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Wanted. T^TANTED, a Boy to ride for orders and Queen-stog hbnßßlt "sefuL-Apidy Mr Hobs. \\/ AWlldJ KHOWH - Men's White Crininnn *i°?St Shirtß> rajUtary fronts, 3s 6d each : UiWTl?^ 1 ClCh (0U1; 0W" makc> i Men>i under llannels, from Ss (id (our own inakel _««• Shirts.4:. M ; Oxford Shirts; Undressed blurts, 3s fid, worth Cs 6d, size only 1J • T T Tips D°iiW4. a, nd, black- Bd eaoh i Linen Collars iii £l L M? U'i P- ol<?' sha, keV?P eF e- and Reform Dux Od each; Men's and Boy's Sample Felt Huts from 9cl each, size 02; Socks, men's and boys brown cotton, 3{d per pair; Men's Merino SocEs «___^K;^i__^____^ ock?: "W/' ANTED KNOWN—That J. Cossrave iw > m 1"1 Co ' °PP°3ite MeArthur's, are sollinE %£3&sr £o3. tithe srasa ~VVT ANTED Known—See Cheap Room W AS^ D f I^OWN - The largest _____»& few* 1 J- Co^^v^(°PP° S it C TS^AMTED KNOWN, James Browning Tini'i tot "unctfin, has leased the Pier *™2? ■ Low:c. l: Albert-street. Visitors will nnd c\cry requisite for comforr. TX7ANTED KNOWN—We have a contZ J i SUPP'J; of No"' Potatoes on hand foi sale, daily.-Apply to A. and R. Eaton, next to Custom House, Fort-street. 'ANTED KNOWN-Gents' Wide- . brimmed Hard Felts (tho dude shape) are being shown at J. Cosgravo and Co.'s, opposite MeArthur's WANTED KNOWN.-Special Cheap -» » Linos in Men's Clothing - Moleskin T| lo"scra 5s 9d, Tweed Trousers and Vests 12s Bd, White .Shirts 2s lid. Tweed and Felt Hats vr.ffir" J*J?: llrown>s u™pery. Clothing, and Millmory Establishment, Parnell. "ANTED KNOWN—Great Bargains in Clothing and Drapery suitable for tho holidays. Come early and see for yourselves.— J. 11. Hannan, Draper and Clothier, Victoriaatrect (oil* Hobson-street). W "ANTED KNOWN—That Branston and Forslcr, Albert-street, arc Buyers of Old Ziim; hinhest price given. WANTED Known—Christmas Cards— Charles Kelsey & Co. have thoir usual Large Assortment,—Two doors below Morrin's, ironmongers. WANTED, tho Ladies to know that M-mro and Milligan have scoured the servicos of a flrst-class Milliner, and aro now prepared to supply millinery in all its branches in tho shortest notico. WANTED KNOWN—Seltzogones, for making jErated Waters. — Charios Kelsey & Co.. 12u, Queen-street. WANTED KNOWN-J. Cosgrave and Co., opposite McArthur's, have bought .n Melbourne 1,000 Men's Hats, which thoy aro idling for 2s Gd. ANTED KNOWN, that E. T. King has Opened a Private Tomporanco Hotel v Hardinge-strect, off Victoria-street, within 3 ninutos'walk of Qucun-strcet, where people can }o_trca ly good nccomodation AMTED KNOWN-500 Sergo Suits, at 22s Cd, for summqr wear, to be had it J. Cosgravc's new promises (opposito MciVrthur's). Just opened. ANTED SEEN—Tho Ladies' Houeo Boots for 3s fld ; handsome Sown ditto with goloshod toes) for Js Cd; Ladies' IC.S. ICid Boots, 53 Cd—at Danipier's Now Boot Shop, Vic-oria-streot (near Itobßon-Btreet). XVjT ANTED KNOWN—Ciiarles Kelse} V* & Co. havo a large nnd choice assortnent of Silver Jewellery, and as they koop no nutations, they guarantee everything thoy soil ;o bo real Silver.—Charles Kelsey & Co., two tool's below Morrin's, Ironmongers. WANTED KNOWN—Auckland Dairy Co. are open to tako Orders for any Miantity Devonshire Clotted Cream and Fresh jruam, at the Dairies: Hobson-strcct; Manu«nu Road. Parnell; Threo Lamps, Ponsonby; Karangahapo Road. Newton. ANTED KNOWN—Great Reductions for Christmas—Single Iron Bedsteads. 20s; Double do, 2'2s Od; Grand Canopy 10, Ms; Children's Iron Cots, Us; Stretchers, fls !il; Kitchen Tables. 103: Toilot Tables, 7s fid J Infants' Chairs, 5s !)d; Moat Safes. 14s; Hip Baths, 20s; Garden Forks. 3s 6d; Shovols, vs (id ; I'oinahawks, Cd; Coal Scoops, 9d and Is; Waiters. (W; n fow dozen largo Tea Trays oft, Is 3d each; Tnmblers, 3d; Cruet Stands fitted), 3s (id; Cruet Bottles, lid ; Glass Baskets, kl; G loss Decanters, Is; Salt Cellars, :iil; and a lot it othor cheap Glassware and Crockery; also, Fea Caddies, 8d and lid; Cork Screws, 2d; DustPans, Is; Hall Match Boxes, Id; Luminous Metal Match Boxes that shino in tho night, Cd jaeh ; Lot of cheap School Slates: Bracket stands, 9d : Tobacco Stands, ikl; Glove nnd Handkerchief Hoxes, fkl [ Gpnts' Riding Whips, Cd; Lot of cheap Toys, 1(1 to Gil; Children's Largo China Tea Sets, Is Cd; i few Rocking Horses, cheap; Chambors'B Journal, in parts, 2d; Novels (bound in cloth, jtc), Is, and a lot of other cheap Books. A grand lot of Pianoforte Music Pieces, Cd; lot }f woll-known Irish and Scotch Songs for tho Pianoforte, Id ; Violins, 3s to 10s, &c, &c, at Dampior's Hobson-stroet Shop. \T7ANTED KNOWN, that every doW scription of Crockory nnd Glassware 3an bo obtained at tho lowest prices at Boylan md Tanficld's, just below Savings Bank. \\T ANTED KNOWN —We have reV? coivodSatcons, Nun's Veilings, Summer Flowers, &c, &c. Special linos in Flannels, Dalicoes, Hollands, &0., Ljidies' and Children's Underclothing woll-llniehed or mado to order; Klltings ncatfy made at Mrs White's, Draper, Parnell. WANTED KNOWN — In Jowollery Charles Kclsey & Co. keep no imitations; real silver and real gold only. A beautiful issortmont of Ladies' Gold Dross Rings, suitable (or Christmas presents.—Charlos Kolsoy & Co., two doors below Morrin'a, Ironmongers. ANTED KNOWN, that E. T. King is prepared to accommodate single Or married people. Suitts of Apartmonta to Lot, Furnished or Unfurnished, with, board or without. Permanent lodgers doalt with liberally, ANTED KNOWN-Ciiup Timper ! CnEAP Timiieb ! And all othor kinds of Building Materials, can bo purchased cheaper and better than anywhere else at tho yards of D. Goldib. Albort-stroot. \%T ANTED KNOWN—ThfttJ. Cosgravo VY and Co. (opposito McArthur's) havo just opened 5.C00 Trousers and Vosts at 6d. unrivalled at tho price. ANTED KNOWN.—In addition to the lot of Fashlonablo Goods from England, ior Christmas, particulars of which will appear as soon as possible, wo havo tho following fresh goods:—lnfants' Bits, 3d; Silver Buttons, 3d per doz.; Whalebone Sots, 2 for Ids Scoured Grey Twill Calico 7d; Hearthrugs, 3* Udt handsomo coloured ditto, 7s lid; DOyloy'g, 4rt, Tho ladies should soo tho handsomo cases containing i packets of Needles, Id the case, and tho other good Needles, 25 for Id. Having bought a grand lino of Silvered Bracolcts and Bangles at tho time for a ridiculous price, I will sell them at 6 each, and they aro a groat bargain; Mens Coloured Bows, id; Flannel Binding, IJd; a fow Ulsters left at 2a lid; Black Satin, 1b fid; Coloured Tassels, 3d! Bftbiqs' Diapor Plnaforos, Cd; Toilot 6uilts, 8s ( Chifdrens Garters, Id tho pair; Crape Falls, Id each; Crapo Trimmings, 6d the box of 3fl yards i WhiU Shirts, 2s Cd; grand Una Men's Socks, Cd; Men's Moleskin Pants, Gs ; Flowors, 3d tho tmnch; Stair Gikloth, 7d ; Crewdßen's Calico, 23d; Boya' Suits, to .&i; Coloured Prints, Jid; Dress BUisJins,' «; Hush Hats, 3jd; Men's Straw »»«. Js3d; Black Hard Hats, 3s Cd • Corsete, Is I' 4 and 2,1 Cd; Damask Tablocovors, &16d tNvhitetißPn ditto, 2a 6d; sp endid TiiiiiPpnvM-H Ba-Snnitß iftl'o Jl,oaaures, 2d; BU^ftdTGIMX US] Shirt liiJUons 3d Self otoss- largo sized Tooth-combs, M, npl? fc)icr OTic^Tolet&to,4d;GreonWMowrfopanff.lß LargfiKot of Stay Busks. 2d; Children's Wh'to Lisle Gloves, fid; Black Velvotoen, Is 8d; Parka 2W)yd Beels of Cotton, Is and Is Cd tho dozTMeMonifj F«* Onp, Cd ; Boys' Straw Hats, 9d ; Turkish Towotof U r Aprons, Is ; Brown Holland, lid ! Coloural tolmierp. Is 6d • Lace Curtains, 3s lid : Good Tweed, Jfd ; Lubtrn, 8d; Checli Stuff, v .to., fto., ks,,»t Uaniplec'a Wakofleld-strcet Shop. WANTED KNOWN—Dampior's 4th Shipment of MXpVOK& MUSIC from England has just arrivod^Ril at 6d (no higher price). Ho is happy to inform Professors, Principttlß of Schools, and tho Public that it consists aftnost entirely this time of Piece Muslemuch of it by tho most eminent authors. Those who can better afford to pay fcj than 4s for pro cisolv thp B»me music and none ot it secondhand), sr"uld now lay in a stock.-At bampwrt Hobson street Shop. TT7"ANTED KNOWN.—Another Revib W val.-Mcn's long Leather BootLaces, Id tho pair 9d the dozen pairs; Cotton Boot Laces, MtCdbzcnTCork Soles 2}d; Button flooba 21- Shoe Horns, Cd; Boot Gloss, Cdthobottlo Yellow Silk Keels, 2s-at Dampier's New 800 l 3hop, Yiotoria-strept (near Hobson-stroet). Amusements. pAENEI^L SUBSCRIPTION PANCB, THURSDAY, 29th NOVEMBER, 1883, AT ]?IO«T O'CLOCK P.M. parne"ll hall. Tickets .to bo obtained from .Committee. X O.R,~STANDARD JUVENILI X. TEJWV-Tho Social will take place m St James's Hall. Wellington-street, on IHIDAX November 39, jtemßprs a T rV C?v e Foßter>anc semblc at G. 30 p.m, sharp.-John W. Foster anc Edwin Waring,. Superintendents, jllousciiold Coke. C.Q K_v C,OKE THE AUCKLAND GAS COMPANY (LTD.) S»o^^rki°^Cas?flo^ distances at proportionate cjitcs;— Samplo Sack of throo bushels ~ Is Us Five Sacks (or quarter ton) .. .. Gs S<i Ten Sacks (or half-ton) .. --Us M Two»<7Sftcks(or.onoton) ... .. 22s 6d The Company's COKE is made from ftei bee nrnvmouth Coals; is superior to that madi ftSSifew-iSS coals bein? free. fnq. rton. and cluiker in a remarteblfl flegrae; gives ft RELIABLE FIRK, CLEAREB (i HOTTER THAI? COAL, LIGHTS READILY, and MAKES NO SMPRE, jGDOP FIRE IN JO MINUTES, OFFICE; FORT-STREET. 1 COKE. COKE. COKE

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 3