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Land ami Estate Agents. rjHAS. TT ASMOND, LAND AND MONETARY AGENT, 116, QUEEN-STKEKT (Adjoining B. Tonka and Oo.'a). TELEPHONE N 0... 185. Bankers : Nationa Bank of Now Zealand (Limited). Mortgages and Loans Negotiated. Routs and Interests Collected, Money Invested on First-class Securities without charge. Estates managed for absentees. • Valuations and Arbitrations undertaken. Native Land affairs specially understood. Houses to Lot and Properties for Salo placed on my list free of charge. Every description of landed property bought or sold to order.. Large sums to lend on first-class aeouMtles. QITY psOPSBTUB, STORKS.—Soveral large onea In commanding positionn; evory information on application. STORK .4ND COMFORTABLE HOUSE In a flrst-olasa leading position; both water and gam laid in; a One opening for someone. Price. £500. with tormß. ALLOTMENT, SHORTLAND STREET-Large frontage and very doep; splendid business Bite. Sites of this description (double frontago) are very hard to obtain anywhere oloae to Quoon-strcot. This site should at once command the attention of persons requiring a grand position bo near tho Posfc-offloo. BROWN-STItKET, PONSONjjY-A Capital and very convenient Six-roomed House almost now; nlca allotment; pfotty view. Prloe, £125, with terms to Bulk PONSONUY—Vory protty Seven-roomed Villa Hcsi(ianeo (new) i gixs and water; every conronienco. Price. £125. NKWTON, SYMONDS-STKEET SIDE-Very Comfortablo Eight-roomed House (just the BortofhoußO thoro Is so much inquiry lor at prosont), oloso to Quoen-stroot; gas and water; large allotment; nice view, and cheap; £7607 JO! L ST. CONVENIENTLY ■ SITUATED 8 - ROOMED HOUSE, Victoria Avenue; runt, lla per SEVERAL COMFORTABLI! AND PLEA-SANTLY-SITUATED HOUSES at low rents to good tonants. gUBURBAN pROPKRT BS. «210.-rVERY COMFORTABLE 4-ROOMED COTTAGE, convenient distanoe from town: Mount Eden district;. every oonvemenoe, and nice allotment; oasy terms of payment. NORTH SHORE—Two flrat-olass Allotments, commanding a very pretty view, in rapidly rising locality, oloso to the wharf. £3 16a per foot. 6380 FOR AN BROOMED HOUSE and good allotment, situated ni^r Mr Morley'a Store an: the Groat North Ito&d. A ohanoe seldom met Witt; MOUNT EDEN, VIEW ROAD-Ono oi the Prettiest Houses in the district, built on an" allotment 50 x 250, commanding a pleasant view; garden tastefully laid out, built and finished in a Very superior manner; should be inspected to bo appreciated; contains flvo rooiim, cxclustvo of oupboards and pantries. ■ Prlco ow and tornis easy. FIVE ACRES, flvo miles from town; northern aspcot; £30 por aore. This la tho proporty for an industrious man; torma to suit. TEN ACRES, same «o above. House to suit will bo built on deferred payment system, if roquirod. BEVEttAL 3 TO 7-ACKE SECTIONS, suitable for Market Gordons; good soil; convenient to town; good road frontage, 3J miles from town; groat prospective valuo; easy tormß. Money advanced to build with, repayable by monthly or quarterly pftymbnta. £600 wlllpurchoao ONK of tho NICEST SITES for a GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE to be obtained near Auckland; the size of tho el to woultl be about 300 x 200 foot, MOUNT ROSKILL (Valley Road)-A good 6-roomod House on a Large Corner Allotment; «100, Q.LADSTONE tj} BTA TB. 10a PER FOOT AND UPWARDS.-AH the Unsold Portions of that most conveniently Bituutcd property known as the Gladstone Est Ue. This Estate, situated so close to town, and from any portion of which Oio views aro unsurpassed, Is now Subdivided into Largo Allotments. Those allotments aro n0t33x98, hut havo largo frontages and still larger dopth. Tho prices aro such that almost any person may obtain their own froohold at a nominal cost, should torma bo any inducement, tho owner Is prepared to accept a third cash, the balance to remain for3orsyoars nt (i percent. per annum. Tho inducements which this progprty ofl'ers to any persons requiring a niao :<]»iclcncc Site or a Splendid Investment ore manifold;' Fancy being ablo to purchaso a Grand Allotment oloso to town for 103 por foot. Soil semi-volcanic, views unrivalled; within 5 minutes' walk of a railway station, trams to pass in tho immediate vicinity, 'buses constantly; church and school convenient; gas and water mains within 100 feet of tho property ; post office and tolophono within a little distance; no clearing required. Plans and evory information may bo obtained at the ofllco of tho undoralgnoa. CHA S. ~W ILLUMSON, HOUSE, LAND. & FINANCIAL AGENT. High st., near Shortland-bt. Bankers i National Bank of Now Zealand. TELEPHONE NUMBKR-IM. RENTS and INTEREST CoUeotod. MONEY Invested for Capitalists on Hirst olassSecurities witiioot chaiiok. Six per cent allowed on deposits until invested. '■ MORTGAGES and LOANS Negotiated. BUILDING SOCIETY SHARES Bought. , ESTATES Managed for Abaontees. HOUSES TO LET and PROPERTIES FOR SALE placed upon my Lists Freo of Charge. ALLOTMENTS Bouzht and Houses Built on the Weekly Payment System. Plans and specifications prepared at lowest BUILDING ALLOTMENTS FOR BALK AT PKB FOOT I— El]erslio,£2 • Kpsora Road, £2 Newmarket. 80s Hepburn-street. 80s Randolph-street . Ligar Plaoo. 80s : West-streot, 42a Emmettrstreot, 62s 6d BeresfOrd-street. 70s Conanest Place. flB HoweHßtreet, 100a WilUam-atroot, 80s holly Beacn Road, £5 Customhouse-street lorthcote, 10s Fort-stroet Oeaso), 60s ' O'Connell-stroet. 60b Fitzroy-street, 60s And In various other streets at low rate*. £1000 TO LEND, In Sums of £10 and upwards on good securities. ""■'••*■ *25 DEPOSIT will Purchase Five-roomed louse at Kingsland, with easy instalments for lalanco. . . : . . ' HOUSES TO LET in Nelson-street (6 roome), Cyber Pass, and OnohuDga. "£3-25.-FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE for Sale at Rocky Nook; well-fnished, large allotment; tone fences. NORFOLK-STREET.'—Shop and Five-roomed House for Sale for £575 [Corner allotment r MOUNT EDEN.-Six-roomed Honsofor Sale in View Road; largo allotment. £360, - . . RUSSELL-STREET. — Fine large roomy House for Sale, thoroughly well-finished; £530. PITT-STREET, — Splendid Corner Sito for Shops and Dwellings, to be Leased for ISO years, less or more; 72 feet frontage by 98' US 6d WEEKLY.—New Five-roomed House For.Sale in Howe-street; small deposit.. PRATT-STREET. — Woll-flniahed Cottage new), for Salo for £325; city water. £2SO-FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE For Salo in Bond-street; will be sold on easy torma. RUSSELL-STREET. — Five-roomed Honse for Salo for £225. near Great North Rood. WAIKOMITI—B Acres For Sale. Suitable tor DOutey farm; near railway station. £85. £235—NEW HOUSE For Sale, corner of EdenBtreot; allotment, 35 x 99, MOUNT EDEN — Faithfully-built Family Residence of 8 rooms with 7 fire-places; deiached wash-house, 2.000ga11. concrete tank; >aok entrance for buggy. £675, very cheap. SURREY HILLS KSTATE-7-roomed House (now) For Sale; vory convenient; £500. Also, rive-roomed House, oxcollently built and finshed ; £375. Four-roomed House, £300. KINGSLAND—SeveraI Houaes For Sale very oheap. from £200 upwards. GEORGE-STREET. — Eight-room od House (Now) For Salo, with largo allotment; £160; jortion of money can remain on mortgage. RICHMOND ROAD.-Pretty Cottago (New) For Sale, with all conveniences ; £220; gas aid-on. Also, new Houso for £210 and £270. ' £19) —New Four-roomed HOUSE For Sale in centre of city (leasehold). £50 deposit; balance on£2^ e-Ne a wrKr°-ro6med HOUSE For Sale in Howelstreet(freehold). £60 deposit; terms. £600 Excellent family residence of 7 rooms; bath-room, coal-shed, gas and city " i™. craastovo: off Pitt-street; a bargain. COMFORTABLE FAMILY RESIDENCES For Sale at Avondale and Onehunga, with few "^EPBURN-STREET-Eight-roomed House infiwl ■ eas and water, flno view; £510. 1 FIVEI ACRES OF EXCELLENT LAND for Sale, near Wester^ Springs: four miles from Auckland; admirably suited for villa residence, or small market garden; water or land carriage. PRETTY VILLA RESIDENCE for Sale In Lincoln-street; water, range. MOUNT EDKN.-General Store and Dwell-ing-houae for Sale for £800. ■ . . ■ FRANKLIN ROAD.^-6-roomed House and Howe and Bereuford streets,for. thirty-three Years. Money lent to build with if desired. - SPRING-STRaHT.lFreeman's Bay-6-roomed House For Sale, well finished; ctowater, and all other conveniences. Price. £350. . IJKLSON-STREET - 2 Brick Seml-detaohed Villa Residences For Sale, with large allotment and fine view. Chance for SDeoulator. NORTH SHORE—New 4-r«omed House with large shed. £300: also, several other Houses. BRIGHTON ROAD, Parnell - BjMOOmed House For Sale, allotment 40 x 100. Pnoo JB3OO. PONSONBY-*New Six-roomed House and Workshop For Bale; two allotments; two frontages. Easy terms.: _ DEVONPORT - Four-roomed Ho«ae aod soullerr. Quite new: large aUotment. Price £250, Grand view of Auokland. £160 —HOUSE and AUotment For Sola In William-street, near St. James's Church. NORTHCOTE — Seven-roomed House, outbuildings, Sec, and 30 Acres of Land. 'For Bale; Very Cheap. Grand view of the harbour, DEVONPORT, lake Road — Several very choice Villa Sites For Sale, havtog road and sea tiontagcs, and possessing flic flne»t tandaoaiK views to be tomd around Annkland. EAB.MS also Bor Bala at Walkomiti, PaT«.mo> remo, Waitakerel, Mahurangl, North Shore Pspsknrs, Sec. Also, see List in "New Zealtmc Herald ".and" Weekly News." . _ - i" O HAS. . WILL I A MSON, ESTATE AGENT. ffIGH-STKKET, '■■ '■;• *>■'■■■!*!■« •.:■'', >'.!•<■ ■?■:;>'■'.-, .■.;'i:s-i r?;:'v'tfes:.:i:':

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 1