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Wanted. \\T ANTED, tho Ladder taken from St. W James's Church roturncd immediately; made by Pellam, No. 131. WANTED, by a middle-aged Lady, a Situation as Help or Housekeeper outside the city; wages not so much an object as a food home.—Apply by letter, " nominun, Stab Office. , . ANTED, a gooil strong Girl for domestic work.-Apply to Mrs H. EustacOj Symonds-street. . .— XXT ANTED, a Girl accustomed to ChilclVV ren.—Apply to Mrs F. Alderton, corner ot Brown-street^ndjychmondjioad; WANTEDTSuperior Person (Orphan or Widow without family) as Mother's Help;.would bo treated as one ot the family; Nurse and General kept.-Apply at Stab Offlce. ANTED, by the 27th of this month, near town, a House of six or seven rooms.—Apply, stating rent, to "J.," care of Mrs Holland, Fishmonger. Parncll. ANTED, Young Man as an Improver for our Hand spinning Department— Auckland Fibre Manufacturing Co. (Limited), Stanley-street. . A *T ANTED, Tenders for the Erection of VV n Double Chimney.—Apply on the Job, Willows-street. WANTED, Tenders for Building three BricK Chimneys, about 37 feet high, with 2 fireplaces in each, and resting on concrete oase; corner of Nclsou and Cook streets.— William Corbett. , WT ANTED TO BELL, the "Patent V T Ripht" of Johnston's Patent Revolving Shutters; ilrst-class investment—Apply to J. R. Johnston. Joinery Works, Lome-street. ■ WANTED, Elderly Person to wait on two in family; must understand cooking. -Apply Mrs Mantoll, Grafton Road, two doors from Wynyard-street WANTED, Situation as Cook or Handy Man in hotel. (New arrival.) Good references.—Apply G.T., StabOlUcc. Auckland. ANTED, a strong Lad.—Apply Mr Knight, Fruiterer,Hobsonstreet. Now arrival preferred. WANTED, by two young mon (just arrived), Situation to Drive, Milk, and any Farm Work. Good referencos. — Apply F.F., Star Offlce. WANTED, some kind person to adopt a fine, healthy Baby Girl. 7 weeks old; will be entirely given up.-Apply Stab Offlce. WANTED, immediately, a Good Brush Hand; no other need apply.—Wm. Hamlyn, Painter, Kingsland Post-omoe. 7.<w p.m. . WANTED.— Don't bo in -a hurry to buy Allotments until you (have soon Mont Lo Grand, Mt. Rosklll Road, to'bo sold privately in sizes to suit purchasers, 'forms to suit the pookets of all. The view and healthiness ol position cannot bo excelled.—Apply *.. i. ncibort, on the property. — WANTED, a few first-class Dressmakers. —Apply at onco to Mrs Beehari, Castle Drapory, Hobßon-street. . WANTED, Coat and Vest Hands, Improvers, and smart Girls.-Anokland Clothing Factory. , WANTED, 17 Generals, Housemaids, Nnrscgirls, and all classes ot Servanta.A. McLeod's Rogistry, 7, Wharf, or St. Mary * Road, Ponsonby. . WANTED, a Strong Lad, able to rido well.—Apply to K. Hall, Butcher, Mount Edonßoa.4._ WANTED, to Lot, 2 Unfurnished -Frontßooms.-Apply Mrs Road, Haslottstreet. New North Road. ANTED TO SELL, a Country Store doing a good, Btcady Trade. — Apply Latchmoro and Co.. 13. Customs-street Kast. ANTED TO LET, an Office with fittings, convenient to Quoen-Btroet— Latchmoro and Co.. House and Estate Agonta. ANTED, a Situation as Lady Help or Housekeeper by a respeotablo younu Person who is a good needlewoman, and has flratchiss references.—Apply by letter to "Yera, Newton Post-offlcu. . ANTED, 2 good Men for pick and shovel work."*-Apply Higgs and Co., Elliott'ii Point. Henderson. WANTED, an active Lad fts Message Boy.—Apply at Star Ovon Factory, Pat-teaon-slreet, Freeman's Bay. ANTED, two Drapor's Assistants, juulora: alao, two or three intelligent, well-educated Youths, as Apprentices. Apply before 10 o'clock a.m.—Smith mid Caughey. ANTED, a good General Servant.— Apply Mrs John Levy, 123. Groystreet. ANTED, by highly rcspoctable Man, positiono£trust in any business; pood references; smfill salary required.—Address " J. L.." Box 127, Post-omco. WANTED, respectable Boy to assist on broad oart,-Apply Thoa. Toasdole, Grey.atreet. WANTED, a Man to clear forn lund.— Apply Robertson and Maxwell, Corn Merchants. Upper Quoen-street. TTTANTED, a good Waitress.—Apply : W ■ Hobson Hotel. WANTED, some kind Person to adopt a healthy Baby Girl, with deposit.Apply by letter to_^M.VV.," Stab Ofilco. WANTED, a first-class Milliner and Saleswoman for Naplor.-Apply to Mr Patterson, at Messrs A. Clark and Sons. ANTED, a Boy to take out paroels.— Apply Wm. Sloan, Draper, 78, Grey-Bt. 'ANTED, first-class Coat Hands. Warres, £3 per week, or tenponny log.— None but the best hands heed apply to Munro & Mtlligon. Hobson-atreet. " • WANTED, good Sash and Door Hand, able to 3o his own Machine Work. Also. Man to ottedd Circular and Band Saws. Planing and Moulding Machines; must ba good hands.—Apply E. A. Down, Manager Bgmont Sa—land Door Company, Hawera. ANTED, two experienced Dreesmakers and several Apprentices.—Apply to Milne and Choyce. WANTED KNOWN—I am Soiling to resp.otable porsons Houses without deposit, on weekly payments,—T. S. Jackson, Kiugsland Eatate; " - W ANTED, TO SELL, two Cottages, Eden:-stroet, each 5 rooms; allotments 10x50. £3fiO. Termß easy.—Latehmore'& Co. ANTED.PonßOnbyßesidentstoknow, Horrocks's Calico: 2s lid doz.; Crewk song. la 6d doz.; Zephyr Cliock Prints, 3d, 4d, and od yard, at Allen's Cheap Drapory, Jorvofs Road. ri7"ANTED immediately, a thoroughly YV goodGeneralServant-ApplySyAßOfflce. 'ANTED, respectable young Men as Boardern, at Alten House, Alton Road; only eight minutes' walk from Postofflce, near Supreme Court; splendid view: bath and shower. Terms, t\ per week, including wash-. Ing.—L. O. Cordes. ■■ ■ W "ANTED, o Buyer for a square Iron Tank, and a large Iron Boiler; price low,—Apply to WUkes, Watchmaker) Karanga* papa Road, near Queen-atreet. ■ • ANTED, the public, to call at the Bon Marche without delay, and see their Suiting Tweeds, wprth 4s to 4s Od, for la Hid a yard; value extraordinary In Taffeta Glove* i Liale Red do., from 6d per pair. WANTED KNOWN—Wonderful Fresh' Bargains ifl New Chairs, including Cane-seated Chairs, 3s 3d; Grecian.Cane-seated Chairs, is 3d: Painted Wood Chairs, 3s gd; Arm Chairs C«; Rocking Chairs, with arms, caneseated 10J| Children's Rooking Chairs, 3s; Folding Chairs, oarpet-seated, 5s 6d; Children's do.. Is lld.-At Dampiarg Robaon-Btreet Shop. W ANTED SEEN, Christin&a Cards— Charlea Kelsey ana Co: have just opened up thflir new Christmas Cards, which for beauty of design could soarely be surpassed; should bo seen oarly.-Gbarlea Kelsey and Co., 120, Queen-street. . WANTED KNOWN- Feathers Cleaned or Dyed anil Curled, and Straw Cleaned or Dyed and Altered into any of the BuTldinKsr%omerof WeHast-y s,nd Hobson streets. ! 1—- rJ —*rr WANTED . KNO vVN-Mr Askow's "Fire of Life" cures Rheumatism, VBuralKia, Toothache, Headache, &o.' Sold in BnttlM Is is 0d -a U. Jt never faUs to cure !- Three doorafi'om Young Men's Christian Asso- ■ . " WANTED: tho Owners of Hotels, Restaurants, and all Householders to Uon at the Depot, to the agent, Robt. Qeo. HIU. TniTANTED KNO WN.that Electro-plated W Goods and Cutler'? are obtalna*ble at rsLflann^ London Arcade, good bwl cheap. iSoks and Stationery are tho &ioapesTm town, boinß T"iH«.tWnglißhpriceß. ' ' TfTASfID KNOWN—Charles Kelsey A¥ and Co. rocoire Mopthly Parcels'of jJwen-rT litktoW their Btock lß_kopt^ell &&§&&&&& Snd Co.. 120. Qgeefi-ateeet VffTANTED, Ladies to know that we are 393^at Damplor's Hobaon-atreet Shop. ITS7ANTED KNOWN -We have con-r°r",lved.-Goodßon'BLondon|Arcade. ITKTANTED KNOVVN, thatwe^re soiling W several Desperate, Lines, bought te clsh, and which mnnot be cquaUed at any Salo now going on 18 Auckland,, at tne con VST ANTED KNOWN— Cheap Timber i W Cotap Timber! - And all other kindE of Building Slatorial, can be purchased cheaper Snd better than anyWboro else at the yards ol I) Goljme .Albertrßtreeti VST ANTKD KJNOWi*,—That I PJ^."^ ply^or an Suowont Ss^whwe^TermToasy'.T Barnes. Mmint RoskiU Road. YSTANTEITKNOWNi T, Samuels/ai Ari W Union of Oil PaJnUn_fs,M«>n Chief and nhieftalnesß is now fast filUng up. llckpts is elih at If Samnelß's. Cutler, 103, Queen-street, Couches, 14s Od[ andVlflsedj hand ggfflSnjW; Hob3On-.t, Shop.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4516, 19 November 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4516, 19 November 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4516, 19 November 1884, Page 3