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C OITISFATI O JM OF THE TRULY GREAT SALE OF W. VAILE & CO.'S SALVAGE STOCK AND A. 0. STEPHENSON'S INSOLVENT ESTATE. THESE TWO STOCKS AMOUNTED TO NEARLY £8,000 WORTH OF DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. THE REMAINING PORTION OF THESE STOCKS W ILL BE CLEARED INDEPENDENT OF PRICE. GREAT SALE TODAY (SATURDAY) AND FOLLOWING DAYS AT S. COOMBES & CO.'S, QUEEN-STREET, AND ON THE PREMISES LATELY OCCUPIED BY A. 0. STEPHENSON, KARANGAIIAPE ROAD. /"I REAT Clearance Sale of Stephenson'a f> AAA PAIRS of Men's Printed \JT Stock now going on at S. Coombos and WiWUV Hole Trousers at 4s lid, worth Co.'s, Queen-street. 7fl Bd, during the Great Salvage Sale.—Samuel a Dtl . m n . oirai i > Ooombea and Co., Canada Buildings, QueenREAT Clearance Sale of Stephonson's B treot. Stock now going on at S. Coombes and -^-TvvriiTTijri ttitt? Tm?Vf a n a Co.s. Queen-street. |yjOIHINu LJK.ii/ THEM.—A Grand a„ „,_,-,, o . ,„. . , JJi Lot of Boys' Knioker Suits at 4s lid. RhAT Clearanoo Salo of Stephonson'e Quito perfect —Saml. Coombeß and Co.. Canada Stock now going on at S. Coomboa and Buildings, Quocn-strcct. Co.'s, Queen-street, . „. ,«, „„„ . - , -n, , , _. ' Z, . _ _, _ , , _ , . A FACT. ~ 200 pairs of good Blankets fi REAT Clearance Salo of Stephen?on's ±\_ (slightly soilodl at 4s lid during the Sale XJ" Stock now going on at S. Coombcs and of Vailc's Salvage Stock. — Samuel Coombes Co.'a, Queen-street. and Co., Canada Buildings, Queon-stroet. r\ REAT Clearance Sale of Stophenson'a AIT ANTED SEEN-The Washing Silks VJT Stock now going on at S. Coombes and VV at Is 6d, worth 2a Gd, quite perfect, Co.'s, Queon-eireet. during tho Great Salvage Sale. — Samuel MILLINERY, for Christmas Preset, at S"2«* & Co., Canada Buildings, Queennominal pricoa, at 8. Coombes and Co.'b, 111 „.-__,.--_ _ . Canada Buildings. TTVONT SMILE ! It is a serious fact; MTTT TXTFTtV for PVi^Jofr^na Vrnannta -»-' during this ;Great Salvago Sale w« are ILLIMJS.KI, for Christmas 1 resents. go uing a good Print, fast colours, quite perfect, , _at nominal prices, at 8. Coombes and at 2jJ._ Samuel Coombcs & to., Canada Co.'s, Canada Buildings. Buildings, Queen-street. MILLINERY, for Christmas Presenta, T>EFORE spending your money, give at nominal prices, at 8. Coombes & Co*,. X> Samuel Coombes & Co. a visit during the Canada Buildings Great Sale. You will save money, DRESSES FOR CHRISTMAS PRE- mO LADIES.-A Splendid Lot of Nun's , tt^li'S. from 33d, at S. Coombos and J_ Veiling, beautiful shade 3, at Bjd. worth Co.'s, Canada Buildings. icjd, at S. Coombea and Co.'s this week only. DRESSES FOR CHRISTMAS PRE- ,_.„_.„ vanvn-a a o i v v SKNTS, from 3]d, at S. Coomboa and W Am^nD^«? WN7^ £°°? T™!? Co.'a, Canada Buildings. » » Twill at lljd, worth In Od. during the -_- ~T ~ T TVrr, f ~,7 -ni ~,,n , i Sale of WUllamValle and Co's Salvage Stook.T INOLEUM Pattern Floor-cloth, Is OJd Samuel Coombes and Co.. Canada Buildings, I i per yard, at S. Coombes & Co.'s. Queen-street. HAVE YOU SEEN the Ladies' 4- TXT ANTED SEEN, the Lot of really button Kid Gloves, at Is lid, worth 4s T T Rood Regatta Shirts at 2s lid. worth lid. Quito perfect.—Samuol Coombes & Co., double tho money, during the Ureat Salvago Canada Buildings, Queen street Sale.—Samuel Coombea and Co., Canada BuildWANTED KNOWN-On Monday wo ***•' Q"**-81™*-shaU Sell a Lot of Ladies1 Umbrollcui at A STOUNDING I—Slightly damaged by Ib, worth four times tho monov. — Samncl xL water, a Lot of Youths' Serge Suits (all Coombcs & Co., Canada Buildings, Quooß-streot. size*) at 10b Bd. Come early and avoid the crush. SALVAGE.-200 Men's Tweed Maokin- Qu^Ts&e Cet.° rabo3 and <*••Canada Building, tosh Coats, from 15s Gd.—Samuel Coombea VHTANTED KNOWN nurfn'o rto Hilo and Co., Canada Building. Queen-street. W 3^ Va^e and^sS «£*£ WANTED KNOWN — During tho are selling a good BheoUng Calico at BJd, and a Groat Salvago Salo we aro Belling a "upexior twiilat 93d, 72 inches wide.-flamuel Superior White Quilt at 4s lid, quite perfect. Coombea and Co., Canada Building, Queen-st. worth to 6d.—Samuel Coombcs and Co., XITANTED KNOWN—Thnra nrn sHll a Canada Buildings. Queon-street W few lo7t U\Su l^ldwSd &iZ»'* TTT ANTED, all Men to buy a pair of the Ulsters, resoued from the Fire at W. Voile and VV Nolson Tweed Trouaora at 7s lid. worth vo.'e: prlcw nominal-Samuel Coombes aud 15s 6d.—Samuel Coombos & Co.. Canada Build- Co.« Canada Buildings, Queen-street. Ings, Quean-street. QALVAGE-4,000 Yarda of really good WANTED, 2,000 Ladies to take nway £5 Drew Material, during tho Salvago Bale. Mllllnory. It cannot bo called Belling It, JtSM; must be seen to be bollovod.-Hamuel tho prices aro so absurd. Come early, and Coomboa and Co., Canada Bulldlngi, Queenavoid tho crush. — Samuel Coorabea & Co.. wreot. Canada Buildings, Queen-sdoot. THST ANTED KNOWN-An immeoso CAN SUCH THINGS BE POSSIBLB? JJ quantity ot Ribbons, all now shades -Men's Tweed Trousora 4s lid. worth 10a ft?4,P°H« r"B' at 3jd, worth Is. during Ui« Bole Bd; hundrodß to Bolcct from j during tho Sale ot Jf W.Valle and Co a Halvogo itook.-Samuel Vailo's Balvage. - Samuel Coombes and Co.. Coorabea and Co., Canada Buildings, QueenCanada Buildlngß, Quoen-street. street. WANTED SEEN—Tho Men'o Tweed A N IMMENSE LOT of French Costume* Suits at 18s 6d (sliuhtiy damaged by -t*- .Bt nalf-prlce during the Salvage Sale; water) at tie groat Salvaito Bole now going on "P* 9 at5 a'f ledr1 edr ~ Sa"luel Coomboa and Co., at Samuol Coomboa and Co.'s.. Canada Build- Canada Buildings, Quoon-strcoC ings, Quoen-Btreet. ttt ivrrn irxrnww tv • xi. a i T^ANTED WELL KNOWN.-Wo arc W^f^T^anX^S^k TT almost giving away Men's, Ladies', and we aro BflUtng Black Silks at such prices as Childron'a Socks and Stockings, during Uie Salo were never heard of bofore. Come early and of VV. Vailo & Co.'s Salvage Stock, — Samuol avoid tho crush.- famnel Coombes and Co Coomboa and Co., Canada BuUdlngß, Queon-M. Canada Buildings, Quoon-street. Remember lit DURING THE SALE OF W. VAILE & COS. SALVAGE STOCK AND A. O. STEPOENSON'S INSOLVENT ESTATE WE GIVE AWAY PASSES ON ALL BUSES, TRA9ICARS, and STEAMBOATS, at S. COOMBES & GO'S. SAMUEL COOMBES So CO. CANADA BUILDINGS, QUEEN-STREET THE WONDERFUI: / liOtoßt Improvement*. V«ln«ble Appllanc«B. Tan Yearn' I Oaarftnte*. Patent Automatic Wlndw. P»t»nt Drop-BoUora Or\W!9»fP \ p>tentl4>OßO-Wliidliw-Wlieot Pktent Tbreod Beleaeor. WerOLWhVU )th»im MMblnM kept in Bapalra for three y**n JTRBB 0} JCHAROa. lUaaufttM o«t*SoffUM »nd Bampl*a ofWorltfr*« 51 APtllliri? I THE WEBTBEIM SEWING MACHINE ACINCV. W. J. SHLAhn, IW, QUKKNBTBKKT. AUCKLAND. QAM. WHITE, FENCER, "T>RETT'S ALMANAC." »3 CUSTOMS-STRKKT. X> J\. PRIOK T TPCP ■ id. ' NOTICB TO SECKETARI'ES OP Best Hobart Paling Fence.. 65 0 perohato, SOCIETIEB. Verjgooddo 60 0 „ ~ Barbed Wire Fence - .. 20 0 „ „ ?5^ FenCe " " v« n " " LISTS OF OFFICERS OF FRIENDLY AND ifv f» " " •• •• *S 2 ". !V OTHBR SOOIKI'IKS, INSTITUTIONS, Pioket Fences j^ R -^j^- 2. 3 per foot. AND COMPANIB3 -'laoperioa '"-""""Ziggc^TSZ W TIUB Heart Kauri .. .. .'. we „ " «T "BRETT'S ALMANAC, 1885," TEC ■ Hobart ........ 10 0 „„ Sawn Boards 18 0 ~ ~ SHOniD be sbst TO THIS OFFICE DKi'OBK Puriri Posts, from .. .. l 3 each. the esd or the i-rhsenx month. Heavy Posts 16 „ ._ Rails Hobart .. *.. .. 87 6 per 100, addressed— Rails, Rlmu Sawn .. .. 60 0 „ „ "COMPILEE BRETT'S ALMANAC." Light Hobart Rails .. .. 80 0 „ ~ 400-gal. Tanks, Iron .. .. 80 0 „ „ „ Good Wioket Gates .. .. 8 0 oaoh. Early attention to this matter is requested, as Piokets, per doz. .. ..2 0 ast year a quantity of matter was sent in too . ate to secure insertion. Tbbmhi Nkt Cash. —■ " ~~~ ~~~ "\TE W MARKET. A. SHREWSBURY. BTmomw a no i Fo** Has the honour to announce to the inhabitants &Llti I 1 of Nowmarktit and neighbourhood that he hus) MATOHASSESj PURCHABBD THE LEASE AND STOOKTALLIASSES ! IN-TRADE OF FENDERS! MX J- JKNKINS, FIREIRONS ! AT A LAROB discount foe cash. RiANPES 1 RFffmTRU aRATT?<? I A CLBARANCE SALK of tho Entire Stock AMERICAN-STOVBEM ' commence on WKDNKSDAY. Nov. 26. OILS ! PAINTS I Thei GOODS, which have always been marked BRUSHWARE ! ' in plain nnurcß, will be RE-MARKED IN nOORM ATS I Rhu INK, bo that customers can at once FURNITURE 1 aoo the Great Reductions in Price. GARDEN TOOLS ! '4c, The STOCK MUST BR SOLD to make room TR y . (or NEW GOODS. J^TTS. W OODWARD, * QO. t VOLLBRACHra NEW ZEALAND IRONMONGERS. &0.. V T°BACCO GROWING^.CURING. Upper SVmonds-stbeet. AND toiipany. Head Office—Auckland. ~r\ !»5 ~V I T t^" IMPORTANT _TO_ FARMERS. • -~--. nrrmnkvtem The above Company has been formed for the jfgjgaglfy. «UiNfILS.K.JiH, purpose ot promoUng the Growth ot Tobacco by jfiS^^^sSaSi „ *'*> Farmers, amongst lwhom|genuino Havana and 4@ffi&%:%2*sßP QoiSK - SXBUI, American Seeds will be distributed, with printed iitCnmiP&H&aSaf instructions, J'HEE. t WEsRSr ADOKLAHB Growers will be visited from time to time, JUMP; WppoßUotheCUyMarkett. 'SSoM ovVr Nevv"fflSt U %^M—' Ere^h au d M™de^Sng t , Th« Procc3a °, f Curing wilf be carried on by KiSaßuni on hand They will ma tho Company for home consumption and exs|9 having W^ ed^d^ HP Hammeriess Gnns, with Slemenli Fi'™ crS I wi f llln^ [ w,Brow a?^ scU.Tobacco to mST Patent Steel Barrels, 12 and 20 gausel communioato with them on the fiubjoct. IK Bilvor'sPatentAntl7rnpoilßrittW«S AU communicatioi.s to bo addressed to the II WriS^^^SdlriASSrtS! M^aßtng Director. Box 188. Post-office. AuckWm bularyßevolvers,alsohijjNewPateuJ mna" itotnt vntTnojniinWM Belf-«xtractlng Revolver; Kynooh'i AUGUST VOLLBRACIIT, JBM Patent "Perfeot" Reloading Metallic ' Managing Director. fisfg Cai'tridge Oases and Crimpers j Kleyi ___ Revolver Ammunition and Metafile .__ _ T*OT Cartridge Cases; Newcastle Chilled T> EAR SON'S NEW ZEALAND Jhoti Curtlsa and Harvey and Pigon Wilk's and JL PATENT CARBOLIC SAND SOAP. 'jaatonce't Gunpowder: Eley's Wadding and n, *~ _, ■ 3artrldge Cases; Powder Flaaka, Shot Pouohea. ™ ■ gJl!y l recommonded for all Cleansing and Jame Bays, Gun Cases, Cartridge Belts Gun pMnfecHng purposes, as well as Destroying Ml, Tow for Gun Cleaning, Ferret Mvualei and Inßeot Ufe> Jells, Saloon Rlflea, Air Canes, Breeoh-loadina implements, Bisbing Taokle. CuUerjr, Flrg. Majjufactory at Ha^iltoh, Waikato. RKPAIK3, Inolnding Browning and H* Sole Agent for the Colony, £^S,!!? 80laUlP attende«l to, and MttsbwUn MR JOHN BUCHANAN, Merchant. raaranteeeL, Customß-sU-eet, Auckland. U. &\±LL, QvmtXKßa fc lMP0B «-4 — — — — ««. Qnwr-T—H. AvaS^nT^^i -TJIOR IMMEDIATE SALE, A Really ~,■. iS&A t.ff°fc * ' V, eli -fenced- Koo* olpajly thorn fences; a 6-roomed House and Tass, and plenty fresh water all the year round. Sheds. &0., foi 12 cows, and a eplen Id stream omfortable dwelling-house, and numerous out- of .fresh water, capable of driving very, poworluildings; all In good order: j-mtt-.i from raU- ful machinery ; also has a large frontage to the my station, 15 miles^from town, and wIU bo harbour. Only 11 miles from Queeiwitreet old cheap.—Apply to John Sopped Land Agent, Vt arf, and will be sold ohoap.-Apply to John f").B,Queeo-stre« ' goppet, Lwd AgW ■"- i

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4520, 24 November 1884, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4520, 24 November 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4520, 24 November 1884, Page 4