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Auctions. nil ; tf.ov-,.F or c o w. "U| I ■ fix Kuapohu. Ulr sH NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. |j || jfl 12 CASKS LA.D IB6!«AND? GENTIEaUSN'B ll! ]9 : CALF,' KID, KUS^BTT, FAKCY II ■ WHITB!. TWEED; CANVAS, MOROC- I I CO, CROCODILE, GLACE KID. BLUE H SPKCKLEJ) LAWN TENNIS BOOTB| > I AND SHOES 9 1 CASE CRICKETING BOOTS end SHOES JBH 3 CASES INDIARUBBEIt MATS : |H 5 CASES LADIES' iwd CHIIiDJEIKN'S BOOTS j j| «j ; AND SHOES :;;';: ;•■■""- /. J|fl : •■■ ■■r E, ft A.ISAACB ' , If |fl TX7-ILL SELL by auction, atT-iheirjl H W Stores. Qucon-sttsct, tomorrow (Wfld- II ffi nasday), at Jl o'clock, . . . II X £1 PACKAGES OF THE ABOVE... Jl ■ B. <fe A. ISAACS, ' X I Merchants and A^ctioneere* - -:v-jj WB THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27. . |i« lg CASES TUMB£iiiiTW^;QL&BSEB|«|w 5 pa'ckTg'es glass' wa^er, ' |S BOTTLES - .-i> &B 12 CASES FLOWER STANDS ..AND : JIM vases -■:■•-■ :- •■•■:-1- ' ■ v;^-Ff! II 1 CASK TEA TRAYS .- | 111 1 CASE CHINA CANDLESTICKS V: WM 1 CASE CH2HA MDGS • *>-W. ;•■ »« f? HHDS. SUGARS AND CREAMS J ||» 12 GASES XAMP CHIMNEYS, ■■ ; i I] 2 CASES DECANTEBS :'" V" f .™t- Jil 5 CASES E,X> CRUETS, TEA _A^l> | I|B COFFEE »ERVICEB, BUTTEtt s Iran ; SCOOLERS, EFEBGNE9 ••->-:•:' |I 3 CASES E.Pi SPOONS: AKD'FORKS.^ I j E. &A. ISAACS " ;« |fl| \TE7lLLsellby auction, at Sto^iMßlH ?V . Qneefi-stfeet, on Thursday, the 21<h || |B foswn;, at n o'clock, ■ 1111 | /to PJpjSSCKAtIK& OF THBiISBO^Ki 818 The 4uoUonee» beg to can tie attenUp'n, r *rH|| Intending purchefieiß to the above BO^^MSSalil ielected tor this market,. ■'■''''%« £ I■ ■. .8U i > .-^l^ "STISAACSi'"' " ° '■! A; :j| I I „., .Merchants and, Anctioneerß., ~ -fr-fyat | ■.;; .-' /" tomorrow, ■■"■ill At half -poet 10 o'clock,' . ' jl | _ L. W. EATON ' || I ITt7ILI/ sell by Auction at his Mart To-_ Jl. I: 70 BUNCHES BANANAS .■•■s|w|'s 8 CASES HONK!'. jj|:j| TO-MORROW, IS I At Half-past 10 o'Clock. It |H "at the pirt&MQX&i. Is Ira Lnanas.pinea^plbSjCxk^anut^ Ij |i t >'O2 *°> ex ORPHKtis.; vi.-':.-."-.'-: {j'ls I R;StHUB - 11 II ifTTILLf soil Im 'auction, a% thenCSity ll I ITT Market,to-morrpw,athalf-paßt 10, II | 200 BUNCHK9 BANANAS ; ill 800 PINEAPPLES * ' -1 "Jr I loooqopoANgTS ,;,:; „.,*,■■,.. v l; . It * '~, ,Tp-MQRROW, N09N.., ... jil ' TWO NEW PIANOS BY BORD, 11 I ft. SUPERIOR PIANO,,IST .COLLARD II I ■ ■ AND COLLAJEVD, ' 1 I HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND : II I ;■- -; • * Effects; *B : ■■ 1111 PBRSONAL^F-FECTS, DRAF^RJ^ &0..-. m|| ; R. ARTHUR . Mr , . jljl TTAS beenrfavonred witii ujstrnrtiona; - jl jl jImL to gall by public auction at>WrsMart,w|ij 11 !Jaeen-stree)i'To-moJtoi*i at 12 o-oloqk noon, II jl il^P^EYo^a^ffiAHDANl). I ioort Suite (horsehair, Opleoe^.Ptu'loiilr^ttoßjjWl BreakfftStrooniSuitea/lSine-Btnffed^a J?S oS2iMffi Chairs, Couchea Loo and Square. T§bto, Uhelvy«i touiera, Meattafea, Garnet, HearOi ( Bn|s, JgW.^ .MM. Fenaera.'- Elrbirons, Mirrors,-'Kottir«s,; ; jCWi»#a|i| nuDtß, iron Bedetoada, Mattraßses, PaUtaKK*;tf.?|«| Beaa&g,Ohestß ol Drawerai LOoMnjt-GlatßMi. |H| Toilet Tabk s. Wftß, Toilet Seto. Matting. ■ 181 Oilcloth^ ; Glass, China, and • KtottenTrarefcjjjjfflMß Bicycle, Tricycle, GtenOeman's■.- Pereonal--;:;|pi| EnS-Genfemanfe Gold■<Watoheß, BUv«r r .,llill Watdh, in MBdiftment al DrapeJT, asmalliliWr Jl |BJ ofjowollory. Also ' Bill ,' 1 LABQB PISHING NET V T3OO frartlß lonit, B;v«|jH feet dep, lot Mublo, Books, PerambnlatOM, Hij 1 Clocks, Lampß.,Koy&o.—:f ' ,' "31 |iI ; TOMbltiftbW. jl iJ pitAPjEJRY, I, "DIfAPBRY I " |I CABBINES-&-TAYLOR ; v ; jI M ?Tff ILL' BELL ;byv auction To-morrow |M; YV : , H (Wednesday), v; J ijfi : 250XiOTS OF' iraW^^DVtiBteOOTKBEAOT'-l,'l^: CLOTHING, coinrrklnK-Lftdies' Stuff Dresses, lIJH DoKnang, Skirts, Print ;WrapwrafiUi^«i»o«^l||Ml Polonaises, Ball Dresses;' Hosier/, Trimmed* |ffl|i Hats,- Boota,, Gents' Trousers,: Morniiw , JHll Walking Coats, Vested Shirts* Collaiß, Ties,;- \ : if ill Boots, Rugs, Trouaere and.Vests, Socks, so, , ,*» r Warn CAJRBINES & TAYLOR, ||| • : ;"-r'- /, ;. Auctioneers, ; . . .; H if. BOBKfiT 1.. BBADLEY,] [rEA'NK MKWBLIi " ; II J| • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, ' j|j| At lOo'clock. ■ ll]| '■'''■-' AUCTION SALE. ■l\ ,->;ai \ .'■;,":::j^R^LEY^^wiE|iE':;Vr'';-t>.::. ffjn i"117fIEL HOLD their Regular Weekly n j ?TV Sale o£ • '' -" ,il ]jl HAY,'' STRAW,. CHAFF, H]l EOTATOES,. &c., 1 jl[j[; 'A«a>Bir:cßalß-!'Ro6ta;i;KABA»OAHil>8 3ECOAD, II jil , Newtony fieri Bank of #ew Zealand. 1 ' ( J ,^^HB; brabley~&"newell, \ ; jJIS! Auctioneers. ' '■■ '|| I!' liwiitiAM vaidb] Jjoh^ iri*6S' riffig' ll ill; j] FRIDAY, NOyBMBER 28.. w. & J. rTvaile ll fi .XS7"ILi('Si!LLby J «uctionon Fridaynejrf, -' j| ;fi :V T 28th inst.; at 11 o'blook shart), previous■■* t«l IB 'tosKe-Eurnitore,'.•:: •■:•*•• ■•'":' ':■;'.' ''• ■"„''%;, '"'i ■•: II j|| • NEW. POTA'TOBS; large and sinail bamibld • If ll! iPotatoeiv wollpickea, Ohestaof Tea, ,150*000 ;|| I JtvaMoußK'e'fo.'.'etc. '■ ; • :•■' ---■'■>• ■• ■ lI{H W. &J^~?AILB, . lIJ Auctiooeers. || II ■■ TUESDAY; DECEMBER 16, ;884, , 111 AWtooD;-..-:_: * . || |1 PRELIMINARY'■'nOTIOB.- ■ ||i MAGNIFIC33NT t . ; JILLA SITES. || 1 GRAND LEVEL ALLOTMENTS, j II ]| VOLCANIC.. . VOLCANIC. fi I _ VOLCANIC. ill VALLEY RQAP^HOIINT EDEN. II | VALLEY ROAD, MODNT EDEN. It [I D.F.EVANS - ■'#! 11l TT AS been favoured with instructibtSi -_- "B j 1~l froni Mrg Waters taßUbdlvido and eoUbyiVSjjjj] mbUo auctiOnvat his Land Hart,Quoen-Bttect, -hi on Tuesday, Decembor 10,1881, W noon,, , ; 111] HER WELL-KNOWN, ANDiMOST DE- I|| SIBABLE VOLCANIO-liAND, Bltuato to M) VALLEY ROAD. MOUOT EDEN, being tho H| western portion o£ Lot 46, of ■section 5, suburb* 11] o£ Auckland; which ;is'now being Buodlvided rHj ato MOST ELIGIBLE VJLl^lTm.Ewßar_^aM iit Will fttint a pttbll6 roaff,-f uff Width, *ia;JSR. '»{ The position ia first-claßß, tho aspect good ;ole- :j|:| vatltm high, yet not exposed jthaTjewjmM^mm extensive; and sublime. A more I»W'WB»t!%Sffl tion is not obtainable. . . Ifjl The Lotaare nowbeiwf P*^>««««».» no f| ffl plans will bereadj-inlittwdafa. ■Jlfl Soo future Ibsuo. , || j| .■;.'• :'^'Ternis'ißaß^f ■■■■';!■>> |l|j ■ ' ' cJ'l-.'TvANS, ! ■ |j ■ Auctioneer. ' till FRIDAYiIN6yi!MBER2B, 1884, ji . ■••■ ■• ■" At;l2*o'clock. ;:'"Jf' iif THE JSAYMARKBT^ ' '* ,11 XHOR SALE, at-: thes^lannarket, on ij _C ; ~,,J'rliay,-Ni>veinber2B,l , .|1 .^-The WeU-toown.EacefcprseAZlM, winner || of the Onubunga hui4les, with all hU || engagements. ' • ■ llj Tlum>nghbiedTi«i^ear^UlCoVtb^Mnßket. 3|| dam. Hatted. by.r'-I^adtiMt.;, her dam fti Entmeline by Sleignt of Hand. ill Blffi£CiSiHElKby.GaßT'O«:eii)H>ilnd,an<l it fast hack andl beauUlnl fencer. ; " [ || 11 Colt 3 and ifillles, heavy and medium .11 ; ,. draughts. ■ ■ ■ it i Good Spring Cart Bows Xronj West Cost* |j| • 1 Larito 'Bus, nearly new. together, witli 11 .. /^pair otQrey; GeWings. Set or Donbxj .|1 Harness.,.1; , ■■; : - , ,;. i ■ .'... •■ |t 11 ALFRED~BUCBXAND. || jj Contour on fwU, !»«. ; |

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 3