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Wauled. WANTED, a good Painter.—Apply to J. S. JohnstoncWillow-strcct, Freeman's Bay. WANTED, a Driver. — Apply (Jeo. Wilson, Nelson-street. WANTED, a Situation as Billiard Marker.—Apply, stating terms, to " X.," Stab office. WANTED, a good Second Cook.— Apply Auckland Hotel Restaurant. ANTED,aHarnessMaker,oraYoung Man afew yoars at the business. Address at once, stating wages required. Employment every probability of being permanent to suitable person.—J. Henderson, Saddler, Hawera. WANTED, Good Rivett Carrier and Btrong Lad used to striking.—Apply at Albert Boiler Works. i WANTED, by good business man, Employment; knowledge accounts and audit; country preferred; salary secondary consideration.—S.O., Stab Ufllcc. WANTED, a Young Man to drive a baker'a cart.-Apvly to P. Crowe, Hobson-street. WANTED, a Youth as Light Porter.— Apply 8.30 sharp to-morrow morning, W. Kattray. WANTED, a smart Boy.—Apply W. Palmer. Butcher, Pitt-ttrect. WANTED, a Boy for the Plumbing.— Apply G. Simpson, Kingsland Koad. WANTED, a Respectable Boy to Open Oysters and make himself generally useful.— Apj^r___V_______£j__2io_i_^ ANTED, a strong Erraud Boy.— Hudson, Chemist, Victoriaand Hobsonstreets. WANTED, a Boy for the Cart.—Apply to K. Kingsfoitl, Pitt-street. WANTED, two Boys to open oysters.— Apply next to Auckland Timber Co, Cuatoms-atreet West.—E. Carroll. a raspeetable Boy about 14. W —Apply at once to Gladding & Stainton, Railway Tea Alart. Mount Eden Itoad. ANTED, a Lad about 15 yeara.— Apply to J. Walker, Floriat, &c , City Market. WANTED, Two Apprentices for the Tailoring.—Apply star office. WANTED, at once, Improvers and Apprentices to Dreß3 and Mantle-mak-ing.— ApplytoMraWeath^rl^jJSjJirey-B^^ ANTED, good Woman Cook.—Apply atthollousonHoteL TX7"ANTED, a Cook and Laundress. V T References required.—Apply Mrs Iroland, Hulme Court, Parnell. WANTED, a General Servant; one that can do plain cooking; good roferencoa. —Apply l'oneoiiby Itoad, next door to ltobson, Draper. VtrANTED, a good General Servant. - TT Apply, at once, at Woodbine Cottugo, Grey-street. WANTED, a General Servant; roferences required.—Apply Mrs F. W. E. Dawson, Wellealey-strect (next .Baptist Chapel). WANTED, a good Genoral Servant, ablo to milk two cows.—Apply to Mrs Hraloy. Avondalo Hotel. WANTED, Genei alSorvantfor Waikato. Must bo ablo to milk. - Apply Stak Otllce. WANTED, a Girl, to assist in liousoworlc and milk.—Apply Mrs M. Kliott, uoar BUition, I'euroae. W ANTED, Tondora for Digging a Paddock of 10 perches or thereby, Is tile drained, and has been cropped.—Apply lo J. M. and J. Mowbray, Land Agents, Fortstreet. "VST"ANTED, ft Partnor with £500, in a IT Manufacturingßusinens, protected by patent; not nooussnrily a practical mnn—Apply Atkinson fc Co., Stichbury's HiiiUlinga. \T|7"ANTED, a Partner with £'M oto join IT n Business established for! years. Tliia is mi eligible opening for an energetic man. who can cither take tho inside or outside department. Principals only need apply to J. It. Rnnderson, Financial Agent, Mcrcartlilu Chainbora. \"%rANTED, a ponstont supply of Froeh > T Buttoi' uiid Kbi?s.—Apply Gladding & Maiiiton, ltailway Tea'iHan, il^'ntEden Koad. ANTED —When you are in Hbbsonstrcot ctkll and soo the large and choice Btock of Moegiel Tweeds just opened for the ooming Boaßon, at Munro and Milligan'B, WANTED, the Ladies to know that Munro audMilljgan's Millinery Department ia now replete with all tho latpat English and French noveltiea for tho preaont acaaon. WANTED. —Do you want Money on Froe|ioW, Personal, orotliorsecurity?— Apply to J. R. Randeraon, Mercantile Cliaiiibure. Bills discouhtod. WANTED, throo Koardprs. Comfortable homo. Termß, lfis per week.— Apply Stah Olljtic. ATiTANTEI), 2 Furnished Rooms; neighV T bourhood of Parnell or Newmarket preferred.—W. 11. Mason. HasseU-stroel, Parneil. WANTED, in the lower end of Queenstreei or near the Wharf, a Shop and Bremisos suitable for a C'onfcptißnery and lining-rooms.—Apply to J, M, ttnd J, Mowbray, Land Agents, Fort-atrect, ANTED TO RENT, billiard-room ; table-must bo in good ordor.—Apply, staling terms, to " D.X,," this paper's office. WANTED TO RENT in Queon-styeot, an Upstairs Bar.—Apply by letter, stating poaition, t prina, &c, to T.M., bT.\B Olllcc. W""ANTE"U, to Lot or Soil, a first-class Now Soven.Roomod House and 1 Aero of Land at Morningside; close to tho Railway Station; 'bueaca puss several times daily; distance, not moro than 20 minutes walk from Upper Queon-stroet,—Apply to J. 11. Smith, Morningßide, Mount Albert. ANTED to Lot, a largo Loft, suitablo for workshop or storeroom. — Apply Patcraon & Co., Lome-street. WANTED to Lot, 3 Furnished Rooms at North Shore, noa* Viotoria Wharf, -rApply Mr Johnson, Qpocer, North Shore. WANTED to Buy, a Staircase ; reasonable ; state length and price to Car-. poiUcr, Btak Ol|[ce, \TirANTITS TO i'PUCHASE, Small TT Allotment: aca view preferred. Must be chcai).—T.U.. Dovonport Post-ollicc, TIT ANTED KNOWN. — Tiro ! Ifiil YT Plrcl 125 Ladles' Ulsters, vory slightly soiled by water, from 3s fld, at'S,' Coombes and Co.'s. Queon-etroct. , WANTED KNOW ft—Ever Oloun C'ollulold Collars (Is) Selling Fast; the trado are buying from inc.—J, Gruon, 8,1, Vio tbria-strei t. WAIfTBP ftNOWN-For Salp, Now and Second-hand Patent Improved Carts and Drays at New Steani Coach Fiictory. No extra charge f6r improvemonta. ANTED KNOWN—Cheap Drapery, Clothing, Flannels, Dresses, and Blankels at less prices than Queen street, at J. H. Hannan's, Viptqria-jstreot Wcßt. WANTED KNOWN-Tp Butchers, Bootmakers, or Others—Shop and Dwelling in t,bo City tp, bfi LsaspiV with a purohaeing clause—APß'y A, J. Thomas, Howe-street WANTED KNOWN. — Fire ! Fire ! A few pairs of Damaged Blankets (slightly burnt), at 7s 9d per pair (worth 21s).—S. Coombes & Co.. Queen-street. WANTED KNOWN-Poytion of a Bankrupt Stogk on Sale, Saturday next. at Robson's, Draper, Ponsonby. Good, clean, oheap, and not damaged by tiro. ' ANTED KNOWN—A grand line of OxfordSliirtingat33dyard,wortl»7ld.— S. Coombos & Co., Queen-street. :' : WANTED KNOWN.-Charles Kelsey find Cq, make a apcoialty of Jewellery b,y ponflnmg tlion(solvoB entirely to Real Gold and' Real' Silvor.' Tlioy keen no imitations.— Charles jlelaey and Co., 120, Queen-street. \XT ANTED KNOWN, Seal Muff Bags TV (largo assortment) at Gharlca Kelsey qnd Co.'s, 120, Quefu-BH-cct, "ANTED KNOWN — Men's Tweed Trousers at 5a lid pair; these goods are worth 12s 6d pair. No man should be without a pair.—S. Copmbea & Co., Quoeri:street. ' Wf ANTED KN,O,W^—That tlie balance V V of Maw's iVfld Boys' Clothing that was nqt sold at auction can now bo had at auction prices at the New Zealand Tweod Company, Shortland-strcet, late" Mr Hampton's.—Jfospph Moses. Manager. ' ' TTTANTED, KNOWIf-T. B. Kobspn, V T Draper, Ponsonby, will offer portions of a Bankrupt Stdck on Saturday—Blankets, Callcobb, Co\;j<t,erpanOß. WANTED KNOWN—Splendid Value in Fronch Merinoa, at Is '9d; also, good Wineoy at od per yard (a bargain).—J. Green, 8?, Victoria-street - r' ':" '" ' ■ WANTED K.N.OWNf—CiiEAP Timber ! Cnisap Tiiiwb3 I And all other kinds of Building Mater-mla, canbepurph,a«Qd cheaper and better than anywhere else at' tho yards of P. Golpib. Albert-street. ■\TTANTED KNOWN—To be S.oW Cheap » T at Aaaten'B Furnituw B)>e»p, 810, Upper (Jurcn-strect, Uoo,l Sjngle Ma'ttras^cs (new), fls; Double, 1,1s; .Single Bcilstcads, 10s; Dotlbje, 20s; S'cvv aiiil i-euoiid-liaml Ssiuoßpans', Boilers, tt'it-hslaiuls, TublPH. Ohjldven's Cots, and ill KinO« at lloiuchQM Fiiruiture ftt Low«st p r i Co ß lit Austen's, 3iO, Upper Qiieen-()U'O'>t, WANTED KNOWN—Our <U White Shirts are the (jhoflppat and best proouvablo, either „ Wholesale or RetaU Storeg,-~ J^Grccn.i g5, Victoria-strce^ ' WANTED KNOWN. — Bankrupt Stock ! Bankrupt Stock.—Having bought the Groceries of the above stock, the Undersigned invites his customora to ahare in tho following bargains!—Kico, albs for Is; a lOd Plug of Tobacco for 6d ; Engliah Marmalade, 7d | Kfobart Jams, 6d, OJd; 21bTlnB of Preserved Peaches. Plums, and Pears, fid »or tin; Boat Whito Rico Starch, ljd por lb, orslb!Packot foils Od; Cutting Packing Salmon, 8(1 ; Lobator, do; Morton's Fresh Herrings, Od ; Moira'a, do ; Best White Table Sugar, id ; 131b Boxes Tea, Its; Tea in half •ohosta, Is Bd and Is 9d aW; MaiKona, Od alb ; English Ploklcs, Gd and 8d ; English Clothes Lines, 3d oach; Shoe Brushes, backed, la 64 the set; Colcman's Mustard, Jib tins, 6d j Worceater and other Sauocs, Od ; Morton's Potted Anchovies and Bloatew, fid a tin; Wax Matches. Sd por doz.boxcs ; Light and Dark Blue, 3d and id alb ; Large Sardines, 8d a tin ; Morton's Rod Herrings, Id eaoh; WBJte Herrings, do ; Preserved Milk, 6d por tin ! Robinson's Patent Groats, Id ; Overall's London Sprats, 6doa in a tin, 84 ; Millars Baking Powder, lib tins, 6d ; Hudson's Extract Soap, 41b Paoketa. 1 Paokets for Bd; Honey, 4Jd alb ; Coffee, Is ; Canterbury, Walroa, Te Awamutu OhecEe, Cd lb; Bacon, from 4d ; Hobart Potatoes. 211b for is i Large Stook CpoWne* Apples, from 9d! Onions. Id alb ; and offve* j^lnes equnUr aa cheap.—l Cote tlio address. John Eaton, General Dealer; ■Coot and Hobson streets, next Criterion Hotel. '.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4326, 28 March 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4326, 28 March 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4326, 28 March 1884, Page 3