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For Sale. ■ TTfOR SALE, a small Drapery and Dress- • A maker's Business. Only a small capital „ required. Rent moderate.—Apply Mrs Jack's (■ Registry Ofllce, Mount Eden Road. FOR SALE, Cottago of 4 rooms, neatly built- Prioe, £150. Let ut ICa per week. . Easy terms. Also, allotments at Rocky Nook.— Apply Paul McKenzie, Rocky Nook. I [lOR PRIVATE SALE.—The Heavy ' Draught Entire LORD HADDO.—For par- ', ticulars, apply to Messrs Phillips and Son, or 1 Alt'rcd Buckland, FOR SALE, Cheap,.the Pure-bred l'mportcd Boar, "Bertie Son-ana," with Four , Pure-bred Sons. — Apply to Geo. A. Brown, Mangaro, near Onehunga Bridge. > "jTIOR SALE, Eight-roomed Residence .JL and Out-buildings, with six acres lirst- , clas3 volcanic soil in grass. All in good order. - —Apply K.E.U., Post oliice, Epsom. FOR SALE, one Flagstaff with wire rigging, one large Ensign, and six other Flags.—Apply to E. R. Cardnu, Fort-street. Ij^Oß SALE, Singer's Sewing Machine; nearly new; owner leaving Auckland; cheap.—Hayiics, Confectioner, Victoria-street. FOR. SALE—EgiisloTSetting, Pure-bred Aylesbury and Rouen Ducks, Toulouso Geese, Spanish and Brahma Hens.—Apply to Mrs Arthur, Help Bridge, Northcote. FOR SALE, cheap, a Spring Cart and Harness.—Apply S. Berry, Karangahape Road (near Taylor's West End Store.) FOR SALE, in View Road, Mount Edon, a House of Ten Rooms, with kitchen, bathroom, and woshhouso, two large cisterns with pump, and every convenience for a family.— Apply A. Kcyes, View Road, Mount Eden. FOR SALE, nice Houso of 8 Rooms (new), corner allotment; commands lino view; overy convenience; Upper Queen-street. —H. Partington, Queen-street. IflOR SALE, on easy terms, 5 Cottages on* Karangahape Road; small deposit; balance, weekly ; a rare chance.—ll. Partington, Stlchbury's Buildings. FOR SALE, Upper Queen-street, Nico 6-roomed Houso, well-finished, and in first-class order; good view.—ll. Partington, House and Land Agent, Stichbury's Buildings, FOR SALE, Kybor Pass, Fine Residence, . 0 rooms, gas, and every convenience; allotments, x .00; splendid view, stablo, &c— H. Partington, Stichbury's Buildings. IJIOR SALE, 12 miles from town, nice . littlo Farm, 10 acres, fenced, and in grass and Crops; well watered; near Rail way Station. —H. Partington, Stichbury's Buildings. OR SALE, Farm ISO acres, Puhoi, near Waiwcra; part fencod and in Crops; good Orchard; well watered.—H. Partington, House and Land Agent, Stichbury's Buildings. FOR SALE, an almost new 7-roomed House, with volcanic allotment, about 50 x 200 feet; good kitchen garden, well-established fruit trees, Bhruba, te,c Prlco, £550.—Apply on the promises, second houso beyond Mrs Saycrs's Store, Mount Eden Road. "ORICK BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL. For Salo, tho Block of Brick Buildings in Fortstreet known as Coclirane's Buildings. SAMUEL COCHRANE te SON, Auctioneers. DEVONPORT.— For Sale, a bargainmust bo sold—a well-situated Allotment, 50x155; volcanio soil: ten minutes' walk from Victoria Wharf.—E. W. Alison, Estato Agent, Devonport, MELROSE.— Seven minutes' walk from Victoria Wharf, Largo Allotments, wido streets; delightful situation. The cheapest and finest Suburban Proporty for salo in Auckland.— Apply E. W. Alison, Solo Agent, Beach Road, Devonport. EVONPORT.—A few choice Allotments, with charming water view, 50 x 160, only 35s per foot.—Apply E. W. Alison, Estate Agent, Devonport "VTORTH SHORE.—Building Allotment, -Ll 50 x 150, Flagstaff Road (best part); price, £2 per foot, Also, Houso of 8 rooms, large allotment, maginillcent view, 5 minutes' walk from wharf; price, £550.—8. Tanner, 8, Queen-street. PIANO.— For Salo, that fine upright Grand, used at Mr Gooch's Concert; a Bargain to persons wanting a good instrument. —ORGANS For Sale, just unpacked, fourteen stops, two knee swells, suitable for small churches. Thoy aro the best ever Imported.— HARMONIUMS, live octaves, two pedals, in good order; prico £510s.—HARMONIUM,walnut case, three stops, in good order price £12.— PIANOS, by Bord, Rosewood and Walnut Cases, at £21 and £25.—PIANOS, German, Iron Frames. -.——The abovo now on view at MR TIIOS. 11. WEBB'S, Oak Houso, Hobson-street, 3 doors from Cook-stroot. PEKIN DUCK EGGS For Sale.— Apply Arthur's Mart, FOR SALE, a Farm and Homestead, with orchard, containing 32J acres, situate at Tuakau, and known by the name of Rosehill, soven minutes' walk from tho railway station. The dwelling-house iB well built, and every convenience. There Is also a smaller ono in tho orchard. There aro abovo 200 fruit trees of various kinds, besides goosoberries and vines, plcntv of good water, also a waterfall eligible for mill works. The fruit trees aro just now in bearing order. This is an opportunity not often afforded to those who want to purchase—Applications to be mado to Alfred Cox, Estato Agont. Mercantile Chambors, 123, Queen-street, next Bank of Now Zoalnnd. Tj-1 O R IMMEDIATE SALE. I have somo Cottages and Freehold Laud for sale in Brighton Road, Parnell, at low prices. Beforo you buy elsewhere caU and look at SAM. WHITE, Fencer, Customs-street. TjTOR POSITIVE SALE, CHEAP. A really good Farm of 310 acres ; partly Improved ; balance good ploughablo land. A portior of Bush, somo of which is laid out liko a nai— Thoro is a good Orchard, Eight-roomed Houso, nnd sultablo out-buildings; splendid stream of fresh wator, and tho coach going North passes tho houso threo times a week. Price low and terms easy.—Apply to JOHN SOPI _T, Land Agent, No. 8. Queen-street. /IHAFF. CHAFF. CHAFF. For Sale, 2,800 Sacks; bright, clean, and wellcut. I,too sacks Oaten; remainder ilrst-rato Whoato— For sample and price apply to R. I, ECCLES, Salem Farm, Papatoiloi, or to ALFRED BUCKLAND, Haymarket. Groceries. CITY TEA MART, GENERAL GROCERY & PROVISION STORE. ESTABLISHED WITH A VIEW TO SUPPLYING FAMILIES WITH TEAS, GROCERIES, and PROVISIONS OK DEBT QUALITY AT WHOLESALE TUICES. MOVING WITH THE TIMES. Tho subscriber, with a view to still further increasing Uio business of the CittTea Mart, has determined to mako considerable reductions from the prices now being charged in Auckland and Suburbs. NO W ON SAL E:— Rich, strong, Daijecling Savoured Tea, 2s per lb, in 21h tins (no charge for tins) Whito Tablo Sugar, Id, l.d, and od per lb ; chenpor by the mat, 71b Bags Oatmeal, ls Id; 251bs Oatmeal, Is 3d Hobart Town Jams, (Ud per tin ; cheaper by the case , ~ Hams, from Sd per lb ; Bacon, from bd per lb Butter, Eggs, tec, and every description of Grocories and Provisions, at LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. COUNTRY ORDERS ATTENDED TO WITH DESPATCH. Highest. Prico given for Produce, and overy possible inducement offered to facuitato and encourago Business Plenso noto tho address :— TDOBERT 13 E W, WHOLESALE TEA MERCHANT AND GROCER. Victoria & Albert-stkeets, Auckland. Goodson's London Arcade. jS__ n acrostic. G OODSON'S may be said lo be, O n each occasion viewed, Of all tho places you can sco, D elighlfully renewed. So New the Goods, so \\ ell Arranged, O n evory Stall you sco; N o placo for Cheapness oan compare— So cvoryone agrees. L ook at tho Windows as you pass, O n even- duo occasion ; N o time is wasted thus to glance, 1) espitc tho said invasion. O n Saturday ovo 'tis quito allowed, N o life aro moro attractive; A round us others may be proud, R emembor we stand Foremost, C onio, then, and Sco this Grand Display, A nd you will oft turn here. D .suite bad t hues, it must allay E acn rising thought of fear. Note the addresses— GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADE, Au-klanp. „ „ „ Chribtchurch. LONDON OFFICE: St. Mary Axe. Money. T _. AAA T0 LEND, in Sums of _JO«"If" £100 and upwards. ' Apply to W, F. O'SULLIVAN, ' Shortland-street. T "1 f. T0 *£I°.ooo LENT on Building JuJL'.' Socioty principles, or on other terms to suit borrowers. Allotments bought and I Houses built on Weekly Payment System Mortgages and Loans negotiated. See List or . Properties for salo on Ith page. Six per cent, allowed en money deposited for mvestment - . C* Williamson, Land, Estate, and Financial . Agent and Valuer. 2, Vulcan Lane. . MONEY TO LEND, on Promissory Notes, on Mortgage, oron a„v available TBJMfW-BffWfe co., High-street, 2.doors from Vulcan Lano.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4129, 26 September 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4129, 26 September 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4129, 26 September 1883, Page 3