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Tea merchants Theatre Royal Buildings, Queen and Victoria Streets. THE REELING ATEAOFSTERBLEND OF LING DUALITY. pure teas. ROBERT NEAL UNQ«UAUTY" I I Ilam j&au. Ann"unces that he has received dlreot from «W !*■ I I £ Foochow, per s.s. Boihow, his FmsT Ship- I / 1 ■ ■ f|| I ment of over SIXTEEN THOUSAND II II I I iMm\mJ? POUNDS OF TEA. This, with his Large Ji|miV/ j Stock of INDIAN TEAS on hand, offer* I * one o( the Best Selections or Tea in thb * UNEQUALLED Colony. SUPERIOR TO IN NEW ZEA- T>m^~^rT^AT TEAS ADVERLAND AT THE ROBERT NEAL, TISEDATMUCH PRICE. THEATRE ROYAL BUILDINGS. HIGHER PRICE. NELSON Nelson, Moate &Co M Alt CELEBRATED APS'I CHALLENGE puius Blended Tea f| II has No Equal for Tru* Natural I JB Flavour, Valu«, and Strength. Sj; s 3/-, 3/4, 4/- S ; ,;||t. I ' HALF-CHESTS. BOXES. | I | I|N i\ : "PRESS," ' ' iIH J iCjLll;-_i """•• •••••«»• >• ■ Prof«Ml«Ml V Taa Tastar and Blaadar." AWAEDSD QUEEN-STREET AUCKLAND, c°ld* silver medali. Next the New Zealand |jELSON f {JJOATE & \fi. Clothing Factory. m MERC||A||TS| CHRISTCHURCH, DUNEDIN, AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON. SJEHTS EVERYWHERE.

Tea merchants. LLQUOR Tea Co., London. Books Given Away: Lbs. of Tea Sold: 3,000. 9,000. In Auckland by tho Company's Agent, W. S. COLLINS, Tea Dealer & Family Oncer, JUNCTION OF QUEEN ANDGREY SHEETS AUCKLAND. TERMS STRICTLY OASH. Medical. ■fITE-RVOUS DEBILITY. I Tit*Bl ♦»•* '*«L J Dr. E. C. West's NBaivE and Brain Trbatmknt, a guaranteed Specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, I 1 its, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakcfulness, Mental Depression, Softening ot the lirsin resulting in Insanity, and leading io misery, decay, and death, Prcnmturo Old Ago caused by over-exer-tion of (ho brain, youthful folly, or over-indul-gence. Each box contains ono month's treat mont 53 a box, or six boxes for Site, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any caso. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with 255. wo will send tho purchaser our written guarantee to refund tho money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by J. P. KING AND SONS. Chemists. Oueen-Htrcet Auckland. LIVER COMPLAINTS. DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS (without Mercury). Tint Best Remrdy koh Biuocbkiss, Stomach Derangement, Flatulencb, Pains Between tub Shoulders, Bad Appetite, Indigestion, Acidity, Hbadacub. Heartburn, and all other symptoms of disordered liver and dyspopsla. Acknowledged by many eminent surgeons to bo the safest and miHest pills for ovcry constitution.—ln Boxes at la lid. is 9d, and is 3d. Sold by ClicmlsUj and Modlcim: Vendors tliroughout tho world. Prepared by Jos. Rorko, London. Specially valuable Pllli for residents abroad and travellers. Sold by KEMPTnORNE PROSSER & Co. EPPER'S QUININE! AND IRON TONIC rouses and dovolopos the norvous margies, enriches the blood, promotes anpetito, dispels languor and depression, fortlMee tho dtgestivo organs. Is a speciflo remedy for nouralgia, ague. Indigestion, fevers of eTory kind, chest affections, and In wasting diseases, scrofulous tendencies, &.o. Tho whole frame is greatly invigorated by Popper's Tonle, tlie mental faculties brlghtonod, tho constltutlom greatly atrcngthened, and a return to robust health certain. Bottles, 32 doses, Is 6d ; next sizo. Us. Sold by Chemists everywhere. Tho name of J. Popper. Bodf ord Laboratory, London, must bo on the label. There Is no Tonio so certain in effect as Popper's Quinine and Iron. It is strongly recommended to residents in India and tho Colonies, and should always be kept ready for uso In every case of foTOr Of febrile condition. Sold by KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & Co. rriARAXAOUM AND PODOPHYLLIN, I Prepared only by J, Popper, London. This Fluid combination, oxtractod from modicinal roots, is now used instead of blue pill and calomol for tho curb of dygpousia, biliousness, and all symptoms of, congestion of tho liver, which are generally pain beneath the shoulders, headache, drowsiness, no appetite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in the morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach, and foolmg of general depression. It sots tho sluggish liver in motion, very slightly actaon tho bowols, giving a sense of health and comfort within 'H liuura". It is tho safest medicine. Taraxacum and Podophylltn is a fluid made only by J. PEPPER, Bedford Laboratory, London, whoso name 13 on every label. Bottles, 2s 9d and is Gd. Sold by all Chemists. A most valuable and essential medicine for India, Australia, tho Capo, and Colonies generally. Sold by KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER fe Co. SULPHOLINE LOTION.'—An External Means of CURING SKIN DISEASES. Thcrq is scarcely any eruption but will yield to " Sulpholine" in a tew days, and commenco to fado away even it It seems past cure. Ordinary pimplos, redness, blotches, scurf, roughness, vanish as if by magio; whilst old, endunng skin disorders, that have plagued tho sufferers for years, howevor deoply rooted they may bo, "Sulpholine" will successfully attack them. It destroys the animalcules whlob cause these unsightly, irritable, painful affeo. tions, and always produces a clear, healthy natural condition of tho skin. "Sulpheline Lotion" is sold by most Chemists. Battles, 2s 9d, Made by J. Pepper and Co., London. Sold by KEMPTHORNE. PROSSKR ft CO. O R M Si All children suffer from them. If suspected, ask for the Certain Cure, SHARLAND'S WORM POWDERS, Is packet Apothecaries' Hall, opposite Post-offlcs Ironmongery. JB. B L A I K. I B, • VIOTORIA-BTREBT, IMPORTER OF BUILDERS' & FURNISHing ironmongery Direct prom Manufacturers, Has for Sale, at Low RatesCarpenters' Tools Nails, Locks, Hingei Kitchen Ranges Register Grates, In great Variety Marble and enamelled Slate MantelDleeoa ! Largest Stock In Anokland , j Marble, Electroplate, Curb, and other Fenden ' Galvanized Iron, Sheet Lead, and Zino Slate, Cement, and Plaster INSPECTION INVITED

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4194, 26 November 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4194, 26 November 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4194, 26 November 1883, Page 4