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I Wanted. WANTED, 2 experienced Coal Miners. —Apuly to A. McGlynn, Wattato Coal ! Mlna, Huntiey. , WANTED, a good General Farm Hand, married mas preferred.—Apely as the > Botomßh unit's Office. WANTED, a Plou.nman.— Apply to H. D. Grant, Avondale; or Anchor HO'bl at 9 o'oloog ta morrow n orplng. \* ANtEU, 2 good Coat Hands and 1 V* Troußorsmatcer. - Apply A. Wright, Tailor. Bhorlland Btmet WANTfiJJ, a Night Watcnmaa.— Apply to Mr P. Smith, Anohiand Timber Como«ny l^aßtonivhonße^BtreHWcßt; _^__ ANTED, a Second Cook for the Northern Inh. W- ANxED, a good Painter.-Apply Jeaso Stokes, Monnt Eden. \\J ANTED, for the coast, gond ueneril VT Bootmaker.— -ppU to J. Callnnii.Queeiistreet. 1) tween 9 and 10 o'o ook a.m. to morrow. AWTED, a.^lan to Drive a Portable •EnWne andheln at' Clay Mill; 'must thoroughly underatand-WS work; also tin active Youth about 15 or 16 years of age.—Apply at the Newton Pottery. i^/AxxTitD, I a Barman for tlotel Bt V * Cambridße; refei ence requli cd.—Apply toThoa. Maoky. Kortmrcef. ;,V/ ANTED, a Bookkeeper.—Apply by Vt loiterstating experience.—Box 8. Postoflloe. Anofclai'd. __________ A^TtftDk a PirstfClass Salesman for a GrdcWW Wine and Spirit Buliriess on the Kaßt Coast. One having a knowledge of the Maori language proferred.-Apply to H. D. i,ovinshon, Starliotej,,between2and 2.30da11y. ANTED, First-class Salesman, or Bor, (or a Greengrocery umineßS, ablo to d'lve.—Apwl}-,lfruU(Bnop, now. Post. OlJico, Newton. _ WAIN TED, a Young Man with some experience of.bqok'lceeping: good referanoes required.—Aup'y to Miic-y, Logan, Btoon aod Co., _»»roy street. _____ ' _V 4-F $&B«a- S°y forja'solieitot'jß!.ofjace. Ti —Apply In own handwriting to Law, Stau office. , '\7U ANTED, a Message Boy.—Apply to TV Jos L^nlle, (jtrooer. P»rnell. AfcTKD, a Boy.j^Ajjply on Satutday J. G. Hrown, leaner, mrnell. aNTKD, a respectable smart Boy, Kood writer, for an office: one lhat has been In previous employment preferred.—Apply at ot oi to Bjx 167. In appUoint'. handwriting. XnTKD, a Smart Boy.—Appy J. H. Kalton. Tailor. ?1 Morla-atreot <-iit. ■ %/_/ ANTED, a Mnart Boy for an office,— '' * • Apply in writing, stating ago and oxperionco, to A.8.. P.O. Lotter Box No. 73. WANTED, by a Lady from England, a ttltumion as Momiug -over-em to young Ohildron. Acquirements: Kngllßh mdimentH of Krencb, and Music—Apply by letter to Gaverntßß Bi_R Offloe. 1 \VTaNTEO, Situation by Rood Barmaid ■*T ,in aood hitej; speaks Ktciich and Qerf ' man.-Mra • Whiteombe's-- Registry, next? 'the _. W ANTEU, a General Sirvant in a Biijall rurally: no children; rrferenco irfcqulreo. — Appiy to Mm J-agieolm, Albury ■ Huuue. Wellea e>-atteot Wett W ANTED, General Servant for boardli.g house at Mercury Bay to proofed Monday nr»t; hiKhest-waicee.—Apply i. dar_■od, 87, Grey-atreor. ' ANTKD, a good General i-ervant; abo a Girl abont H to attend on children,—A d ply t / -Ira Lyonn. D ly-Btreet. la/.AN^p, ,a. Genera^ Servant j. no. V? washing; good wages—Mrs Banks, Logan Bang. Jerniyn-aueet. . . ■ \\r ANTED, Female Cook and House. y i - roatd ; good wage*.—Apply Park Mot. L »»/■ ANTED, a Laundress.—Apply Mrs V T. J. Banks. Ltuan Bank. Jewuyn street. \hf ANTED, a Housemaid.—Apply at ° " Wyn:. ard House, Eden Crescent. vi/ANTEi>, Immediately, a JNursegirl Vv w no o*n do needluwork.—Mis Lionel Phillips, CoUeicoßoad. \\/ANTED, 2 good Buttonholcra for Vf while work —Apply at O. Do L/Kein's Shirt Fapior', Uurham-st.. comer ot Albornr. \\j AM ED, immediatel), a Machinist. VI Caroierthan House, Lltohfldd-itroos, Newton.,. , v . ~. .... -~-.; ~,-'• \mf ANTED, by a First-class SalesVi wom>n, ro-engaeement i<> Fanoy or Chin* Shop.- Aririr»»B Xi >-TA« Offloe. \\f ANTED, an Expeiienccd foiowoman T t fur ibedreusujaklKß department,—A. O, StephOßaootDrfcper. frpwton.- A .-•.'. ■' ■'■ i. \\! aHTFdT^ Milliner with thorough v T knowlodgu of Bales, at James woua's. London Ilotue, Victoiiß-atreet West and NelsonBireot. WANTED, Taiioresaee. - Apply New Zoiland Tweed. Company,.' QueenBtrcet. ; \\/ AN I'EU, Apprentices to the dres^V» ttaiting.-ApplytMißJ Bull, Hoffman's Bu Idlngs Quo-n--tree'. •*, A ■■Tltti, Apprentices and Improvers, »T good lundt, at^noo — -pply to aim Weatherby, in as and MaatalMakor, 1G GroyBircat. WANTED, an Apprentice to the millinery.—Apply lnimedistoly to Mra Wllkes, Milllnnr, Upper Qaeen-Btreet, Newton (oppuilie tno York Hotel). ANTED, immediately, Assistant Uroisaiiktr.—Ml»» fanoiman,bUlnßlle House. Pltt-Btroot. law Vlnoont-etreet, i*,l ANTED, a respectable Female as TV Ko»rderlnaquietf»m'ly. Termsmorto-rat-.-Aopiv at JVUrtama BottenoUi'o, Uresamaker, H-ibaonatrett. |] i/». A'TKIJ, iwo respectable Young • t Men, as Hoarders Terms moderate.— Apply to Mr< Eamble, Vlnoout-atreo*. next to ut. Mollooald'ii. WA>TttD, a few Young Gentlemen Boarders In! A .private family, nood home and aocommodstlon. Including bath and piano ; terms moderate. — Apuly two-ntorey bOuße, third pa*t Government Sohool. Aelaoustrtoc Ksst, ___________________________ A&TKD KNOWN—Vacancies for 2 81pr:o Gentleuien at Mrs Gatrlok's. 40, Hobson (treat, oenirally Bituated and a pleasant view of the harnonr. 'rcmi on anpllcailnn. \/xj ANTED KNOWN — Digc-tive BitVT teis—Tho wonderful rei_edy for IndiKeatlon, Pains In uhmt, Forehead, and Bac_, Oonstip-tlon. Piles, &cvitrioe 2 6.—Uandorton, _Car-PKah»pa Hoad. ANTBD, 60,000 Shingles. — Apply BalldeaSan- Stoiihe_Bi«,\'Bullderß, Viotorl-OrNaplorißt-Beta. ' WajmTED, a Stable and Coach-house near Uhoral Hall. Syinonds-street, Not less than three stalls reqairod. —Aitnur U Nathan, 33, Lower Qaeen ttrcat. is; ANTED,.,PhQtos, for, EnUrgempt, 'V» <- Mth(l>«r4td t_b*-'«i-ewiiln c r_y Wlttflbw, Price, from 3fi9.-K. K. Flpol. i\, ANIED, ta KpntorPutchasQ,)* 7 or W 8 ton'beck I'Bbtt.t-Apiily1 'Bbtt.t-Apiily ihirp>TH4. oaro of W. Jamleeon, Shipwright, Durham--8 tret t. WANTELttotPflrchase,«' Second-hand? 10 Mowe-pow- r "«rgine and Boiler; aleo. Travelling i-a'vr.bb_oh;aad:aay aPDU«n-;es suitable for i>mnll sa» mill.—Apply to Arthur H. Nathan, 33. Lower (jneen-strowt. \\! ANTED to Buy, 1 or _ first-class VT Cnrrlaao Hordes, not lotb than IS hands 3 inohes high; brown or bay preferred.—Apply W, Otowther. - - » a/ANTED to Bay, for Cash, an Allotv T mont or Oottatie. In a KOCd position within 20 mlnuteB1 wal* of Post Offloe - Address M. K. Asplnalt Hobeon-etreet, oppotits Munro and Mllllgan. WANTED, Bayer, for a«quantity of Gentlemen's Kashlosablo Cut Real Tweed Overcoats, at 28s 6- eaoh. ih ea Uooda nta rf tho best ctyles in Heather and Grey Mixtures, and oannot be m.tohed under 12s.— J»meß aoutt. General Draper, c>lithler, ftc, so, London Home, Vfecorift-jtrßet West and NelBonetieat, Auckland. ANTED to Sell, nice Boarding-house of 12 rdorhs,;Closo tooityj'also, a Grocery business.—Arms trong&Co.,Kstato Agents, 177, Qneepßtroct. ANTED to Sell, a-Dress Suit in firstolass condition, for a moderate-sized man.—Apply by letter to BLW., &t.b offloe. V&7 ANTifD~.Known — Just received,W^ € Irf j an t a - v(rnit. SllK Hoodi, to bo sold about hilf usual price; also, a lot of damaged umbrellas, to ba cleared out at Is 6d eaoh.—J, G. Brown, Parnell. - •■ ANTBD IKN.OWN—Another,: Grand Lot of Cheap Boots: at Dam pier's Book Shop, Viotorla-streot. Hartlonlara soon. ANTED* KNOWN -v;COm!ortable Botrd and nealdenoa, 3 minntos' w»lt from Newmarket Station.—Mi. Korrij, Carlton Gure Road. %S7 AKTfcD H.a <J "V « —OaJUP XIM ■ Vf .Bttaf OB__PiT.( _-___H»_ujd another kinds ol Hulldius Matoriale, osa be purchased Cheaper and bettor thao anywhere els« at the _"Brda ot D. Go_ni_. Albe)rt.tro<3». There belnß no manufactory for Joinera' Timbor oir the preraises. »hs onstomer has an additions) opoor tnnity of tinttintt stir erlor Umber. Wheeh-lghts" Material' always In sipnk. \A! i»NTKD Known—and well known.— Mosloy's Hosiery, Brettlo's Hosiery, Leicester Hosiery, at Robson'B Melbourne House, I dionsonby. WANTED KNOWN—Samples of some of the Goods being sold off (with pricet) are now In tbe window at tho Hnbacm-Btreot Shop. Further partlofllaru soon.-W. H. Dampier. WANTED, the Ladies of Ponsonbyand Dlstriot to oil and inspect the new and oheap Millinery, at prioes to tolt all olasaes; also, tiew Goods in God and Black Luetras and Cashmeres, on whloh an allowance ot 2a in tho & Will be made. A splendid lot ot Blankets for 9» 8d; good Bargains io Hearth Rusts and Door Mats, from 3s fid; Crettones, Table Covers, Quilts, Underclothing; Cheap Lines In Hosiery, V anoy Di gib Gooiin. Dreasmaking in the Latest Faßhior,s.-HEMINGW»Y'S Cheap Drapery Establishment (ornerot Union and Pttterson treete). V reeman's Bay. ANTED SEEN, tne ladies' House Bout-, 2a 0 1 and Si ; ladles' -Uppers, _«; a d tVio Ladies' hlgb-hB1" Evening Shoes, 3s fid, at Datnpier's Boot chop, Victoria-street. WANTKD KNOWN—Button "looks, 2d each; Long Leather Boot Laoe*. Id ' the pair, or S.i the dozea ptira—at Sampler's i Boot ahop, Viitorla-streat. 1 'ftISTANTEDKNi -WN, that Mrs Vv alters, ■ V» Hobson-street. has Removed to Pittstreet, where she has Opened a BYcsh Stook 0 ' MllUnery.

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 3971, 20 April 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 3971, 20 April 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 3971, 20 April 1883, Page 3