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Wanted* WANTED by a respectable, industrious Young Woman, a Situation aßdressmakoi and soamstreeß in a gentleman's family i.willfnfi to assist in housework.—Please address M.S., care Thomas Slater, Market Houep ; _. WANTED KNOWN — Grazing at Mount Albert, Rood feed and water landfreoot stones.—J. Oilinoro, Mount. Albert* ANTED, two respectable MBn as Hoarders i every comfort, Terms, £1 p week, washing included.—First holl'fo Barnes c Cottages, KaranKahape lioad.. ANTED, a strong Boy.—Apply E. Hall, Butcher, Mount Edom WANTED, a turner and ffifc*©*.-^ Apply J. Maclntyrc. Wharf. Onohungo. WANTED, a Housemaid.—Apply tc Mrs Bull, Qwon's Koad, Mount Eden, coar Smith's 'bus oillco. WANTED, a Second-hand Trap liar ncaa.-Apply F. rihd C. T. Henehaw, Simnyside Road, Mt. Eden. WJ ANTED; a good General Servant.V T Apnly Mrs Walker, Blue Bank, Angle WANTED,"" Furnished Cottage for a few wocks; mußt bo nettr a sandy beach.—Apply "family," care box 70, Postofllco. Auokland" ___, ANTED, a good'Seoond-hand DoubleBOtttcd Buggy.—Pricq,and where to bt seen by loiter addressod No. flt. Si'.tß Oflico. \\7"ANTED, a rospectdblo Girl, 14 to lo IT yoarßof age,—Apply to Mra Kcane, Ith house bolow Congregational Church, Bercßford street. .. ■ . . WAFTED; 2 good Tailors.—Apply ,T. F. Saiitirtcrs. Y\7"ANTED, light employment for a T T steady, respectable, young man; knows the city well.—Address ■' i7, Stak Ofllce. WANTED, 2 Boarders in a c|uiot place j one riilnuto's, walk frpin Post-ofllco; single bed-rOQina; £1 .per wcok, washing included.—Apply Star Oillco. WANTED, thd inhabitants of Newton, Arch Hill, and Surrey Hills tobily their Millinery, Drapery, Clothing, and Boots at the Hall ot Commerce.—T. and J. MbMaster. _ ANTED, a good General Servant.— Apply Suffolk Hotel, Ponaonby. WANTED, a few Boys, about H ycai. of age, at Gledhlll's Cordial Factory, Wcllcalfty-street. WANTED, Improvers to1 tho Dross-makihg.-Aiiply U> BlaliisHb llouso, Pitt-street. WANTED, a little Girl, totween 14 and 16.—Apply Mrs Boonstod, Custom BoardingHouso, Fort-street. WANTED, a Jot of Gonoral Servants.— A. McLcod's Hogiatry, 7, QUeoii-strcet, or St. Mary's Road. PohaOnby. WANTED, a good Dressmaker; also, Improver; none bUt d gotid hand need apply.—Mrs Butler, 1, Albert Torrac^, Albottstrcbt, ANTED, 1 or 2 respectable Boarders in a private homo.—For address, apply Mr Hedger, Butohcf, Kfrbor Pasa. WANTED KNOWN.—To be sold, a Walnut Piano; English maker.—For address apply Star OfflcCi WANTED, a Young Girl about 14 to assist In housework ; to sloop at homeApply to Mrs A. H. Maundor, Sninmcnßtrcct, Mount Kden. ANTED to Bent, a 4 or 5-roomcd llouso (furnished), near Mount Kdon.— Address " P.W.." 3tak Ofllce. WANTED, Employment in Gardoning by a praotical man.—Apply " W.5,," care ot J. Godwin, Victoria Avenue, Mount Eden. ANTED, a respectable Girl as Goncral Servant-Mra Long, Arch Hill Hotel. WANTED, 2 Respectable Young Mon as Boarders, at lira Hryant's, Mackelvicstrcet, North Road, Arch Hill. Terms, 17a por week, washing Includod, money in advance ANTED Youths and Maidens, married and single, to como to tho Moonlight Excursion to-night, at 8 o'clock sharp. WANTED, 2 good Joiners; also 2 Improvers.—Apply on job, Scafiold View Road, to J. T. Jallan, Builder. WANTED, a Married Couple and 1 or 2 Gentlemen; with or withimt board.— App'v Mrs C. Cunningham, ttorton House, Franklin Road. TNTED TO BUY, an Allotment about 10 x 150, within 20 minutoß' walk of Quocn-steeot.—lowest prico to Hannaford's Agency. WANTED, by a highly respectable young Man, Fituation as Barman; disengaged Docombor Slh; total abstilnor; good references.-Address " J.H ," Poat ofllce, Auckland. ________ W"~ ANTED, urgently, by o respectable Married Man. with family. Employment, either as Clork, Custodian, Collector, or any situation of trust; ad vortlsor in great distress, having beon out of omploymont many months; excellent testimonials and references, —Address " J. 8.." Stak Qlllce. ANTED, two or three respectable Boarders. Terms moderate.—Mrs Impey, tliird house from Choral Hall. Qrafton Road. WANTED, 14 Acre of Ground dug by contract, in Parnoll.—Apply before 1 or after 6 p.m. to Fir Grovo, Gladstone Road, Parnell. AN TED, Situation as Genoral Servant by respectable Young Person, with ro-fereiieos.r-Ad<lroßß, A.G., earo of MrsCuckson, Confeotloncr, KarMgftha^oKoad; WANTED, a rospectablo Boy to Assist on Bread CarU-Apply ThO-an Tossdalo, Groj-sticct. _ . __ TIT_NTEI) to Purjohane, young BlackIll' birds and Thrushco. - AppTy W. Ej ro, Victoria street. ■' ■ WANTED, a (smart Boy.—' 1 W.M." Btau Office. TATAWTKI), a respectable Nmeegirl to V? mind 2 children, ut once.-Apply 151. Groy -Btrnct. , ; . _ WANTED, 500 Pigeons, at once— Apply to J. Walker. Florist. &0., City Market. _ _ WANTED, 3 or 1 Respectable Working Men a» Boarders; 1&» per week,-wash-ing included.-Apply Mra Grogan, opposlto Lorne-atreet Hall. WANTED, all. Purchasers1 of Land, Houses, Bußincsa,- _c, to read -whole Column Advortiacmcnt in every evening s issue.—J. R. Randerson. WANTED KNOWN. —Christmas and Now Year Cards in groat variety at tho following prices, viz.:-Id, 1 for 3d; 2d. 1 for 6d; 3d, 5 for Is; W, 1 for Is; 6d, 1 for Is 6d; and so oa. Good value. Also, a nice assortment ot FriiiKo. Plush, Photographic Port umod faachols, and Haml-painted kinds, at lowest possible prices.-C. Mackay, Bookseller. 11, Grey-street. WANTED KNOWN to City and Country Customers, that Beef at 2d, Mutton at 2d; superior Sausages. 3d; Corned Beef, in kegs, at 2}d, ijuarantood, in any quan-tity.-G. Hulmo, Butcher. Qncen-stroot. WANTED.— Don't bo in a hurry to buy Allotments until you have seen Mont Lo Grand, Mt Rosklli Road.tobo sold privately in sizes to euit purchasers, to suit the pockets of all. The view and healthiness of position cannot bo excelled.-Apply E. I. Herbert, on the property. _. WANTED KNOWN,—As wo have now engaged agvoral extra hands in the Dressmaking Department, ladies can depend on having thsi' Dresses turned out quickly. Fit and style guaranteed. Charges moderate.—D. W. Jack & Co.. PonsonbT Road. ■ ■ . WANTED KNOWN, I have added Dressmaking to my Establishment Fashion, Fit, and .Punctuality guaranteed.— J. Green, 85. Victoria-street ___ WANTED KNOWN. — The grandest Exhibition ot Christmas Cords is at tho London Arcade. The outgoing Mail of Tuesday reaches England on Deoember 20th. Select from the largest assortment in town. Specimens may be seen in 6 framed pictures outsido tho Arcade. . WANTED KNOWN, a largo assortment of Novels at Published Prices as follows:—Beadle's American Library, id; Marryatt's, Cooper's, Diokons's.Lytton's. Dick p, and Aimard's Indian Tales, Od; Ainsworth s, Dumas's, Brett's, Emniett's, Lily Series, and Humorous Workß, Is; and a large selection of popular authors in board covers, 2s.—C. Mackay, Bookseller. 11, Grey-street. . TrTANTED KNOWN — MUSIC ! V V MUSIC !-Tho New Mnsic for the Piano ha» just arrived, and consists (the same as the last lot) of the best known Songs in tho World. Only 6d each. Also, a large lot of Piano Music, slightly soiled, Is lid per dozen; Cuemy's celebrated'lol Exercises for the Piano. 2s tho two books; Homy's Tutor for Pianoforte, 2s -Jd: Violin Music, from tho best masters, la and Is 6d; large Violin Books for beginners, Ib—At Dampior's Hobaon-streot Shop. *" W AM TED KNOWN. — Our speciality lies in keeping Genuine and Imitation Jewellery, and displaying thorn in Separate Windows in Soparate Streets. We have jus) disnlayed-some Lovely Goods in Victoria-streoi Window. WANTED SEEN, Christmas CardsCharles Kelsey and Co. have jus! opened up their now Christmas Cardß, which for boauty of design could scarely be surpassed should be Been early.—Charles Kelaey and Co. 120. Queon-Btreet. I. . WANTED KNOWN-Great reductioni -Cash Boxes, from 2s.lid; Larg< Bottles Good Black-or Coloured Ink,6d;Smal Bottles Ink, Id; Rulers. 6d; Letter Clips,. 6d Purses, 6d; Tobacco Pouches. 6i: Bplendic HiitnmerßlsadjljargePlotorlalAVorld.BelKravij Chambers's Journal, etc.. reduced from 3s bd tc 2s 6d each; Shaksrjore, with lifo complete, re dtired to So. 1-otfl of new Novels reduced to li 3d each; Grand Line of White Handled Hair Brushes, 9d; Dressing Combs 3d, 6d, and 9d Pocket Comba. 2d; Tooth Combs, 2d: Squmi Lookins? Glhebgb, 6d : Oval Carveddo.. Is; large Packets of Violet Powder, id; B.W. Soap, cokes for la; Glaes Cream Jugs, id; Glass Sugai Baaine, 6d; Soup Plates, 3d; Bread Kmvei (soiled), 3d and id; Bedroom Topet Sets, 7s 3d American Brooms, 8d; Zinc Buckets, 1b1; Japan iied Slot) Pails, 3s 3d; very Wide Table Oil cloth, is" per yard: Stair Oilcloth, 6d;. Stripec Carpet, Js; Handeorhe China Matting. 8d Parlour Door; Hearthrugs, Js lid nine line of Splash" Mats for Washsfimds, 6d Tinwaro-'iatiiHratiolM. 4d: Pannikins, 2d TiiiulalPA I'l; Teaßottlfio. 8(1: Raiirepans, lOd kettles, is lid;. Billies, 9d ; Colanders, lai 8d Baking Tins. 8d; Meat Tins. 2d to Jsj, Uan. Basins, lid; Spittoons, ls.-At Dampier's Hob son-street Shop. WANTED KNOWN- Useful Chrietma Presents.—Chbkk Bros' are Selling: OJ their large stock of Houatluld Requisites Clothes Biskots. 2a 6d; Fa-cy ■Iron. Brackets 6^l -Handsome Briicktts. 2s; Vly- cheat Mea Safes, is. 6d; Scrubbing Hrusbcsu GdjAVoodei Spoons. 3d; Tea and Coffee Strainers, (id; Haad Bomo Pulp Vases, lsftl; Nutmeg Giaters, ljd Tiblo Mate, BCt ot six, 13 Od; KRK PoauUow," 94 Watur's Free Pruucra, Victor Nail-pulleif, Signu KgK-timcrß, Steak-beaters, 1b; Kgg Whißkß, Is Bread Graters, M; Self-cleaning Jewel Cloths Splendid Drinking Horns, Brooms,. Brushe* Door Mats, &c, ftt Ohbek Bros. , Newton.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4528, 3 December 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4528, 3 December 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4528, 3 December 1884, Page 3