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Amusements, V ~ A BBOTT'S OPERA HOUPVi Lessee and Directress... .Mica Lotifee Crawford) ANOTHER LARGE AND KNRAPTUIUU* AUI)"KN rOE(notwithst riiiing the inclemency':;: of the weather) assembled to wit new t lie. • Second I rodu. tion of the Great N« ntical I Jran a. THE SHIP ON FIRE! - TO-NIGHT! (Tuesday) . TOi-NIO'H' I ; Positively the LAST NIGHT of THB SHIP ON FIRE; or, the Seaman's Ghfii THE SHIP ON FIRM; i-gStar. - £"l LAST Tn-achery and Villainy, NlCltt*; LA-T ThnDoitlior the Pirate. , NJoJl'4 LAST The Walls of OW XD E land. NlUim LAST The D-atli of Nelson, NiOli'l! Mlbs Louise Crawford as Kd win Gage.l : Mr LaclilMii McOuwan us lli-n linwlii.g. »wpjor- . -, tod Uy tlie fall strength «f J MISS LOUISE CRA WFORD'S DRAMATIC COMPANY. , • . < ' ; TO-MORROW (VVeduttdtisi, December^. ;._ THK BELLE OP THE FAUBOURG... . Box oilleo at Mr Lennox's, Stationer. ' Doors open at 7.30; overture at S. - . • , Admitraion—iß.-Ssfirt. and Is. \l . [/, a ~ ,&. B. WISEMAN, ManaKer and Treasurer. J RO.S'H E R.Vl'tLB GARDENS. : :. ..ST, HKLIEIVS BAY. . ■ ' THE PLACE TO:SPEND A PUFASANTJ- ..; ■.•?.•■;■, ■ day. ~;. /.%,;.' '. \4 THE P.B. IONtiARIUo' i WUI leave St Hi'lirm Bay .< very YVKUJfRS DAY and -'SATURDAY: t 0 M.m.-iiiid ~, ■■ 5 pm.. and from Aucklittid t)t2' : ■ and 6p m. On olliw1 da> s - ' 'she open fur - l '■■', clmftcr. ONLY HALF AN HOUR'S JQURNKYL ; .■FfiOM AUCKLAND., ;.'.::; '.i. glorious moonlight trip homic. | gardens, and orchard with abuvdanck of fruit. luncheons, dlnnkra. axl) apai.t- ---:;,':,; "' - , mknts. ' . ", ■ Mn Eaidy. tho Proprietor o( the Gordons, will ' HlteiuKVisitni'ii unil Hifnii: Marl lux. ar.ri • provide v liberal scale pf itefrf-ShiiienL-. . ' ; .; Scrupulous Uleajliiuias and Comfort obsrrjed/i Strawberries at.d. Cream,Fi,.hlng. Pwimtn;> Woody ltoir^ala, Unitie. scute, sai<dy Ueuch,: •■:; -~ . : Lone Pier.' SpleßdidSconery In Ktcry Direction.'.-•' '"'if . •..-./■.Grand Sod Bathing.', ! .'•■ J DANCING ON THE OREEK, f ,' Spoclal arrangement* mado for Plen!c Pkrtioi-v v , ; .' ... . schools; ice. "»■ I For further particulars apply to ,j.-; "^ MALCdLMSON- A'-'flBJ HACY? N'KW ZEALAND HOUSE. LAXD.ANIV - - ESTATE AGENCY, /• ' ■-' "'■■■ ~;;.£ ■ ; uKiir-^TRKK'r, AUOKr^Atfi). •': . ;■ OT. #■ AME S' S JI A L U srcNnAir.ijtGiaißKii i.->. 1-t.i. v PHILHARMONIC SOGIS.TVS CONCERT. 'HcrrTutschkc,Coiitlnctor. •":-'■' ,-vi rickot*, 1a..%':; : J'rbgrkinmVliiiirliy. .1 ii n & at it c .-..'< n oTa-l, ' AORAN'i) BASSA'AK and FANCY F.ilil in ] id of tho fuudn or >t, Mnry'a i:.inv'oit. I'imJON DAY, l>tf<Miil«)rl'J. ' iioriationii. tif (;oo<!8. etc.. w II bu ihoiilifully ;.* cvvivcdnlltiuLuuvc I. Puiitnnby ; St. l'i,Liitk:a iulionl. Uol.rt-ÜBireii.or by tbti following laci r-Sj tall liolUorx:—JliiH JjAnioa.v.-Mkb IjJwi&o.n.S heMlifiluToil:. Hisk KiSiilciHA.v. . ■."■•' ..:;.•• ,;- .For' Sale. '''■■■';■ re a s k il or. i) ~s" i beg toaimounce that IbnveßplemlH Hi:fiiAUo:niontß at one kUUIUik per (Of.l fioiiti'g r er annum. Koi- position anjj iirosiinifj to Ikb itr they uroMutable fur eho'ic'u baer cloi-V uiiai- _, ~J^^-'~^A.riini_Qil(l(:n-9tre«tv ' ! , .: ;M» ANT.QpANTITY^~— ~T—T-f— FIRST-CLASS KIDNEY POTATOES (Kot my ouni tUinjiijn). , ~. - .:,-' NO HEAEO^ABJ^Ii.-Ctffttß REiUBBU l 5 : HARRY CANiIAJT, ' ' '.'. ...->. . . .. Hion-aTRBET. ,| |V;;E.::1V O:; ; .N ;' : P " Or'ii *t! ; FOR SALtf—A s'pltudid Fix-ropmed Hpust-." wiihin 3 nituiitcs' Walk ot Uivoi:)n|rt Wlinrf ;< also, several'.small- Cottage^. — Aiqjiy X ttl?& Dudor. ■■ r. ■. ■ ■•; ■■■';■ -i" .'.'(-'■ ".- ■' :[s (IOUSINS AND ATiCIN have on Sn!«;* ) sareral ;Setond-ha"nd- BukkJcb, -PhavtoiihSil mil Dosj, Carts, llßt't; andsuitublo foißuihiniiri U80.'., ,:. '->.' ■■!.■ '■-: ■-<"'■ '"■■ ■■''■■'■ " '■' ■ ' ; TT>OH SALE, at Devonpnrt, near WieltcnJD : haiii Boacli. fl ro.'imeu Jiorisi1, with orcbant? and itatilim;, known us DiV.mport liuiry; linn two fronliiset-lioft lo Cheltenham Plum, l'tt\ t to Wllliaoißiroa; siiliject to S Jems' ienio nc £50ytarly; price. CS6U alsii. a )tlifrk;'uf Al>..«ments, 'contninlng fi2j'f rrontairtr, artj.ilnhi< Cheltenham Urach Road' and nvftlooniii^*.' noniain-.'.price, £SoO.—Apply J- lin»'l>. l-'uiw. i,fe; Cottage, Duvonport; or i>l ljaliyiy llobßon-?-lxiii t. ■■■:•-■•• ■-•. ; OR SALE, at Uio, North Ishoro (CheVf ' tenluuti' North), oppo3itu the pr'ophrty uf Ti. i M. Stark. K«l.. withm'-a milo of new.;'w3mii,-;; AHatnasnts with beautiful view, on very ess-.: terimv-Apply- to Vickew and Hull, No,; tiiK.i^i;; Intnranne Builriinga. , - ■■■■'-:•.'.-,^ OR IMMEDIATE i:ALE, in Viiitorifffi strect^Wcfit, twoHonses ami ShojiSvilf* doublefnintauß. will bo sold a bargain; tcriiil: easy.—AT)t'ly txj Jolm Suppiut, lioiitu hiii! )>u>4 : Agent, No. 8. Qtn on-strect. ' '•'-■• \ "I7IOR SALK, a very ilasiraVle \ rillii lioeiJ? denco,Jiitt biiilt. Un Avoun^Ron'd', furiieli,' with ronl'ter eratcs and cooking niUKi*; W).U,f! and traslai<Jon.-^ toJ. M. ftfJ.'&lowbhM Land AKCii.tJc.K'prtsrtriml. FOR BALE, an- Etijriiio tnij Haiitr, 1 0 hoi;so-i>o\ver, now in mo iii tho iriTA.t OlUcO.-.^ \ ■■: ' - :,,.... _.- .__ _ - • "IT^OR SALEra'PiwWockf.f •ll"Amfi 1} splendid-land, securely; <\rni allotments to suit T'Urchasi r» ; terms eaay.— 't:i Barnes Muunt Hopklll ltoad. __ , Ji^dir SALE, Bugtries, as f«HowB:- 1, l' Telesi!iii'Othoocleri'),2Siug!eS<'alsilicod(y;i,' 1 Turnover Beat; it so, YVngKoi s. Sprintt < Hari.; etc.; suvural Sets-ot roo.l hoc:md.baud biiiJKf llarnoes,—Apply Thames Carrmac and l'i«f Factory, Vietom-Blrc«t, F OX SAtE, two now, well-built Housed} fonoe«i, &c, flvo and siit rnoui", llasH-1% stitiot end Kiiiireland. — Apply R. llratui Buiidor. New Nor%Road. i .. (toots au<l Shoe*. "TkISSOLUTioij \o¥ PARTNERSIUi' Tho undersigned having DissplTod.Partncl ship, aro ofl'oriug tlio whole of thtir '' *" ENORMOUS STOCK' OP BOOT:-!, shoes, slippers, etc. - j .: .'■' Also, : LKATHKB OF ALL KINDS, GRINDERY. SlvC anumnUngln value" h £19,000, at'- lie foUowbiij > .' •?£ prices:— : ■",. ■ ;.-■.- .'*.(! Men's WATKBTiotrrs, usual price 12a Hd..- Si Men'b BLtiCHßits, visual price Ss fid .. 4■ i Jlen'S BAUIORALB. usual prlco 13a fid .. l» Mkn's Elastic Si:>ks, usual price Jis .. 8. Womkn's Elastic Sidks usual price JOs (id.. - " * Msn'bSjiom. usual price Ms W .. -• » Yvurns'ilo»in. usual prJcu 03 fd .. .. *' I,4MEB' Kill IWTTON, ÜBiial price I&..8 LAPiics'KiIiKLAHTJOa, usual price EsCd.. 5 I.ADIKS' Kli> Elastics, usual price Ifia Bd 6 'LADnta' Kid EtAHTlcs, usual price 10s 9d C Ladies' Kid Elastics, usual price Us .. • 7 Ladzicb' PnoNKLtA. URtiaVprice, Ba6d .. B'fLadies'Pbdnklua,usual pricc,los6d .. B." LADlßS'SllOKß.visuolpilcclOßCd..- .. ;fc Ladies'SrioiiS, usual price 1156 d.. .. :7& IiADiEB' Kid Elastics (hlgh-icgged), ys! usual price 12s 6d .. .... .. 7>j Ladies' KiTj Button, usuaVprlce Us 6d ~ Xo| L idiks' Button Shoes, usuul price 10»Cd -7 i Giiilb' Elastic SiDic^, uexial prleolsiJd .. 2 Gihls' ElastioSides,usualpricefaftl.. S GuiLS'iSLAS'no.ufua^ price 7s Sd .. .. i Child s 3UOKB, usual pri«e 3s .. .. 1 Tho above aro only a fow lines, na spaco \» not permit us to givo a full prii'o lint. The abovo «ile is thoUrKect and niDStgenni sale of BooA, Shots, &c,, evoi- held in Nc Zealand. ■ , ... ... „> GAR EE,.T ,Th 8;R;O 8.,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 1