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TRADE itlQr% MARKCHR. HAN SEN'S DAIRY PREPARATIONS. RENNET EXTRACT, LIQUID CHEESE COLOURING, AND BUTTER COLOURING. This season's shipments of tho abovo excellent and highly-appreciated preparations are now to hand. Tho articles can bo obtained in town and country from all Grocers and Storekeepers, and Wholesale only from tho undersigned. BABER & RAWLINGS, Solo Agents for Auckland. Fort-street, Auckland, 25th Sept. 1883. H*r ■"'" DX. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Advice to Invalids.—lf you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing sleep, free from headache, rolief from pain and anguish, to calm and assuago tho weary achings of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and regulate the circulating systems of tho body, you will provide yourself with tliatmarvellous remedy discovered by Dr. J. Collia Browne (Lato Army Medical Staff), to which he pave the namo of CHLORODYNE, and wluch is admitted by tho profession to bo tho most wonderful ana valuablo rcmody ever discovered. CHLORODYNE is tho beat remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. CHLORODYNE acts liko a charm in Diarrhoea, and is tho only specific in Cholera and CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation, and Spasms. „ ~ CHLORODYNE is tho only pallatise in Nouralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, &c. . . — , » From Syincs & Co., Pharmaceutical Chemists, Medical Hall Simla, January 5,1880. To J. 1. Davenport, Esq., 33, Great Russell-street, liloomsbury, London. DearStr,-Wo embrace this opportunity of congratulating you upon tho widespread reputation this justly esteemed medicine, Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne, has earned for itself, not only in Hindostan, but all ovor tho East. As a remedy of general utility, we much question whether a better is imported into Uic country, and wo shall bo glad to hear of its linding a place in ovory Anglo-Indian home. Tiic other brands, we arc happy to say, arc now relegated to the nativo bazaars, andjudging from their sale, wo fancy their sojurn there will be but evanescent. Wo could multiply instances ad inllnitum of the extraordinary cfllcocy of Dr. Collis Browne's Clilorodyno In Diarrhoea and Dyaontry, Spasms, Cramps, Neuralgia, tho Yumi! im,'of Pregnancy, and as a general sedative, that have occurred under our personal observation during many years. In Choleraic I)iarrh(i:a and even more terrible fomis of Cholera itself, we Imvo witnessed its surprising controlling power. Wo Imvo never used any Other form of this medicine than Collis llrowno 8 from a firm conviction that it isdecidedly the best, and also from a senso of duty wo owe to the iirofrssion and the public, ns we arc of opinion that the substitution of uny other than Collis Browne's is a dkijiikkate iiukacii ov faith OS TUB lUUTOK Till! C'HKMIST TO I'HKHCKIIIUII and I'ATIKNT ai.ikk. We aro, Sir, faithfully voui-s, Syint'B & Co., Members of the Phar. Society of (ircat Britain, His Excellency tho Viceroy's Chemists. Sold in bottles at, Is ljd. 2s M, is Od, and 118 isirli. Nony is genuine without the words "Dr .1. Collis Browne's Chlorodynu"on the Government sliunp. Overwhelming medical testimony .iceoMipimies each bottle. Cuulioti ~ Henaro of Piracy and Imitations. .Solo .Manufacturer-J. T. DAVKNPORT, 33, Great Russell-street, Bloonisbury, London.

SOOTHING POWDBR3 CHILDREN CUTTING TEETH. CAUTION TO PUIU3HASEB3. Tho voluo of this well-known Family Medicine has been largoly tested In all parts of tho world, and by all grades of sooioty, for upwards of FinTY teaks. Its woll-cariiod extensive salo lias induced spurious imitations, some of Which In OUTWAKB ArPKAHANCB 80 clotely rcsomblo tho original as to have deceived many Surchosors. Tho proprietor, therefore, foels it uo to the public to give a special caution ngalnst tho uso of such Imitations. Purchasers are therefore requested carefnliy to observe tho four following distinctive characteristics, without which nono are genuino :— Ist—ln every case tho words Jouv Stkedman, Cukmikt, WAMVonTit, Suiihey, are cngravod on tho Government Stamp affixed to each pocket. 2nd—Each Single Powder has directions for tho dose, and tho words John Steedman, Chemist, Walworth, Surrey, printed thereon. 3rd—Tho nauio Stccdumu ia always Bpolt with two KE's. 4lh—Tho manufacture is carried on solely in Walworth, Surrey. Sold in Packets by all Chemists and llcdlcino Vendors, at Is Hd to 2s Od each. Agents: Kkmitiiokne, Pkosser and Co., Auckland, Wellington. Christen urch, and Uuncdln. YOUNG, Family Grocer', Shortlandstreot, Auckland MR JO II N HARTW EL L, Organist ok St. Mary's Cnuncn, PROFESSOR o/'tJie" PIANOFORTE. Lessons given by tlie Quarter, or by arrangement. ORGAN. PIANOFORTE. HARMONY. Amateurs' compositions revised and preparedfor publication. Address: Koso Cottage. St. George's Bay Hood. Letters may be loft with Messrs Hoffmann and Sons, Music Warehouse. Queen-street. Coffee i Coffee i Coffee i S. C. BRCVN, lU'UIIAM-STItKKT. AUC'i;r.AN'l>, FLOUR MILLKU AND COIKEK AND SPICE MERCHANT, Has Always on Hand axd Koii Sale— KLOUR, in Packs, liiii'b, and Sfl's, "Bloo" brand KLOUIt, in Sacks, 100's, and .'ill's, "Ked" brand HUAN AND SHARPS It.VW AMI KOASTKD COFFEE I'EPPKK AND SPICKS. In the matter of COFFEE, tho attention of the Public is called to tho oxi-ollenoo vi my Urands, and a trial solicited. 'I'lie Mixtures aro composed only of the Host Plantation Cotleo and tho Best Clm-ory procurable, and may bo characterised thus :— " Knglo '• (my best brand), nearly pure coiTco "Ship" and "Camel," medium cotfecs of great strength and flavour "Castlo" and "Leopard," low medium and To lovers of really fine Cofleo, I slronaly recommend Uio " Eagle," but to the general tnsto Medium Codecs aro found to be most acceptable, and I say, therefore. Thy the SHIP Rkand Thy TUB CAMEL Urand, Procurable from all Merchants and Storekeepers, looso, anil in tins, tulbs., 281b3., Hlbs., "lbs., bibs., libs,, Jibs., and lib. Coffee i Coffee i Coffee i PLEASE observe that J. Gilmour has oponed his now Clothing Establishment in Nowton, next door to tho Masonic Hall, and wishes all parties desirous of obtaining Good Clothing and Hats to inspect tho Stock. Thoso who wish to buy Good wearing Material and Wcll-mado Garments should call and see for themselves. Thoso who wish to see a largo and varied stock of Hats of every kind should see tho value offered in tho newest shapes of Helmets and Felts in all colours, also Straw, Lawn Tennis. Boating, &c. Those who require any of the following lines will find that the Quality, Varloty, and Price are not to bo excelled in town:—White Shirts, Oxford Shirts, Men's Working Shirts. Boys' and Youths' Now Zealand-made Clothing in all tho Newest Styles, also Holland Suits for Boys, Men's Strong Wearing Trousers and Vests. Jlosgiol and Kaiapoi Tweeds in great variety, from 2s Sd per yard. STOP THiAT COUGH! DONT DELAY. How can you stop it I Where is tho JioiaaJyl BONNKIGTON'S "PECTORAL OXYMEL OF CARRAGEEN OR IRISH MOSS (REGISTERED). Can produce moro ovidence of real merit than any other article for tho purpose.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 12 (Supplement)

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 12 (Supplement)

Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 12 (Supplement)