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Public Notices. '. AUCKLAND BENEVOLEN _t3L SOCIETY. OFFICE: Over Upton's, Stationer, Queen-stree Hours of attendance, from 3 to _ p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT.. PRESIDENT, His Woßsnip the Mayor of Auckland. * VICE-PRESIDENTS: J. M. Clare, Esq. The Hon. Col. Haultaii MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE: Mesdames— Brame. J., Esq. BrambT Huddle, Thos.. Esq. _ Cosgrave D aldy, Capt., W. C. Cowie Green wood, R.C., Est Hay, J. Macffarlane, T.,Esi 1 Judd Murray-Moore, Dr.. Magffarlane, T. Nathan, L. D., Esq. Nathan, D. Peacock, Thos., Esq. White, A. Thorne, Wm., Esq. , EXECUTIVE: Buchanan, Jno., Esq. Dando, Sydney, Esq. ; Cooper, TnEo., Esq. Ewinqton, F. G., Esq. Keeslvq, Ralph, Esq. TREASURER: SECRETARY: C. C. McMillan, Esq. Tom. Duppuy. This Society was called into existence at_; I public meeting of citizens for tlio purpose 0 ' relieving cases of sickness and destitution whisl the Relieving Otlieer could not so well deal with • Tho frequent appeals to the cilizons of Auck land for chni-ititblo aid have become burden sonic, and tlio help given being unsystematic i not only incll'ectual but sometimes wasted 01 1)0 unde.oi-.i'i.;-. Convinced that the publi will bo saved imifili unn-yuncc from bogging . and oxpense, and thnt this organisation will di more real good to tlio poor and needy thai isolated benevolent e,'->rts, tlio Committee an ponl for support. They will administer, wit. Krciit care all funds entrusted to them, anc cause strict, inquiries to be mado into such ap plications for relief. Wi-enever possible, the. will try to avert a tcndeiu-.y to pauperism bj gcttiiiK work for men and women, thus niakinf them Rolf-rci ant. You aro, therefore, respect fully invited to pay to Hie Treasurer, or any ol the Committee, whatever you may feel disposeto give, to enable the Committee to carry oil! the above objects. N.H. The Secretary can irenorally be seen at liis pi- rate, Wcll.ilcy-stre.l. \V. yir.t doors a hove :■' el-on-8' refit), any evening botweer Ihe hours of ? and !). riOICE. COKE. COKE. THE AUCKLAND GAS COMPANY LTD.) invite Orders for GAS COKE. Delivered within 1 mile of the Works, for Cash; longer distances at proportionate rates :— Sample Sack of three bushels .. Is 6d Five Sacks (or quarter ton) .. .. 6b 3d Ten Sacks (or half-ton) .. .. Us 6d Twenty Sacks (or ono ton) .. .. 22s 6d The Company s COKE is mode from the best U-rcymouth Coals; is superior to that made from Newcastle coals, being free from stone md clinker in a remarkable degree, fives a RELIABLE FIRE, CLEARER & HOTTER THAN COAL. LIGHTS READILY, and MAKES NO SMOKE. GOOD FIRE IN 10 MINUTES. OFFICE: FORT-STREET. COKE. COKE. COKE. TTNION OIL, SOAP, AND CANDLE \J COMPANY (LIMITED). MANUFACTURERS OF COMMON AND TOILET SOAPS. CANDLES, PEANUT, AND OTHER LUBRICATING OILS. Soap and Candle Works 1 PARNELL. Oil Works: Customs-street West. Warehouse and Offices 1 Lower __ib_b_ street. Cash Purchasers of TaUiOW. Delivery taken at their Parnell Works or, Warehouse. H. KEESING, Licensed Water • Works Plumber, No. 02. Victorlaitrect, opposite Holland and Butler's. Water '.aid on a! the very lowert rates. Plunthlny and 3as-lltting promptly attended to. Tinware il-.vaya on hand, or made to c_'der. Repairs m ally und promptly executed. Cheapest Shop in I'nwi. 13EADI T3EADI "DEADI JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING IN EVERY BUSINESS IS THE KEYSTONE OF SUCCESS. Merchants, Tradesmen, and those in business -aro Informed that tho New Zealand and Intercolonial News and Advertising Agoncy Is now established In thoso Commodious and conveniently situated premises, No. 18, Shortland-stroot a fw.-doors from tho General Post-office. The Agency is prepared to tako advertisement- for all papers In Now Zealand and tho Australian. Colonies ; also, for all the leading journals in every port of the world. The Agoncy has tho sole rigiit to Issuo the theatrical paper known as the ENTRACTE in the Opera House and Thoatre Royal. The Managor of the Agoncy having been ap pointed Agent and Correspondent for leading journals In all parts of the Australasian C olonies, and being in receipt of Exchangos, has opened a woll-fightcd and commodious Reading Koom for tho convenience of his clients. WILLIAM SYLVESTER PULFORD, NEW ZEALAND*"* INTERCOLONIAL NEWS k DVERTISIIvU AGE-NCV, NO. 18, SIIORTLANn-STRUKT. AUC'-LANH, VTOTICE OF REMOVAL. W."~HART, American SPRING MATTRASS-MAKKR. has Romoved from Wellesley-street to the preniijof lately occupied br Mr Martin, and next all IlewX Grocer. Victoria-street. W. Hart lias Ir, MocJt ovory description of Bidding and (••' 1 Bedsteads. Trade supplied with MatormlWholesale and Retaih FISH. FISH. FISH.—J. Mask__e__» and Sons, of HelonswHle Fish Preserving Factory, are prepared to supply Fish In any quantity, either through their Agenta-Mossrs L. D. Nathan & Co.-or dlroct from ttio factory. Mullot in 1 and 2 lb tins, and In casks of 1 and 2 cwt, each, aamo as obtained First Prize at tho inst Agricultural Show atEUorsllo. Nogrocora should bo without tho Cask Mullot; prico, 30a per cwt., cask inoluded. THE NEW ZEALAND TOBACCOGROWING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY (LIMITED). Head Office and Factory 1 Auckland.. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. Tho abovo Company Is desirous of com municating with Farmors and othora who are willing to grow Tobacco. Gonuino Havana and Amoricau Soed and all information FREE, which can bo obtained at my offlco, Mercantile Chambers, nextteßank of Working Manager, December 1.1833. ■ MR ARCH. BUCHANAN, SOLICITOR. Office—St. Mungo Chambers (opposite Bank of N.Z.I, Queen-street, XT O T I C E. W. S. COLLINS desires to rcnirn his sincere thanks to his Customers and the l'ublic Mfcno rally for the liberal patiomige accorded to hhv .moo ho drat commenced business in Auckland .md in doing so has very much pleasure 11 Informing them that he has DISPOSED OF ills Business, to-other with the LiQ.cor Tk> Aoencv, to MESSRS COLLINS & VINSON whom ho can confidently recommend for uieii future patronage. In reference to tho above. MESSRS Collins and Vinson beg to assure their Incnili and the. Public generally that they will do all ir their power to merit 11 continuance of that sup nort so freely accorded to their predecessor They have opened a very Choice Lot of |-'""; ra and 'Fancy Groecries. Oiluuin's .Store.- and 1 10 visions, tho wholo of which has been selected With great care, and arc woll w orthj of an Inspection. . COLLINS" AND VINSON, (Late W. S. Collins), FAMILY GROCER ANI) PROVISION DEALEKS, Junction of Queen and Grey-streets (Sign of The Li-Quor Tea Company, London). P.S.—Families waited upon. nrt<\ Pood' d;livered free to any part, of the city and <nbnrhr HENRY HURL E, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER (Next Holland & Butler), Victoria-street, .Auckland, Having purchased the GOODWILL AND STOCK Of the business lately carried on by J. J AUSTIN, will hold a CLEARING-OUT SALE. And as the entire Stook has been Bought Vor; Cheap the Goods will be sold at a Great Reduc Hon, as the following quotations will show :— Meu's Elastic, 9s; Women's, from Is; Child ron's. from Is Od; Men's Watertights, 10s Bluchers, Gs; Men's Shoes, from 5s 6d; Ladles from Cs 6d. A splendid stock to choose from. N.B.—We do all kinds of repairs to 800 l and Shoes, whether purchased here or elsewhort HENRY HURLE, - Victoria-street and Karangahape Road.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4325, 26 March 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4325, 26 March 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4325, 26 March 1884, Page 1