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Amusements. Dancing;— prof. Bernard ima . arrived, and will Resume Tuition about; the beginning of April next. Afternoon and Evening Classes. Ladies and fientlemcn desirous of joining are requested to apply early. Private Drawing-room Classes and Clubs can be formed and receive tuition. Specialties, tha New Waltz, English Slow Waltz, French Cotillions, &c. A Special Walts Class will he held once a week,—Devonshire House, Hobson-st. Public Notices. TW" 6 T." I C ■ E,1 ..-'.■ W. S. COLLINS desires to return his sincere' thanks to his Customers and the Public (jenorally for the liberal patronage accorded to hint ainoe he first commenced business in Auckland, and in doing bo has very much plensurc in t informing them that he has DISPOSED OF 1113 Business, together with the Li-Qpor Tha --.' Agency, to MESSRS COLLINS & VINSON. whom he can confidently recommend for theic future patronage. In reference to the above) Messrs' Cofctisa and Vinson beg to assure tboir Friends and the Public generally that they will do all in their power to merit a continuance of thatsup- , : port so freely accorded to their predecessor. They have opened a .very Choice Lot of General and Fancy Groceries, Oilman's Stores, and Provisions, the whole of which, has been aeleoted with great care, and are -well Worthy of an Inspection. j_ _. COLLINS AND VINSON, (LateW.S.Collfos), : FAMILY GROCER AND PROVISION ; : : DEALERS. ■ £ Junction of Queen and Grey-streets -' (Sign of The Ll-Quor Tea Company, London), i P.S.—Families waited upon, and Goods delivered free to any part of the city and soburba. "IVTEVP DRESSMAKER'S AND MIL- <"" ±\_LINER'S ESTABLISHMBN11. - MRS DAVY has much pleasure in informing the Ladles of tha City of Auckland and Suburbs that she has commenced business in Hobsonstreet, opposite Clyde House, as DRESS- - MAKER and MILLINER, and hopes, by ended- •'■ vouring to please and by Reasonable Charges, tomenta share of the Ladies'patronage. Straw • Hats and Bonnets Cleaned. Also, Music, Drawing, and Wax and other Fanoy Work taught by -^ the Misses Davy ~ ,■:> i.i ;..; • ■■■ -■■■■■•■ ■■■■/■ *.' : TTNION OIL, BOAP, AMP CANDLH U COMPANY (LIMITED). MANOFA(!TDRKRB OF COMMON AND . ..... • TOBUBT SIOAPS, ' tow flfafl yftiidlflworloiyPAMtifc^"'' ""'- , OU WOfkS 1 CtJSTOMEHWs'BUr WXBT. Wuehpuw ana Offlootl Lowm AIBSIW • iißMtr, .■.,•;• , . ■ ■ -, ~ ' • .... ,: CnshPtOTluweniotTAliQW. / Delivery taken at thai* Parnell Work* nl Warehmme. MH. KEESING, Licensed Water fM i» Works .Plumber, ;• No;. 62. Victoria^ street, opposite Holland and Butler's. Water laid on at the very loweiit rates. , Plumbing and '' Gas-fitting promptly attended to. ■ Tinwuro :- always on hand, or miido to order. Repairs. . neatly and promptly executed. Cheapest Shop in Town, " . ;.' . . . v" I>EA:D J T* EAD! "J> E ADI jobioious ■ advertming in every bu3meßsis the keystone of > .:■ :..,-. . .:■. ;:.- .success. --- ;•'■''-•;.' ••, .■:', *::. Merchints, Tradesmen, and those in business ' are inf ormod that the New Zealand and Intercolonial News arid Advertising Agenoy is now. . . established in those Commodious and conveniently situated premises. No. ISjShortland-street, ato doors from the General Post-office. Tho .Agencyia prepared}q take advertisements for. . all papers in New Zealand and the Australian Colonies; also, for all the leading journals in, every part of the world; , • "".": •:■,■' .',-■".'. ■ ■-"* ■ The Agency has the sole RMHT to issue the - theatrioar paper- known as the ENTR'ACTE , in the Opera House and Theatre Royal." ■" - ~s . • The Manager of the Agency having been ap- s pointed Agent and Correspondent -for. leading ournals in all parts of the Australasian Colonies, and being in receipt of Exchanges, has - opened a well-lighted and commodious Reading Room for the convenience of his clients. I i WILLIAM SYLVESTER PtiLFORD* --' NEW ZEALAND & INTERCOLONIAL / 5 NEWS* DVBRTISINGAGENCY, /:- No. ' 18, Shobteanp-stbeet. ApekEASD./ .'£: IM-0T I CiE.• > P,£ fI REMO V Ahf- -^ ' W."~SaRT, American SPRING'MATTRASS-MAKER, has lemovedfrom Wellesley-street to the premises i ... lately occupied by Mr Martin, and next Mr Rows, Grocer, Victoria-street. W. Hart has in, ' stock every description of Bedding and Iron.; Je&stetuls. Trade supplied with .Materials,:'. . Wholesale and Retail. . • . : ... . , ..- H: :iB' : N"\B'"fY ; V' /HP R L E tJ ''■ BOOT AND SHOE MAKER ,- (Next Holland &BuUor>, i . " VIOTOKIA-STBBBT, AUCKLAND, • »; Having purchased the . . . ■ '• GOODWfii AND STOCK '■■" Of the business lately carried on by J. J, '■-■■'■>'• AUSTKVwfllhold's : '■'■■■ ' CLEARIN'O-OUT SALB.V • And aa the entire Stook has been Bought Very Cheap the Goods will be Bold at a Great—„ ; i ' ; Men's Elastic, 9a;,,Women's. fromlflji Child-;,. ron's.froni-la 6d; Men's Waterßghts, IQsj Bluchers, 6s; Men's Shoes, from 6s 6d;', Ladies', , from 5s Cd, A splendid stock to choose from. . : , ; N.B.—Wo do all^kinda of repairs to Boota ' ' &ndSliooß,whetherpurcha3edhereorelsewliere. I ' "'■*'-fl -HENKY"HTJ3^ik ;'„'.''. ; ,Xictom^ftet>mi.lKaiwgiiMpeßoftd.. . FISH., t riSH,,) IEISHl EISH. 1 -J, t .M^MffTRT.i) ]■''- andStesV6f HeldnavUllFlati Preserving , ;, Faetoryrare'pretareartosutiply'llsh in any quantity, either through their Agents—Messrs j. D.Nathan &Co.-Or direct from the factory. ..;• tfuhot in 1 and 2 lb tins, and in casks of 1 and. ! owt, each, same ea obtained First Prize at the > ast Agricultural Show at Kllerslie. No grocers should Da without tlm Cask Mullet; price, 30s Xt owt,, cask incladod. ' ' ' TIHBNEW ZEALAND : TOBACCOJL GKOWmOAND MANTJFAOTDKINCf ' WMPANYOaMWHD).'; . ; ; Head Offiob and FaotoßY ! AOOKtiAlJf^jii IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. * ' : The above aeeirotia tt com"( dtonlcating with Farmera andothera who art willing to grow Tobaoco. Genuine Havana and American Seed and all Information FREE, which can be obtained at my office, MercantUo ' Working Manager. : December 1.1888.'' - ■ ;-'-:' •'■ ..; |^«INGEK Afiß!" GINGER ALeT P G. GL E D'HI L L . '■is iiiwMamifactnringa " • ;' . '. 6 IN '6 ' ■>%'■. 'B™ "'A • L E , 1 Superior to any yet offered to the Public. ' It is a Delicious, Grateful, and Invigorating / $ev«tage, and blends remarkably well with all / brands of Spirits. ,■., ... / Lj'f G.f'GIiEDHILIv M I WELLESIiE Y--ST-REBT/ TEI.KPHONB NO. 63. / ■ i| Hj \■. r / Coaches, :r / ——- ■" • kfORTHERN OMNIBDB/ -■-.- -131 . (LIMITED);^ BHORE, NEW NORTH ROAD TW^^oeiyed Inatrdc--7 after WEDNESDAY, jS°niat;Mr Uttta'a AucklandtbMtllbert^ 0*4 <noar Captata , 1 and Avondale. /„ ~ ~ ~ ; t Leave Union Bank^. 1 Su te, i targ. Chair*. > ■'■ 10 a.m. ' Chair (cost £70, not much 1 12.15 p.m. /Iron • Bedsteads, Drosslng tIS tr i^ tandß- TablerLamp, Fender. '< 6.15 ~/t! »rpolß.KitohonUtenßUi,ete. - i «1O ift aJE SIBBIN, Auctioneer* j n&Y, MARCH 31, AT NOONi »ForlT ■■ ■ , ■■{■ (y - i a./: CLEABING-OUT SALE • 1 7 of i/OTHING, DRAPERY, HOSIERY. " / FLOWERS, FEATHERSj FANCY GOODS, &o. R. ARTHUR HAS been favoured with instructions to sell by public auction at his Mart Queenstreet (third floor), on Monday next, atl2<?elook noon, The BALANCE of a STOCK of Clothing, Drapery, Hotyry. &0.. Sue: ; Men's and Boys* Suila, OouU, Veetu. Coata anil Veste. Tnra*rusers Trousers and VRsts,' Ties, Gloves. Gimps, FrwRC, Lace Not, Chenille Nets; J HWatiwlown, liVonts, Sax, Hoses,' Ribbons, KmbroWery, Furnitnre Gtmpß, Ftoweis. -Voathers. Tlpu. Heaiis. Cord and Tasseis. Transfer » at terns. Thimblos, Boot Laces, , Binding. Silt Cord, Button* Coreeto^ Wall Mate, Rita. Coat and Hat Rack* Brackets, Matting, ftc. - ■ ■'■'-' ■■ ' ■'■ Also. '' • .. '. ■■'•'■■'^ (Onaccount of whom it way. concern), eißua^ j>eh\i from Ijondon, mote or less damaged, S ONE CASE OF ASSORTED FANCY ■■..:.'. .:i ■• FRILLINeS. -■■■-- I . . Tomw Cash. A I i i i ■ I in ' r ' .• ml f-Ea

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4325, 27 March 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4325, 27 March 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4325, 27 March 1884, Page 1