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Wanted. WANTED, 8 Men for the Drag JBencl at Country Mill. — Apply Aucklanc Timber Company. ANTED, a Librarian for the Younj Men's Christian Association.—Applica tions, with testimonials, to be sent before TUES DAY, at noon. Information to be obtained fron the General Secretary, at the Kooms, from !) til It) a.m. daily. ANTED, a Painter—a good, plain brush hand—for a job at the Bay o Islands.—Apply J. B. Blaikie, Victoria-street. ANTED, 3 good Carpenters to ivorl from 5 to 12 p.m., at Garrett Bros.' "U'akefield-street.—Apply to J. L>. Roth, Wake lldd-strect. "VTTANTED, an Experienced Hand t< T T drivo a Baker's Cart; reference fron last place—Apply M. Kasdown, Queun-street. WANTED, a good hand for Cart aim Dray Work. —Apply Newton Steair Coach Factory. WANTED, 2 or 3 Gentlemanly Can vassers for a N'cv, Fast-selling Shilling Publication.—Apply before !0 a.m. at Captali Loverock's Cottage, Lower Ilobson-strcct. ANTED, ~VVood - turner..—Auckland Timber Company, Customs-street West WANTED, a Cooper to make Buttei Tubs; one accustomed to machine work preferred; also, a Alan to work Butter Tul Machinery.—Apply by letter to Chas. S. Gib bons, Otauii Saw Mill, Waiukii. WANTED, an Assistant for the Manoriester Department—Apply Smith and Caughoy, Queen-street. ANTED, Several Improvers for the bench.-G. Black and Co., Chapel-st. WANTED, a first-class Cabinetmakei and an Improver. —Apply to Oswald Herzog, Went Queen-street. WANTED, by n Married Couple without eueumbrance, the management oi a Hotel,—Address D.M., Evening Stab oilico. ANTED, a Strong Youth, able tc mlik, for a farm.—Apply C. Rhodes, Itemucra. WANTED, a respectable Boy.— Apply T. Peacock, Optioian, Shortland-street, bcUyeen twelve and one o'clock. "Y^TANTED, a Respectable Errand Boy, TT aboutlfi years of age. — Champtaloup and Cooper, Booksellers, 76, Queen-street ANTED, a respectable Boy.—Apply U. Kohu, Joweller, Queen-street. . WANTED, an Errand Boy.—Apply Sharland and Co., Victoria-street ANTED, a Boy.—Apply K. Hutchinson, Butcher, Victoria-street. WANTED, Boys for the Spinning Department at the Hope Works, Stanley-street. ANTED, a steady Boy about 16 for a hotel, Kawakawa, Bay of Islands.— Apply K. Stevenson, Newton Road. ANTED, Couples (farms), Farm Hands, Cook, Housomaid, Pailourmaid, 4 General Servants—town and country,—Apply Hnighton and Co., 177, Queen-street. ANTED, a good General Servant.— Mrs Atkins, Rcmuera. ANTED, a General Scryant; must have good referencse.—Apply Dr. Evans, Pltt-Btreet. WANTED, a Washerwoman.—Apply W. Perclval. 157, Quoon-atroct. ANTED, by a trustworthy young Woman, a situation t« wait in faTiop or assist In any light business. — Address K.A., Star Office. WANTED; a Clean Girl, about 14.— Apply Mrs Payne, Confectioner, Victoriastreet. WANTED, a young Girl, about 14 or 15 years of ago, to make herself generally useful. — Apply to the United States Dining Room a. WANTED, a Good Dressmaker for Cambridge.—Apply to Mr Patterson, at Messrs A. Clark and Sons'. ANTED, at once, a First-class Dress maker; none othors need apply. References required.—Address M.C., Star UUice. WANTED, Apprentices and Improvers to the Dressmaking; also, experienced Dressmaker to take charge of work-room.— .Apply atonce to Miss Bull.lloirmau's Building, Queen-street ANTED, a Milliner ; also two Apprentices to tho Millinery. — Smith and Caughey, Queen-street. AXTANTED, a First-class Machinist.— TT Apply White and Watkinson, Victoriastreet WANTED, two Young Gentlemen as Boarders; privato family; bath and ; splendid view.—Address Double-story ouse, third past School, Xelson-atreet ANTED, Single Men Boarders in a rcsp actable house at Parnell. Terms, 18a per week.—Apply at Mrs Rlley's,opposite Wesloyan Church, Manukau Road. WANTED, aGontleman, or two frionds, as Boarders.—Address: Mrs Ball, Hob-son-street (two doors below Crowe, baker). ANTED, by a Singlo Gentleman, a Bedroom, with partial board (breakfast daily); on Sundays, threo meals; quietness re-quii-cd.—Address Box 296, Posloilice, Auckland. WANTED, by two yonng tradesmen, Private Board and Residence. Xo other boarders and bath preferred.—Terms, etc., to " Tradesmen," Star Olllce. ANTED, by a Single Man, a Bedroom (with accommodation for cooking) in tho vicinity of Queen-street,— Address immediately "J.P.R.," Poat-offlce. WANTED, by Married Couple without family, ono large furnish d room, or two smaller,—F. H., Evening Stau Olllce. WANTED, a Three-roomed House; _ state rent.-Apply ■'■T.D.." Star Ofllce. WANTED, a House (0 or 7 rooms) somewhero in vicinity of St Patrick's Church. —J. B. Graham, ShorUand-strcoJL WANTED, in exchange for a Piano, a Small Harmonium.—Webb & Company, Lyceum Hall, Hobson-street, near Victoriastreet WANTED, Purchasers for three Iron Tanks.—Apply to W. S. Jones, Saddler, Quuen-streot WANTED.— When you aro in Hobsonstroet call and see the largo and choico stock of Mosgiel Tweeds just opened for the coming season, at Manro and Miliigan's. WANTBD, small Cottage, or two Unfurnished Rooms, with fireplace— Ponsonby, Arch Hill, or Newmarket. —Addross "Cyril," Star office. WANTED, the Ladies to know that Miuro and Millijfan have secured tho services of a first-class Milliner, luid aro now prepared to supply millinery ih all its branches on tho shortest notioe. ANTED, buyers of our New Millinery. First-class stylos at lowest prices, at J. G. Brown's Drapery, Clothing, and Millinery Warehouse, Parnell. WANTED, American Organs, to Sell tho Palaco Organ, said to bo tho best in the world,—Webb and Co., Lyceum Hall, Hob--Bon-strcct. WANTED TO LET (furnished or unfurnished), a nice Front Room within thrco minutes' walk of Throe Lamps, Ponaonby. —Apply for address Star Offlco. ANTED, to Let, one, two, or thrco Largo Airy Front Rooms (unfurnished), in a «<espeotablo house near Supreme Court; moderate terms.—For address, apply Star Office. WANTED TO SELL, an Elegant, Brilliant-toned Piano, just landed. Price only C2B.—Webb and Co., Lyceum Hall, Hobson-streot, near Victoria-street ANTED, to Sell Privately, Carpontors tools of every description.— Apply Sirs McCloud, Arch Hill. WANTED, to Sell, a 5-roomed Houee, in Vermont-street, Ponsonby; 16 frontage ; or may bo Let to a tonant—Apply G. Sage, Oliphant-Btroet, Ponsonby. WANTED to Sell, or Exchange for City Property, or Let on Lease, a Farm of 100 acres, beautifully sltuatcd.-For full particulars apply to E. T. Hart, Dublin-Btrcot, Nowton (0 doors bolow Post-office). WANTED TO SELL, New 8-rooincd House.—Apply to Mrs Gill, corner of Wellington and Collingwood-strects. ANTED to Sell, about 10 dozen Ladios' Baskets, from Is to 2s 6d ; lot of Pictures, Id and 2d each, 1 for 6d; Accordians, 7s 6d to 25s ; Albums, 2s 6d to 255; Slate Pencils, 7d per box ; Australian Tea Sets (40 pieces), only 17s 6d; Indies' Leather Bags, Is 6d to Ss 6d; Small Rico, 71bs for Is; Largo Rico, 51bs for Is; Scrap Books, only id and 2d each; Scrap Pictures, 2d per dozen ; Jam, fid per tin; Plaid Matches, 8d doz; China Candlesticks, Od to s 6d; Tin Boxes Matches, Is 6d doz. ; Mustard, 6d tin; Groats, 4d tin: good Tea, la 6d and 2s lb.; Cayenne Pepper, 6d bottlo.—H. Watt, Pittstrcet. WANTED, Purchasers for Mangolds in any quantity.—Apply Fisher and Co,, Que'cn-strcot. WANTED KNOWN—Dampier's Boot Shop has removed higher up in Vic-toria-street, to those grand new premises near Hobson-strcot ■\7_7"ANTED KNOWN—Continuation of YT tho Selling Off at Damnier's Hobsonstrcet Shop. Concertinas (with 20 keys), 3s 6d ; Violins with bows, from ss; Lot of very Choap Violin Strings; Grand Monoy Boxes (with key), 4d; Workboxes. 9d ; Superior Do, Is 6d; Small Albums. 6d; Movable Figures, Id; Watering Cans, 6d; Slates, Id; Noah's Arks, 3d ; Whips, 3d; Humming Tops, 6d; Dolls, 3d; Jumping Frogs 2d; Children's Tea Sets, Is (M; Fans, 9d ; Photo Frames, 2d; Marking Ink, 2d the bottle; Glue, 4d- Infants' Feeding Bottles, 9d; Screw Drivers, 2d • Corkscrews, 2d: Padlocks, 4d ; Lanterns, Is; Garden Trowols, 6d; Largo Sponges, 9d; Note Paper, 2d tho quire ; Envelopes, 2d the packet; Honey Soap, 3d bar; Pipe Racks, Od; Brackets, is 6d; Tea Caddies, 8d; Superior Spectacles, 9d; Match Boxes (luminous in the night), 6d oach ; Spring Scales, 211bs (for weighing meat, &c), lid; Tomahawks, 6d; superior ditto, Is; Hcmy's Tutor for Piano, 23 6d, elsowhcre os ; Piano Music, best known songs in the world, 4d • Parlour Mats, Is lid ; Silvered Spoons 3d; Silvered Forks, 6d to 9d; Butter Knives, 6d; Bread Knives, 8d; large Tea Trays, Is 3d; Matting, 8d; Swing Looking Glasses, is; Bellows Is I'd; Cruel Stands, 4s 6d; Box Irons, is- Dust Pans, is; Zinc Buckets, Is 4d; Toilet Sets, 6s 9d; Large Jugs, Is; Hand Basins, Is • Vegetable Dishes, Is 9d; Tea Pots (earthenware), 6d; Tin Do., 2s; Knives and lorks, 6d: Scrubbing Brushes, 6d; Hand Brushes, s Whitewash Brushes, 2s fid; Iron Saucepans. ■ s 3d; Kettles, 3s; Small Plates, 2d; Dinner Plates 4cl; China Bread Plates, s 2(11: Glass Jugs, Is White and Gold Egc Cups, 2d; Mattrasses foi Sofas Js6d; 3 feet Mattrasses, 11s; Pallrasscs lls 6d- Pillows, Is lid; Bolsters, 4s Ctl Stretchers, 6s 3d; Chairs Us lid; Colonia Couches, 8s lid; Meat Safes, 14s; Chests of Drawers, 295; Splendid Round Table, 25s 6(1 Handsome Cheffonier, 38s; and a large Stock o: other Goods, &c. Be in time at Dawpion Hobson-street Shop.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4130, 27 September 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4130, 27 September 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4130, 27 September 1883, Page 3