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C O X T I JS;'V A T I O N OF THE TRULY "GREAT ■ SALE OF W. VAILE & CO.'S SALVAGE STOCK AND A. 0. STEPHENSON'S INSOLVENT ESTATE. THESE TWO STOCKS AMOUNTED TO NEARLY £8,000 WORTH OP DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. THE REMAINING PORTION OF THESE STOCKS WILL BE CLEARED INDEPENDENT OF PRICE. «KEAT SALE TO-DAY (SATURDAY) AND FOLLOWING DAYS AT S. COOMBES & CO.'S, <lU£EIV-STREET, AND ON THE PREMISES LATELY OCCUPIED BY A. 0. STEPHENSON, * KARANGAHAPE ROAD. a REAT Clearance Sale of Stephenfion's i\ AAA PAIRS of Men's Printed Stock now.going on at S. Coombes and iViUV" Mole Trousers at4s lid, worth Co.'s, Queen-street. ■ 7a6d, during the Groat Salvage Sale.-Samuel i^REAT Clearance Sale of StephonsonV £oombes anfl Co" Cttnadtt I?uUdln^ Queen&Qul°e Cn-8?Zt gOlnßOnatS- C0°mbeSand TOOTHING LIKE THEM. - A Grand Gr>T7iAmr.i 01 toil. >-^ Lot of B°yß' Knioker Suits at is lid. REAT Clearance Sale of Stephenson a Quite perfeot —Saml. Coombcs and Co., Canada Stook now going on at S. Coombes and Buildings, Queen-street. C°'\ <i UZtr t' o, . «»' 1 . A FACT.-200 pairs of good Blankets {^i REAT Clearanco Sale of Stephenson's J\_ (slightly soiled) at 4i lid during the Sale \JT Stock now going on at S. Coombea and of Vailc's Salvage Stock. — Samuel Coombee Co.'h, Queen-street and Co., Canada Buildings, Queen-street. a REAT Clearance Sale of Stephenson's VfT ANTED SEEN-The Washing Silkß Stock now going on at S. Coombes and ff at Is 6d, worth 3s fld, quite porfoot, Co.'s, Quccn-Btrcct. during tho Groat Salvage Sale. — Samuel MILLINERY, for Christmas Presents, at c°™ & Co- Canada Buildings, Queennominal prices, at S. Coombes and Co.'B, _„.„ „. „„ Canada Buildings. TTVON'T SMILE ! It is a serious fact j MTT T TtXVTi V fnr fliiMofmna Proannfn -*-' during this "Great Salvago .Sole wo are ILLIJNMiY, lor Uiristmas rresonts, se iij n g a good Prm{, fast colours, miito perfect. „, . _at nominal prices, at S. Coombes and ot 2 ,3. _B S amuol Coombes & Co.. Canada Co.'a, Canada Buildings. . Buildinge, Qucon-stroet. , T\/f ILLINERY, for Christmas Presents, "QEFORE spending your money, civ« ' ±TJL at nominal prices, at S. Coombos & Cos.. J) s ttmue l Coombes & 00. a visit during th» Canada Buildings Great Sale. You will save money. DRESSES FOR CHRISTMAS PRE- mo LADIES.-A Splendid Lot of Nun's SENTS. from 3R at S. Coouibes and J| Veiling, beautiful shades, at B}d. worth Co.'s. Canada Buildings. lujd, at S. Coombes and Co.'s this week ooly. DRESSES FOR CHRISTMAS PRE- TIT .™ pn K m OWN a Pnnf , rw eh SENTS. from 3Jd. at S. Coombes and \\/ 5 m f ~1? ,7 A 2,* J .£ Go's Canadabuildings » » Twill at Hid. worth 2* 6d, during tie . ~r,T^T,wn ™ ,lt , „,, Sale of William Voile and Co's Salvage 8»ok.----1 T INOLEUM Pattern Floor-cloth, Is Ojd Samuel Coombes and Co., Canada Buildings, XJ por yard, at S. Coombes & Co.'s. Queen-atre«t. HAVE YOU SEEN the Ladios' 4- XXrANTED SEEN, the Lot of really button Kid Gloves, at Is lid, worth is TT " Rood Rogatta Shirta at 2s lid, wort* lid. Quite porfoct—Samuol Coombos & Co., double tho money, dunng the Ureat Salvage Canada Buildings, Queen street. Salo.—Samuel Coombes and Co., Canada BuildWANTED KNOWN-On Monday we *£^£ ft , 01 . ... , shall Sell a Lot of Ladios' Umbrellas at A STOUNDING I—Slightly damaged by Is, worth four timos tho inonsv. — Samuol xx. wator, a Lot of Youths' Swao Suits (all Coombes & Co., Canada Buildings. Queon-strcot. sizes) at 10a Cd. Come early and avoid the crush. rsi attt a /re iwm tit ' t ,^ M»»ii» —Samuel Coombes and Co., Canada Buildings, CJALVAGE.—2OO Men's Tweed Mackm- Quecn-streot O tosh Coata, from 1556d.-Samuel Coombos \wf ANTED KNOWN—During tho Sale and Co., Canada Building. Queen-street. \\ ot W- Vlllle and Co , g Salva( & Bto(jk WANTED KNOWN'—During the are selling a good Shooting Calico at BM, and a oront sinivacrn (tain wb nm nSllntr a superior twill at 93d, 72 inches wide.—Samuel Superior ts lirquitoperfleC Coombes and Co., Canada Building. Queen-*, worth 8s Bd.~Samuel Coombos and Co., "\TtTANTED KNOWN—Thero are Btill • Canada BuUdings. Quoon-streot. . \\ few left of the Udlea1 and Chlldren-B WANTED, all Men to buy a pair of tho Ulsters, resouod from the Fire at W. Voile and Nelson Tweed Trousers at 7s lid, worth Co.'s: prices nomlnal.--Samuel Coombes w»d 1 15a Cd.-Samuol Coombos & Co.. Canada Build- Co.. Canada Buildings, Quoon-street. ings. Quoon-strcot. CJALVAGE—4,OOO Yards of really e°°d WANTED, 2,000 Ladio? to tako away K5 Dreas Matorlal. during the Salvag* Sale. Millinorr It cannot be called Sollins it at 33d ; must bo seen to be believed.—tJamuel • tho prlco" a^'so abs^d C^mrearly. In 3 Coombca and Co.. Canada Buildings. Queenavoid the crush. — Samuol Coombea h Co., Btroot. Canada Buildings, Queen-street. X)Tr ANTED KNOWN —An immense CAN SUCH THINGS BE POSSIBLE? TT quantity of Ribbons, all now shades -Men's Tweed Trouaors 4a lid, worth 10s an^P^™ 9- al, 3i d-, wS r«'lß- uuri"B ti'» ""{S 6d; hundreds to select from; during tho Sale of # «. \ ailo and Co 'a Sulvuffe ;. .Wok.-Sanjuel VaUo's Salvago. - Samuol Coombes and Co.. Coombes and Co.. Canada Buildings, QueenCanada Buildings, Queen-street. street. WANTED SEEN-The Men's Tweed A N IMMENSE LOT of French Costumea Suits at IBS'(id (slightly damaged by £T",, ot half-price during the Salvage S^a; water) at tho great Salvage Salo now going on *<>*■ ~ s s"' uoi Jg>°x, "boa aod Co- • at Samuel Coombos and Co.'s., Canada Build- Canada Buildings, Queen-stroot . ings.Quocnstroet. \TtrANTED KNOWN-fiuring tho SalW ANTED WELL KNOWN.—We aro VV vagoSaloof W.Vaile and Co.'a Stock almost giving away Men's, Ladiee'. and wo ore BolriHg Black Silks at such prioea as Children's Socks and Stockings, during tho Sulc wero never heard of before. Come early and of W. Vaile & Co.'s Salvage Stock, — Samuel avoid the crush.-Faiuuol Coombos uud Ce., Coombes and Co,, Canada BuUdings, Queen-sU Canada Buildings, Queon-streot. Remember ! ! ! DURING THE SALE OF W. VAILE & COS. SALVAGE STOCK AND A. O. STEPHENSON'S INSOLVENT ESTATE WE GIVE AWAY PASSES ON ALL 'BUSES, TRAHCARS, and STEAMBOATS, at S. COOMBES & COS. s_a.:m:tt:e:li coombes & 00. CANADA BUILDINGS, QUEEN-STREET — DRINK — : JOHN BUCHANAN, NELSON, MOATE. wholesale grocer, gold medal Tea, Coffee & Spice Merchant PURE BLENDED TEAS. OUSTOMS . ST . f AUCiaj AND. PRICES ; I —— 0/ 01A 0/Q Q/ Q/A A/ Telegraph Address: [Telephone Kxchango. M~ ni\ £JQ Ql- J.'*j- *(•/- "Eagle," Auckland. I No.6i. ' FOR PRESS OPINIONS AND ANALYSIS ><^^^^^^^^^^^^V NONE GENUINE WITHOUT OUR |s^^^^^^)^^^^^Ma ' AUCKLAND BRANCH AGENCIES: \ \S<^P^^^ ALEXAMDBA .. .. Aubin. John AVONDALK .. .. Peok. H. » "«■""'" . BUCKLAND3 .. .. Walker, Thoi. The Advertiser desires special attention CAMBRIDGE .. .. Heid.W. to his Celebrated Brands of BLENDED ; HAMILTON BAST .. LeQuesne. P. INDIA AND CHINA TEAS. Since their HAMILTON WEST . Knox. Johh \ introduction the greatly increased demand HBWNBmU!.. .. McLeod P and J. for them Bubßten fc tiall / proves their HUNTLY .. .. .. Friar and Davies , , _ ~ i. , . ... KAWAKAWA .. - KirkpatrlcW. W. J. once, and confirm* tha high eet^m which KIHIKIIII Kills J. w Public have justly accorded them. KINGSLAND Z Z Letts', W. M. Tho ■following distinctive brands all bear KOPURU .. .» .. Kopuru Saw Mill Co. tJs Trade Mark on the labels, and at» MOUNT EDEN .. .. Surman, S. packed in lib and Jib packets, also in 61b, MOUNT EDEN .. .. Badger, K. 101b, and 401b tins, viz ;— Mt.ROSKILLUOAD.. Rollett,Geo. _, --_~._,, mongonui .. .. wyies, Robert Blended India & China Teas. NEWTON Stevenson, R. „ . ~ _ . . NGARUAWAHIA .. Friar and Davies HoUßeh°'d C°Unteaa NORTH shore „ Johnston, w. Ducheaa Prlnceaa NOBTHCOTB .. .. Porter Bros. Empress Brands. OHAUPO .. ~ Edwards.J.T. ' , ,_' onehunga „ Moody, Gea Blended Pure Indian Teas. otahuhu - .. Hali,J. Zemindar Brand, PAEROA .. . .. Robson,J. M, p^ZlSy' I rSS* **ns* and yeast powders. pnvonNßV Hnwthnm i? Tho Advertiser also wlahes to bring before the PONSONBY .. „ Hawthorn, R. PuWlo hiBBB a nK yea6t Powlera. which PONSONBY .. „ Young, W. H. are meeting with general favour, and requests ' POKENO Campbell, T. ' attention to tho following Analytica Kepor I— DivntpiPT " n.~.^ ',„' . I "Laboratory, Hobson-street, Auckland, June RANGIRIRI .. „ Gerrard, James ' 13,188J.-I have sampled tho Baking Powder in TAUPIRI .. .. •. Lovell, W. H. M. the bulk, prepared by Mr John Buchanan, Met TAiTPivra* Rminii Tarn«» ohont. Auckland, and have analysed the same TAURANGA .. .. Bodell, James and find the constituenfe pure and weU-propor-TE AWAMUQiU .. Stichbur7, J. A. tionod. Tho result proveß this article to be irmunra • TTanßßn' T w superior to any either imported or colonially THAME3 Hansen.J. E. prepared that has been submitted to mo, and I TUAKAU .. - .. Walker, Thos. \ can.therefore, confidently rcconunond it to the Dunn S public—(Signed) J. A. Ponb, Colonial Analyst." WAIORONGOMAI ".'. Soppett." J. I _*!f* «? bear" Ke^tered Trade Mark. WHANGAREI .. .. .Conyngham and Co. Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers Generally. WOODLAND 3.. .. Waikato Land Asso- . ; oiatloll I The STOCK of GENERAL GROCERY gk| jp I #Jk J^j and Oilmen's Stores comprises a Splendid 9^l ELltm'iS VA I >ly - Assortment, which is constantly being IUH^N ATF jP replenished by importations from European, IYIwAt I Ea) <* VVIJ Amorican, and Australian Markets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - CATALOGUES ON APPUCATION. TEA MERCHANTS, BLENDERS, AND IMPORTERS, — CHRISTOHUBOH, DUNEDIN, WKLLINOTOK, SPECIAL TEA NOTIPE /^TT-n-nxT^ A NEW SEASON, 1884-K 150, l^ U XiJbjJN -b 1 ., AUCKLAND. 1 have received MY FIRST SHIPMENT of the •'■ ' ' NEW SEASON'S CROP, D__ _ EXS.S.TAMSUI,fromFoochow, vi« JPJ V I T f, Wellington, * aßtTßhi OUNMAKSR, -A^ shall be Bla^ to Forward LIQUORING j^^jkn 251, SAMPLES on application. j^^^^^M^ QUBSH - BVBIM, The OUALITY of THIS YEAR'S CROP la j^^^P*"^** AHOKLAKB of Yer 5r m«h Character compared with the pre ffcjslijrr (Opposite the City Uukst). vl(J Ußy«arß ' -1- Ao those about to commence businest, \ Kstablhhkd 1859. attention is drawn to tho great advantage MHKyi S!a^2SSISSS lS ; of, bfsina P o S ition to offerthe Celebrated mMfm&i'-S- and- Muizle-loadlng and Popular Brands of Spread Eagle Teas, f« ■•■CSnSr^u.TS^^SaH I Bakin S and Yeast Powders, etc., and to Kvory span thoroughly ezamln- secure other special inducements which I MM ed^nd guarantee betowdril- B m prepared to offer. fflßßf Hammerleßß Guns, with Blemen'i &8j» Patent Steel Barrels, 12 and 20 gauge I —— Ijgj Silver'sPatraitAnti-reooilßuttPlatssi' -r^^^» _ 1 a»A%ai JOHN BUCHANAN. EjfSj Self extracting Revolver; Kynoch'i «J V/JJ.XU.I XVXI, Patent "Perfeot "Reloading Metallic • m -r T « T^~ Cartridge Cases and Crimpers; Eley't WHOLESALE GROCER. Eel Revolver Ammunition and Metallic B™ Cartridge Cases j Newcastle Chilled fi,,«f«win C+»««i a it j ShotiCurtto and Harvey and PlsronWUk'B and VUStOmS-btreet, AUCklaild. CarMdgeOas^P^w^eV muta, Shot^nohw, X>EARSON'S NEW ZEALAND Game Bags, Qua Cases, Cartridge Belta,' Gna JT PATENT CARBOLIC SAND SOAP, WOrki. . • ~,..,. ..„..-., . . ~ ■' : ■ ' ■ _. , , ■.; ■ ' : .'■tSu«%^S^^>aU>: MAOTFAOTOBT AT HAMILTON, WA.KATO. Rr^^Tff '■ ' ' " i Sole Agent for the Colony, ; U, JIiVXXX, OtmUKn"ft ImoinUb-••. MR JOHN BUCHANAN. Mehohakt, '-.'- i^'^^f^'"—'iTffrTtfiyyt"""" " Oustomßßtreet, Auokland r ;,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4516, 19 November 1884, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4516, 19 November 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4516, 19 November 1884, Page 4