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The ordinary weekly meeting of UlO City Council was held last evening. There were present—His Worship tho Mayor (Mr W" E. Waddol), in the chair, Crs. Masefield, Holland, Montagues, Crowther Stevenson, La Roche, Marshall, Devore, Mnckoohnic1 Field, Bums, Harper, Aiclrin, Fleming, Garnitt.

Symonds-stueet.—J. B. Gillies wrote in reference to the work in Symonds-streefc, stating that they did not meet his views, and that lie would now stand on his legal rights and enforce them.—Letter received.

PAVINfI Stone.—6. W. Glover wrote in reference to paving stone which he was prepared to supply. It was reported that tho previous sample had not been tested.—Letter received.

EMIIiV Pl/ACR Wouns.—Letters wore read from the Frozen Meat Company and Harbour Board agreeing to tho terms oi arrangement arrived at between tlio City Council and Diocosan Trust for the cuttingdown of St. Paul's Church.—A copy of tho deed between the joint parties and residents was referred to tho Solicitors and Legal Committee.—The Mayor said he had seen Mr Bunks, and until Httoh time as tho deed was signed by the parties they would not pay the money, nor would he advise the city to pay anything until such time (is this step was taken.

TiiAMWAYH. —Tlio Seorctary of tlio Tramway Company appliod for pormiaßion to lay a branch line from tho corner of l'ousonby Road and College Road to their property ut Wallace - strcot, whoro thoir stables were situated.—Cr. Harper inquired if this branch was required for trailio or to roach stables.—Tho Mayor said they would probably malio the best of tho lino wliOJi it was down. —Tho only question was whether they would require Jervoie Road cut down to levels.—On the suggestion of Cr. Harper, it was agreed to refer the question raised to tho Streets Committee—Cr. Devore pointed out that there was a misapprehension in tlio minds of those Councillors who thought the Council was bound to cut the loads to lovela whoro required. Claim FOIICAnTAOE.—G. Wilson enclosed copy of a statement given by him to Clerk of Works for cartage of metal, _&c. Ho asserted that thoro were errors in it, and asked for investigation, failing which ho claimed deficit of £114 odd.—Reforred to the Engineer with a requeai to report to next meeting of the Council. S. E. Huoiiks (JuNit.'s) Claim.—J. 11. Field wroto stating that at a meeting of tho late Ponsonby trustees it was agreed that the Council bo informed that they havo considered Mr Hughes's claim,and cannot recommend it to be paid, and that they tiud Mr Hughes received L 42 10s on account for making a property register of the district, and £25 2s !)d for register books, for which tho district did not receive valuo, and tho whole of which amounts, Mr Hughes ought, iv equity, to refund to tlio City Council.— Referred to the Legal Committee, Cr. Field promising to attend and produce his ovidenco, Mr Hughes ulso to attend tho meet-

ing. Jewish Ckmkteuy.—A. H. Nathan applied for the sloping back of the earth outside tho Jewish Cemetery wall, KarangaImpo Road.—Deferred till next meeting, Engineer to report as to cost. Aht^- Designs.—A letter over the norn clc plume " Rough Ashlar " (one of tho oompetitors for tho Art Gallery design award), was road.—lt complained of the unfavourable report of tho Committee, painted out that plenty of light supplied by glass panels instead of wooden ones, denied that tho roof was faulty in construction, and concluded by stating that the report was misleading and damaging in itri character.—Deferred for consideration at a special meeting on Tuesday evening. Franklin Road.—S. Davenport again drew attention to tho concrete wall being erected on Franklin Road abutting on the road. Ho added that unless something was dono he would proceed to erect a wall on the same line.—Agreed to reply to the effect that the Engineer had not yot reported on the subject. PuiNTisii TkSDEB. —11. Brett asked for a copy of tho items in the accepted printing tender, which were said to bo lower than his, and that ho might be allowed to give evidence before the Finance Committee on the subject. He and other printers were astonished in what particular the accepted tender was lower than theirs.—The request was granted. Gas.—Tho Socrotnry of tho Gas Company wroto notifying willingness to make a reduction of seven shillings in tho charge for supply of gas to each lamp.—Received. Chevalier Rates. —James Crawford, on behalf of tho Point Chevalier Road Board, applied fov rates due by tho Council on waterworks property. — Tho application, with tho solicitor's opinion attached, was referred to tho Legal Committee.

GUEKNWOOD AND 11 AIWiRKAVKS-STRKBTS.— Cr. Field presented *> petition from the residents 0/ Greenwood and Hargreavesstroets, College Road, pointing out that thoro were 40 houses erected on the recently sold allotments, and asking that tho water mains bo laid across from College Road at once, ffhilo the streets aro still unmctallcd. —Received and referred to tho Streets Committee.

YEiuroxT-STREET.— Cr. Dovoro prosented a petition from residents and propertyowners in Yormont-strcot asking that tho thoroughfare in question bo cut down and formed to permanent lovels. — Received and rcfprrcil to Streets Committee.

Poksondy. —Referring to theso potitions, Cr. Harper inquired it tho allocation was nearly through in this ward. (Laughter). —Cr. Pevore : "It isn't touched yet."—The Mayor : " Tlioro is a good deal of it that was'nt touched. It was all spent."

Stkbkts Com suttee. — This Committee recommended :—(1) Letter from 6. Graham 10 Mooro-strept cutting. That roply bo sent to efl'oct that tho Committee pro not awnro of any promisos to tho effect contained in Mr Graham's lector.—(2) Lotter from Mr McKenna ro filling ■in \Yollington-strcot. City Engineer to sco owner and roport to Committeo with tho objoct of arranging V» ith him.—(3) Lotter from A. Tilly ro niiisanco East-stroot. Tho necessary work has boon dono, but Comipitteo recommend that work bo completed as suggested by Engineer at a cost of about £0, viz., that both sides of street be concreted.—(4) Lettor from P. Martzen ro Ireland-street, &c. Engineorsubmit estimate of cost and plans. —(5) Letter from \\, B. Young yo hlljng-in Lincoln-strept. That rpply bp sent that tho work is being proceeded with as rapidly as possible—(6) Lettor from J. Mclndoo ro contract, Lincoln-street. That roply be sont that tho work is being attonded to.—(7) Letter from R. H. Yooman ro Mills Lane. Committee recommended a wood korb to bo laid dt a cost of £s.—Tho report was adoptod on tho motion of Or. tflpmjng without discussion.

Lkgai, Commtttee.—This Committee recommended:—(l) Report from Sanitary Inspector ro drainage into main sewer. That tho City Engineer be instructed to ordor tho issno of notice by tho Clerk of Works to oonnoot with tho main drain when possible in the Sanitary Inspector's report.—(2) Letter from tho Secretary of Tramway Company ro extension of timo. That concessions bo granted without ponalties for a period of tiireo months from 31st March next, the Company pay all solicitor's expenses for new bond.—(3) 110 mortgage. That solicitor's opinion be adopted, viz,, that tho consent to mortgage should bo subject to Council's approval of the form of such mortgage, and the Council's consent being required to any assignee to whom tho tramways may bo sold in exercise of any power and sale contained in such mortgage. —(4)Momo. from park gardener re Western Park. Committoe recommend proper gates and fencing bo placed at the Betesfordstrect entrance of Western Park.-(5) Tho following are deferred for report, &c, &c.: —City Engineer's report ro bridge across Comotcry; report from C. E. Tennent re Lock Hospital; report from Superintendent Fire Brigade ro fire, Upper Symonds-streotj memo from W. Wells ro park stall'; memo ro Library ordor.—Tho report was adopted without amendment on Cr. Aickin's motion.

Sanitary Inspectou's Assistants. In connection with tho payment of accounts, Cr. Crowthor mentioned the fact that there wore three assistant inspectors of nuisances at 8s per day. Ho moved that, with tho wages of somo labourers, they bo reduced to 7s per day. He also mentioned that there wore accounts to-night to the amount Of £34.—His Worship mentioned that therowero now ten patients in tho Lock Hospital, and expenses had increased this month because of charges necessary by Dr. Tennent finding the business had been neglected before he took the Hospital over. Cr. Burns drow attention to the fact that in connection with tho watering carts they employed three men to stand at the different hydrants filling tho enrta when they came, and waiting for them to return. Cr. Crowther suggested that the carts bo worked in conjunction with eaoh other. Cra, Harper and Garratt opposed a reduction by shillings in the wages of working men, when only lately thoy had been increasing the salaries of higher officers.—Crs. Burns and Fleming supported tho reduction, and Cr. Field opposed it.—Tho reduction was carried,

Water.—Tlio report showed a total of fifty new services for the fortnight. Cheques.—ln the absence of Cr. Thompson, Cr. Stevenson was appointed to sign cheques. Fire.— Tho Superintendent of the Fire Brigade reported seven false alarms. Butcheries.—The Inspector of Abbatoirs reported that ho had visited 43 butchers' shops, and found nothing unwholesome. PuMi'iNu Station.—This report showed a total of 24,000,000 gallons of water, being an increase of 4,000,000. NIOHTSOIL.—The contractor reported that several property-owners had refused to permit the service. One man had threatened to pop tho nightmen off like geese if they persisted in coming.—The Sanitary Inspector reported that the lives of the nightmen were endangered. There were 1,000 boxes in the city not emptied by the contractor, the occupants of the houses utilising the contents in their gardens.— Letter of the contractor was referred to tho Legal Committee. Plans and Specifications. —The Engineer submitted plans and specifications of works in Mount, Wnkofield, Symonds, Grafton and Gorostreets.—Laid on the table.

Somervillk's Bun-DiKas.— A report on tlio buildings being icplaeed in Vulcan Lane was submitted by the Engineer.—The report was to the effect that the architect was satisfied that there was no danger to pedestrians, and that tho Building Surveyor would watch tho proces" of piledriving. LnuiART Rath.—A rate of one halfpenny in tho £ under the Library Act was levied. Fiikb LiiiRATiY Dksicns.—lt was decided to proceed with the consideration of the report of tho Committoo on Free Library designs, with " Hough Ashlar's " letter at a special meeting next Tuesday evening, at six o'clock —It was further agreed that Messrs Wade and Derrom bo requested to attend the meeting. Levk&s. —Cr. Garratt moved that the levels of Pitt, East, and Upper Queenstreets be fixed.—The portion of the motion relating to Pitt and East-streets was agreed to, while the remainder was allowed to lapse. Esiily Place Wouks.—Cr. Devore had given notice to move: "That so much of any resulution of tlio Council as proposes or agrees to lower tho sito ot St. Paul's Church be rescinded, and that the proposed works and cuttings in Emily Place be proceeded with according to plans approved, and levels fixed, the sito of St. _ Paul's Church and the church not being interfered with."—The motion having been road, Cr. Devore asked to be allowed to defer it for a fortnight so that ho might be able to move again in tho event of present negotiations falling through. — Request granted. Water Rath.— Cr. Field moved, "That as the ratepayers of the new wards consented to join the city on the understanding that in no case should any one of them have to pay any rate for water until the mains were brought within 100 yds. of his property, and as they loft tho Additional Loan Bill of last session unopposed on the same understanding, that the above condition be not violated, notwithstanding the insertion of clauses in the Auckland Additional Loan Bill lately passed by the Goneral Assembly empowering tlie City Council to charge the le in the £ water rate without bringing the mains near the properties of ratepayers. — The Mayor suggested that the best time to deal with this matter would bo when tho rate was to be imposed.—Several Councillors hold that th;re was no power to do what was proposed.—His Worship was not prepared to rule on the point until lie had looked tho matter up.—At the request of Cr. Field, tho further consideration of tho mattor was deferred for a fortnight, His Worship to give his ruling then. Si-EciAti Water Charges in Old Wards. —-Cr. Field moved, "That, as it is unjust to charge a water rato where the wat«r is not placed within the reach of ratepayers, no such rate shall in futuro be charged against any property within tho old wards of the city unless the mains are brought within 100 yds of its boundaries."—His Worship said ho must rulo the motion out of order, as the rate was already struck. — Cr. Field pointed out that the motion dealt with the future and not with the present, and asked that consideration of this also stand over for a fortnight.—Agreed to.

Rokbiiy-street.—Cr. Field was to have mored that the laying of the water mains in Rokeby-street be at once provided for. —It was explained that the mains had been laid.—The motion was consequently withdrawn.

Committees,—The Mayor moved that O. Thompson be appointed to the Streets Committee, and Cr. Montague to the Finance Committee.—lt was pointed out that Cv. Thompson's consent had not been obtained, but \t was explained that he would be quite willing to act.—The motion was agreed to. Gaol Road.—On the motion of Cr. Mpckochnie, it was agreed to place a third lamp in Gaol Road, near Niigorit-street,

(jLOuckster-Strket. — Pending report from the Engineer, Cr. Stevenson deferred his motion in reference to^the widening of Gloucester-street, so as to carry upper Queen-street through to Newton Road. Water Supply Commit/tee.—Cr. Ma.ckechnie moved that the Committee to be appointed to inquire into and report as to the best means of preserving pure and augmenting the present water supply of the city consist of Crs. Crowther, Devore, La Roche, Masofield, Montague, Stevenson, nnd tho Mayor.—ln seconding tho motion, Cr, Burns stated that the stink-trap alongside tho Waterworks was to bo moved away.—At the suggestion of Cr. Devoro, Cr. Mackeohnie's name (as mover) was added, and the motion was carried v\ its amended form.

Committees.—Cr. Afasefield was to have moved :—' ■ That motion No. 725 be rescinded, and that Hie Worship the Mayor be requested to arrange the Committees, glooming, aa far as practicable, oflp member from each ward upon each Committee."—Leave was given to defer the motion for a week, the required seven days' notice to rescind not having been givon. Hours 01? Meeting.—Cr. Maaefleld w as to havo moved;—" That motion No. 696 bp resoindod, and that the hour for ordinary Counpil meetings bo altered from 6.80 p,m. to 4 p. t?v" —This was also deferred for a week, for the same reason.

Control op Domain.—The Mayor's motion on this subject was adopted with a slight addition, The discussion' Is reported elsowhero,

Awbn Road,—Cr. Crowther moved;— " That the Engineer be instructed to repair and asphalt the footpath on the south Bide of Alton Road.—Carried,

This concluded tlio business,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 4277, 8 February 1884, Page 4

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CITY COUNCIL Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 4277, 8 February 1884, Page 4

CITY COUNCIL Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 4277, 8 February 1884, Page 4