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Wanted, ANTED, at once, Apprentices and Improvers for millinery, also dross inulunK.-J. Kcndoll, Brighton Houso. top ol Groy-Btreot._ • - W" "ANTED KNOW N—£2o will probably be enough to secure Sito. Victoria Glen, with Fruo Allotment. Sale on Thursday. ANTED, two Carpenters for the Krection of Dwelling-house, Stable and other works.—Apply to Valle & Douglas Land Agonta. Shortland-street. WANTED, a Girl about sixteen at servant In a family of two.—Apply t( Mrs Carson, Hepburn-street, corner of Soiwyn street ' __ ANTED, an Errand Boy.—Apply tc F. C. Sharlitnd, opposite the Post-offlce WANTED, a strong Girl, about 16, tc aaaist in laundry-work. — Apply fb) address at Star Office. WANTED, a good Driver.—Apply t( George Wilaon, Nelson-slrcet. WANTED, a Coach Trimmer.—Cousim fc Atkin, Coach Builders. Klllott-atreet. ANTED, a good General Servant.Apply to Mrs T. Steadman, Grea North Road. WANTED, ft Bricklayer to Build a Singlo Chimney.—Apply at P Robertson's. New North Road. WANTED, by Married Man, Employ ment, town or country, together or aep arntely. Man as general hand, wife as laundres; or daii-ywoman.-SWR, STAitofflce. W~ "ANTED, a respectable" Youth for the grocery; ono with a knowledgo pre ferred.—Apply il. Robertson, Grocer, Symonds street. : WANTED TO RENT, a Shop and twe rooms, or Shop only; rent moderate Gnburbß. preferred. — Address " /iOta," Stai Qflice. WANTED, a General Servant. Musi know how to wash.-Apply Mrs Evana, American Harbor Shop, Albert-street. AST"ANTED, Coat and Voat Hands, V V j\lachinist3.lmprovcra and Appren'icea —Auckland Clothing Factory, Customs-street Kast, . _____ WANTED. 3 Brickmakers; also, 1C good Pick and Shovel Men. used tc clay worit.-Apply Hunt's Brick Works, Avonda 10. ■■ ■ WANTED. —Startling Fact!— Large Allotment, 68 x 132. given away awoiig buyers or (ivory seven lota, Victoria Glen Estate, Tlui raday. WANTED, a Nurse accustomed to children; must be able to aow.-Apply Mrs Graves Aickin, Park Road, any evening after 0. ANTED, two first-class Curriers.— Garrett Bros., Avondalo. ANTED, a Man, at once, who understands to Work a Hand cranoand Erect U.—Apply Conlon and Regan, Cobdonstreet, Newton, , WANTED, 2 Carpenters, Rood hands, Dunning and Hartley, Builders, Melrose, Devonport.—Apply at Creaswell'ii Store. ANTED, a respectable Servant-girl, about 14. - Apply to Mrs D. Kvltt, 231, Queen-street. . WANTED, Bushmen; must be good Jaekers.-Apply E. MltchelßOn & Co., 10, Queen-street. ■ ' ANTED, J. M. Haslett, Builder, fort-street, has men ready at a minutes notice for alterations and additions ol evciy description. : - -• ' ' "' WANTED to Lease or Purchase, a Seven or Hight-roumed Houso, with 1 to 2 acres, and stabling accommodation; not more thau 3 miles from Poot-oflice.—Apply at once to "A.X," Stab Office. WANTED, good Hands and Improvers to the Dressmaking. — Miss Carlo, at T. B. Robaon'a. Draper, Pongonby. TTTTANTED, a Clerk.—Apply, stating T T salary required, to "H.C.," Poet-oillcc, Auckland. WANTED, 3 or 4, Boarders at 18s per week in Vinoent-stroot—iforparticulars agplyJS. Klliaon. Tobacconist. \ .. WANTED, 3 or 4 respectable Working Men a9 Boardors; 18s per weok, washing included,— Apply Mra Grogan, opposite Lorno-stnot Hall. \]tj ANTED, by a gontloinan, Board and TT Huaidenou in the Country, between Auckland and Onchuuga. and ueur a railway station ; farmhouse preforrod,—Roply, stating terms, to " Menia," Star Ofllce. WANTED, General Servant (country), private family, 3; good homo and wages. —Apply Mra Rackstraw, Hanslop House, Upper Vincent-street. ANTED to Purchase, a Bakery Bustness, doing from 10 to 20 sacks per week, —Address " Baker," Stab Oflice. WANTED TO PURCHASE, a small Seconu-liaiul Lathe; state pree.— 4pply "Brass Vi—shor." Star Office. > *\\T&tiTMD, aU _ uroboserß of Land, T T Houses, Business, _c, to read whole Column Advertisement in every evening's issue.'—J. K. Randerson. • WANTED— Applications for free masses to view tlio lovely Sites, Victoria Glen, Remuera; 1 allotments to bo givon away ensioßt teriua ever olfered.—J. H. Itandorson. WANTED, Cricketers to Know that tlio Second Shipment of Data, etc., has arrived.- J. Alumford, Hinh-3trect, , \S7ANTED, first-class Coat Hands and VT" Tuilores3CS.—Apply sharp to Munro and Milligan, Ilobson-street. Vl7 ANTED KNOWN—That a Select TT Plain and Fancy Diess Ball-will bo pivcin in connection with the Lome-street Hnll Thursday night Quaitrillo Assembly on Friday, _ec.jg^[>ut.ible_Tic»tita. 7e Cd. ; ANTED, small Ink Bottles in any quantity.-S. Brown", Ink MaW, Fatfn-ham-street. Parnoll. . ' ' Tf 7"AN TED.—Don't bo in a hurry-to buy V? Allot ments until you havo'eifen Mont Le Grand, Mt, Roskill Koad, to bo sold'privately in sizes to suit purchasers Terms to bint tne pockets of all. Tho view and healthiness of position cannot be excelled.—Apply E. T. Herbert, on the property. ' ' ' VSTANTED immediately, a thoroughly VY good General Servant.—Apply'yr—«offlce. WANTED KNOWN—Wonderful Fresh Bargain's in New Chairs, including Cano-seated Chairs, Ss 3d; Grecian Cane-seated Chairs la 3d; Pointed Wood Chairs, 2s 3d; Arm Chairs, 6s; Hocking Chairs, with arms, canesofttcd. lOi; Children's Rocking Chairs, Ss; Folding Chairs, carpet-seated, 5a Gd; Children a do.. Is ltd.—At Da—pier's Hobaon-stroet Shop. X\T ANTED KNOWN.—Our New Lace \ V Curtnins, just arrived, are unexcelled for variety, design, and cheapness. JBeforo purchasing, sco our Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, with taped, edges, at Is.lid pet pair.-D. McPherson, Draper. Karangahapo Road. WANTED SEEN, Christmas CardsCharles Kelsey and Co. have lust opened up their new Christmas Cards, which for beauty of design could Bcarely be surpassed; should be geeneariy.-CharleeKolseyandCo., 120, Queen-street. ■' - - WANTED KNOWN—That Onb-Suit made by MUNRO & MILLIGAN, Hob-son-street, will wear longer than Half a Dozes (Cheap and Nasty) Shoddy Suits. WANTED, Ponsonby Residents to know, Horrocks's Calico. 2s lid doz.; Crewdaon's, 4s 6d doz.; Zephyr Check Prints, 3d, Id, and 5d yard, at Allon's Cheap Drapery, Jervoia Road. | ; WANTED KNOWN — Pipemakers, Pipecase-makers, and Amberturnera can find employment at Partridge and Wool?am's New Zealand Wood Pipe factory, Auek- ' ANTED KNOWN," that Wannpcff Bros." colebrated Corbolio Disinfectant is guaranteed to instanUy destroy alll offensive smells- and matters, and is recommended by tuo Medical Profession as a Preventive of Disease. -Manufactured only by the Inventors. Works: Cox'sCreek,Richmond. Warehouses: Durhamstreat. WANTED KNOWN-Feathers Cleaned or Dyed and Curled, and Straw Hats Cleaned or Dyed and Altered into any of the loading shapes, by Mrs D. P. Fiflhor. In a style that defies competition. — Address: Orams Buildings, corner of Wellealey and Hobaon streets. ' TTtr ANTED KNO vVN —Mr Askew's y* , '.'Fire of Life" cures Bheumatism, Neuralgia, Tfiothache, Headache, &o. Sold in Bottleß7js, Is od, gi 94. ft nev. r falls to ouro !- Three doors from Vouhb Vtfsns Chilian Assoelation, Albert-street. - 13ETAWETf, "the ''owne»"-or"H~9Ui, VV .Restaurants, and all HQUgoholdDFß to know that the New Zealand Sugar Co. (UmttflO) are giving the highest prioo for Bones at thoir Depot, Customs-street West, and that arrange menta have bean made for collection on applica «W pj the Poppt, to the agent, Robt. Geo. Hill. VffAT^Ti;JTtTOWK,that Electroplated V.T Goods and Cutlery aye obtainable ftt Qoodson's London Arcade, good and cheap, Books and Stationory ore tbo OlieapMt in town, being sold at English prices. If\7 AKTED KNOWN—Cbarles KeUey .■ VV -and Co. receive Monthly 'Parcels of Jewellery. In this way their stock is kept well assorted with all the newest goods. No imitatiens are kept on the premises.;-Everything j*_mi_<B_4 jfeal Gold or SUver.-O_rleS Kelsey insrANT_D,- paaips'S^pqw toll we are W flkjfag pfbont 'a* Viilea Sftw Hate and .onnife. frPffl IJd paph to. 10agd; Mr^ Beiges, worth W for 8W SJ.ard: Labe Partains, from 2a lid a paW-ifon MSFPh^ Wt Queen-street. —- -RTrfiNTED KNOWN, Coffee Tables, 5e VV B_; To&et Tables, 4s lid; Loo Tables oval, 10s: ditto" routd. $3j Ktoljen Tables, & ed, 109, Us; Meatsafes, 8s 6d ;'Kitohfi}> p,f^B.sprs 393—at Damplsi-'B Hobson-stre^t Shop. XXT ANTED KNOWIu — We have oo» VV stantly the latcat lmpoi'taticna in Bter ling Gold and SUver Jewellery (all warraatod) and ha.v 3 some exceptionally beautiful, jusi received.— Ooodaop's IjondoniArcade. WANTED KNOWN, tbatwe are sellin| several Desperate Lines, bought ioi CesU, and which cannot be equalled at anj Sale 'hsw Ming *on in Auokland, at tne not Marcher- ' ■■•- . " ANTED K^OS^S--G»i(?*? TiMßj» Crbap T&BERr £n& allrothe?k}Bdi of BuUdieg U ateriai;'c9.n be'prir®ased m*m and battier ffiap a^vwf-a^e .e'.s.e at tEe yat-S o V. Goldi- .Albertrß-eety. WANTED KNOVYN, T. Samu.elg'"e AH 'Union of OU Paintings; Maori Chief am Gbieftaihesais nfl w fast filling up. Tickejts li each7a» T. SamTeUti, Cj&'.e?, IJIB, Sgeenrstregt WANTED, I.QQO W»tc_eß %ftd Qlooki *g C_*n sad Keptiir, at T. Nntsforf's Bank). Cbarae» meclorete iaU work wa^anw" tor 12month-. „ __'. TirAN-EDKNOW N.-Handaomi W Stnfled Conoheß, Ite6d and 19a 8d; toad B oUa_fed__irß.l{^ChestßirfDrawerß.WsM Wj_hst_ds,;6a lid; rColoniaUConolies, *!M

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4520, 24 November 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4520, 24 November 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4520, 24 November 1884, Page 3