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(Before Messrs Daldy and Moody, Justices.) Drunk.—James McLeory, 5s and costs.

A Young Gikl.—Eleanor Butwell was charged under tho Vagrant Act witli having no lawful visible means of a livelihood.—Prisoner pleaded not guilty.-Sorgoant Gamble stated the case.—Serjeant Kiely said tho young girl camo to tho station at midnight, audsaid shonad been turned out of the Brick House, Hokehy-strcet— Prisoner said slicliad recently come from Tauranga. She was a young widow, and was subject to (Its.—Seven days' imprisonment. AI.LEQ _DA ss AOLT.—T. Williams was charged with assaulting Jane McGlashan, at Remuera, on tho 21st inst., with intent to rob.-Sergeant Gamble asked for a remand, in order to got ihe necessary evidence—Mr Naplor, in defence, asked lor bait Ho beliovod that ovidonco to be forthcoming would prove an alibi.— Sergeant Gamble said this was a most serious case, and it would seriously prejudicethecase if prisoner was let looso upon society.—Mr Napier said tho grlsoner was well known. Ho resided at righton, and was an umbrella manufacturer. —Remanded until Wednesday noxt. Bail refused. , _-, S roWAwai'S.—Albert Thomas, Edward Jones, George Wilks. James Johnson, and Georgo Morris wero charged with a breach of the Shipping and Seamen's Act by travelling from Sydney to Auckland in the s.s. liingarooma without paying their faros.—Prisoners ploadcd guilty.—Captain Tozer explained that ho know uoihing of tho prisoners, or how they got on board the steamer. They had been fed during tho voyage, and had done no work. Ho should like to h:n-o them punished as an example to others.— The Bench said this sort of thing muet be put a stop to. C^uld they satisfy tbo captain? Tho men only possessed Is (id amongst them.— fined go each Willi costs.-Prisonors Baid thoy had norther chattels nor effoots.—One month's Imprisonment with hard labour. A Man of Money— Josoph Birch, who was found In a wild state with a £90 cheque In Ins possession, was again brought Up on a charge ot being of unsound mind.—Prisoner said he was -Uffoiing with tho aguo, and not with delirium tremens,—Tho man appeared quito scnsiblo. and was discharged upon paying cost of cab, rood, otc. , Allkokd Sunday Tramno.—Ann Lynch, licensee of tho Clanrlcardo Hotel, Wyndhamstrcet, was charged on summons with a breach of the Licensing Act by supplying beer, to Martin Lest range and to Alfred Arnold during nrohibltod hours on -Sunday, the 10th inst—Mr Tjlc appeared for Mrs Lynch, and said under tne circumstances ho would plenrt^ not guilty. Ho did this in order that the Bench should know the facts of the caso.—Scr geunt Gamble conducted tho inquiry, and stated particulars, produoing tho Gazette, etc. —Serjeant Kiely deposed that ho visited the Clani-icardo Hotel on the Sunday in question, about balf-paet six o'clock a.m. Saw persons going into tho liotob He went in, and saw Slartin Lcstrango with a pint ol beer before him, freshly drawn. Mary McMahor told him tho men were all lodgers. Witness remarked. Lestrange is not a lodgor.—To Mr Tole: So-iie of tho persons woro in liquor. Lestrange had money in his hand. The beer was on tho counter. Two othorinon were in the bar. He took their nameß, John Evans and Alfred Arnold. Ho did not boo Mrs Lynch; she was upstairs.—To Sorgeant Gamble: Evans was drinking, and said ho was a traveller. He might have been — Constablo Hanson gavo pimilar evidence.— Martin Le3trango, of Lome stroet. deposed that he went to the Clani-icardo on Sunday morning, and o pint of beer was drawn for him by Mlbs McMaher, but before he could cither pay or take a sup ScrgeantKioly camo tn and he wont out.—To Mr Tole: Hadn't got a penny to his name. Went through the forni of putting his hand in his pocket. Had to travel 5 miles now on a Sunday before ho could get a blessed drink. He objoctod to be pumped when half drunk ; could not tell how many times he had been in gaol; he must refer to tho polico records; know Mount Eden pretty well.—Mr Tole. in addressing tho Court, submitted that the charge must fail in the faco of tho evidenoo, especially that of Lestrange, which was unreliable and unworthy of credence. He could showthat tho boor was drawn for a boardor, and that Lestrange furtively attempted to steal tho beer.—The Bonch considered that a defence should be made.—Ann Lynch deposed that sho gave the key to Miss McMaher to open the bar for the purpose of cleaning It out, tolling her to bo particular not to admit nnyono but boarders; sho had no personal knowledge of the present charge. — Miss McMahor corroborated, and said further that she went, into tlio bar parlour for a parcel for Mr Toomcv, of Urury. When she opened the .oor there was a rush of lodgers. Sho supplied them <v-th something each. Lestrange got in, and attempted to tako it. She told him not to touch it, as she had drawn it for a boardor.— Richard Tcomcy deposed that he and his wife and men wore lodging at the Clanricardo on that Sunday. Miss McMaher objected to open the bar forhisparcel.andgavehimtwodrlnksasaloager. Sho refused at first, as it was against orders.— Charles O'Hagan (Drury) having given evidence, the Bench wished to hear tho evidence in the second case, that of supplying Arnold with beer on the same day. - Alfred Arnold, of. Cookstreot, deposed that on Sunday morning fee went for a batho, and on returning, seeing persons going into the hotel, he followed and called for a long glass. Ho drank the beer, and the police popped in before he had an opportunity of paying for it-To the Bonch: Had never been in the hotel bof ore. -Mrs Lynch deposed that there were 15 boardors in the house at the liim:. TU. ll.:!-.-h u.iir.ri i- consider the. ovidcuc- m but-Cl*:*, and <ii_mi-«l ih.chanir:,i • ;. -i:-.-r i n .-t;i-rr,-,'.!>tin- Hiirp.litthlerimriu-tcr ot: l.;_!i-'iiiw'a'.:-' "'"'"'■" but in Hi;-. .j.ii-und >-i.._, iv --i,i..1, Arnold wiw supplied, a lull penalty oi £10 was inflicted. This was all tho business.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4325, 26 March 1884, Page 2

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POLICE COURT.-This Day. Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4325, 26 March 1884, Page 2

POLICE COURT.-This Day. Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4325, 26 March 1884, Page 2