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The following telegram was received from the New Corby to-day:—"Have seen a little gold in tho stono to-day.- (Signed) T. Blair." Jly Art Union is postponed till next month; date duly advertised. 700 Tickets left. Buy!— Francis J. Shortt.—Advt. If you want a really first-class Sewing Machine, buy the Domestic; it has no equal.— Shakespear & Co., opposite the Market, QueenBtreet, sole agents.—[ADVT.] Wanted. WANTED, a Mate for s.s. Douglas.— Apply to Captain McGregor, Northern S. S. Co., li 7, Queen-street. WANTED, a good Canvasser; must know Town well. Regular salary and commission.— Apply Lyes Bros., General Printers, Stationers, &c , foot of Grey-street, XTT-ANTED, a Waiter.—Apply to If. T T Maiden, Dining-rooms, Quocn-streot. TITANTED, Ten Good Pick and Shovel V V Men.—Apply to John Irvin, Ponaonby Road, at eight o'clock on Monday morning^ ANTED, a Bodymaker~Apply Duano and Fraser, Karangahapc Road. ANTED, a Cabinetmaker. — Apply W. L. Rogers, Ponsonby Road. WANTED, 2 Good Carpenters.—Apply Harp of Erin, Elleralie. Wrigleyartd Handcock. WANTED, 20 Stone-breakers ; highest prico given.— Apply on tho Works, Wellington-street. WANTED, 10 Pick Men, with their tools, on Monday morning, tho vGtli inst.—Apply at tho corner of Aborcromblo and Symonda-atreeta.

WANTED, 4 Boot Machinists.— Apply at onco to Garrett Bros., WakcHcldat. WANTED, good Bricklayer to Build Doublo Chimney.—Apply Now Cottage In ICing-stroot, olfGrcatyortn lioail. TfTAN'I'ED. good Coat Hondo and T T Tailoresscs, — Munrp and MUUgan, Hohson-strect. WANTED, Painters—good brufih hands. —Apply Noivinarkpt Workßhoiiß. WAITED, a good Painter and Paperhanger.—Apply to 0. G. Hill and Co., Upper Quoon-Btroot, WANTED, good Pajntor and Paperhangbr. — Apply Sir Lulng, Franklin lionil. | WANTED, CJoachsinjth.— \f. and E. listen, Coaphiniildore, Wakolleld-atrcot, Auckland. WANTED, a Tinsmith at onco,—Apply to Air Af. iloDorinolt, Vjcturiu-street EOBt. ' WANTED, Two Uoocl Driver-Apply at odco, Q, Wltaon. N'uiaon-Btroi't. W ""ANTED, Single Man to Plough and Urlvo Team of Horses.—Apply J. Totty, Rcnmora. WANTED, a Person to act as Pountlkcopcr for tlio Borough of Parncll.— Applications received at tlio Borough Council Olllcu (where furtlier Information can lie obtained) up to (S p.m. on Monday, 26th tnafc. WANTED, two good Coat Hands, nt once, at A. Wright's. Shortlandstrcct. WANTED, by a Sober Steady Man, a Steady Situation In or near town.—Apply by letter to CHU otllee of this pnper. W~~ ANTED by n Respoctablo Young Man, with good references, a Situation as 'Hiis Privor, or as Groom; used to horses.— Apply by lottor to Driver, this olllce. ANTED, Situation as Storeman in sonia active business; Kood references as to trustworthiness and business ability.— Apply "No. 29," Kvbxino Staic. ANTED, Smart Youth as Barman anil to make himself generally useful.— Apply United Service Hotel between t) and 7 this evening, WANTED, an Actjvo Youth to do some Kavdoninij.—Apply P, Herzeg, Cabinetmaker. mist Quean.gtrcot. WANTED, a respectable Boy who can read and wrllo.—Apply T. 11. Kcosing, Watchmaker, Victoria-atruct East. ANTED, a Strong Boy.—Apply at Hobson Ifotcl. WANTED, a good Boy to milk, garden, and make iiiinsolf generally useful.— Apply to Air J. M. Slierq, Qucon-strout. WANTED, two Rospeetablo Lads.— Apply to Wm. Leys, Hookhlndor and Paper llulcr. 3 do°rs above .Staii olllcu. W" ANTED, an Intelligent Lad for an Offlee; ten shillings a wcok.—Apply, in own handwriting, to Box 85. Post-olllee, Auckland. WANTED, n Dressmaker.—Apply to Miss Woir, Lennox's Buildings, Greystrcot, a few dootffroni Pift-streetl '' ANTED, Apprentices to the Drawmaking.—Apply Mrs Uond, College Road, Pousonby. WANTED, at once. Apprentices and Improvers'to tho dressmaking.—Apply to Miss Pedorsen, l»t Shop above Convent, l'arncll. WANTED, lroproyora and Appnmtipos to tho presstn'oklng.—Apply A. Lpvott, Wullcsley-stfept. " WAJJTEp, a (food Mophlniet nn3 Two Female Apprentices. — j. 'frpnwitn's Boot Factory, Wakcflold-stroet WANTED, Situation aa Nursery Dovernoss; u.iiul to ohl)dran; boat references. —Apply to Mra Marler. top of Vinaont-Btrcot. WANTED, a Wet Nurse at onco for a baby eights mouths old.-r-Apply in the morning from D.30 to 10 o'clock at A. 1). Donald's, 30, Qncoii-atreot. WANTED, Foinnle Cooks, Cook-Laund-ress, number of Genera!*, Nursojflrla, and Young Girls (town), Housemaids, &c—Mrs Whitcomuc's Kegiatry. WANTED, General Servants, Town, Country; 2 mon, farm; waiting engagements, 20 good men.—Grant and Crossan, 117, Qucen-atrect. WANTED, a good General Son-ant; must do plain cooking; no children.— Apply Mrs Smart, second Jiouao past Whito's Store, Groat North Road. WANTED, a strong Girl as Laundress ; good wages to a suitable girl. — For address apply Stab Office WANTED, Boarders. Terms, 17s por weok.-W. Gadd'sCFruit Depot, Vlctoriastreet. ANTED, Two Respectable Men as Boardors.—Address No. 36, Wakcfloldstreet. ■ WANTED, at onco, by c Respectable Young Person, a Furnished Bedroom, with Fireplace Terms must be modorate.— Apply XYZ, Stab Ofllce. WANTED, Furnished, a Small House fay a Married Cqnplo; Ponsqnby district preferred.—Apply, stattrig full particulars, Mr Phclps, caro of Stab OiUcu. ANTED TO RENT for One Year, a Villa Residenco of 8 or 9 rooms, with stable, coach-house, and garden; Mount Eden or Rcmuera preferred.—Apply to Vailo and Douglas, Land Agents, Shortland-strcot. ANTED to vent, a Small House with about an Aero of Ground, 3 oi1 1 miles from the city.—Address, stating rent, 2()R, Stab Oilice.

WANTED, by a good tenant, a House in town (for £1 por week) of not less than 5 rooms—Address "U.P.," Stab ofllco. WANTED.— To Tradesmen and others. —Books Balanced, &6., by Person having about a month's sparo time.—For particulars apply to " Accountant,!' Box 132, G.P.O. W' ANTED, a Partner with £500 in a good Business.—Apply "J.T.," Star pfflce. WANTED, at once. Canaries, Goldflnchos, Skylark's, Green Linnets, Chaffinches, Thrushes, ana Starlings.—Apply to J. Walker, Florist, &c. City MaTkot. ~\II7~ANTEp, a dozen or less Skylarks by VV Tuesday next; a good price will bo paid.—Apply Major George, Epsom. WANTED, a Strong, Staunch, and Quiet Buggy Horse.—Apply by letter, stating particulars and price, to jjolin Guthrie, Stah Ottjco, ' WANTED, the Ladiee of Nowton and Burrounding districts to call- and see Mrs Porter's remarkably Cheap Stock of Millinery. — Please noto the address: Mrs Porter (late Mrs Whitchoad), Karangahapc Road, Nowton. , ■\TE7'ANTED.— Ladies travelling by Rail T T or Hoad to Onohunga ci^n havo a Cup of Toa and Bread and Butter for Sixpences at Mra Schpflejd's Private Boarding t house, Princca-strcot. near tho Railway Station. WANTED, Ladies to See the splendid" assortment of Dross Goods n6w boing displayed in J. Coagrave and Cq.'S Window (opposite AfcArth.ur'3 Wayghousc). "VITANTED, everybody to see the Stock Vf of Clothing,■ Shirts, and Hats at J. Gilmour's, Upper Symonds-street, also a Shop next door to Masonic Hall. Newton, ■ ANTED —When ypu "are in Hqbson stvoot oti 1 and see tt)e largo and choice stock of Moagicl Twcods jnqt qpeneil lor the coming season, at Mnnro and Milllgan'fl. W ""ANTED TO RENT, a Small Dairy Farm, 30 or Jii acres, a fow miles from Auckland convonipnt t0 Btatiori; — 'Address •' VV,S,," Star o/(lce,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4192, 23 November 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4192, 23 November 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4192, 23 November 1883, Page 3