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■adame llarie Carandtatl. - * . One of the most Popular Musical Art iatM in the Australasian Colonies, writes ac follows :— Wellington, New Zealand, February 23rd, 1881. To M. Levy and Co.. Auckland. Dear Sirs,—l have pleasure in informing yon wit.l have used St. Jacobs Oil, and find mojir '? ..«•' fSl*tst la eases of rheumatism, and, in&aed,* , neurfllffVt •tiSaBV-^I am, dear sirs, yotflrs truly ? '■'':. Hares Cahasdot, A Popular Hotel fce«Be* Mart© Happy. Victoria Hotel, Auckland, July 23,1884"' Messrs M. Levy and Co., Auokland. Dear Sirt,— Suffering from a severs sprain few - over a week, I was advised to use St. Jacobs Oil, and 1 beg to state that alter four applies- * tions the a welling around tie ankle disappeared, and all pain left, so that on tie third day I waa able to use my foot again as Usual.—l remain* dear sira, Tours fafthf nlly r R y Free from Pain. ' ~ .- Matual Life Association^ ■ ' Auckland', July 2.188*. > Messrs I*. Levy fcCflV-ftncKlana. Gentlemen^—About a month ago-1 had a Tory severe attack of rheumatism to «&y riebt arm, c.a . bad, in fact, that I could scarcely n£J it without causimr me excruciating pain. I h&A tried . several Kinds of - liniments wittiest obtaining any relief. At last I tried St. Jacobs Of], and after using less than half a bottle I felt peWectly free from pain, and up to the present have had no return of the trouble. 1 ' ' , shall always Use it anythiog I - know in case of any similar pains, and will certainly advise all sufferers to do the same.—l remain, dear sirs, yours truly. ALUSTKR BROWN. Wholesale Depot for Auckland— • '■ ■" M, LETT & CO., . if QtffiEN-STMET AUCKLAITB. For tbe Guidance of Others. v PAIN VANOUISKEIJ'. ■ '..:'■ '..'.*■ - ": ■ . Glenmore EoaftrPaddlngton, , i . . HIA January, 188& . "Gentlemen,—Some few weeks tUtme I was ea, ■ severelr affected with indigestion mto rendei ,„- my rising each morning a matter of &ffleulw and pain on account of severo painsintheftacßS wdithad,lust become necessary for me to Uk» i a holiday from my work, for the perfornumj: , of which I was by no moans fit, when a Mop* mentioned to nc the benefit he_ derived »on» the use of Hamburg Tea. In the hope of getting ,v ■ somereliei!l used it myself, the regain betaar , that I was myself in three of four dbmjni: . have not suffered since. HTy friendi hw- 1.. tdriaed me to write this for the guidaaee «* ■ uuiere, and you axe at liberty to make what mt , you pleaite of this. . ~ '«. "Yours. " "JOHN KELLY. '• " Mewralfflott Brosn flyitaey.1 ■ it-rr.;'.' " •-.". ■ •-..-■■ '^>V •> i' : HAMBURG TKA, :-" t I HAMBURG TBA. , , •• HAMBURG TKA, t -, ■ . CURES ■■ ■ ■ - -.. DYSPEPSIA, fiffIBTOBSTION, BILIOUS- ' s j ■ . -. 'NMSHi • '■■■ '.; ..■;.-..., : • HBADACHB. COHSSHPAtmS, SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS A#D 8T0R& | KKEPKR3. ■ ; PRIOB ORB BHILLING AMD THRK» ! Wholesale Depot 'tor Auckland-' ; j J|. LEV* &CO., :. fe QtTEEK-STBEET, AtTCKIAKB. / i. '"" * I ; . mHE REft CROSS VINEGAB AKD - X PRESffifttlNG CO., ,' | . * BAH.WAY-STBEEI', PAHMBtt, , .] J •„, , Have on sale the following goods, a_ trial of - which wiU satisfy everybody as to the excel- ;■■- lenoo of quality :— '' Worcestershire Sauce Cnrry .Powder (Uns New Kelish .Cider Champagne, (pts •■ Table and Pickling andqts) Vinegar Flavouring Bewnceft.! Cordials - I ■ ' n Wholesalb Only. Why send money out of the country for Sauqev" Currr. or other products when yea can get asgood an article, at a lower flgure, of localmanu- r Factnre? QUMMIKG; Manager. • r* OVERSPENT LIFB INSUBANOB.') It ■ ■ ' ' i i , t '; Hbao Qwioit: PROTIICCIAIi BUILDINaa, * ; .."...■ ■. ,_ .<'-;'WsxtiNOTa». '~■• •',}' v ri4 & | EHB ONLT «KW jnEJJUUTD LOT MnMt*] .':0 GJOVBRNMENT SECURITY, „ - ! MUTUAL INSURANCE, LOWJaT PRBMnJM& ' " The Ordinary Branch offers an tomaap* sf r , «l,a» at the premium chawea Of- | .. whereior £1,000, equivalent to . ...\ AS IMMEDIATB BONUS -OV .-ASOB .. : .'.,; r«In addition to Foil Participation in Profit* WORK MAN'S IK BVBA XOl Specially provided for In th<J INPUBTRIAL BRANCH, Policies Issued from £3 TJpwabDS, "wni* I W.' PARTICIPATION IN PBOBTIB. JH V|^ ' . PREMIUMS PAYABLE^WBEBW1, , , . tfor which a Collector will call c BPECIAL TABLES FOR CHILDREN, •PoUcies of £20 and upwards, after.. Thrt* " Tears, oan be surrendered for .Cash, or ior,» - Froo Policy. — — -;" '■' ■ ~- - LIBERAL KEGULAIIONS. I* NOm-Tfie.Government not only iirlim (nsnvance within the reach of nearly every nJM. . woman, and child In the community, but pro- " rides tbe description of policy and mode of wv . ment heat iulteo to the requirements of ettfi,:.,'"': • 7^,■■■^o.;-^L•l■'OQ!B3K.Ooml^^^^l^«^^^ ; VTEW ZEALAND INBURANCI XS COMPANY (8188 AND MARINER 1 : ctpitai........^;.1~Z. ,_.«.oool5» j Paid-up and Reserve Funds.,.„.—«iOO,ooß Pbotectioh from FIRE or MARINH LOSS CAN M BWTEOTED I« THIB COMPAST. ' . ■ OIiAUIS 11X1 WITH PBOKPTITUDI AHO . ÜBBBALITT. JAMSa BUTTLS. Manwrw. T\EVOOTORT; LIVERY AND BAIT ' ±J :; "STABLES. " ■- CHANGE OF PROPRIETORY. ! I BEG. to inUmate that I have disposed . of my Coach and Omnibus Business to Messrs ■•■ DAyIS BROTHERS, and trust the.t thesupport so generously accorded me iv the past will'be continued to my succetsora. Thanking all patrons fori their support, I recommend the Messrs Davis as well qualified to manage ana . develop the trade. Fl j. QUICK . Auokland, 13th November, 18Si. ' /. . rj;A?ll BROTHERS, GOACH PROPRIETORS, > DEVONPORT,' Beg to announce that having purchased the business lately carried on at North Shore by Mr F. J. Quick, with the Horses and Carriages, ■ they have amalgamated the same with tneir ; own Business, and aro now carrying it on in lall thehranches. ' , T , Omnibuses between Devonport and Lake, Takapuna as usual. - • . * " All kinds of Carriages, Saddle Horses for Ladies or Gentlemen, always ready for Hire. 'Busses, Drags, &c. Supplied for Pionip Parties. ' . ' ' : Goods delivered by Drays or Spring Carts,; . Removals'Undertake^ and Cartage Contracts entered into. , - Davis Brothers hope by o'ose atlenaoa to ■ business and moderate charges to secure the public confidence and support. 1 rPevonport.- 13th November.lß&<- *-<~^ v -rD. E v J T fl _ J<a Tm SUNMAKKB, ,J , * m, 'kit ~v JtffiK Hm);»m - mm, mMlffl^' Wvadta the City Muki* A ESTAKUSHED 18» ■DRanM^v Intending Buyers ihouldto; ' WBSBBSS&r J Bpect the labqb btoce of prffliff» ' Breech and Muade-loadln« K*raHHl Gnnß on hand. They will »c« ligjllTlll the bust VAtuu is Auokland. GBHrW Every gnnthoraaghiyexamin; WB^ edandguaranteadbeforednUHammeriess Guns, with Blomeo'l , - Patent Bteel Barrels, 12 and 30 gaogtt ■■ Silver's PatuutAnti-reooUßuttPlatyft '. , I Wabley'i Bull Dor and Irish Consta-. En IralaryßeTOlvers.alsohisNewPatm* Watt Solf-extractlng Revolver r Dwn JH|«' Patent" Perfeoi" Reloading MeUlUft Cartridge Cases and Crimpers: Elei • ■ Revolver Ammunition and MetJUiW , ' "^" Cart^dm'Cases; Newcastle Ghffle4 Shot) Outiss and Sarvey and Pigon Wilk's and Laurence's Gunpowder; Etey*s Wadding ana Cartridge Casts; Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Same Bagi, Guq dages, Cartridge Belts, Bob OIL Tow tor Gnn Cleaning, Ferret Muiilet ana Beßs, Saloon Rifles, Air Canes, Breeoh-toadtaf t i Implement*, nthing Taokle, CuUery, Ib+ \ works. . ~;... ;.;.... ~ - . . „~. „ ~'..,,;.t i . -■-■ Us! : REPAIRS, Including Browning and. R+ ■ rtookins, speolaUy attended to, and latisfaottoi <uarantoed. .___ D. E VITT, gtomakkb ts mtroßMni; »H. Q0l«r «. AuQKLArn, - ' .

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 4