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YISTAXTED, Painters iiisido job.—A It. TV -Mon-i:", Wi!llonloy-Btret:i v.s*u WANTED, i?u* ashed Cottage for i\ f.-w wreks; must ho near a sandy [much —Anply " Kiunilj-," euro box 7P, FO;.tOlllro, Aiirklnnd' . WAN'I ED, Partnership in a paying Bnelnom, by business man ; capital £100. — \ddress " Partner." Star Oflice. \\T- ANTED, a good Second-hand DoubleVV seated BugV.-Priori tint whtrj 10 tie aeen by loiter ndrinsaiHl No. HI. Star Office. ANTED, a respectable Girl.-Apply to U\ I'arker, 01 )tcr. Jlohaon-striot. % 57ANTED, o respectable Girl, 14 to li> Yt jearsof uso.-Apply to Mrs Koane, 4.h house below Congregational i'hureh, Jii'i-nsford-glreot. WAFTKD," -2 good Tailors.—Apply _J. l'\j3nuni!crs L . WANTElX'ftlow pick and shovel Men. -Apply (i» the «orks, Mount KoaUlll Read.jOJ J£ Freeman's feloro, No -v North ltoail. vtT'VNTED, light employment for n VV stcadr, respixtiililc, young man; knows the Oity wr)l.-Ad(lr(;a» "-17.' SiMtt Office. W' ANTED, 2 Boat-dors In a qulotpkceft one ' minute's wailf I'UUi Postjdfflcej siiu'le buil-roonu; i'l IK'r week, wusuiuK !»• clurts'l—A)i;ily Sta» OHWib. W ANTED io. Kent, a I ov 5-roomod I Cot tag* (luriiislifd). for six weeks; t;o , chikirom-^ddres^W.A.," Htah l>lti>p_. \~X7ANTKi3, tho "itihabiYsHts of Newton, VV \roli 11111, nml Surrey Hillu to buy Ihclr Millinery, Drannry, Clothiim-, and Boots at the HnlloC liommerco.—T. ami J. McMa->tor._ ■ViTAKTED, a good Genoral Servant.— VV Apply PutiWU ifotel, Pousonliy. WANTED, a few Roys, about 14 years if ago, at OUullnlis Cordial Foolery, WcllesWy street. . ANTED, a respectable Servant Girl, -Apply *Im urysdala, Gollilq House, G ri-y.stroer, .__ WANTKL), Improver* to the Pross-maklns.-ApJly to Walnslie Rouse, I'itt-atrccit. _ _ - "VST" ANT K'U7a good General Servant iHrl, V T Irish prefcniitl.-Apply MrsG.ll. Kvons, Albert-street. , ANTED, a Zinc Worker; nluo, a Hoy--ApiJlyThomaonandOrrtliiim.l'iuinbeiß,. Customs-street \VusL YJETAN'IKD, 'J ffo>d Carponlora.- Apply YT It. Saurrah. OLilnihu. ANTED, a General Servant.—Apply io Mrs H. W*. Itealh, Pi inci-sa st t tt, Albert l ark. \\7ANTEU, a little Oiii, between 14 ami V » lti —A ppiy Mm lloonstotf, Custom Hoard:iijt llo^se^ort^mit. i TTSTANTKD, a-lot of Cieiicr-il Servants.— VV A. Mul^od's Heulstry. 7. Quein-atreot. or ;.;t. Mary's Kuad. Punsonoy. if]£7ANFED SEEN, our grand display of V? Men's Hats, Hairnets, Shirt*. Collars a'iea, Sox. Unices, ami Umiirollas JMcn's s-ofi French Kelt l\»U at 2a Ud (worth Ea Ul) •: Sox, 3p-iiisfor!s; UegntU Shirt), 2a lid. —O.W. Jiic!; and Ca, Poiwoaby Koad. \TTANTED KNOWN—That in Cloekaof VV all kinds, the prices of tho Londou Ai'cr-de ai o unequalled fur choApnesa. ANTED KNOWN- WonderfulProsh Bunralna in Now Chairs. Including Cajiouoctcd Chairs. 3-! 3tl; Orc-cian Cano-scuted Chairs, 4h 3d; Painted Wood Chairs, Sa 81; Arm Chairs, (J-i; llooklnu Ohaira, with arms, canoseated, 10 ■-; Children'^ Hoekins; Chairs, Ss; Foldinp-I hiiira, carpet seated. sh(kl; Chl'.drou's do.. 13 Hd.— AtDainptar'i) Hobaan-stroetShnp. \>"^ANFeU~KN6"wN.—Our Now lace V » Curt. iua. jii3t arrived, are unexcelled for variety, ilrsi.rn, and chdicnofs. Heroro r"roi'Mliw, sea our Laco Curtains, 3 yards lonpr, with trtv°'l cdKCR, ot ts ad per —I>. Mul'heraon. Urapiir. Karangalmpe Road. \\J ANTED KNOWN—That Suit YT wade by MUN'KO & iVULI.IUAN. Hob son-street, wiil wiser longer than llau- a UOZKN (Cllcap and NaHtyJSllouu^Surw^ . W" ANTED KNOW.\. -It is a groat mistake to Imagine tho IxHidon Avoaile is v Kaucy OO'jda Kinporium only. It contain 3 soinii of the most Useful and Cheapest C.'oodd in Auckland. , \\7 AN'I'RU KNOWN — [■ipemakor.-, Vt rtpaease-makors. and Ainbartnrncrs ca-i Had employment at PurlrldKo and \v<k>l--kriia New Zealand Wood Pino Kaotory, AuolclaniJ._ _ W"~ANTJSD KNOWN, that" Wartiock Bros.' oelubrated Cnruolie IJisinf.ictttnf is gu,iranieoil to Instantly destroy all otrer.sivo sinella and matters, and 13 rocoiiuncnded by the iMmlioil ProiVesion hb a Preventive of Disease. -Manufactured only by tho inventor*, works: Cox'aCruck,Hieiimond. Waiohonses: Durhamsi ruet- ' VIS7ANTEI) KNOWN Feathers Clenncil »V or Dyed and Curled, and Straw lUtj denned or Dyed utid Altered any of trie ■.i-i.din!,'shapes, hy i\>rs U. 11.I1. Kl-lur. U a stylo that dellia oompuUirn. - Address: drums li.iildiußs, bvnar of Welle-ley aim llobson atToo^»_ \\T ANTK D'ICNO >VN — iir Askow's t'y "".Fife of Ufp" cwea. KhenmntiHi.i. N'euraljrla. Ticitbueho, l.Tow'.aobß. &n. iiold in !lottloa. U. Is IM, 239 d. It msv r fails to >uio!Threo doors fifun Young Jlen's Chriatkin Abso-eißtionj_Albdrt-aU-i'fet_ , _ WANTED KNOVVK.that Klectro-plated Goods and Cutlery are obtaiaahle at QooJuon's ljondou Arcudo, |?;iod and cheap. Uuiiks and Stationery aro tlio chcaposl In town, bclni! sold atKnglfeu-prkm . ~\\! AIsTET) KNoWF—Olmrlos Kolsoy TT and Co. reoelve Monthly I'arcub of Jewellery. In thl3 way thoir stock Is kept well assorted with aJI tiio nowebt uouda. No linitat!ou--. are kept on tho prcmibeft. KveryHuqg nt.-irantßed real lhAd or Silvur.—Clwrloo ICultu'y anrt Cm., I'JO, Onuon-rtroatJ ATITANTEb K"NO*WN,"Coffoo Tables, Bs VV 6d ; Toilet Tal.Ua. Is \>d ; Ix)O Tul»U^, oval. Ife; uitto. round. MX: KUchon Tabl^.Sa &t. 10j, Us; M.jabmfffl, 8a (id; liituhen Dreasen!, ■Sto-^itDampior'il tlobsoa-Btreut -Bhop. ITTTANTED KNOWN — VVc have con- ? V sf'iutly tho latest importations in «torllngCJold and Silver Jowollety (.ill warranted) and hive mmo exceptionally ber.utirul, just reef ived.—Good aon'a LondoujArcado. TS7TNTED KNOWN— Cuisap Timbkb ! Vt Ciikm-Timdehl Ar.d nil other kinds of Building Material, can bo puroha«od cheaper unl better than anywhere eso at tha yArda of ]). Got.r.iß: .AJhert-Btrcnt. __ WANTiri) liNiyWN^ T. Samiiol.s's Art ' Union of 01! PuinUnß*, Maon Chief an<! Cliieft-ilofHa, is now fast filling up. Tickets la each, at T. SamuOis's. Cutler, IQH, Queeii-atroct. WANTED,;; l,poo Watchoe and Clocks to Clean and Kcpidr. at T. NntdforiVs, Watohmaker, Vlotoria - str^t mcit Union B;:ok). Cliarfcea m&dorate; all work warranted fCT 12 wontlis. , TCT^A N~l rE D KITO VV N. - Handsome 'V V Stufled Conches, Us 6d and 19s 6d; handsome Stuffed Chairs, 10a: Chcstaof Dra wei-s.lSs*li Washstaads, 5s lid ; Colonial Couches, 5s 3d; Stretchers.^; FlockCuahiona, Is; Hat Raoka. igU'..—AtUamplnr 'V-■\7K7-ANTB-p KNOVVN.-S. W. Jack & V V Co.. Ponponby. have'a Jorsre btouk ot all the newest make* in Dress Matorlil, which they •aw selling at prices which defy conipetition.Dre.i3o3 made to order on the shortest notjee. WANTED; People to Itead Thincs that Speak for Themselves I- J. 11. I) VLTON Tailor, Victoria-street Kait, does his own f'uitinc, and pays a very small rent; therefore hols able to make Garments to Grubf at price m Shops coll Heady • made Clothes. fl9 _ a _ Well-shrunk Perge Suits .. .. .. 210 0 V.'el!shnink Tweed Suits .. ... .. 215 0 Well-ehrunk Kancy Coat, Vest, and ' 'i'rousers .. .. '.. ".. .. Ao v Well-Hhtnnk Tvvocd Trousers .. .. OK 6 Weil-shrunk Tsveod T.-ousurs •• -• S- "2 „ Well-Shrunk Tweed Trous is .. ..0 17 0 First class Twocd Trousow .. .. 11 v Very Best Tweed (ot any kind) frou- fig Mos Sgiel Tweed Suit, woll-sYimnk '.. 310 0 Mosuiel Tweed Suit. wcR-shrunk .. i0 I Best of any kind, of Tweed.. . ... .. iW :? ■ J. 11. i). IkiP'i-.-ta direct from the Mannfncturera, and thus savea tbo Muroiiattt's Profit, ci^nirtlio benefit to his Customers.—Note the Address: J. H. Dai,to:j. City Tniloring Kitablishment, Vioioria-atrßet Knst (op:.os:titjoodaon'sl^and at Oanwon-BtraM, Whangarci. -IIfTAB'TED KNOWN — DAMPIEiCS VV GP.ANDEST SELLING OW 13 NOW ON, and the following sro some of t! o pneca taken at random:-Berlin Wool, iA per doz ; Ifinirerinf Wool, 2d per skein, 13 lOd per hood ; Wlrto Worsted,'3d per head; «,000 yards Itibbona,' 2d per yard; Towels, s 9d per doz.! grand- lot of light Dress Material (evening colours.),ijd per yard; IMnU, 2dand id : Cream Oatmeal Cloth, Set; Cretonne, 3*d ; White F.lann«l,7Jd, Scarlet do, 10\d ; Blueoo., Is M; Bleached Swansdown;- lOd; Carmalitfis, 41d; ■ ShlrtingT 4}; Light Sateeno, sd; Wincey, S'd: Tweed, 9d;- Checked- -Wincey, Sd: Victoria Lawn, 2d ; Black Cashmere, Is id and Is Cd; Drub Moreon, 6d; Chemises, 2s 2d: 1 rawera, 18 Jld; NiKht-drcsses, 2s Gd; Japanese Silkß, Is; Slate Silesia, 3d ; White do. sd; Diaper, 7d ; Liucn do. Is 3d; Drown Holland, 3{d; Grey J,iuen, 7id ; Towelling, 3d j Coloui od Feathers, Hd ; Cotton Tlokinp, SJd ; Toilet Covers, lOd and In 3d; Corsets, ■Is 3d and Is 7d ; Ladies lianlos, Id each; Coloured Tablecovors, 33 lid; La'Mos' White' Wool irhaww, la 3d; Whit*- Montlinpc, dd por packet; White Quilts, 5s lid;- Turkey Twill. Vgi ; Felt Skirts, Is 3d; Print do., !s Cd; \adics1 .iHekets, trom 3a Cd; H'aek Capes, fron.-ts lid : Chitdfei.'fl Folt Capep.iid ; Ii dies' PioiaSlmivlß, ls.lid; Woolwork Slippers, 1b 4d ; Kverlastinp Trimming, (M por doz.; Croom and While Friilinif, M per yavd ; Ladii-s Umhiollas, 13 2d; White Tape, 8:1 per doz.. flowers. 2d per hunch-; larp-o lot of HcmnKiits in Pncts very cheap-, Toilet Sots, Sd: Lndios1 Ulaok Laco flJovos-4d; Clark's 2iW yard roela Wuok iinrt White Cotton, 9d por do;:.; 1.000 gross of Orafs Uuttons, 9-i \i«r nr^pa: Window Muslin, id.; Hoys' Straw llaU. Id; Clark's C-otchet Cotton. 2dsiicin; Knitting Col ton. Is 3d : Klack Wadding, 12 yards for Is; Dain.ißkTahla t;o\'er3, 3s lid - r Infanta' Bibs. 3d ; Infanta' Bootee 3, Id.; T,acfi Curtains (ioile.l). Is *d; Lace Cnnahi Vailances, -Is; Alp-scoa Aprons, 2<!; Priu't t10...«l and Cd: Children's Dreeves. 1b; Lartius Tits. 4d; L:idin3' Silk 'lies, lfd: Mending Cotton, 8d, 2,1 thai; Cmpa Tri/nniing, M per box of ;w; 14T(.8 lot of Thread Gloves,id: splim-Hd Wlifto Toilet Sois. 5d : Silk Mils. 13: OafiKeal O.'oth. 51d; Batiios.' Jr'un Halo. If jTimlles1 Wool Ties, id (aish; Toilet Frlnpe, Sd; Koya' Tun}C3.2s M \ Hlack Vclvetern, 2s;.atny )!:isks.-ld tho p rir; M-.n.'a ntv/MVi Shirt?, 18Hdj Wen's White f.hii-N. '2s Si; tiir.i^s' Hlp.oJc nnd Olom-edliawß. 3d; MonV mid Youtha UiirIlnktono. 3d; V7vbfaie Swirv»P, Id; Men-s WorkiCK Shirts, lid; Man's Books. 2d. &l. and 4,1 Gills' SSo«Uiri.v, iW. M t.nd4d; ladies do., id and M: Men's -.Cardigan Jacket*, 2s; Men's•Mkiuo StEgkts, In; Mta'a-Haril Feit HaU Is.' 13 Cd; Men's Soft do.; Is: iltars Tiefid Hate. Is: Boys' Feil ilttt^.. Ctl; Men's Ki-crs, sd; Hen's ricive Suits, 153 lid; tfoya i Knkker Suits, -is fid and cs Ud: M n'a Paset ' Co»to (tweedi, 81 Gd; lion's HoHabd Coats, Is ' Hd"- Men's Drill Pants, Is lid ; Men's Drnware do '3s Jd: Boys' Holts, 2-1; Rojtj' Uraces, Id; ; Youths' White Moleskin Trous'era, 3s lid:; Men s i Tweed Trousers, Is 6d and Gs lid ; Boya' Tweed do.. 2s Cd ■ Men's Seraedp., ar3d; Men's rMole- ; -skin <?0.,13 Hd; LadrcS1 Black Straw llate. fiiShibnablc shapes, id; Men's Slnrt SiUtes-'d. i 3-J 3d, and 8d; Fomadq Id pot;B.W Soap, ; S cakes forls;K;orid'a Water. Is id thehoitle; Vlolet'Po-.vder. 3i'the laJßdJiaeket; l.r a.i.^, 3d eafh; Summer fcHinßhones. is UU —A( 1 Dampisr's Drapery 91ipp,wakefl6vl^tveej^^:

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 3