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V> X A S. i VV I L L I A M S 0 N, HOUBK, Lgsn. & FINANCIAL AGENT, HIGH-ST., NRAB BHOitTLANI)-BT. Bankero t National Bank at Now Zealand. «™v,™TELKPHONE NUMBEK-lte. gKNTa and IHTKREBT Collected. MONEY Inverted tor Capitalists on Flirt wisaßeauritloa without übibge. Bixperoent Jlowed on deposits unUl Invested. q |oySKS TO LIJT au°JWoiWhES FOB a i i,vpAa.c<ki,uPon n»rUat» Yxee of Charge. *''W'«ifNT!< Bougji and House* BuIU on too VenklF Pa:Tneti Svstdn. Plans'and spoj/leatlonu pi cared at lowctt ruteti. BUIfIHNO ALU/TMJCNTB Foil BALK Ki. C r ßll « 2 ATrisssrn«d.« WowruarlDt. 80s ' Hepburn-atruel. 80s llaa(lolpJ),u- t . e t ' ligar Place. 80a west-strut, jua > Bmimett^street. l!2a Sd Boroafordtrect. 70a Conauost Place. fl4 Howe-Btooo, 100s William-street, Sue ouelly Hum* Koiid^fl Customhouse utruet Noi tuooui, te Fort-atreet (leaHo). 60a O'UonnuU-etioot. 6)3 FltAroy-streeMlOs And In viriow other streets at low rates. ' lAmi'VO UMU. is Sums of fill) and upwards on good Boourtßfl. "f FOUR-UOOSKI) HOUSE For Balo In KingHrect, £220; Kippell-Hrcet, £'W>. Fauey Hiibinesa, (liilngH, &0.. Arch Hill, £35; General Store, Mount <Uen, £800. £17 IiEI'CSIT will Purohuse Five-roomed Houso at l'lagriand, with ea»y instulmcnla for balance. IIOUSKBTO LET In NolMKi-strcetW rooms). Piclon-atrcß, Kylirr Pass, and Onchuniia. «3 i 'S.-FnK.fiOOMKJJ HOUSE lor Sale at v',ii e,i.v?i Oiia^,oU^nl °ho<ll lor? e allotment. NORFOLt-STRKKT.-Shopand Five loomed Ho'iso for S*ln for £675 j ooroor allotment. MOUNT IDttN.-Slx-roamcd Houao for Salo n ,VAy,IW4! )ar"a allotment £-50. itIMSELI-STRKKT. - Kino largo roomy Hpiito for Silo, thoroughly well-finished; £530 PIT r-3TIiBS!T.-Splendid Corner BitSfw 3hop« and Dwellings, to be Leased for v ears. lohs tr more! 7« foot frontago by 08 lls 6p \VBRKLY.-Now Five roomed Uouße wßalelnHowo-wtreot; small dupoult. PRATT.STRICBT. - WeU-ttotshcd Cottaeo now), for ailo for £325; oitv water. «2M-KIVEROOiIKU IlOUaiC For Salo In 3ow! utreot: will be sold on easy terms. UUSBKa-6TREm' - Flvsroomod House or Sale for figii. sear Great Noith Koad. WAIKOMITI-8 Acres For Sala. Suitable for ouliry tarm ; near railway station. Mi. fi235-NK\V dOUBK For Baae, corner ot BdonLroot; ullolmoot. 3i x 89. MOUNT BDKN - Faithfully-built Family leaidonco of g rooms with 7 fire places; d«iched wash-houuo, 2.0OO|;al). conoruto tank: nek entraneo for buorgy. Mia. very cliean. low) For Sale; very cOuVlmieTitr eaorf "aw lvo-roomcd llouiie. excellently built and Uuhed : f175. Four-rejmod Houso. £300. KlNUUiiANli—tioverul Houses For Bale very leap, from £110 upwards. GEOIIGK-STKKkT. - Eight-roomed Houso lon-) For Sale; with larce allotmout; illw >rtion of money can remain en morticaue. IUUIIMOXM ROAD.-fretty Uottam (New) ir Bale, with all conveniences; t&'itt; goa id on. Albo. now House for £250. Al9l—Now Four-roornod HOUSE For Salo In mire of city (lonso.hold). £60 deposit j balance i doterrcd luiymccta. IS2Bo.—Now ?ourroomod UOUBK Forßaloin owe street'freehold). £S0 deposit: terms. teoO.-KXCKU,KNT FAMILY KKaiUKNOK 7 rooms; bath-room, coal-shod, gas and city utor, ga» »tov«i: off Pltt-otroot: a oarirain. UOMFORTABUC FAMILY RKSHjKNCRy' ir Salo at Avondole and Onehunga, with few res of land. IIKPUUUNSTRKET-Elghtroomed House aw); gas and water, fine view: £610 riVBTACRKa OF EXCELLENT LAND for .1(>. near Western Springs; four miles from jokluod ; udiulrably suited for villa rosldenoo small mnrkut garden ; water or land carriage PHKTT I VILLA RisiDENOK for Sola )S nooln-strcet! gas. oity water, ranirp. , KKANKMN ROAU.-«-roomed House and lolini'tit For Sale. A bargain. SI IK) -(Jomf ortabie IIOUBK For Sate In 8 usuexeot Newton Iload. Small deposit only. B8 YKAULY—Allotments to bo Leased Id >wo and Kirosford streets for thlrty-thrrs tors. Money lent to build with If doetrul. 3PItINUSTUB,&T,IFreoman'B Bay—A-rooinixi >use Vm Bulc. wull flaJulied: city water, aid othor oonvenlenocß. Price. £3SO. •JKI^SONSTKKKT-» Briok Somidetached lla Itoaiileiiiios Kor Sale, with largo allotment d itne view. Chanvu for seocuuitor. 4UUTU SHOUE.-New 4-ruoiued House with ye shod, £300; also, several other Houses. fItIOHTON HOAD. Parnell - Six-roomed ma© For Sale, allotinont 10 x 180. I'rloo £800. "ONSONBY-New Six-roomed House and orkshop For Sale; two allotments; two ntages. Kasy terms. rtufl— Yi»«Bfi. -—.Knojrroomed Hohbo and Uliam-street noarSu Jamoe«('liurcn. — -. dOUTHCOTB - Seven-roomed House, oatildiugo, &0., and 30 Aoree of Land. For Sale t sri Cheap. Grand Tlew of the harhour. aKVONPOHT, Lake llond - Several Tory oloe Villa 31UJ8 For Sale, having rdad and sea mtagos, and possessing the finest landsoaiw bwb to b« found around Auckland. • FA.KMS alsa For Bale »t Wait»mltl, Paremomo, Waltakord, Mahnrangi, North Bhoro, ipakura, &c Also, sec List In " New Zealand urald " nue "Weekly News." ..„„», HAS. W I L. L I A M B 0 N, BaTATK AOKNT. UIOH-STIIKKT. 1 U U R E V KILLS. NOTICE. Some Splendid Allotmcuts on Now Plans. Prices nud Plnns can be had at the Offloe, 5Xt Mosbra Brown and Campbell's, Shnrtlundreot. Tormß.-Ono-flfth Cash, balance any time lihio llvs yean; Interest, «oto« por cant. A. nOAUnMAN. Agent. [ji 0 R 8 ALB. SPLESinnSIX-ItOOMKDHOUSKtnNeIsoni root, ropluvo wiih every ronTwii-BGa; ""'*"' mt allotment: hackeutrancotoUobiion-it. X 750 "SIX-HOOMKU HOUSE, new, allotnicit 10 x taut., fenceil, rcßl«t<-ii<l grate, 0 ogall. wnK; [ou»u at buck, B x iVt. tinK»laiid I4itat». «00. TWO (X)'ITA«I-S. Klngs'aud liutute, four loinseacli, Uuk, fo«oed, everything complew. HOraii Kingalind EsKU-, «o flixi|latse«, 400-g»ll. tank, allotment 10 X 'VALUABLE IIOUBE AND ALLOTMENT In torcsfo. d-»treut »«0. SZVKN-HOOMKL) HOUSE. M«ryelreet. MU Won. kliotmt'Ut M x IOMt,. vas laid. *SBO. BttillTß JiMltl) UOUUK In SoHtluol ltoad "n'in'k fioovKD HOUSE In Bontlnel Road KOUIMtOOMkn HOUSK, Bkillion, &0.. roil. t« wi'h (ivory convenience, stablo and foodimi»o, at SUHi>;stdo, atonoyhur«t. Mount mod, HOUSE In Vincent Lane. NINK-nOOMKD HOUBE. Albort ?urk: lurKu Allotmont j ground rent, (26 10a ; n-ord yeawtorun. <1.150. TKN-ROOMKl) HOUSKinHardlngo-st. £12.)0. OftJNl) FRr^KHOLU PUOPBRTY in Shorta HOUdE. 7 rooms. Albert Avenue. Mount Eden with wish-houso detached. »ow. -FIVK-ROOMKIi HUU3K. 40 X lOWfr., cornor afotmoat. off Mount Roskiil Road. £IW. SIX-ROOMKI) fIOUaE, Gratton Hoad. £450. TWO "IUN'MENTS. Klizabeth-alrect, Ponpnnb' •33 \- 10>'ff- each, ti per foot. B PROPKRTY in Vlctnrlastreet THRhE NEW BRCCK SIIOP3 in Vlotoria-sL FltU»gs suited to all buslncspos. FIVK-ROOMED HOUSE in Charlotto-stroet, L¥w^ d§pfe3iVl TiV&rWed cot containing 58 acrea, with House thereon, in Ota''Vwoa'iXo'tJlESTS at Mount Albert, with quarey thereon to bo sold or leased, with pur AT'ifo OrK.TvnOK-Four.roomcd COTTAGE (noarlv new), lilted up with tanks, stablo, &o. TVV'O ACRES at Takapuna, fronting beach. £300 • THREE ACRE 3at lit. Albert; cflßy tormß fiTEN-HOOMKD II HJSEin Mount Albort. two acvo.4 of land; every oonvoiiionce. »110 i; or ono acre fronting in ilu road, sold eoparutely splendid busincßS wtcs, *400t can bu d yloed into threo allolmonta, 50 x iOO foot; or House ""wOMkV'uOUSE. large, allotment Wi'lk-sl.<v-s.t. WVBt; evc.'y conv(>nioi»!o. £.aO. TItUKK IiOOMBIJ COTI'AOB, IClnp-sland wUh siilUWo Houso and pie-iniwa-01 acren, Papatoltol. £l2iO. FARM, prime l.nd, U aw, six roomed Ilous". staoles. cowshod. ttore-room. &c; II mileHfrnm Mickland. £600. A FARM, i» acres, all in gras*. fenced, pood House, outofilcc. po3tollico and store. In Haslett-strcot.lOx 132 ft. £3 por foot. J McCORMICK AND CO.. LIND AGENT \ 157 QUEEN-STREET (opposite S. Cjombe'Ba) X\T L- UITOH BL. L, VV • ESTATE AGENT. TO BE LET, for a term, a Gentleman's Rcsldeuco in the Albort Park. Aiao, Now Villa, in the best part ol Grafton Road, and 2 comfortable Residences at Jlount Eden; rent. 16a. FOR SALE, very cheap. 1 and M-oomed Cottage?, neav to Town. I can take deposits ot only 123 and <30, the balance to bo paid'oft in Weekly l?0It "saLE, very cheap. Allotmenta on eapy terms, and Farms, Houses, and Land In varlout °Poraons wanting to secure good Invoatmentf Bhould call and inquire for the various Proper ties on my books, W. L. MITCHELL, B3TATE:agenT. QUKSiS -STaSBT,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 1