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WANTED, a Barman.—Apply United Service Hotel. ~WT ANTED, a good Paperhangeratcmce. T T -Apply W. Laing, Franklin Koad. %■ WANTED, good General Servant; feust bo able to do plain cookinß.— AppljSMra Murray, corner of ilobson and Moore streets. WJ ANTED TO PURCHASE, in vicinity VV . of Lower TTnion-3trppt, Hmise of ahont ffe robins, or an Allotment suitable to build on. —1). F. Brans, Land Agent. \\T ANTED, a second-hand Wood turn.TT ing Latlic, sor(i-inoli centre.—Addross Mrs Yandlo, Texidermist, etc., Hohgon-stroet. WANTED by a respectable Married Couple. Two Fnrnißhed Rooms, south side of Queen-street.—Apply by letter, "Immedinte," Btab Offlce. WANTED, a thoroughly respectable Girl.—Apply Mrs D. P. Fisher, Oram'u Buildlnga, Welleßley and Hohson-streets. WANTED, 4 Improvers to the careen-terlng.-Apply sharp, oottages Calliope, North Shore. r•. ; ■<■ :: - ANTED, a good General" Servant, with references.-Apply 10 to 12. Mrs Thistle ,Qraf ton Road. WANTED, Situation as or near Parnell.—Mr Minchin; Brighton Road. Parnell. WANTED KNOWN-That One Suit made by MUNRO & MIUJGAN, Hob-son-atreet, will wear longer than Half a Dozen (Cheap and Noaty) Shoddy Suits. "A CLERGYMAN'S Daughter (ChurclTof XaL England) wishes for a Situation as Governess ; she would also assUt in housohold work. —Adress. "L.M.E.," Star Offlce. BOARD AND RESIDENCE.—Wanted, two respeotablo Gentlomen as Boarders—For address apply to Mrs Lacrox, top of Alexandra-street. MEGRIM PENClL.—Everyone should be in possession of a Megrim Pencil, at the cost ot Is 6d. Certain Cure for Head and Toothache, Local Rheumatism. Mosquito Bites, &o. Sold at all tho Chemists and others.— Wholesalo Agonts: Brown. Barrett, fc Co. ARTNEK WANTED in an Eatabllshcd Mercantile Business of old standing, and with good Home connections; capital requisite, £3,000; only principals dealt with.— Preliminary communication to bo addressed to " Commercial." Office of this Paper. TO HAIRDRESSERS.—Wanted, an Assistant.—Apply at once to .Francis J. Shortt,City Hair-outtingßooms.ppposite Union Bank. ' ' " Z To"Let . ■ •'- ■- fTIO LET, the House now in tho occupaJ tiou of W. Henderson. I£«q., Eden Crescent ; good sea view; near St, Paul's Church.— Apply " X.Y.Z.," Stab Office. TO LET, a comfortable Furnished Bod and Sitting-room; use of kitchen; terms moderate.—Apply 141, Victorlastrert Weat TO LET, Wellington-street, comfortable a roomed House; good stove, water laid in; 203 per week.—H. Partington, SUohbury's Buildings. __; mo LET OR LEASE, Business Premises I next to J. Williams, Tailor, containing 5 rooms and shop with large yard; rent, only 30s per week.—Apply J. Williams. . JS TO LET, 5-roomed House, in Colling-wood-street; splendid view; gas and water; gas stove; largo workshop; every convenience.—Apply Mr Wllllama, on pramltCß. mO LET;Hollybank, containing, 0 rooms, -L Leamington range, and all conveniences; garden back and front; rent 12s per wook.— Apply next door Clifton Vills, Ollphant street, Vormon^Btroct, Fonsonby. T^ LET, 4, f, 14-roomod Houses, Shops. Officeß. Money to-lend.—Grant and Cooko. 75, Quccn-Btreet. find LET, Franklin Road, Houso of Six JL Rooms, water laid on, corner Ponsonby Road; 18p (kl per wook,—H. Partington, Stichbury s Buildlnga. ; | rtlO LET, two largo Front Rooms (unfurJL niahed).—Apply Lower Seafield Vlow, off Park Itoad. TO LET, Single and Double Bed-room, Furnishod; also, Vacancy for four Young Men as permanent bonrders; slnglo room.— Imperial Hoarding Kstabllahment. Groy-stieet. mO LET, Five-roomed Houeo in NorfolUI stroot. Ponsonby. — Apply to William Rosser. Wood street. mO LET, Epsom Koad, two new handX some wcll-finlshcd Villa Rosldoncoß, 10 rooms, bath, &«., &o.—W. and J, H- Voile, Auctioneerß, oppoßlto Savlnga Bank, Qucen-Btrent. TO LET, now corner Store, Epsom Road, 10rooms, well-finished, stabling, Sec, &c; a good opportunity.—W. and J. R. vaile, Auctloneers. opposite Savings Bank, Queon-atreet. TOLETlNorfolk-st., just off Ponsonby Road), handsome and comfortable Villa Residence of 9 rooms;* water laid in, and evory convenience; nice position; allotment, 40 x 100; situate quite close to Ponsonby Road and tram line. Rent, only 23s per week.—Apply to Mr R. Gordon, noxt now Savings Bonk, Surrey Hills; or to D.F. Evans. Land Agent. ~ ■■ .- ■■ TO LET, Shop in busiest part of QueenBtreoL—Apply Guy Trcnchard, Agent, 83, Queen street. TO LET, 2 or 3 .Unfurnished Rooms in ' Wellington-stroat.—Apply Btab Office. . TO LET, Pleasant Four-roomed Cottage. — Apply -Mr Aley,- QtgptptfßK.-. Mary's {toad, Ponaonby. mO LET, Grey-street, 7-roomed Houso; JL gas and water, eood garden. Also, 7roomed House, Vinccnt-Btruet j gas and wator, —Apply W. Kane, Cook-street. 2 doors below Nelson-atrect. TO LET, now 7-roomed House; city water inside and out, ovon, 2 grates, and evory convouionco ; rent 15a; Hummor-Bt^idt, Ponsonby, — Apply Roberta's Store, oaraer ■ Summoi'-BtroOt H ■■;■ '\ 4' I O LET, to a.Respectable Marrijid Couple, a Furnished Bedroote vrtthr'ttsS of Siiting-roum and Kitchen, near Qucon-Btroot. —For addroßS apply STAit Office, _ np O LE T OR LEA SE. Commodious Warehouse in Centre of City, situate in Lorno-street, with entrance to Coburgstreet, near Victorid-streot East, That magnilt cent andcommodlouß WarohoußO, lately orootod by Mr Holland, in Lornp anfl Coburg-strcots, OOiltaining threp (loora, each S9 X 29, with chimney, suitable for manufactory; conorote lower floor. Tho building is spacious, well lighted, and unsurpassed as a commercial Btoro, with show rooniß. &c—For terms. Sec, apply to GEO. COZENS, 85, Qiioen-atreet; or D. F, EVANS. Land Agont. TO LET, 8-roomed House with bathroom. ' Gas tmd water lald'oo." St. Mary's Road, Ponßonby.-r-Apply Geo^ Baldock. *"•■ \ '; . \ TO LET, a new 7.roomod House inGlad-' stono-Btreot. Gas, water, overy convenienco.—Apply C. Hatnon, Srmonda-atreet. TO LET, Shops with 7 rooms —tho Finest Stantt 'on the Ponsonby Road, between Three Lamps at>d All Saints' Church— with gas and water and every convenience. Rents moderate—Apply to F. Quick, Ponsonby. or to D. F. Evans, Land and Kstftto Agent, Queen-street. Keys to be bad from Mr Gregory. Photographer, next door. TO LET, in Franklin Road, a House containing 8 rooms; gas and water laid on.—Apply-to James Heron. Collingwood-strect TO LET, two-storied House, Summerstreet, Ponsonby (four rooms and scullery); every convenience; rout. Us fid.—Apply J. Morey. o'Ncill-street. mO LET, 2 now Briok Shops, wellJL finished; gas and wator laid on; situated in Wellcaleystreot East—J. B. Morpoth, No. 20, N.Z. Insurance TO LET, Picton-street, Ponsonby, a desbablo Family RqaMonoe, with iniroediate possession, and containing 11 rooms; large allotment, and commanding an extensive view of the neighbourhood. North Shore, &c.-For terms, apply the Now Zealand Houso, Land, and Estate_Agcncy, niglwitTCOt_ __j ■ TO LET, those Iron and Qoucrete Stores situated cqrfterflf Stanley-street an^ Alton Road; ront lnodorato.—Apply to S. J. Edmonds, Cnatoma-strcet. TO LET, with-immediate possession, a well-built fi-roomed Hdnso. nearly new, In O'Nolll-Btreot, Ponaonby; water laid on.—Apply Mr Barton's, O'NelU'Street, ■ -; TO LET, Upstairs Rooms,-by Queenstreet; Biutablo for Offlce, Storo, or Sample-rooma.-Apply Lewis and Simpson. APARTMENTS tp Let. Suit 2 ladies, or lady and gentleman. — Apply Mra Arnett, Cracroft-atreet, Pftrnell, BHOP AND DWELLING to Lease or Let, 5 ropms} best position In Victoria^ Btroet: quite npw,—Appiy Green, floofmakor, near Nelsbn-strec^ ' OFFICE TO LET,—A snug place in tho very pentre at Queen-atrcet, suitable as & Sample Rqom, at a reasonable rent i woll-lightod to Queon-Btrcpt.—Apply F. J. Bennett, Draper, Qnccn-atreet. < ■ 0" FFICES to Let in Vitfofiri Lane,—Ap ply tjj OotmoU & Cooper, BpJjligtorß., Meetings ■VrORTH ISLAND RAILWAY EMPLOYEES'PROVIDENT SOCIETY, The Geperal Annual Meeting of the .abovenamed Society iB POSTPONED from "WEJ)NKSDA.Y, December 10th, to FRIDAY, December 19th, at 8 p.m., Parnell Hall, Auckland. ARTHUR CLEAVE, Secretary. C\ OSPEL TEMPERANCE MISSION.— \JC BLOB RIBBON ARMY. —A Meotlng will be hold in the Oddfellows' Hall, Parnell. behind the Fire Brigado Btation, THIS EVENinpr, at 7.30 o'clock, under the conduct of tho Ladies' Committee. ■' , mO THE !ELEtST.pBgE OF EDEN. A Meeting will be held-at the Excelßior Hall on.FßH)AYEvening, at 8 o'clock. Roll up. Collection at 9 p.m.—F. Jeuno. A UCKLAND BOWLING AND LAWN J\. '■- TENNIS CLUB. President: Thos. Macffarlane. Committee: Messrs J.. Winks, J. Kirkwood, E. A. Mackeohnie, A. Bell. O. Pollen,, Sam, . Jackson, Jun.i \t'TY'e' ; ' '£, f~ j '\i"\ / .-■ laeoretaryj^WilliamaPaJt.^ }, j The Annual Meeting- of the Club will be heM on the Green. Grafton. Road, on SATURDAY, 22nd November, at S o'clock, and immediatelj thereafter the ground trill be open for playt

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4516, 19 November 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4516, 19 November 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4516, 19 November 1884, Page 3