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Wanted. . WANTED, 12 Men to Quarry and Breal 2i metal; highest price given; hammer: found.—Apply on the works, VY cllington-stroct ANTED, ft thoroughly steady Man ai Cook.—A ..ply nt once. Nevada Hotel. WANTED, a Situation by a thoroughly competent Bookkeeper (single or double entry): 10 years' experience in the timber trade First-class recommendations. — Apply DE Star offlce. WANTED, a Boy.—C. Canning, Con feetioncr. Queen-street. WANTED, a Boy for parcels ; one whe eun drive preferred.—SuiitU - Caughey 300 and 302, Qneen-street. "ITtTANTED, a Boy to run Messages.VT Apply to M. Murchie, Tailor, Shortland street. XXTANTED, at once, a smart Boy for the TT Boot Trade. Good opportunity to learr the trade.—ll. J. Andrew, Ponsonby Road (nexi Threo Laiiips)^ ANTED, a Smart Boy.—Apply Edwel, Lewis, Customhouse-street. ANTED, a Boy able to ride.—Applj to R. Thorpe, Harp of Erin, Ellorsho. WANTED, a General Servant ; must be able to oook; references required.Mrs Rioh, Manukau Road, Paruoll. WANTED, good General Servant; one who understands plain cooking.—Applj Mrs Kav, Lome-street (next to Mr Patcrson'i Stables). "i.'jtT* ANTED, a respectable Girl or MiddleT V aged Woman as General Servant. Ro fer-enco required.—ApplyMrs D. Parker, Georgo street, Ponsonby (near Englanil-strect). WANTED, immediately, a respectable, Nursemaid about 15.—Mra Joseph Banks, Logan Bank, Joruiyn-stroot. WANTED, a good General Servant foi town.—Apply lit Byrne's Grocery Store, Kybor Pass. WANTED, Apprentices to the Dressmaking.—Dunne, Hall, and Co., Quoen street._ "VITANTED, a Plumber and Zinc-worker, IT also a Boy.—Apply F. and W. Fowler, Plumbers, Victoria-street. WANTED, 2 Young Ladies as Appreuticea to tho Millinery. — Suiitii and Cnughoy, 300 and 302, Queen-strcot. WANTED, Employers and Servants to Visit New Zealand Labour Exchange Private waiting rooms. No entrance foes.— Heighten and Co., 177, Qneen-street. WANTED, 3 respectable Young Men as Boarders, with comfortable sitting-room and use of piano : terms, 19s per week, including washing.—Mrs Kavanngh, Nelson-street, 2nd house from Cook-street. WANTED, two Young: Gentlemen as Boarders; private family; bnth and piano; splendid viow.—Address Double-Btory House, third paat School, Nelson-street. WANTED, Two Gentlemen to share a Bedroom, with or without Board.— Addn._ Mrs Ball, Hobsoii-stroot, two doors below Crowo'a, baker. WANTED, oue or two Respectable Boarders; tonus 20s. washing Ineludod. —Apply Mrs Ryder, oppoaito Choral Hall, Symonds-treat WANTED, Tenders for Painting and Plumbing to Church at Kllerslie, up to Tuesday, Uth inuL— Plans te be scon ut F. Prime's, Ironmonger, Newton. "VITANtED, a House (0 or 7 rooms) someT T where In vicinity of SI. Patrick's Church. —J. B. Graham, Shortland-street. "_"C7"ANTED, a Small Harmonium in exT T ehiuigo for a Piano.—Webb _ Co., Lyceum Hall, Hobson.triiet, noar Vietoiiub treet. WANTED, by Married Couple, Bedroom and Private Silting Room.—Apply by letter, stating terms. Sec, A.8.C., Star Olliee. __ "VVTANTED to Buy, Leftoff Clothing of V 7 overy description for oash. Families waited upon. All orders punctually attended to.—Address C. Whittcn, Wellosley-st. W_t__ WANTED. —When you aio in Hobsonstruet call and see the large and ehoico stock of Mosgiel Tweeds just opened for tlie coming season, at Munro and Milbgan's. TTTANTED, tlie Ladies to 'know that V 7 Munro and Milligan have secured the services of a ilrst-oliiss Milliner, and aro now prepared to supply millinery in all its branches on Die .shortest notioe. '. ANTED, a Light, Low Basket Pliaeton ur Ijitlies' Carriage,—Apply at onco lo James iiackio, Coachbuililer, Victoria-street East. WANTED, imnieeliutelv, a Furnished with fire-place; near Albertstreet. State terms.—A. _ Star oflico. WANTED! Wanted, To Sell, good Tosinanian Jam (assorted), Bd per fan.— H. Watt, Pitt-street. ANTED TO SELL, a New Fourroomed Verandah Coottage with skillion attached: situated 10 yards from City Boundaries. Also, horse, spring-cart, and harness.— For particulars apply to C. Richardson, 11, ilre-y----strcct. Gooel bargain. WANTED, to Sell, New Sydney Drays nn:l Heavy Spring Carts, at roiluced prices.—Owen Kelly, Royal Oak, Oiieluingn, WANTED, to Sell, a good Second-hand Piano, the property of a gentleman.— Webb Se Co., Lyceum Hall, Hobson-street, near 'Vii'toria-Btreet. . t . %%T ANTED to Rent, a LI or 4-roorao_ 7 V House, within 10 minutes' walk of Auckland Timber Company.—Addross ADZ, Star olliee. _ __ TJITANTED, to Purchase, or to Loose with V y purchasing clause, a House of five lo seven rooms, wilb from one to four acres of Land, In tbo siibui-lw of Auckland or at North Shore.—Apply to .'. H. Withoforel, Star Ofllce.; WANTED, I'tii-chaser for Drapery Busi ncas.—Apply Edwin Waylo, 6. ('ommere—il Buildings, near Bank of Now Zealand. WANTED, the inhabitants of Onehunga to know that William Davielgohas commenced Business on his own nccoiint in the SI ilk Triiiio, anil lie hopes, by giving the si rictcst attention to the biiainesa and supplying a pure article, to gain a fair share of their support. \_T ANTED KNOWN, Bnnntias, 2d per T 7 lb by tbe Hunch ; good Cooking Apples, 2UI per 11. (small case lOlbs).—W. Sanford, Victoriastreet,'corner of Albert-street. WANTED Known.—Lawn Tennis. —All kinds in reliable makes. Also, Photo. Albums—large assortment Just unpacked, from 's to £B.—Charles Kelsey and Co., two doors below Morrins', Ironmongers. . TTTANTED KNOWN. -, Oaten Cliafl' V T from Canterbury Oaten SheaTiw.spleneliel quality, selling oheap,—E. Mlti'liclmm and Co. X\T ANTED KN O \V N, A. ADAMS wishes to inform his friends anil tho public that ho has commenced businoss us Tailor and Clothier In Groy-Btrcot, opposite Mr A. Young's Grocery Store, anil liu^ onenoil up a ir-H-naseirteel stock of English ami Colonial Tweeds. It in his intention te carry on a strictly cash trade, so that he may bo enabled to givo his customers tho vory best valuo for their monoy. "VVT ANTED X N O W N. Can a Good Thing nn too Widely Known I Testimony dally to hand to tho unmistakable effects of our LIVER TONIC, For Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness. Piles, and CostiTcness. Is Cd and 2s a bottle. Is It Round Worms or Thread Worms that you aro suffering from, or your Children f Get at onco our WORM POWDERS, CAKES, OR TONIC SYRUP. Is it Tape Worm ?—Our remedies aro safe and certain. DIARRHCEA AND DYSENTERY..; • No Family should bo without our Mixture, olthor Powdor or Liquid. Is each. COMPOUND SARSAPARILLA, Of the best and purest quality, for all Impurities of the Blood. 2s fid a bottlo. GENUINE HOP BITTERS, 2s Od BOTTLE. All orders promptly attended te. Consultation, porsonalor by letter, l'reo of charge. NEIL & CLIFFORD, Botanic Dispensary, Wbllesley-bt. East, Auckland. WANTED, Purchasers for Mangolds in any quantity.—Apply Fisher and Co., Qucon-atrect. WANTED KNOWN.—Feed for Race horses: Splendid Canterbury Oaten Chaff on Sale by E. Mitchelson and Co. WANTED Known, that I am selling Dressos, Calicoes, Flannels, Prints". Clothing, Hosiery, and Tweeds chonper than any House in Auckland.—J. H. Haiinan, Draper. Victoria-street (off Hobson-street). ANTE li KN O WN, that any Gentleman of Auckland whe is suffering from Rheumatism I will Cure Free Of Charge. A PAINLESS AND POSITIVE CURE FOU CORNS. A CURE FOR WORMS. PROFESSOR ELLIS treats all diseases antl complaints. He oilers to tho public that anj case of disease (not too far advanced) which he treats, where a complete euro is not effected, he refunds half tho fee. Secret Complaints ol young men cured.—Note the address: No. 303 Quceii-strect (next Young Women's Institute) Hours: From D a.m. to 0 p.m. WANTED Known—That the Devon port Sawmill Company are selling al kinds of Timber at Lowest Rates. ANTED KNOWN — Young Berk shire and Cross-bred Pigs for Sale.Apply to Geo. A. Brown, Mangare, or to Auck land Dairy Company, Hobson-street. ANTED Known.—ln Jewellery, Chas Kclscv and Co. continue, as heretofore to keep only RoalSllvor and Gold, and ns tho.i reccivo fresh parcels monthly, their stock i: kept supplied with the newest designs.—Charier Kelsey and Co., two doors bolow Morrln's, Iron mongers. J t . W~ ANTED KNOWN, Lots of Fresl Bargains at all my shops. Particular: soon In both the Star and " Herald."—W. II Dftmpic^ ; ■ WANTED Known.—James Browning (late of Dunedin) has leased tho Pio Hotel. Lower Albert-street A few stead; Boarders will find excellent accommodation. ANTED KNOWN—Cheat Timber Cheap Timber I And all othor kind of Building Materials, can bo purchased cheapo and bettor than any Whore else at the yards c P. Goldie, Albert-fltrcct. WANTED KNOWN—For salo, on eas; terms, choice and cheap Allotments a Melrose—Apply E. W. Alison, Estate Agent Beaoh RoadDevonport.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4115, 14 September 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4115, 14 September 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4115, 14 September 1883, Page 3