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: Amusements A B.BOT/IYS.OEJSRA-HOESB Lessee and Directress.... ..Mr Lonifo Crawford • TO-NIGHT i (Monday) TO-NIGHT I Second presentation of the Ureat London Urania LIFE; 6b,' THE C.^ST-'aWAY I «i| Witnessed on Saturday Evening by a Crowded ) and Excited Audience, tinri pronounced & f* Great Success. . < "* ,?. The Great ExcitiDg Realistic Loch Scene.--' 'UFBjob,THKC^ST-AWAYI ~-. -;"? The Coiner! The Forger! i The Murderer! ? Miss Louise-Crawford as Kate,<. :;i >■ Mr Lachlan McGowan as the Jew, • Suppottert by MISS 10WISE' CBAWEORD'S : i ■: v ; i DRAMATIC COMPANY. You should all Sfle. "Life; or, the Cast-awa?."| Box Office at Me Lennox's, Btationer. " .-.'■ Doors open at JJJft}-overture at 8. -*> ~AdmiSßionT-48;3rg-M,;.and Ib. ;..- .- : V-iffi! /jfc B. ;.W3gßM|gN,^Manager and Treasurer. ■> Cl PBG IA L - ANN 0 U OSM ENT* mm ABBOTTS' OPERA HOUSE. >;fen.-i o -WJBsho^tlybe.prbduSeaf !; : CSiSSjjj|s"iß^(aafti«; £oMk!an.Brothers. T /Tjditßl'eAN. ' gROTHERS 1 ; . fjORSICik BfepT IIERB 7 CORSiOAN BROTH^R^ Wlititi AhsSiLpuisE, Obawkord will appear,!!* 'theduooharaotersol thoTwm Bito-insa^ FfR^TyTtMB tßyer P cr/prmed by a LAD^lj GMT^Jy^.MJE SB . H A ITL? y ,^onj>ay,'jmc-KitnMt is Jsst. \ f i ;&hilh'arm6nic 'society's-"concert, t 3y; ,i. ;/jHerrTutscnko, Conductor. . :_'] TYciieW; 15.:!2b. !■ '■' ■■■.''- ''Programme6liqrtjy4 StSAWBBKRIES AND CREAMS ! Mbs LIND,' Northcote, intimates to W| numerous friends that she ■will bo happy to i receive visitors during the summer months. ! Her apartments are replete with every con- .. I venience, and at reasonable charges. Plenty 'ot - i Strawberries and Creatn. , ■ ! .-■..- • . Tenders ' ..:i/:-"^ ' % NEW . zSiAND^RMLWAYS. .:■■:■- OTAGO: CENTR AIV RAILWAY COMPLETION OF DEEP STREAM ' '' CONTRACT. ' Written Tenders will bo received at thia office:^ until noon of FRIDAY; the sth,DecembeTri^w| for the above Contract.' Thqy are to he marked; on the outside, "Tender ior.Completiondf:Deepsg :Stream Contract,", and; addressed; jo-tno Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Weßlrgton;< I Telegraphic tenders, simUa>ly*aa'dre^a'Ma<t marked, will be received if presented, at ftaj |;TelegraphOfflcelsrnoonoftheßatnißiiftte(*rof| '■ I vided .that tenders are 'lodged b6- : jMtf*?J 'District or Resident Engineer's-'Ofßee by tM|| same i -.hour. •- '■'-■>specifications};-' ana?! general conditions may be seen at this Office, .andattheiPubliCvWorks Offices atlAuokland;'; '.ChriStchurch; Duoediu, and Invereargill. -,•■'■' The lowest or any: tender will not necessarily boaccepted. • : . •' • ■• :... era JOHN BLACKETT, •■• ; ie.'-:' . ■-■ ■ifc":f ~.. •: •• Bngineer-Ih-CMefc-«y** Public Works Offioo. " " " : .Weillngton.NoVembtrS.lSSi. . ' '••;' ;•..;,,,,;,.".,,.;''„;-,.:..',,;, - ~.■'■' .v^-'. \^sM I \ ÜbrtLAND HARBOUR BOARD. REPAIRS AND ADDITIONS TO STOKKS'SI -.' .. . POINT WHARF. o ';.■■■■■■'- ■ ■ Harbour Board Office, "•''•fiwi v . Auoilaua, Nov. 12,188 J. : Tendersvrtll be received; it this pHIoe tmti (TtJESDAY,;the2sth'inst.atnoon;for Bepairit'f !and,Additi6n tofStokos'a PpinfWbM|,to.leftnS;ii| sof'pians and Speciflcatlonaito beteen, at tK» iEDgineer'sOffice. ' . . . :,<;.:.■ ■; "lihe",' Jpwest or, any tender not . neceßßarily ; '■., ;accopted. \ 1 Tenders to he endorsed," Tender for, Rfepalrfljyf 'etc., Stokes'a Point. Wharf." GRAVES AlCtoN. Chairman. ; ij ;\ UCK.LAND HAHBOPR ; BpARB. I > TENIWRSFOR nKTAIMNCt WALIj, ;:"-';. -. •■ ■ :;ski«v,yn tkkkace; I: , ; i . Harbour Board Oißeo, ''{.'.-': i-Auckland; Kovembor 12, Ifflii. i Tenders will be receiv<\d"at this Office uiitJjjt TUEBDA V, the 2Sffi irist, at notth',1 for BuiMuSifl I a'Retaining''WalT'at. Selwyn- Terrace, .Ptonßllflj in towns of plaii and specifloaHon .-to bo seenftl' • - the Engineer's Office. . TheloWest or iny'tender.riot necessarily ac- , ■ ceptedi ;-:■'*■■■ * ■ - - , Tenders to be eiidorsed, " Tender for Retain-'.' : ineWall." ' " ":■■■•' -.' ■ "' ' ■ I ■:■-■ ■•■• ■;•; {.--• - 6RAYBB AIOKM; OhalrKutn. j OF AUC XL A N-.'D^ DRAmioE wbRKai*ATTEsbN-3TKJKBT. I -. j ' '. _ ' ~ - ■-- '-' r .\ . - -,s.*).■■' . The; City JDounoil .will receive Tenders.uatslv? 3 p.m. of THURSDAY, 2ithinßt, for above;• . terms of Plans and Bpecifloations to be viowpd at: the office ,of the pity, ,JSnginoe»? ; : Council Chambers, High-atrcet* , •. jv- -. The Cpuncil d.b;not bind^thenwelves to■aecejkiV; any tehde'r. Tenders to be endorsed ".Drainage Ww.k||sii Pattoson-Btreqt.".; . ? -^ p^ ,/. ; 7 ".". ", ■.:'.!.■.'-■ i ,h Town Clerk. ; Towu ClerS'a'Qiace, Nos:erobor2l,..lß&J. ~ ( m~O~~G~A"R~"P~~E~N"';^T~E Tli S, : Tenders -will be received imtil MOK-'-DAY. i:2itti November, for "Alterations".and Repairs to a Cottage, at Epsom. - ; Plans; Sec.; at my office ■ . s. '-T^ » E. MACKAT FKlPP^Areliiteet." s "9: Mercantile Chambers. Qneen-Btreet. ■ ffi O B~U I L D £ P. S, EXTENSION OF TIME. ' The Time ior receiving Tenders for Uie Er«is* i j ti6nof:thoGraftonßtiatt Wesleyan Church hW<r been EXTENDED until 4 p-mi-' on FRIDAT; th*; r. 28th in&t, ' ' - - R. M. WATT, Architect ' 25i! t Qiieen-Btreet. ' ' ''.''.*■ '•• ■••"■■'-.■■--■ m 0 ■ ;..';.,8 1 .tfiflwlj .■■ S .D.^ ! KT,» ;,.ByS . Tenders will be received at. my office nntij Noon of SATURDAY, November; W,to&VbifM Erection of a Bake-lujiiße and Oven-at Wh»n-, < '. - nBNRY g: WADK; Archlteot m o bu i: l dee s.; Tenders are Invited" till noon.on WBDNES-"' DAY, the 3rd December, for the Erection of a DvfeUing-hbTiso at; Waiftottliti.' Plttng^ &o«i' Bt tho office of the undersigned, s- .. THOS. USBHBB, : Sticlibnry's Buildings, Qoeen^treet. - m.O B U I L D E It S. .recelvod-up ,to Nomiw : THURSDAY; the 26th'in8t. t for the Erection fl|| a Cottage iat Onehunga. Plana/r&o., at ours Oflloes,'iQnecn-Btrcec ..."■. , „_-,, - r.EDWD. MAHONEY AND SON, I Archltcota., ENDBES are iftvited.till-noon biM» 2flthinßt. for Paintlnß-Outßide of H in- Anglesea-stroet. — T. -U««har, : ;Stlohiin>j' : »,| Buildings. Qneen'fltreot. ■. ■' ; •.... . ■ ~ It\E^ONPOaT,- NO"BSH SdOISJ?-. " WELL3~BROB., * « CARTERS, CARBXKKS. fcq. : RHICKB, LIMB, SAND) HOUBIC BtOCltii1 ~.; •;■. ~ .■- :; :ASH.&C..-.." .- .?.(< . . •,'. -.'H>?J BALIiAS'f SUPPIiIBD, : - N.8.-Builderfl liberally dealt with. DEVONPORT WHAKK, HOUSE, LAND, and COMMISSION AGE: TTS, QROCKHB, GRAIN. COAL, and FIREWOOD {■■'■' ■"-: . 'DEALERS, ' ! OaRTAGB CONTEiCTORS, BOTtDBg^ MATERIAL, POSTS, RAILS,:.RAILTOa*. BHINGLBB, AND SANIEAKSS;i.I'XI?*B» &0., &C. fi»> PKOPRI^HS^II^g^ '' Jfi&K :B.' ' COKfl«"■-':; ■'■.-'C' &% lfi|;': TUB AUCKIJUSD GAS COMPANy LTIX); rnviW Orders fof GAS COKK." Dellvero* within 1 mile of the Works, for Cash; longer Ustances at proportionate rates >r ( . ■ ' •• ' Sample Sack of three bushels — li id : Five Sacks for quarter ton) .. - 6s Si,'.V-.- ---: TonSaoka!(orbill-ton) ■'-'■_•;;':■« Us 04 - Twenty Sacks (6r onaion). - _ 22s fid ■ The Company s COEE Is made from ths be«V; Sreymouth; Coals; is superior, ,to that: jnaasV, from Newcastle, coalfli being free: from stone., md clinker in arerfarkable degree, givesa - : PKTk IPT.TC FIRB, OLKARER &; HO*CTER THAN COAI*. j LIvtHTS READILY, and ■ MAKES NO'SMDKKi' - ,-i;-. "; ' ■.:^,. I:V..;'GO6o'FEM'^;I().JI[NWFBB. " • OFFICai FORT-STIIRBTI. ;; 7C/2rUL ' ■ OOKJtr .i' r'l-^fflrWfc

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4520, 24 November 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4520, 24 November 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4520, 24 November 1884, Page 1