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WANTED TO PURCHASE, in vicinitj of Lower Union-streot, House of aboui six rooms, or an Allotment suitablo to build on —D. F. F.vans, Land Agent. WANTED, a second-hand Wood-turn ing Lathe, 5 or 0-inoh centre.—Address Mrs Yandlo, Toxidormist etc., Hobson-street. WANTED KNOWN—That One Sun made by MUNRO & MILLIGAN. Hob son-street, will wear longer than Hale aDoze. (Cheap and Nasty) Shoddy Suits. WANTED, a good Spadesman, who car mow wolL for work in Auckland.— Apply to Mr G. H. Laverß, Seedsman, 157 Queen street WANTED to Rent, by a thoroughly good tenant, n Cottago within fifteen minutes' walk from Post-office. Rent not tc exceed 15s.—Address J.C, Poßt-oillce^Auckland. WANTED, a Girl as General Servant; miißt understand plain cooking.— Anchor Hotel, Queen-street. WANTED, a Maid for City Hotel Bar; highest wages. — Heighton and Co., Agents, 177, Queen-Btreet. __ WANTED, a Situation as Housekeepei to two or thr'co gentlemen, or gentleman and ohlldren. Good references. — Apply Mrs Jack, Mount Edon Registry. . WANTEDpa" respectable Girl for the Booksewing end Folding. — Apply to Wm. Leys, Bookbinder, three dooiß above Star OftlcjV WANTED, two good Painters.—C. G. Hill Se Co., Upper Queen-Btreet WANTED, a first-class Tailoress for Country: liberal wages.—Apply to Mr Ross (Messrs A. Clark and Sons), Shortland-at WANTED, a good Machinist and several Improvers for tho bench.—G. Back and Co. Chapel-street WANTED, 3 or 4 Boarders at 18s per week in Vineont-street.—Forpartlcufars apply H. Ellison, Tobacconist. WANTED, 3 or 4 respectable Working Men as Boarders; 18s per week, washing included.—Apply Mrs Grogau, opposite Lome-Btreet Hall. WANTED KNOWN,-As wo havo how engaged several extra hands in the Dressmaking Department, ladies can depend on having their DrcsEes turned out quickly. Fit and stylo guaranteed. Charges moderate—D. W. Jack Se Co., Ponsonby Rond. WANTKD KNOWN,—S. W. Jack & Co.. Ponsonby, have a largo stock ot all tho newest makes in Dress Material, which they are selling nt pricos which defy competition.— Dresses tuado to order ontlio Shortest notice. WANTED; 2 or 3 ~good~'Handslor Shingling. — Apply St Paul's Church, botwecn 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ;_ WANTED, immediately, smart, active Lad for an Office.—Addres ■In own handwriting. Box 128, Poßt-oftlce. WANTED KNOWN. — Tho grandest Exhibition of Christmas Cards is at the London Arcade. Tho out-going Mail of Tuesday reaches England on Decern bor 20th. Select from the largest assortment in town. Specimens may bo seen in G framed pictures outside the Arcade. WANTED KNOWN—That in Clocks of all kinds, the prices of tho London Arcade are unequalled for cheapness. X\T ANTED KNOWN. —We are selling * ' a splondidlot of Zephyr Ginghams, vory wide, at 4jd per yard. — D. McPheraon, Draper, Karangaliape Road. WANTED KNOWN. —It is a great mistako to imagine tho London Arcade ia a Fancy Goods Emporium only. It contains some of the most Useful and Cheapest Goods in Auckland. WANTED, everybody to know that R. Redfern, Photographer. 270, QuoanBtrcct, ha. opened a Branch Studio, Victoria Road, Devonport, \y AN-El) KNOWN—Music I MusicT T T Music Extraordinary I—Another lot of Ilomy'a celebrated Tutors, tho very latest edition, jiut arrived, lons than half-price, __ Id eaoh; also, Czerny's celebrated 101 Exorcises, quarter the price, namely, 2b tho two books; Piano Sheet Mualc (song and pieces), only Is lid per doz„ some of them marked 4b each; also. Violin Mualo ljust arrived), consisting of Duets, Overtures, and Dance., by tho beat masters, 1b and Is Cd; also, large Violin Books for boiginners. Is eaoh.—At Dampier's Hobson-strcot Shop. Tell your frionds. WANTED KNOWN. — Our speciality lies in keeping Genuine and Imitation Jowollory. and displaying them in Separate Windows In Separate Streets. We havo jUBt displayed somo Lovely Goods In Vlotoria-Btroct Window. .. WANTED KNOWN-Chock Ginghams, id. Gd, 7d, and 9d yard; Nuns' Beiges, Summer Shades, 7d, lid, and is per yd.—Allen's Cheap Drapery. Jervoia Road, Ponsonby. WANTED KNOWN—At Allen's Cheap Drapery they aro Boiling Painted back Floorcloths, competitive designs, at Is 3d yard ; Tapestry Carpets, la lOd, 2s Gd, and 3s 3d yard ; China Mattings, all widths, from lid yard.— Jcrvois Road.Ponaonby. WANTED, People to Read Things that Spook for Themselves! —J. H. DALTON, Tailor, Victoria-streot East, does hiai own Cutting, and pays a very small rent;' therofore he is able to make Garments to Order at same price as Shops' sell Ready - made Clothes. £ s. d. Well-shrunk Serge Suits .. .. .. 210 0 Woll-Bhrunk Tweed Suits .. .. .. 215 0 Well-shrunk Fancy Coat, Vest and Trousers 3 5 0 Well-shrunk Tweed Trousers .. .. 012 6 Well-shrunk Tweed Trousers .. .. 015 0 Well-shrunk Tweed Trouaers .. ".. 017 0 First class .wood Trrusers .. ..110 Very Best Tweed (of any kind) Trousers 15 0 Mosgiel Tweed Suit well-shrunk .. 3 10 0 Moßgiel Tweed Bult well-Bhrunk ..400 Boßt of any kind of Tweed 4 10 0 J. H. D. Imports direct from tho Manufacturers, and thus Bavoa the Merchant's Profit giving tho benefit to his Customers.—Noto the Addrosa: J. H. Dalton. City Tailoring Establishment, Victoria-Btreot East (opposite Goodaon's). and at Cameron-atreot Whangarel. ANTED KNOWN-Great reductions —Cash Boxes, from 2s lid; Largo Bottles Good Black or Coloured Ink, Gd ; Small Bottles Ink, Id; Rulers, 6<_) Letter Clips, Gd: Purses,' 6d; Tobaooo Pouches, 6d; Splendid Hammers ls3d; Largo PiotorlalWorld.Bolgravia Chambera's Journal, etc.. reduced from 3s Gd to 2s 6d each; Shakapore, with life complete, reduced to 2s. Lots ot new Novols reduced to Is. 3d each; Grand Line of White Handled Hair, Brudhes, 9d; Dressing Combe 3d, Gd, and 9d; pocket Combs, 2d; Tooth Combs, 2d; Squaro Looking Glasses, Od; Oval Carved do., la; largo Packets of Violet Powdor, 4d; B.W. Soap, 7 cakes for Is; Glass Cream Jugs, 4d; Glass Sugar Basins, 6d; Soup Plates, 3d; Bread Knivba (soiled), 3d and 4d; Bedroom Toilet Sets;7s 3d; American Brooms, 8d; Zinc Buoketa, la; Japannod Slop Palls, S3 3d; very Wide Table Oilcloth, Is per yard; Stair Oiloloth, 6d; Striped Carpet 1b; Handsome China Matting, 8d; Parlour Door Mats, la lid; Hearthrugs, 4s lid; nice line of Sploah Mate for Washatandß, 6d. Tinware —Candlesticks. Id; Pannikins, 2d; Tinplatea, id; Tea Bottles, 8d; Saucepans, lOd; Kettles. Is lid; Billies, 9d; Colandors, IB 8d; Baking Tins, 8d; Meat Tina.2d to Is; Hand Basins, lid j Spittoons, Is.—At Dampier's Hobson -treet Shop. "YX7 ANTED—Wanted to Sell, very Cheap, VY Large Bottles of Hair Oil, only 6d; Castor Oil. sd, 3 bottles for 1b; Salad Oil, Gd; Plaid Matches, 6d dozen; Safety Matches, 4d: Tin Boxes Matches, Is fid; Washing Powder, 6d dozen; largo Soap Powders, 8 for Bd; Hudson's Extract of Soap, 4 for Gd: Nutmegs, 3d ounce; Orange Marmalade, 6d tin, 2 for lid; Ginger Wine, 2a bottle; Limejuice, 8d bottle; Glass Jugs, 6d; Wine Glasses, 3d. 2s dozen; Glass Tumblers, 2d and '3d, 2a' dozen; Dried Apples, 3d lb; Epsom Salts, 4d dozen packots; Water Bottles, Gd and I'd; Glass Decanters, la; Bath Brioks, 3d. 2 for sd; largo Teatrays, Is 3d; Mixed Spice. Id packet, 7 for 6d; White and Gold China Cups aid Saucers, 8s 6d dozen; White Stone Cups and Saucers, 3s Gd dozen; White and Gold Jugs, 3s set; Boot Protectors, 3d box; Bpeotacles, 6d arid 9d; lot Piqtures, Is Od and 2s; lot of Sponges, Id to 6d; Flower Tubes, only 3d each, 5 for Is; Baskots.-8d to 2s 6d; Christmas Cards, 4d dozen; 1 largo Biblo, with coloured plates, only £1 7b Gd; Exercise Books, 2d arid 3d, 1b Gd and 2s 6d dozen; Japanese Gloss, only la. bottle;: Robinson's Patont Groata, Od tin; Iron Laatfl. 1» Gd to 3a.—H.WATT. Pitt -treet WANTED KNOWN—Dampier's Grandest Selling Off is Now On, 'hnd the following aro some of tho prloes takon at randomj-Bcrlin Wool, 2d per dog.; Fingering Wool, 2d per skein, Is JOd per head; White Worsted, 3d ppr head; 6,000 yards Ribbons, 2d nor' yard; Towels, >b 9d per doz.'; grand lot .of light Dross Material (evening colours), 4}<l per yard; Prints, 2d and 4d; Cream Oatmeal Cloth, 8d; Cretonne, 3}d; White Flannel, 7{d, Scarlot do, MJd; Blue uo., }s Gd; Bleached Swapsdown. .Od; Carmalltes, 4Jd; Shirting, 4J; Light Sateens, fid; Unbleached Linen, Sd; Green' Window Holland. 9d-; Coloured Cashmere, 6d; Wincey,- aid; Dress Muslins, Id: 1 Tweed;? U~, Checked Wincey, fid; Victoria Lawn, 2d; Black Cafihmcre, is 4d and Is 6d; Drab Moreen, fid i Black Lußtte, 6d ; Chpniises, 2s 2d; Drawers, is lid j Night-drosses, 2s Cd ; Japanese Silks, Is j Slate SllOßia, 8(11 Whito do, sd; Dlapor, Id ; Linen do. Is 3d; Brown Holland, 3Jd; Grey Linen, 7Jd ; Towelling, 3d; Coloured Feathers, Od ; Cotton Ticking, 5Jd.; Toilet Covers, 10d and is 3d; Corsets, is 3d and ls|d; Ladles' Bangles, Id each; Coloured Tableoovers, 3s-:lld; Lftdios' White Wool Shawlß, la 3d; White Mondjnpr. 4d per paoket) Grenadine, Id per yard; White Quilts, 5b lid; Curtains, 2s lid: Turkey TWIII, 4Jd: Coloured Quilts, Is Ud: Felt Skirts, 1b 3d; Prfptdo., Is Gd; Ladies' Jackets, ffpm 3s Gd; Black Canes, from4s lid: Children's Felt Capes, Gd ; Ladles' Plaid Shawls. Is lid; Woolwork Slippers, Is id; Everlasting Trimming, Gd por doss.; Cream ana White Frilling, 2d per yard: Ladles' Umbrellas, Is 2d; White' Tape, gd nor doz., Flowers, 2d per bunch 1 large lot of Remnants in Printsvery cheap; Toilet Sets, 3d; Ladies' Black Lace Gloves, 4a; Clark's 200 yard reels Blac_L.and White Cotton, 9d por doz.; 1,000 gross of Dreaa Buttons, 9d per gross; Window Muslin, 2d; Unbleached Shooting (2 yards wide). 6d: SG-inch Bleached Sheeting, 7d; Clark's Crotchet Cotton.. 2d skein; Knitting Cotton, Is 3d; Black Wadding, 12 yards for Is; Damask Table Covers, 3a lid; Infants' Bibs. Sd; Infants' Bootees, Id; Lace Curtains (soiled), 1b 6d; Lace Curtain Vallances, Is; Alpacoa Aprons, 2d; Print do,, 4d and Gd; Children's Dresses, Is; Ladies' Ties, 4d; Ladies' ?ilk Ties, lOd; Large Scarlet Shawls, Is 6d; Mending Cotton, 8d per lb, 2d the i; Crapa Trimming, Gd per box of 38 yards; larf.o iot'of Thread Gloves, 2d; splendid White Toilet Seta, sd; Silk Mite. Is: Embroidered Antimapas-aj-s. 10d; Babies' Sup. Hats. Is; Ladies' Wool Ties, Id each;. Toilet Fringe, 3d; Boya' Tunics, 2s 3d: Blaok Velveteen, 2s ; Stay Busks, Id tho pair; Men's RpgattaShirts, Is lid ; Men's White Shirts, 2b 31; Gents' Blapk and Coloured Bows, 3d; Men's and Youths' Bur? Hngtons,. sd; Washing Scarves. Id; Mens Working Shirts, lid; lien's Socks. 2d, M, and 4d; Girls' Stockings, 2Jd, 3d. and 4d; Laflie? 1 do., 4d and sd; Men's Cardigan, J#c%ets, 2s; Men's Merino Singlets, Is; Mene Hard Felt Hats, Is. Is 6d;i Men's Soft da; Is;. Men's Tweed Hats. Is: Boys' Felt Hat-. Gd; Men's Braces, 6d; Men's Serge Suits, 14s lid; Boys'Knicker Suits"; Is 6d end 5s Ud; Men's Pftg&t Coats (tweed), 8s Gd; Men's Holland C'pats, Is lid; Meii'-.Drjll Pints, Is Rd; Men's nungare dp.. 2s Id; Boys' Belts. 2d; Boyß' Bracea. id; Youths' WWtp Moleskin Trousers. 3s Ud ; Men's Tweed Trpusors, 4s 6d and Gs Ud; Boys' Tweed do., 2a Gd; Men's Serge do,. 3s 3d; Men's MflleBkin do-,.. Ad) Ladies'BlsSk Straw Hats. fashionable shapes, Ad; Men's Stud Suites, 2d. 3d, sd, and 8d; Fancy Soap, fid per doz. calces; -Pomade.4d pot; B. W. Soap, § oakes for Isi Florida Water, Is 4d the bottle; Violet Powder, 3d the larfee packet; Brooches, 3d- each; Sum--mer Sunshades, Is lid—At Dampier's Drapery ghop,Wakefleld-street, '. ■ , 'i 'i , ■".

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4517, 20 November 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4517, 20 November 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4517, 20 November 1884, Page 3