superb viewe, con--veniont access to town, either by road or rail, and healthiness, it ia unsurpassed by any other in the district. Tho terms are very liberal, being one-third cash, and the balance at 8 per cunt, for 5 or ton years.. Plans can be obtained at the otßoe of the Anctioneer. - ,: FG. E WING T O N, • EBTATE AOENT, QUEEN-STREET (Established 18 years.) FOR SALE, Houses, Shops, Cottages, Farms, and Volcanio Building Sites at Rocky Nook, MontLo Qrand,,Mr Ball's Kstate. Onlyafow allotmonta arts left at Itocky Nook, -. ; : An»,B-roomed HOUSE to be Let at 20s per v/eeK: ..< •■', . ■ . . fTT" G. EWING TO H, ■P • KSTATE AGENT. (Established Eighteen Years.) FOR SALE, at Mount Albert, clOße to tho Station, a 10-roomed House and 25 acres of Land, commanding a- lovely tea, and mountain view. Price, £1.100. Only a small deposit required. ALSO FOR SALE, in the same locality, an 8-roomed House and about an acre of Land, tor £860, on easy terms. TO BE LET ON LEASE, with purchasing clause, either of the above Properties. IN VIEW ROAD, MOUNT EDKN, a Good House with stable and fowlrun; Land ICO x 330 feet. £1,050. fd7s FOR A NEW HOUSE, on New North ROd, within easy walking distance from town, comprising seven rooms, exclusive of > cullery and a workroom 8 x 18. The water is iaidiDto the house; there is a good well, and the land is volcanic.. : LARGE SHOP AND DWELLING, with convenient Site, at Newmarket. £!»}. x atchmore and co., house and Land agents, 13 — CuaToats-STRSKT East —13 HAVK FOR3SALB-QUKBN-S'i'-—A First classGrocory Busincßß; a really Rood investment. .. V. „ NEWTON—Two New 5-roomed Cottages; £20 deposit, balanos weekly payments. ■'■--, RICHMOND RD.—A New 5 roomed House, allo'tment'so x 100; price. £100. ' -. >, i RICHMOND RD.—An S-voomed House, allot ment 8K x 100, well planted, and in grass; price, £620 Terms easy. KARANGAHAPE RD.—A Large Genera! Store, doing a first-class trade; a bargain. ■ GREAT NORTH RD.—A Large Allotment 50 x 130,40 years' lease; price, £19. . . PONSONBY-A Splendid Allotment.'lO _ 120 lovely view; price, £310s per foot. . . TURANGA CREEK—A Farm of 98 acres with new House ; well watercdTtnd Umbbred fronting main road; price, £500. Terms easy. HOTELS, Country Stores, &c. &c.~ -1 ( SEVERAL Nice Villa Residences and AUet meiltß To Let and For Sale at Mount K aen. - FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, A Really Nice LittJo Farm of c2Mcrrs Good Lana, subdividadintor orß paddooks. 6«-'^_r' g_s ar^ 0t?o/tctfwV\nTa°^fen?idTtr^n ?f fSSh. water capahlo of driving very power- : Conttnoed on First Page, -

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4528, 3 December 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4528, 3 December 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4528, 3 December 1884, Page 3