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Mr Gladstone's Government are rapidly drifting into anothor Egyptian war, which may prove a tougher undertaking than tho last one. From cablegrams elsewhere it will bo seen that tho British Mediteranoan fleet has been ordered to Souakim, and that force 3 of marines, &c, are to be despatched at once to the same place. Tho intention in the meantime is no doubt to act simply on the defensive, but it is not difficult to predict that it will bo found impossible to confine operations within those lines. It ie roported that Gordon Pasha has been made prisoner, and is detained by one of tho rebel tribes.

To-morrow's Star Supplement will contain a further instalment of tho exciting novel, " A Woman's Faith ;" three complete tales, " How a Scandal was Crushed," "A Queen's Adventure," and "My Uncle's Leap;" Random Shots by "Zamiel," Strange Breach of Promise Case, Shocking .Wife-murder, Dr. John Wilson McCloy; jjJsgg^fExperimontal Physiology, by ProJ fessor Tyi&ttiU^JlhejGarden, Sporting Notes, Athletics anrtA^iffrifiSf-possipfrom Stage and Studio, Poetry, &c, &c. "" ■**■»«

' A list of tho names of passengers on tho ship Northumberland, now on the way from London for this port, will be found in our shipping column.

The charge of a breach of tho Licensing Act against Win, Henry Corbett, licensee of the Royal George Hotel, for Belling beer to Robert Gorman and others in a place outside tho Domain, known as Seccombe's paddock, on the 29th January, will be heard to-morrow (Saturday) at the Police Court. Mr Theo. Cooper will appear for tho prosecution, and Mr Edwin Hesketh for the defence.

The Tramway Company expect to have one section of the city service running in three months. Their work is delayed by tho alterations of city levels in Ponsonby Road and other parts of the route. Tenders will bo called immediately for tlie erection of stables on the sito at tho junction of Ponsonby Road and Wallace-street.

The Dunedin agents of Messrs. Shaw" Savill, and Albion Company stats that tho s.s Florida, bound to Port Chalmers, left St. Vincent on the 26th. Tho Tenassorun, 2,693 tons, has been chartered to supply the place of the Triumph till the Company's own steamers are ready. The White Star liner Coptic will leave London in May, to be followed by the lonic, Doric, and the Company's new boats, tho Tainui and the Oravra. These fivo will bo about 5,250 tons register.

Cr. Crowther to-day tendered his po eignation as a member of the Finance Committee of the City Council,

Mr Cooper, Mayor of Creswick, and member of the Victorian Legislative Assembly, is at present spending a holiday in Auckland. His Worship (Mr Waddfil) has been showing him the " lions" of the place, and the Mayoral visitor expresses himself highly pleased with what ho has seen, and the treatment he has received.

Mr F. Earl,_6olicitor, of this city, has returned from his three months' tour in Australia, evidently all the better for the journey.

The steeplechaser Chandler was oiferod for sale at Buckland'e to-day, but the best offer being £260, ho was bought in by his owner, Mr Lennard.

Yesterday, at o meeting of the director* of the New Zealand Frozen Meat and Storage Company, it was resolved to return the tenders received for the cutting-down of Emily Place, with a view to fresh tenders being called for. The reason for this action is that recent circumstances have arisen which so shorten the time for having the work executed that an extension is necessary. As soon as the arrangements are completed fresh tenders will be called for.

It is.repprted that Mr-Walters,,the ownep of a large section of land fronting the Mount Roskill Road, intends witting itup for building allotments. This land ■is said to be directly over the coarse of the under. § round stream which feeds the Western prings.

Several resolutions of interest to tho teaching profession throughout tho colony woro arrived at yesterday by the Educational Institute sitting at Cliristohiircb. Among these wcro tho following :—" That this Institute suggests that any teacher: shall bo allowed to withhold from examination any child who has not attended thirty half days, and also ten per cent of those who have mado the required number of attendances;" "That it is dosirable that regulations with respect to presentation in standards should bo identical in tho differont provincial districts;" "That it is dosirablo that examiners connected with our public school system should bo gentlemen who have no direct interest in the passIng of candidates." The last was carried by a majority of only one.

The usual monthly mooting of the Graf ton Road Wesleyan Band of llopo was hold in tho school-room last ovening, the Rev. W. C. Oliver in tho chair. Recitations wcro given very creditably by Master Edward (iood and Mr T. McLaughlin, and readings wero given by Masters Alfred Burton and Harold Young. An interesting address was given by Mr J. Bramo on tho state of temporanco HO years ago, and the good that many who woro then only girls and boys had receivod from it. The speaker urged all girls and boys that whatever thoy should tako in hand to do thoy wero to do their best to excel in it. Tho noxt mooting of tho Band of Hope will bo held on Thursday, March 0.

On Tuesday evening next a grand complimentary benefit concert will bo tendered to the Artillery Band in tho Thcatro Royal by tho popular Waitemata Minstrels, under distinguished patronage. Tho programmo contains items of local interest, original comic songs and selections, a grand tableau, operatic pieces by tho Artillery Band, an American stop jig by the incomparablo Lccdham, who has so often led the way to fun and frolic ; also, a comic sketch, "The Height of n Soldier," measured by Mr Mortis. Several favourite sentimental and humorous ditties will be warbled by Messrs Hannckin, Hargrwo, Hunter, Jennings, Landors, Monzios, Sceats, and other vocalists. Tho wholo concludes with tho marvellous burlosquo, "Tho Troubled Troubadour," in eight characters.

Mr Pooloy gives tho first of his summer afternoon marine concorts to-morrow on board tho steamer Takapuna, and from the programme, which appears olsowhoro, a treat may bo anticipated. The steamer proceeds up our beautiful harbour to ono of tho many pisturcsquo baylets to bo found near Lucas's Crook, and will thcro anchor, when the conceit will bo given under tho awning. Mondolssohn's part songs will bo rendered by an olticiont choir whilst tho vessel glides over tho water, tho surroundings giving to thorn that fascination which tho great composer always desired should bo identified with his open.air music. Mr Fooley's undertaking is novel and romantic, and he oxpects I* see a substantial rosponso to his offort.

Tho annual mooting of St. Luko's l'resbytorinn Church, Rcmucm, was hold last evening, Rev. U. B. Monro, pastor of tho Church, presiding. Tho various roports from Session, Committee of Management and Sabbath-school wero read and adopted by tho mooting, from all of which it appeared tho Church is steadily progressing. Tho Treasurer read tho balance-sheet, showing receipts from collection, £l!li( j His 3d ; pew rents, £132 Is; sundries, i','!o ISh : total, including balanco of Sa Id from last account, £533 3s 4d. Tho expenditure amounted to £535 o's 10d, which very nearly squares accounts. Besides this thero was raised by tho congregation £33.'! 15s lid to pay price of tho organ; in short, altogether tho amount raised is very littlo less than £1,000. MoßßrsGray,Sommorvillo,andDouglas, wero unanimously elected members of Committceof Management, Messrs Kidd and McKinnoy being elected auditors. During the evening tho choir rendered Rovcral anthems with much acceptance. In tho Committco's report the choir was complimented on the great improvement in tho service of praise during tho past your, and a voto of thanks was very cofdially passed to them, A unanimous vote of thanks was also passed to tho retiring members of Committeo — Messrs Gray, Rhodos, and McDonald—as also to tho Chairman, and to Mrs Monro for her great exertions in collecting money for tho organ,

To tho Editor : Sir—ln answer to your correspondent " Citizon," who expresses surpriso at the great discrepancy in tho sizes of tho various designs, allow me to explain that to carry out faithtully tho in* structions given to architects it is necessary to cover nearly tho whole of tho ground, and for tho following reasons, viz., "Provision to bo mado " for ono reading and library hall, ono art gallery, one lecturo hall, tho two latter to bo lighted from tiio roof, and as theso two hulls would cover nearly two-thirds of tho ground (if of noblo proportions and lighted from the roof), it becomes necessary to havo a building of ono story, covering a largo area, Many of tho competitors havo ignored tho conditions, and multipliod tho Library and Art Gallery by three, hence tho throe-story buildings and small area covorod. Without questioning tho propriety of this arrangement, I maintain that it is not in nccordanco with instructions.—Yours, &c, A CoMTETITOIt.

Tho question of tho site of the new township of Rotorua, in tho Hot Lake district, has lately been attracting attention, and in thoso circumstances tho report of Dr. Grabham, Inspector of Hospitals, which has just been mado to Government, isofconsidorablo interest. In tho courso of his report ho says:—Thero is a considerable area of garden ground under cultivation, and young plants and trees havo made surprising progress. Ho had had ocular domonstration that all kinds of flowers and fruit could bo grown to perfection. Tho sulphur.ous emanations certainly had no olToct upon them. Ho fonre»l that beforo long tho cottages about to bo erected would bo in adequate, owing to tho number of requests for board and lodging. On 26th January, beforo elevon in tho morning, 15 persons had bathed. Tho highest number dining January was 20. Ho expected a large increase on this number when arrangement*,wero complete. 110 speaks vcrvrjii«r*JTf'lf Mr and Mrs Hall, tho bath «t^° d^^' During his stay, Dr. Gmbfa}^ ] m ';.; tunity of convorejugT wJtll , mimuor of visitors, alb S J -~,<,„, expressed themsolves JVjJ.SMffu or less bonolitted by their stay in "ftotorua.

The following result of analysis of water by Mr Pond was submitted to tho City Council last night:—"ln accordance with my instructions, 1 procured, on tho 19th ult., samples of water from t|io Western Springs, and from tho standpipo at tho corner of Hobson-street. I havb examined these waters, and herewith send you tho results. Water from Westt«.> Springs : Temperature, CO Fahr. Appearance in 2 feet tube, clear, greenish, srnoll (treated to 100') nono ; chlorine in cloridos, l'S; phosphoric acid in phosphates, very slight trace; nitrogen in nitrates, '09; frco ammonia, "0017 ; albuminoid ammonia, -00S5; oxygon absorbed in lSmins, So'ol4 —4 hours, 043. Hardness boforo boiling (Clarko's scale), 4-9 ; aftcr,4,G, Total solid matter dried at 212', 9'S. Microscopic examination of doposits, nono. Hobson-street water: Temperature, C 3-; appearance in 2foot tuba, plear, greenish ; smell when treated to 1001, nono| chlprjno in chlorides, IB ; phosphoric acid in phosphates, slight traco; nitrogen in nitrates, '13; freo ammonia, '0008; albuminoid ammonia, -00G4 ; oxygen absorbed in 15min. at 80"; -0049 ; in 4 hours, '0339; hardness boforo boiling (Clarko'a scale), 46 j after boiling, 4-5 ; total solid matter dried at 212', 1J ; microscopic examination, of deposit, nono. Theso results are oxprossod in grains per gallon. Tho above shows tho city water supply to be in excollonfc condition for drinking.

The adjourned meeting of ratepayers and others interested in tho promotion of sobriety and good order in the Ponsonby Ward was held yesterday ovoning in All Saints' take into consideration the propriety of making tho necessary arrangoments for the election of suitable persons to fojrm tho Licensing Committeo for that ward. Tho choir was occupied by Mr G. W. Owen. There was perfect unanimity at the meeting as to the necessity of prohibiting the granting of any new licenses in tho district, ana limiting the latest hour at which alcoholic liquors could bo sold at the existing licensed houses to ten o'clock in the evening. It was stated that the extension of the sale to twelve o'clock, as at present, operated most prejudically in tho community, and it was therefore requisite to put a stop to it, Upstairs bars and barmaids should also be donG away with. The evils resulting from drunkenness consequent on night tippling was appalling, and tho time had now fully arrived when a tide of reformation in that direction shouid set in from one end of the colony to the other. The following gentlemen were eventually nominated as candidates for the Ponsonby Licensing Committee i—Messrs G. W. Owen, Wm. McKinstry, Jas. Coupland, Jno. Gittos, and Pr. Knight. Each of these candidates expressed bis determination, in the event of election, to carry out the views of tho meeting, which were identical with those of the representatives of temperance jn the other..wards of the city, A 'large' committee, with power to add to its number, was appointed to secure the return of the candidates,

Wo are credibly informed that tho widow and throe children of .lames Sydney Rollinson. of South-street, Newton, who was accidentally killed at Wuiorongomai on tlio 28th ult., nro loft in a very distressed condition —in fact, in a penniless state. Sovoral benevolent neighbours rendered temporary relief to the host of their ability, but »o sudden was tho stroke that Mrs Rollinson could not believe that her husband was dead. A littlo monoy was raised on her sowing machine with tho view of paying hor passage to To Aroha, but Mr Frasor, loarning tho facts of the case, gave hor a freo passage.

Tho Artillory Band (Mr A. 11. Hunter, bandmaster) is to play in tho Albert Park to-morrow afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. Tho following is the programmo prepared fortheoceasion: —Slow march, "Kissongen" (E. Favre); overture, "Tlio Knight Templar" (H. Round); valse, "Thoßoautifill Loch Lomond," on Scotch airs (11. Hound); fantasia, " Emira" (Escudic) ; quadrille, "Tho Wheel of Fortuno" (H. Round) ; valse, " Briso Dos Nuits" (Lamotho); grand fantasia, "Honoria" (H. Smith); galop, "The Jolly Brothers" (Wainwright).

Tho" Northern Advocate," noticing tlio Knmo Colliery, Bays:—" Coal is now being taken from what is known as tho road ongino shaft. This shaft was put down to catch tho coal on the opposite side of the "fault' which was met with in tho old adit levol. The seam at this placo is Bft. thick, and tho quality of tho coal-first-class. Tho mino has now two distinct workings, namoly, tho big shaft scam, and tho road engino shaft scam apart from each other by about a quarter of a milo. When tho yearns in thoso two different workings have good hoadings put in tho output could bo increased to threo or four thousand tons a week. At present only| about 80 inon aro working in tho mino, but it is anticipated that within a few months this uumbor will bo doubled. During tho last fortnignt tho output has boon much heavier than usual, 700 tons s week being sent down tho lino.

Tho following tondors have boon recoived by Mr R. M. Watt architect for tho erection of four concrete shops in Groat North Road for T. McMastcr Esq :— Shatter, £2,750; Woods, £2,749; Brabazon, £2,054 ; Morris Co,, £2,550; Ellingham, £'-',5(iO; H. T. .Jones, £2,350 ; Hutchison, £2,540; Kay, £2,. r)20; Colobrook, £2,490; Roso and Clark, £2,428; Wrigloy and Handcock, £2,410; Moll and Lee (accepted), £2,403

Arrangements aro well in train for tho oponing night of tho forthcoming opera season by Williamson, Garner and Musgrove's Royal Comic Opora Company. The artistes, who numbor 54 in all, loft Sydney yesterday in tho steamer Ringarooma, so that they will bo in Auckland and havo ample titno to recover from tho effects of the tea voyago boforo they appear in Abbott's Opera Ifousc, on Saturday, 10th inst Signor.Nobilij tho business manager, is actively engaged in making preparations, and Mr Woodliold, n member of tho Company, is at prosent in Auckland also.

A quarrel arose between two Maori men yesterday afternoon, and ono of tho parties pushed his opponent over tho reclamation wall to tho eastward of tho Queon-strect Wharf. Tho man fell heavily into a boat that was lying alongsido of tho wall, and smashed ono of the thwarts of tho craft. lio appeared to havo sovoroly injured his left side, and was couvcyed in a nativo boat to his homo at Orakoi.

Tho usual wcokly mooting of tho Ark of Eden Lodge, No. 52, 1.0. G.T., was hold in tho Edon Hall on Tuesday evening last, After tho quarterly roports of tho oilicers had been received and adopted, tho following oilicers for tho ensuing quarter woro duly installed by Bro. Bailoy, (J.W.T., D.G.AV.C.T., assisted by Bro. Lopino as 1.M., and Bro. .Jarvis as 1.D.J1. :—W.C.T., Bro. White; W.V.T., Bro. McLaughlin; W. Sec, Bro. Means; W.A.S., Sis. Wntkinson (re-elected); W.F.S., Sis. Clarko ; W.T., Sis. Bailoy (re-elected); W.C., Bro. PoUHngton (re-elected); \V,M,, Sis, Collins! W.D.M., Bro. Woodsj W.G., Bro. Braitliwaito ; W. Sen., Bro. Clarko ; I'.W.C.T., Bro. Douso. After tho speechos of the newly-installed oilicers, and a voto of thanks passed to tho retiring oilicers, the lodgo closed at 9.30,

Tho first general Volunteer inspoction for tho year took place last ovening in tho Drill-shed, Thero was a splendid muster, especially of tho Victoria and Hobson Companies, also tho oilicers of all tho respective companies, with but fow exceptions. Captain Isaacs was present, but unsupported. Major Shepherd was in command,} I Tho inspection was satisfactory, and at its close the men marched out, headed by tho Garrison Band, playing numerous military airs, to tho dolight of hundreds of listeners. Tho route of tho march was from Queen-stroet, to Knrangahnpo Road, turning into Hobsonstrcct, down Wyndham-stroot, and back to tho Drill-shed, where tho separation took place. Tho strength of tho companies on parado last night was as follow :—Naval Artillery, Captain Lo Roy, two lieutenants, 37 rank and tile; A Battery, Captain Payne, two lieutenants, 41 rank and iilo ; Victorias, Captain Malion, two lieutenants, •1-2 rank and file; City Guards, Captain Isaacs, and HO rank and filo ; Hobsons, Captain Dignan, two lieutenants, 48 rank and lilo ; Tho Garrison Band numbered 25, making a total of '235 on parado.

To tho Editor: Sir,—"Charity." ono meaning of which Is candour, is carried away by what he thinks is liberality, Tho shop in question was unmtitakably open last Sunday week for tho purposo of trade, which wasovidenccd by tho door being ajar, ono shutter being off, and tho rest with space sullicient to f-liow tho goods, and children going in and out with lollies in their hands. As a resident in that street I regretted to sco such a violation of tlia Lord's Day. Sun,lay trading is openly ca^T tied on by score" <>( shops in this i:ity-"T^i,l liciins, grocer.", and tobacconlstsj^irfjj^ the principal offenders, althou^;,,,^,;? ors arc not freo from KajffiiTjhioh » state of |. MlMj£i.&WuUl not bo nllowod. I omitted ••fruiterers just now. Nor is this evil confined to retailers ; it is a matter of surprise to notice tho lights in shops and warehouses, evidencing Sunday work going on. Tho writer was surprised a fow Sunday evenings since, on seeing behind tho iron bars of his olfico window tho form of a well-known citizen dolving away at his books. Tho experience of statesmen, judges, morcantilo mon, and workers of all classes is that tha weakly rpst day is a necessity for our physical woll-boing. In tho interests of morality, as an aid to tho proper training of tho young, the authorities should suppress this growing infringement of man's sacred rest day. If no law exists, our city fathers might adopt a bylaw which would meet the caso. On this question landlords should uso thoir influence with their tonants who may bo unduly grasping.—l am, &c, Soutiierx Cross.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 4277, 8 February 1884, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 4277, 8 February 1884, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 4277, 8 February 1884, Page 2