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Christmas Cards. "XTEW ZEALAND CHRISTMAS ±1 CARDS. With the view of providing for the coming season Christmas Cards, having fresh features of interest, particularly of such a charagter oe should make them specially suited for sending to friends at HOME or in the other COLONIES, we are now publishing a series of CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS OF NEW ZEALAND FLOWERS. The subjects are six in number, viz,, POHUTUKAWA RATA MANUKA KOWHAI CLEMATIS AXE AXE Tho Cards are from Drawings by MISS EAMES, of Auckland, and have been reproduced in the most perfect manner by the art of chrom6\ithography. Prlco: Sixpence each, or 2a Gd the set of 6 Cards Post Freo. Wholesale price on application. UPTON & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Auckland. Musical. PIANOSA T PIANOS.' "* H O W D B N, DTAvfRI" i- QUEEN-STREET, PIANOS. Next PIANOS. WBXT PIANOSJ Bank of Nbw Zealand DOUBLE OVER-STRUNG IRON FRAMES By Asherberg, Manthey, and Neufeld, Very Cheap, and Superior to any ho has eve Imported. Public Baths. O f~~O BAT H to ROTH'S PUBLIC HOT, COLD, AND SHOWER BATHS. Victoria - STREET East. Chargo-ONE SHILLING. Opon all week dayt from s a.m. to 9 p.m., and SUNDAY MORNINGS from G till 10 a.m. Tho Bath-reoms aro all private, and supplied with every convenient), Turkish towels, flesh and hair brushes, combs, respirators, soaps, &o. Select Bathrooms (private) for Ladies every day. at all lioura, with female attendance, One Shilling and Sixpence, l'leaso note tho address—Victoria street East, abovo the Greyhound Hotel, vi next the Cheap Bedding and Furniture Mali Auckland. N.B.—Barter in attendance. '"XT EWTON BATHS. J_l UPPER PITT-ST., NEWTON. HOT, COLD, AND SHOWER BATHa Can bo had AU Week Days from 7 tun. to 10 p.m.; and on Sunday Mornings from 7 to 10. Every convenience supplied, with good attendance, Tho Baths havo now boon taken ovor by Mr J. WILKINSON, and ovory offort will bo made by him to iiwiko thorn POPULAR AND ATTRACTIVE. . Prico—One : or 12 Tickets for 7s Sd. Uppkr Pitt-st.. Newton. Direct Supply Store. ■\TEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! i3( Itl NEW lit GOODS 111 -BEAUTIFUL-^ ' — r O HEA PMTOVEL-' THE "DIRECT SUPPLY" STORE. We havo great pleasure In announcing that wo havo just opened up, ox Zcalandia andLalra, 51 crates and cases, bolng Tub Fikest Assortment of Goods Ever Okfeukd in Auckland. As these goods havo been all solocted by Mr Hancmakd in tho English and Continental markets, wo fool confident that for Variety, Cheapness, and Taste they aro unequalled. Wo have Bomoboautiful goods in MAJOLICA WARE, comprising Flowerpots. Jardinieres, Vases, licgonia Plates, Tea Sots, Jugs, &c A choice variety of FLOWER STANDS. Tho Gilded and Painted Flower Stand at 3a is a marvel. In GLASSWARE we have somo nice good?, inoludlne Engraved Wines, Clarets, Champagnes, Doeuntors, Clarot Jugs, Water Jugs, &c, Somo beautiful suhjocts in TERRA COTTA Waro. CHINA FIGURES - An lmmenso variety, woll worthy of inspection. GLASS and CHINA VASES—A magnificent selection. ALBUMS—vory cheap. In WRITING DESKS and WORK BOXES wo can now show a vory largo assortment, and all splondid value Wo havo several now designs in MOU8! TACHEICUPS & SAUCERS-quito out of th« common tun of patterns. Also, Fancy Candlesticks, Clocks, Brooches' Sots, Inkstands, Photo. Frames, Handkerchief and Glove Boxes, Ladles' Bagß and Baskets, Purses, Pocket Books, &c, &o. Wo would also remind customers that while procuring such a varioty of FANCY GOODS ho USEFUL has not been neglected. On tho contrary, we havo now a Larger Stock than ovor. It is impossible to enumerate all tho Handy Timk-savino, and Useful Houbeiiolh Requisites That wo havo opened, but would shortly say that wo havo nearly everything in that line which can possibly bo required, and would draw speoial attention to tho fact that tho Low Pkices of the articles bring thorn within the reach of all. HANCHARD AND CRANWELL, 219, Queen-street . . Drapery. -VVTELLESLEY.STREET HOUSE. NEW SUMMER DRAPERY, MILLINERY, &C, &0., &O. A, LOV ET T Bogs to intimate to his customers and buyers of DRAPERY gonerally that ho is now in possession of tho whole of his NEW SEASON'S GOODS FOR THE SUMMER TRADE. A Choico Assortment of Ladios'and Children's Bonnets, Hats, Feathors, &c, in all tho nowest styles, at modorate prices. Tho latest styles in Ladies' Mantles and Dolmans on hand or inado to ordor. Dross Materials in great varioty. Sheetings, Callooos, Flannels, Counterpanes, Toilet Covers, Shirtings, &c, &0., at low prices. Ladies'and Children's Underclothing, Corsets, Infants' Pelisses, Robes, Squares, and Baby Linon, a rare assortment. Five por Cent. Discount for Cash on Parcels ol 20s, and Upwards. L O V E T T'S CHEAP DRAPERY WAREHOUSE, WELLESLEY-STREET, AUCKLAND, •t a p a^ n c s e~l ONLY 200 Yards of tho Japanese Sllkß left at ONE SHILLING por yard. Another lot of our Cheap TAPESTRY CARPEiTS from Is 9d per yard. 200 Pieces Manufacturers' Samples of Half-net Curtains, from 7d to Is lid each. VERY CHEAP.-Full-sired Fringed Honeycomb Quilts at 5s lid, loss than warohouse prioe. NEARLY ALL SOLD.-Tho Useful Dressos at 3s 9d for 12 yards; see them at the door. SILVERED LOCKET and CHAIN for Is 3d; nice for presonts. Can bo had nowhere olae at the prico. Sont any whoro by post for Is 6d. SPECIAL PRICE and SEASONABLE. -SO Gents' Long China Silk Dust Coats, at 12s 9d. Wellmado. Men's Usoful Tweed Trousors, Ss 9d. FAST SELLING.-The Ladios' Pretty Handbags, at English prices. The abovo Linos and Prices can only bo had 6t V. RENPELIi'S, BRIGHTON HOUSE, TOP OF GREY-STREET, AUCKLAND. T^T fj T? I C! E. FRBSHMEAT. FreshMbat. FRESH MEAT. WILLIAM~AVENELL Wishes to call tho attention of the Resldpnte and Visitors of Dovonport and surroundinc Districts that, having especial faolllties, he wil supply frosh killed Meat every day during th( comW hot soason at prioos that defy comnett tion. Sausages, frosh daily; Lamb, from 2s (H por quarter; Prime Corned Bocf (guaranteee sound at lowest rates). All ordora from th( country (by post or otherwise) promptly attendee to/Ho is also a Cash P^pWaer bj Poultry p^-fed P%j£, and Wgeffblstf lit i$ Iftajmfr WILLIAM Ay^NEW, BUTCHEB, Moat Bazaar, Beach Road, De vonport.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 1