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.To-morrow's Star Sui-it.emkst will contain : — Random Shots, by " Zainiol " ; " Mistress and Maid, a Story of St. Yaloutino's Day;" " Neck or Nothing," a talo by Helen W. Piorsoii ; continuation of tho interesting serial, "A Woman's Faith;" "Social, Theatrical, and Literary Gossip by our London Correspondent;" "Attacked by nn Octopus—a Divot's Struggle in tho Hold of a Sunkon Vessel;" "A Grim Lighthouse Story ;" "Thrilling Adventures with a Shark :" " Tho Garden ;" " Field Sports and Aquatics;" "Army, Navy, and Volunteers," &c, &c.

Tho salo of liquor in brothels, it is stated, is carried on in tlio most iflUuushing manner. Once or twico a wool-'V' lower's cart stops boforo tho door ot imi-'Y tho notoriousßokoby-stroct ost»h}i#netfj .. •">" tho driver carries in, without -Hit! '*lft»litest nttompt at disguiso, two hirgo -totes 't-b^ look suspiciously like ww of ' v ''A?Aq Tonnont. Tho polir-o, 'If only !' ,' ;)ie ;„. terests of tho licensed vlct*llo^ ioul ,] n()t relax thoir endeavor-- -'"ul W - tv :„ entirely purged of it num_pr" H ,, L OK shops

— / Tho operations of HioA of Js , ft| , dg C oal Company during tho', * , ialf . yoar havo been anything but *rf ™ * ho ~m ro. holdors, the accouuV'" ...i ~< tin-meet-ing this afternoon/1. 8 S on tho _.alf.yeur's/Bh°w^ :l l0 r t lis been determined to ,y. operations. It ha been 13s te 13s6dpe/"S0 the Py'W « 7^,, .T since tho M^i^^nho year. These decisions nro «£""» ~ , ~..r rv tho Company through the '/pected to l; l". y„itliout loss, and if prosjbofoxt lulll; yV ltf irovo then, It is proposed <fc' X' lo ''"?,. increaso the prico of 'foil. , vuco wages, or to abandon fls* '?"' Application is to bo made to th" Wornment for assistance to boro foi-'rti' 1, it boitig understood that the cnuso of t'hJ loaa " the giving-out of caul, which doc; not cx»rtt in sulticiontly large bodies in tl° present seam to pay for taking it ou» '!,,°directors of tho Company have dccliipdMfi take over tho railway, und tho lino w'i'^b" I'y 1)0 opened to doop water and workfc'i'bvtho Govornmont.

Soilft.iilea.of tho state of tho shipbuilding i ;riu ],. ~i. Huu.o may bogathcredjrom tluiij ?act_t.?._"''"'-rrrtossTiiiiii niiy-nino tondors woro received !pr tho construction of a new steel .-iteumH u)r Messrs Stono Brothers, of Auckland Captain Savory, who went from hero to superintend tho building of tho vessel, appears to have arrived at a very good time. Many linns were discharging their employes on account of the scarcity of work, and thoro was consequently great competition for the work. A description of tho new steamer is published in another column.

Messrs Cousins nnd Atkin aro building extensive additions to their premises in Elliott-street. Mr Atkin, tho head of the firm, is nt present at Sydney on a visit, and is probably picking up tho most recent Australian notions in his lino.

Building operations on tho recently-sub-divided Surrey Bills Estate are proceeding steadily, and this district promises ero long to bo a largely populated ono. The resiCouncil for aTiipply~6rwa£crTrolh V/ftCi^)' mains, as they aro not city ratepayers, but in tho Nowton Road District, and their request is under tho consideration of the City Waterworks Committee.

Hon. Messrs Bryce and Rolleston left Ohinemutu for Cambridge yosterday morning, without having been ablo to arrivo at any satisfactory understanding with tho nativos in regard to tho railway. They may possibly roach Auckland by tho Waikato train this evening.

By last night's train from Holonsville, Constable Ingcr brought down a prisoner named Honry Palmer, who had boon committed to gaol for threo months for n breach of the Vagrant Act at Port Albert. Sinco committaV, anothor chargo of obtaining goods under false protonces has been lodgctl against prisoner, ho having obtained a quantity of tools and provisions at tho store of Messrs Bascombeand Co., on Fitzgerald's station, 12 milos from Port Albert.

*,Cr. Aickin's proposal to limit the deliberations of tho City Council to 10 o'clock except for businoss already entered upon, which was lost at tho meeting of the City Council last evening, is based on a rule for tho conduct of Parliamentary business, which providos that no now business shall bo entered upon after 12.30 a.m.

The architectural appearance of our main thoroughfare has been still further improved by tho completion of the handsome and imposing new premises for tho Bank of New South Wales. Mr Philcox was the contractor, the cost of tho building being £11,500. Messrs Armson, Collins, and Lloyd, of Christchurch, woro the architects, while Mr Edward Bnrtley, of this city, supervised tho construction of tho building. Tho interior is handsomely fitted up. Tho gas fittings, &c, which aro of the latest dosigns, woro supplied by tho Auckland Gns Company. Messrs Branston and Forstor oxocuted tho plumbing work, and Mr John Henderson the painting and varnishing. Tho mnrblo mantelpieces supplied by Sir Blakoy, of Victoria-sti cot. Mia the ologant iron sido entranco gates ant! other iron scroll work was turned out at Messrs Frascr and Tinne's Phccnix Foundry.

At tho Harbour Board yosterday, after tho result of tiio balloting for ongineor was made known, Mr J. M. Clark protested that tho best man had not boon appointed, and said ho would resign his seat on tho Board. Mr Aickin said an inquiry had taken placo with regard to tho present clock. It would bo just as well to know if it was anything with rogard to Mr Erringten or not. Tho Secretary said an inquiry had takon place Mr Aickin: What was tho result. Tho Secretary : Nothing. Mr Waddol said ovoryonc had a right to hold his private opinion, but ho thought it was lato in tho day to raise an objection after tho candidates had been balloted for. After somo further remarks tho discussion dropped.

The Northern Steamship Company's steamer Wellington, which has boon out of commission for sovoral months, and has undergone such extensive renovations that she is almost a now vessel, will mako her trial trip to-morrow. Tho onginos aro entirely new, and tho alterations and imEroveinents to tho hull of the vessol havo eon of so extensive a character that it is just a question if it would not havo been cheaper to havo built a new vessol. Tho Wellington is considered to bo the handsomest model amongst tho list of coasting steamers, and with tho recent improvements it is believed that she will accomplish tho distance between Auckland and Tauranga in eleven hours. She will resume running on Monday next. *

Tho funeral of the late Rev. H. D. D. Sparling, 8.A., took place this morning. Tho procession, includinga hearse, mourning carriage, and followers on foot, loft the late residence of deceased at 7.45, and reached St. Sepulchre's Church at 8 o'clock, where the first portion of the Church of England burial service was read by Yon. Archdeacon Dudley, and Dr. Neales's impressive hymn, "Light's Abode, Celestial Salem," was sung by the choir, Mr V. B. Rice at the organ. A large number of friendsand neighbours of deceased stood around tho grave, including ladies from thochurchesof St. Paul's.St. Sepulchre's.and St. Barnabas's, also Revs. Dr. Purchas and J. K. Davis. The latter portion of the service at the grave was performed by Bishop Cowie assisted by Archdeacon Dudley and Rev. C. M. Nelson, M.A. When the coffin was lowered, tho choir sang the appropriate hymn, "Brief life is here our portion." Deceased was an old sett 1. r, and latterly, as long as his health -permitted, conducted the services at St. Barnabas's Church. He leaves one daughter the departure of a devoted

Included in tho cargo of the ship Brenhildn, which loft London for Auckland on Novomber 28, woro 4 bulla, valued at £4SO; 10 rams, valued at £320 ; and 35 owes, yaluod at £180. Tho total valuo of tho Bicnhildn's cargo is £40,700.

The Port Albert show, will bo held on March 1,1. A steamer is announced to run from ITolloiisvlllo, nt reduced tares, for tho conveyance of Auckland visitors

_ Tho local Insurance Companies Association has again refused to contribute towards the cost of maintenance of tho Firo Brigade, and the wholo question is now under tlio consideration of the Legal Comniitteo of tho City Council. Various ideas havo beon suggested by tho city fathers with the viow ot compelling tho Insurance Companies to pay somo part of the cost, nnd ono Oounoillor has oven gone so far as to suggest tho disbandment of the Firo Brigade

flic latest invention in copying appaintus is tho cyclostyle, which is being extensively used tor that purpose. Prom one orig'tal writing n thousand copies may bo taken in black or coloured ink, the impressions being all good. Tho inventors aro Moss-r.. George U.-iterston and Sons, Hanovor-street, Edinburgh, who supply tho cyclostyle complete m caso, including pen, paper, ink, and roller, for 21s, octavo size. For quarto and foolscap size a small extra charge is made. Iho demand for it in Scotland sooms to bo great., and when it finds its way into tho colonies it is sure to bo largely patronised. Wo constantly bear of tho scarcity of suitable dwolling-housos available for renting, and yet nt every mooting of tho City Council plans are approved of numbers of new houses about to bo erected on city leaseholds. Various plans were .submitted last night, nnd approval was expressed of all of these, in every instnnco tho valuo of tlio buildings being considerably abovo what is required by tho terms of lease. It was reported that over sixty building permits had been Issued during the fortnight. Speculation in tho erection of dwolling-housoa should be a profitable one, seeing that rents nro ruling high, empty houses arc scarco, and something liko ono thousand now colonists aro on their way from London to Auckland. There is on exhibitionlaUhSsKbp of Mr \\. C. Oonnoa ! Un e gff!irtr OCti a skilfully"XGCM}_°d, liateWTschoonor, mado from h?' m[_^c!cAv kauri gum. Tho hull is , JJJtTnlfi'o inches in length, and all the ariose gear on tho deck is most faithfully represented. Regattas appear to bo all the rago hero just now. On St. Patrick's Day, March 17, two aro nnnouncod to tako placo, one nt Whangaroa and tho other nt Coromandel. Tho day following brings with it tho Tauranga Regatta, thou will follow the regatta of tho Auckland Rowing Association, to bo hold during tho samo month, and after it comes tho Ponsonby annual ntiuatic festival, which has boon fixed for Easter Monday. Nor is this all. So great is tlio interest tnkon at present in aquatic sports that another ollbrt has been mado to rovlvo tho North Shore Regatta, and thero is overy probability that tho marino suburb will again como out prominently by tho presentation of a capital programme, tho succsss of which may oven eclipso previous oll'crts.

The mode adopted by tho City Bate | Collector in tho porformanco of his duties ' Was tho subject of somo vory caustio re- ' marks at the mooting of tho City Council ' last night. It was stated that ho has beon ,; accustomed te notify ratepayers of their J indebtedness, but that if offered the amount 1 of rates on tho spot ho would refuse torecoivo tho money, telling tho debtor ro bring it down to him at tho City Council oliices. . By iho now arrangement brought into force last night, tho Collector will bein, £ in his oflioo duritmjMerfii.rititirr ol the day to jaei&y..frr.UTrntos, and will subsequently _ mako an outdoor collection in town, taking 1 his book with him in order to receive the f rates. Tho suggested appointment of a l cadet in this department, will not bo made.

A meeting of tho Devonport Naval Artillery was held last evening at. tho Oddfellows' Hall, Devonport. Notwithstanding that the weather was most unfavourable, thoro -woro somo -10 membors present, including Lieutenants (!. F. .lames and R. Wynyard. Tho first business was the swoaring in of two new members, which mnko tho total number cnrollod -IS. Mr Samuel Vospcr was unanimously elected Hon. Treasurer to the Company. A rather lengthy discussion took place regarding tho question of uniforms, resulting in a resolution to send to England for them by the next outgoing 'Frisco mail. Tho sot of company rules as laid down on the Volunteer Regulations was unanimously adopted without alteration. It was agrocd to hold a mooting on Friday, 20th inst., for tho puiposoof havi.«.u*bec\Y'Tei]i)eseeiv"tb <ifm.iii-\_ff-fii-iL d_t» will be the last opportunity for enrolment in tho corps.

Grafton Ward is about to bo placed on an equality with other portions of suburban Auckland in the matter of a tclephono bureau. This was promised some time ago, and yesterday Mr F. J. Moss, M.H.K., received an assurance from the Telegraph Department that tho work will be proceeded with without dolay.

Tho Artillery Band will moot in the Albert I'ark to-morrow afternoon, under tho patronage of His Worship tho Mayor, should tho weather permit. The following programme has been prepared by the bandmaster :—Potito overture, " La Recreation Musicalo" (J. Hemmerle); quadrille, "Joyous Friends " (K. Smith); selections, "Pride of Scotland," on Scotch airs-(It. Round); solo polka, "Pistonctto" (E. Marie); grandgleo, "The Forest Queen" (11. Round); selection, "Pationco, or Bunthorne's Bride " (Arthur Sullivan) ; vnlse, "Rose of England" (11. Bound); gallop, "Snow Drift" (R. Smith); "God Save the Queen."

It will bo seen from our report of tho proceedings at last night's meeting of tho City Council that tho salo of tho leases of building allotments in Cook, Albert, and Greystreets has boon deferred for tho present. This stop was taken for tho following reasons : —During tho progress of tho meeting, tho Town Clerk stated that tho sale was to tako placo on the 26th inst., and asked if any of tho allotments wero to bo reserved as a site for fresh-water baths. Cr. Montaguo suggested that the salo bo deferred, and that negotiations bo opened for the purchase of Busby's property, thus enabling the wholo of tho property boing disposed of in a block, as dono in tho caso of tho Victoria Arcade. Cr. Oiler supported tho proposal, and suggested that something should be done to till in the hollow at tho foot of Groy-strcot, and by tho purchase of Busby's property to carry Cook-street across: from tho fit'obell. It was pointed out that tho impractibility of filling in tho Groy-strcot hollow had already boon reported upon, and after some further discussion tho site was postponed for tho present, notice of motion to bo given on the subject.

Tho bowling match at Mr Porter's American Bowling Saloon attracted a crowd of spectators last ovoning, Tho competitors woro ilr John Green and Mr J. R. Scott, of tho Nevada. Tho betting commenced with 15 to 10 on Mr Groen, who was the favourite. Tho gnmo turned, however, in favour of Mr Scott, who gained the victory. The play was considered slow for such crack men as Green and Scott, and tho scores wero bolow tho average Ist game: Greon, 83; Scott, 57. 2nd : Green, 53 ; Scott, 82. 3rd : Greon, 75; Scot., 93. 4th : Green, 78 ; Scott, 01. sth : Groen, CO; Scott, SS. oth: Green, 52; Scott, 81. 7th : Green, 85 : Scott, 52. Bth : Greon, 53; Scott, 58. 9th: Groen, 79; Scott, 72. 10th: Green, 09 ; Scott, 78. llth: Greon, 70; Scott, 110. Mr Scott, therefore, won by 1 gamo and 40 pins. Mr Green has, we understand, issued a challenge to ropoat tho match, and it will no doubt be accepted. ' Extensive additions nro to bo mado at once to tho Lock Hospital with the object

of affording necessary accommodation, the building at present being crowdod, and medical inspoction having ceased owing to the fact that there is no room for further patients. At the meeting of the City Council last night, the Legal Committee recommended additions as reported by Mr Wade at a cost of £87. These include the addition of a servant's bedroom and a large ward which could contain six beds, and also two additional wards as a lean-to, each ward to have two bedrooms. The Mayor said this oxtension was very necessary, seeing that on last inspection day the medical officer could not go further, seeing that the accommodation was insufficient. It was known that there were now some cases outside the Hospital so bad that they would require isolation.—Cr. Crowther opposed the expenditure, and proceeded to say that now they wero getting applications for light from Ponsonby, and so it would be well to consider that there were people in tho Lock Hospital who had plenty of money and could pay for their support. —Cr. Levoro: " What lias that to do with Ponsonby."—Cr. La Roche; "They all come from there."—Cr. Crowther added that if he had been allowed to complete his remarks he would have pointed out that if they spent their money on this non-produc-tivo business they would havo nothing to spend on roads, drainage, and other city works.—The additions wero agreed to.

Our weekly market price list appears in another column. Fresh butter and -eggs remain at last week's quotations, the letter being rather plentiful. On reference to the list it will bo observed that several alterations from last quotations occur in salt butter, chocso, mnizo, oats, nnd potatoes.

It is stated that there is now £4,000 arrears of city rates. Probably this accounts for some of the numerous complaints made by burgesses that they are not on tho roll.

Wm. Montgomery Cosset, time-keopor, of St. George's Bay, was adjudged a bankrupt to-day. The assets are stated at £12, and the liabilities at £08 10s o_d.

A meeting of tho creditors of Louis Coombes, engineer, of Auckland, was held to-day at tho Supreme Court, when the bankrupt was put under examination. It transpired that tho liabilities amounted to L 77 12h, und the assets to LIS, and further that tho bankruptcy was nttributablo to tho loss of an arm at the Mercury Bay Sawmills, and tho consequent expense und loss of work.

To the Editor: Sir,—Your leader of last night tells us that tho Prince of Walos nnd many of tho lenders of public opinion in the Old Country have taken up tho question of '' Homos for the Poor." Perhaps somo kind soul might bo found to do tho samo for the city of Auckland, whore thoro arc homes to bo found that are a disgrace to humanity, and ought to bo at once abolished. Just look nt tho hovels occupied in Elliott-street. The land and buildings are owned by those who call thomselves respectablo citizons, who draw the rent for buildings not fit for pigs to live in. Perhaps if the Building Inspector had his uttontion drawn to tho buildings referred to, ho might see his way to have them removed at onco. —I am, &c, Sno»ks.

Tho congregation of St. Thomas's Church colobrato on Sunday noxt their thanksgiving festival for tho ingathering of the fruits of harvest. Tlio church is being prottily docorated. Harvest sormons will bo preached by tho llov. Lloyd Keating, Sunday's collections aro to be devoted to a fund for tho improvement of St. Thomas's. About £700 are wanted for this purpose, and for tho purchaso of an organ. Tho Ficomaii'.s Hay district has mado rapid progress of Into years, and a bettor church is needed for tho increased population, (lifts of vogotables and fruit can bo loft at tho church any time beforo Sunday. Theso will bo subsequently sent to tho orphans at St. Stephen's, Parnell, and to tho Howestreet Industrial Homo.

In accordance with tho law of itineracy of the Primitive Methodist Church, tho Rev. Mr Guy, for threo years pastor of tho Franklin Road Primitive Methodist Church, has left to tako the spiritual charge of the Now Plymouth congregation. His successor is tho Roy. Mr Boothroyd, who arrived bore from Invorcargill by tho s.s. To Anau on Monday lust. Last ovening a social gathering of the congregation for tho purpose of welcoming the now minister took place at tho church. Tho inclemency of tho weather militated against tho attendance, but thoso present made up for tho paucity of their number by tho warmth of thoir wolcomo. Tea was provided by tho following ladies: Mesdamos Maynard, Booth, Wock», McCarroll, Percy, and Chambors. Brief spoochos of welcome were givon by Messrs Geary, Booth, and Rout, and tho Roy. Mr Boothroyd responded feelingly. During tho evening selections of sacred music were rendered by tho church choir, Miss Booth, organist to tho church, presiding at tlio harmonium.

Woman has ever been n true help, meet

ii- man, whenever ho peonUAfttUtnr-cr to be so

d.it_W,'r...u itetSSilove, that ills not just her province, to tako an over active part, in the great bailie of life, yet in tho great moral struggle for liberty and happiness, she has her part to porform, and she usually docs it well. Man may tight tho battlo, and his reauon prepare thu plan, but sho is tho motive power that spurs him on to action, and wo believe, ihtrt it is ehlelly to woman's secret influence, that wo owo the great temperance victory of last Tuesday. Therefore To-morrow, If our fair _i-t(;i-3. who are on the eido of tomperanee, will call upon us at tho Right Corner Stall, City Markot, thoy will moot with something to their advantage, as wo havo provided an extra supply of go-id things, for this particular occution. Please be in time and avtJd the rush and confusion of the evening. Aucklnnd Provision Company, City Market.—A. Ukttany. Manager.—[advt.l

Dr. Wilkins, Info of Melbourno and Christchunh, it will be scon by rcferonce to our advertisement columns, has resolved tonmitn poruianentlv in Auckland to practlßC his protesion in special nnd general branches, lie has t-ikon private rooms in Quoon-streot, {opposite South llritishlnsuranceU uildings. Dr. Wilkins was honorary surgeon to ono of the largo Melbourne hospitals for many years, and also to tho lutlrmnry for Diseasoa of tho Kyo, Ear, and Throat. Ho is tho author ot various medical pamphlets, and has already gained a reputation Mr Pooloy'ssecond marine"concert'comes oil to-morrow afternoon (wcathor permitting). and from tho enjoyable character of tho first of these gatherings a fortnight since, it should command support. Tho simmer Takapuna loaves Queen-street Wharf it 3 o'clock, and after calling nt Northcoto, Uirtenheod, and tho Sugar Company's Wharf, wil proceed up tho harbour. Mr Angolo Forres will officiate at the piano, and Mr MoKwen stppllcs light temperance refreshments.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 4291, 22 February 1884, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 4291, 22 February 1884, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 4291, 22 February 1884, Page 2