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Ordinary Business Meeting,

The ordinary weekly meeting of the City Council was held last evening, there being present: His Worship the Mayor (J. M. Clark, Esq.) in the chair, Garratt, Burns, La Roche, Fleming, Harper, Aickin, Thompson, Waddel, Crowther, Devore t Phillipps, Dacre, Field, Stevenson, George, Masefield.

Library.— John M. Mowbray wrote requesting His Worship to present to the Free Library, in his name, accompanvinjj copy of the works of Dugald Stewart, which he deemed worthy of a place in every library.—Referred to the Library Committee.

Nobfolk-stbeet.—E, Buckley Dix applied for a few loads of earth to be placed before his gate so tliat a cart might approach his property. —The Engineer reported that he intends the gully in Norfolk-street to be filled from spare earth in Kichmond Road, at corner of Ponsonby Road.—An answer was ordered to be sent in accordance with [ the Surveyor's memo. Donation Required.—C. Rhodes, secretary of the Ohinemuri Library, asked for a donation of books, in view of the fact that the Auckland Library would have many duplicate copies when the new consignment arrives.—lleferrad to the Library Committee, His Worship remarking that while it was doubtful if any books could be sent, some periodicals now lying on the shelves mi^ht bo granted. Symonds-stkket, — Alfred Tyer complained of damage to goods by the dust in Symonds-streot, and applied for the services of a water cart.—The Engineer reported that more could bo done for the applicant when a new cart is ready.—Answer ordered to be sent accordingly. KoKEjiY - street, — Six householders in Rokcby-street wrote agreeing to have the water laid on to their premises.—The mains were ordered to be laid in the street in question, it being stated that the applicants are within 100 yards of the mains, and that the Council had already decided to lay the pipes in the whole of the old ward. Purchase of Magazines.—J. A. Dobson, hon. secretary of the Te Aroha Public Library and Reading Room, inquired whether the Council would be willing to dispose of magazines, reviews, &c, secondhand, from the Library stock.—Referred to the Library Committee. Richmond Road.—E. Bunker complained that he had beon annoyed by the water from Richmond Road overflowing through his garden, carrying away shrubs, &c. He nsked for a footbridge across the channel.— The Engineer reported that the applicant pays his rates to tho Newton Board, who should attend to his wants.—Applicant referred to Newton Board. Hepburn-street.— E. B. Reynolds forwarded two plans of proposed residence to be erected for him on his leasehold allotment in Hepburn-street, and requested that tho same be approved.—- The plans were stated to oxceed the minimum conditions of price of building, and the plans were approved. Fort-street.— E. S. Coorabes 'and other owners and lessees of buildings in Fortstreet wrote asking that the street be kerbed, channelled, and the footpath asphalted from its junction with Customsstreet. —The Engineer reported that the work had been passed, and was to be done in connection with the drainage of Com-mercial-street in its turn.—Agreed that an answer be sent in accordance with the Engineer's memo. New Street.—H. Atkinson and others wrote, offering land required for a new street between Napier and Union-streets if the road were formed and metalled within two years.—Deferred for the Engineer's report. Upper Queen-stkeet. —H. Neal applied to the Council to move his house in Upper Queen-street back.—The Engineer said this was the only house in the way of \he proposed embankment on tho wost siJe of the street, and he recommended that the request be granted.—Referred to the Street* Committee. GRAFTOX Road.—Application from 3SI. A. Rattray to hare embankment in front of his proposed house in Grafton Road removed. — Referred to the Streets Committee.

Emily Place Works.—Tho secretary of St. Paul's Vestry wrote, declining the Alten Road and Wakefield-street sites, and asking for the Armoury site and vacant allotments adjoining. —The letter is published elsewhere. — Referred to the Financo Committee.

Uyle-street.—.John Budge and four others applied that the water mains be laid in Rylo-streot, Ponsonby.—lt was stated that this was one of the streets in which tho mains were to be laid, and it was agreed that an answer bo sent accordingly. Lease.—H. J. Connop applied for reconsideration in question of lease. The case in Court had resulted in an order to quit on October 12th.—Cr. Garratt moved, " That the letter be referred to the Finance Committee."—His Worship moved as an amendment, "That Mr Connop having chosen to go to law, the Council declines to interfere."—The amendment was carried on division by 9 to 8. Alleged Smoke Nuisance.—B. Keane wrote acknowledging Council's letter re complaint against his brickworks in Ponsonby, and while stating that ho was unaware of any nuisance, added that he wa6 erecting a chimney stack to connect vrith tho engi»e, which would secure freedom from smoke.—lfc was agreed that the course of tho Council in tho matter will depend upon the action of tho residents. Pavement in Wakefield-street. —Cr. Phillipps presented a petition from the residents of Wakefield-street pointing out that accidents wero constantly happening in consequence of the slippery pavement opposite Darnpier's shop, and asking that it bo removed.— Received and referred to the Streets Committee.

Hollow is Grey-street.—Cr. Phillippa presented a petition from 116 ratepayers of Auckland, praying that the Council take steps to fill up the hollow at tho foot of Grey-street.—Received and ordered to be considered at tho next weekly meeting of the Council.

SwrasrivG Footpaths. — Resident* in shops under the Young Women's Institute complained of the action of the Sanitary Inspector in preventing them from sweeping the footpaths in front of their premises, and asking that the footpath be asphalted.—Received and referred to the Streets Committee.

Spkiko and Alma-streets.—Petition from residents of these streets asking for slight road repairs.—Received and referred to the Streets Committee.

Closing Road. — William Edgcumbe wrote in reference to a meeting to be held to consider the closing of a road in Point Chevalier District, which, the writer stated, would virtually close the traffic on the old and new roads.—Cr. George explained that there was no intention to take any portion of the present road.—The Town Clerk was instructed to represent the Council at the meeting and oppose the closing if considered objectionable. Legal Committee.—This Committee recommended: (I) Re letter from Thos. Slater, re tire at City Market, that the sum of £20 be authorised in payment of all demands, (2) Memo, from Town Clerk re telephone communication : That the same be authorised between the central and out-stations (Firo Brigade), at a coat of £20. (3) Letter from secretary of Tramway Co. re permit to stock tramway rails on streets near dock : That permission be granted, subject to 7 clays' notice to clear street when required. (4) Memo, from librarian re presentation of books by Mr Samuel Brooking : That same be accepted with thanks, and bound uniform in half calf.—The report was adoped without discussion. Finance Committee. — This Committee recommended :—(1) Re repairs to cottage in Ponsonby Road: That tenders be called for painting and papering same ; (2) Memo, from Town Clerk re Loan Bill: That the necessary steps be authorised for preparations for £100,000 loan to be raised, debentures to be provided, etc. (3) Petition from residents of Hobson-street re cutting down north end to permanent levels of Customs-street: That the Engineer be requested to prepare and shew gradients, also quantities of excavation and all other necessary particulars. — Adopted without discussion.

Streets Committee. — This Committee recommended:—(l) Re letter from J. G. Buchanan re verandah and asphalting of pathway, Wellesley-street: That reply bo sent to the effect of City Engineer's report, viz., that verandah posts can be fixed cm present wood blocks (they being totara) Lnside of kerb-line, and that the asphalt be laid as asked for. (2) Letter from R. C. Bartstow re crossing in Lome-street: That iron plates be placed across kerb, and that the occupants be asked to use a skid in loadiDg and unloading. (3) Letter from W. Thome re right - of - way, Kyber Pass Road : That same bo granted, provided entrance be closed with gate or door and the right-of-way asphalted. (4) Letter from Secretary of Harbour Board re drainage of Customs-street: That reply be sent as soon as permanent works are done in the neighbourhood. (5) Petition from residents of Victorisi-street re

watering of street: That reply be sent that request be attended to during summer months. (6) Letter from Whitaker and Russell re right-of-way in Stanley-street - That the same be granted, provided the street on right-of-way be made up to permanent level, also road made, footpaths asphalted, kerbed, channelled, and drained to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. (7) Waterworks Engineer's report re casting of mains: That as tho Engineer reports that these mains havestooddouble the pressure required, they be received and laid. (8) Letter from S. B. Lush re water supply : That reply be sent that mains will shortly be laid in the Grafton Ward.— The report was adopted. Ruling.—At a previous meeting tho Mayor ruled that discussion conld be stopped on a question of adjournment of business in Committee. — Cr. Thompson appealed on the ground that this applied only to the question of adjournment of Council.—-His Worship now stated that ho had referred to authorities, and found that liis previous ruling was wrong. Mills La>'E* —Tenders for work in this thoroughfare were opened aa follow :— George Mullinger, £100 ; A.McGuire,£l4o; Mason and Mclhvraith (accepted), £90; Knight, £180; Bourko and Co., *12D 4» Od ; Conlon and Regan, £153 ; Alex. Archibald, £115; John Brown, £147. Estimate of Engineer: £140. Welle.sley and Sale-streets Wosks.— Tenders were opened as follows: John Irwin, £249; Knight, £276 ; Allan McGuire, £197 ; Archibald (accepted), £177; Brown, £227. Engineer's estimate, £220. Water.—The Town Clerk reported in reference to a matter at the previous meeting that Mr Whitehead was not liable, and a refund was ordered to bo made.

Surrey Hills Estate.—Cr. Phillipps moved, "That this Council, taking into consideration the manner in which the Surrey Hills Estate, abutting upon the city boundaries, is laid out, there being no reserve for recreation, or breathing spaces, or any public conveniences, or for either educational or religious purposes, this Council pledges itself to oppose this district being added to th« city unless due provision is made for the above purposes." He asked leave to strike out the words, "or for either educational or religious purposes." This having been granted, Cr. Phillipps said, seeing tho way the estate had been laid out, ho felt it his duty to take the action he had done, and he insisted, though the plans had been withdrawn, that the motion was still necessary. —Cr. Garratt seconded the motion, but hoped it would be withdrawn, for the object had been carried, and the Council could not pledge itself to the motion, as it would not bind their successors.—Crs. Thompson and Field supported the motion, though the latter suggested that the lart clause should be altered to read, " That the Council expresses an opinion, &c."—The Mayor, in pointing out that the Newton. Board had taken action regarding the streets, said though he sympathised with Cr. Phillipps's wish to provide healthy spaces, he could not pledge himself not to take the district Into the city on that account. He suggested that it be added that the proprietors bo requested to form, kerb, and metal back streets, as while it remained in. the Newton district there was no funds to do these works ; and if it joined the city, the Council would be in no hurry to make them.—Cr. Burns intimated there was a movement afoot to join Newton to the city unless the proprietors of Surrey Hills, took the action indicated by the Mayor.— After some further remarks the motion wes pat and carried. Grafton Road.—The levels of the streets in Grafton Ward were submitted and fixed.

Fire-plugs.—A memo, from the Town Clerk re builders covering fire-plugs wasrej ferred to Streets Committee.

The Late Fibe.—Or. Garratt said he did not consider there was any necessity to refer the matter of the late dispute between the Fire Brigade and tho Salvage Corps to a committee, the Fire Brigade Superintendent being by Act constituted the chief at afire.— Cr. Waddel said the Salvage Corps had no standing at a fire.—Cr. Crowther argued that the Salvage Corps had a standing at a fire, and supported that the matter ba referred to the Committee,—A motion to refer the matter to the Committee was lost by 9 to 8. Permanent Levels.—On the motion of Cr. La Roche, it was resolved that tho Engineer be instructed to prepare plans, etc., for cutting and filling for Symondsstreet and Kyber Pass to permanent levels. The Council then rose.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4131, 28 September 1883, Page 4

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CITY COUNCIL. Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4131, 28 September 1883, Page 4

CITY COUNCIL. Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4131, 28 September 1883, Page 4