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ft* Safe TutOß B&LM, ExmtoutkstrefciS, oOfettlci X" RaiidL tfico ?-r«om<;d HqWso,- allotment 9 X 203, rill m brchort! *.a)sw i-ftoftfod Cotfago alloSno'nt33'.vl'oo. Either <*si« bo sold, o ♦Voivlipje tpgothef real gooa Jr»y«stmctn.----i If. Farlmgtcm, LeftidAgent. ... TTVOR &AT3 "OK TO tET, Cltftof JD Villa. Keppel-lftfW off Groat N-ortl Bosfl. Hotiso contains 5 roJAnj, fitted witr : cveiy '■oayAhfaftco. Allbtmcnt 38 £ Ki. Price i £2GO. Ecru, I»* per v/ce!t.-Apply \ atle »nd : Douglas-Land Age-'-ta, .Sh'pTtland-sti'cet. FOR SALE, Ponsonb? Ksftd< Comfortf<*r!V Residence, situated close tcMhe Ctyy : Park ; hou'Si? *»>T>talnsr 6 rooms; £as and tffliel laid on; ataWos, 03!h«ffletf, and..evctr convenience; lease of 18 yUafa to rnn.-Further particulars from D. F, EvanS, LaSd .Agent, Queen-street. „_ OR SAtE (Mangere), a Gentleman's Farm arid mS^built Residence, with Dairy, Stables, outbnifoiCfiS, fto, About eight a-.res of well - known flije.t-cfes innd. The Orchard is one acre in extent, and nwjpnvatc Grounds nro studded with ornamental trees. i Al*>, SSa' bathing. Thb above ls^a valuable property within 13 miJes of the City.—D. F. EOII SALE, 2 Kteught Horses, Dray, and Harness, Spfl'figwj£. and Harness, Steam Engine and Boiler, ChefttJjttef, Bonne Machine, Saw-bench Shafting, F.Weys, and Bolting. Likewise For Sale or Lea«tt thg Premises used by the undersigned as Coal ttnfl Firewood Yard for 22, years.—For further partii oulflfs .'tppiv to James Watt, Stanloy-stroct, : Meohanle'a' Btifi _ OR SALE, Several Beautiful Building Sites at Mount ATCcfl,'close to the Station ; good investment for capital,- Farm of 80 Acres, all in cultivation; 12 WffteS ffom itown; 5-roomcdHouse. Twenty-siS Acres and new 2-robmod Cottage, nicely finished r smttfrao ; for a poultry farm H,mflcs of station.— 1 B^ Orchard, 18, New Zealand Insurance i Buildings. ■ OK SALE, a Now fifct? Commodious 11----roomed Villa! I!e3idoncs, beautifully 1 situated in Clevcland-strceJi (choiqcsS Bart, of Parnclll, commanding an uninterrupted: VWf of tlie harbour.; can never be built out .Bathroom and every convenience. Allotment, 73 x 200 (inclußiyp.ofrifeht-or-wav)v Warden stocked with choice and.carsfully selected FrUlt Treos in full bearing.—For particulars and cards to view, apply tb Messrs Phillipps & Son, Queen street, TJIOR ABSOLUTE.SALE, the Business J_ Md Goodwill of It Uym Stable, catabisheef aibi 2ffvea& irf thomoSt central part pf : tho city; ttie' Wh6l{ ebW,<!rn .being, a profitable I and fii-st-class ihtt'Stm'6ntiof pM man dcuff ing 'toacquire ono of thfi !<%cst aWd beat-paying monopolies, and which is cafftwjof bUB further expansion. The stock of Horacty CaffiaKes, Cabs and other Vehicles can, with tflo #bi>le working plant, be taken at a valuation. 'lm Frooholdand Buildings can bo, scoured On' .exceptionally easy terms, or a Lease .61 the. Premises can bo arrangod. — For details, k nd all further particulars apply to W. L. Mitchell, solo Agent, 8, Mercantile Chambers. Queen-streot. Xpi 0 R SALE. Thk Magnificent BRICK FAMILY RESIDENCE, PARK HOUSE, Situated in Princes-street (adjoining Albert Park). Now in the occupation of Mhs J. Smito. For full paf ticulars apply to QABBIRL tKWIS, Auctioneer. Tjl 0 R S A L E. [OTEL PROPERTif, in ono of the Priiiefoat Coast Towns of tho North Island, containing 28 rooms; sisso of dining-room, 31x22, and tho other rooms correspondingly large. Tho OWner is about to leave the colony, and offers tiiis property at a very low figure, Averago takings. £70 per yreck. ,"■«■.. RKMUERA.—IS AereßOf Land, facing the Moln Road, subdivided into Grass Paddocks and BAY OF 'ISLAND^: — TWO fdrms1,- Fjeehold and Lcapeliold^ containing 661 and 198 ACffiS of rich v oleanie Lntid; plenty of wood afld water, Hoiiße of S rooms, ond close to a post and telegraph office. Subdivided into Twelve Paddtfcks; laid down in Eflglinh Grasses.WAIKATO.—IOO Acres near HTrtitfy; *21 per aoro; Bush and Fern Land, containing froW nine to ten million feet Kabikstea, Rinrtt, and Mata Timber, Witli Two Cbttagos, dnd Land partly Ploughed and Fenced.- SOs pet acre. A. SCOTT & CO.v g&queen-Btj nOMM ERg. IA L HOTEL, \_J -tfiLANGAKEt ' This NgwV Conimodiouß, nSd CentrnHy--BUUatCdHFOHBALBORLKASE. This Hotel is' situate directly opposite ttie Railway Station, and in the direct line of the Main Conutry Roads leading into Whangarei. A really good Business is being done in Every DC?o n wl lFnSdocks, Stabliif{}, and Billiard Table. Srttisfactcry Tcason given as to the cause of the present proprietor leaving. A BFUKNDip OPPORTUNITY FOR ANYONE BEQtTIRI&a Jl OdOD LEiKISG CffUKTBT For full particulars apply to G; B. HOWARD, Propriotor', Whtfngaret, Or, SAMUEL JAGGER, . Captain Cook Brewery. AtCkiafid. OHN-STREET. — Nice little Cottage and Allotment; very cheap. Price, only £220.—Apjlly D; Fi Evons, Land and Estato : Agent, Queen-street. I^TORTH SHORE;—For Sale,- Villa Kesi--31 dence of 6 rooms, bay window, verandah, 3 register grates, oven and open fire-grate in kitchon,; volcanic allotment, i) .it .120, conveniently Bituattd on main road, improving position. Price, £500) and very choap at that.— i. Tanner, Estate Agont, 8, Queen etreeti MUST BE SOLD. — Nprthcote, with magnificent view of iarbouf. Threeroomed Cottage, verandah on two sides, and four-stalled stable and loft, nbont 100 feet frontace to Groat Nortji Rood and about H chains in depth, all fenced, and planted in Frflit Tfoee, ift full bcaringi and half an aero in Strawbflrno'Bj Price, £620.-r-For further particulars apMy : to J.R. Randei'son, Mercantile Chambers, Qucen-st. f^i RAND OPENING for Suburban Store JT at Mount Alborti Lafgci Corner AUoIJ ment on Main ttoad, opposite Wcsleya'nChurch, about 180x200 foot. This pl'OSCnta fl ilrßt-Class opportunity for a pushing man of bufflnCMi tho Bite being in the centre of this flourishing diß triet.and must be sold a bargain. Price rtason> able. —ApT^ly J. R; Randereon, Lttfld Ageflt, Mercantile Chambdrs. HE Good-Will Of a MILK BUSINESS for Sale. OvortUfn.£B iteefcly.Leasehold Property, noar City. Twenty head -well-bred CatUci, new Spring: Oart, Horao, Harness, etc., ovory convenience, 18 tons flrst-clfWs Hay; Now ready for an enterprising man with, family to step into. Price, MX!9 cash for the wholes This is a splendid chance for a now eolflor,«« Hotijelold. Furniture may be taken at valuatson. Sickness only, reason Jor propcrty_ being in tho Market—APJotJ. 8i Randcrsonj Land Agent, :ercantllo Chatnbera. .:. . . : TO' CAPITALISTS AND .OTHERS.— Splendid Building Sites Ift centre Of the ity. All that valuablo.City Property in Shortr land-street, corner of Mill's Lane, and situate between Mcssts A. Clark and Soft's warehouse and Messrs Bycrofts1 MilL This Frochqld being in Buch a commanding.and central position is a flrstclasß investment for any Capitalist?, ana if any inducement, tho Vendor is willing to allow nearly all the purchase monoy to romain on mortgage, boing satisfied with the prosteotlve as well as the present vahifc ot this Site —P. F. Evans. Laud Agent. riARDINALS' MARCH.—Copies may be J had at Eady's Music WarohQUEO. Queen-st. YCEDM-HALL. HOBSON-STREET. —Pianofortes,' Organs, and Harmoniums (new and second-hand), for Sale or Hire on ttefßfred syetem of payments.—S. H. Webb and Co . _ !l*1OA: -^Netf Thfee-rboffled Boubo, H)_l.&\J_» just btlilt for sale, eff the Groat North Road.-C. Williamson, Land and Estate Agent, High-street (near Shortland-st). HE OLD LAND AND THE NEW "- . Now Soiigj this day at all Music Shops. Price, 25., , BUSINESS FOR SALE.—The General Store of tho undersigned. . Terms liberal. —Wm. Stevenson, Onehnnga. ELROSE. 3 LARGE ALLOTMENTS, CHEAP. Victoria Park, 3 Allotments, I9s per foot, sheap. Shelly Beach Road, cornf-r lot, S3 lss. Northcoto, lots 234 feet deep, 20s. Wollington-Btrcet (city), £10. Lots 53 and 55 Bella-street, Ellerslie, large depths, 20s. Bayflold, I lots, 22s 6d per foot. Bayfleld, vary large Allotment, £00 Mount Roskfll, 50 x HBft, 6ins., 45s por foot Dovonport, largo Allotment, £2 per foot Richmond Road, 117 iee-t lota deep, £212s 6d por Wcßtmorefand- street, Si x ISO, 23a per foot, cheap. Collego Road, £7 per foot. Arthur-street, £5 per foot. Gladstone (NorthcOte), I aero, CBS. Mclford-Btroet, £210s per foot. Also, cheap Housos, &c. W.'TULLIVER, COOMBES'S CnAMBEBS. 86. QCBEW-STBBET. ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, 300 Sacks Feed Oats 200 Sacks Milling Oate 100 Sacks New Zealand Maizo | 100 Sacks Fowl Wheat i 10 Cosob Caatflrbury Cheeso 2ALr^^\VWofHANp: Wood's Flour, Bran. Sharps, Chaff Onions, Potatoes. Hams and Bacon Corned Beef, lOClb. kegs. .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ALBERT AND ROBERT EATON, REMOVED TO COMMERCE-STREET (Noxt to JosephCraig'a). ON SALE, at very Low Rates, by the undersigned, in Loto to suit Purchasers— OATS , OATMEAL MAIZE WOOD'S FLOUR FOWL WHEAT TEA ■ BRAN SUGAR c&lff- 3 - miw BONEDUST, &C, tc, ,&C. Agents for the following— The Celebrated "ALBANY FOOD" for Infants—the sale of this article is immense. Tho Unrivalled HEMATITE PAINT from Kamo, quality not equalled. The Hikurangi Sawmill, orders taken foi BUILIUNG TIMBER at low rules, and Blip plied at short notice. E. MITCHELSON & CO., 19, QUKEK-STREKT. A M U E L WHITE HAS FOR SALK AT THK YARD CUSTOMS-STREET:- M Per 100. Purirl Posts ••£S}S a Very Good Piiriri Posts .. ..7 10 Hobartßaiis .. ... Sawn Puriri Posts 8x 3 .. .. , o "ae?{; Sawn Heart Kauri Boards, 0x J .. 38a pr 10 .SgßfiSaL- s j::.^ ::;• ISawn Rlmu Rails 63 Titree Rails : 70 KauriPosta loeaob Shingles, House Blocks. &c. if SAWN BLBBPBRS, Bxs, Ze M each,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4310, 15 March 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4310, 15 March 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4310, 15 March 1884, Page 3