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Constable Bern arrested a man named John Delaney to-day on a charge of stealing a quantity of harness, value £30, the property of James Kelly, at TauraDga, on September 7th, Prisoner will be brought up at the Police Court to-morrow. The p;rformanco of Hayward's Novelly Company at tbe Theatre Royal last evening was but moderately attended. The entertainment was, however, successful in every respect. Por this evening an entire change of programme is announced. *

Madame Mummcrhayes, a pianisto of English and Colonial repute, purposes leaving Nelson for Auckland on January sth, and will give a concert or recitation during her stay in this city.

Tn our ropmt list c.veiling relative to the death cf Mr James Henry Smith, by poisoo, wc were in error in stating that the deceased was for many years general secretary to the «'ddfollows. Mr Henry James Smith, who holds that office, is an Auckland resident of twenty years standing, and is still in the employ of Messrs Archibald Clark aud Son», where he has been for Ihe last fifteen years, The fact of both gentlemen having at ono time boon iv the same employ, and the great similarity ot the names, caused the li:vor referred to,

To the Fditor: Sir,—Our locnl hands j discourse excollent music j they have gone far beyond tho early stages of "blast nnd' blare ;" and when they waft their sweetness ] from the baud stand iv the Albert Park they will be encircled by "a dense crowd ot delighted listeners, it ciiclo so wide, that my poor friend Wells will look in vain tbe following morning for a single floweret. And what a glorious perch tor the larrikins at those times will be the b.itin of the fountain,—Yours faithfully, T, B. HaKNAFOKB.

The following cisrs were called at the Police Couit yesterday: — John Goodwin, lined la and costs for pei mil ting a horsa to bo at large in tho Market Square ; Mrs Holmes, of Mount Eden, charged with using threatening language to her mother-in-law. At tho request of Mr Browning this case was adjourned until Friday, in view of a settlement ot family diflcicnccs, Charles Mock paid an instalment towards the support of his children, and agreed to pay regularly in future.

"Harlequin J»ck, tho Giant Killer," was performed last evening at Abbott's Opera House, with immense success. 'I ho juntomine is livc'y aud interesting throughout, and elicited roars of laughter. Ihe Fairy Globe, with its glittering associations, was greatly admired, aud every novelty passed oil' with eclat. The musical accompaniments were excellent, Tho proprietors have determined upon giving a mid-day performance oh Saturday for the convenience of country visitors.

To the Editor : Sir,—As accidents are occurringalmost daily, through the using of our thoroughfares for bicyclo exercise, 1 think it time something was done to check, if not stop, people from tenritg along at the rate they do. The'accident to Potter's 'bus on tho Whau road is an instance, and a man bowling along aud coniiug up without sound or warning is enough to flighten any horse. I have seen four accidents happen within ton days through bicycles, if something is not done for the protection of drivers and horseman, there will be a serious Uii-hip, aud then, when too late, something will bo done. Ne man _is always prepared for his horse jumping rom one side to tuoj other of tho road.— \ours, &c , P. MOKI4.IUT, Eden Terrace,

An old time jiroverbial pbilo ophor truly wrote, "Wco to theo, O hind wbon thy king is a child," and had he lived in this advanced nineteenth century of ours he might have adeled "Woe to thee, O racing stable, whose owner is a woman," (July the other day wo read in ihe .English papers of tho troublo caused by that wellkuown sportswoman, tho Duchess of Montrose ; and quito recently Auckland has supp'ied a parallel, A lady who owns a number of race hoists, had set licr heart on winoiug the Auckland Cup, and indeed so confident had she beeu ot success, that the defeat of her horse had a tcrriblo eli'tui on her nerves ami bur tc-mper. Swooping down on her unfortunate trainer, shu accused him iv no measured terms of selling tho race, and then severely castigated him with her gingham. It is not improbable that the full facts will be elucidated through tbo modium of the Police Court.

Tho following story is told by the writer of " Kchocs from the C'fe" in the " Wnikato Thins"—"The other day I beard a tiue story about a lady (of course she U a litdy) belonging to our local would-be itriEiourncy. '1 bough owning a number oi houses, she lives ia a hired ho'.ise>, which has been for some time in the hands of one of our local agents for tale, A gentleman who wished to buy the bouse went to look at it, accompanied by bis wife and a clerk from the laud agent's oilicc. Ho knocked at tho door and naked whether Mrs Blank was at home, and was laid by (ho girl who answered Ihe door that sho was not. He informed tiic girl of his errand and said that it would probably be better to return v.iirn the lady of tho bouse was there. Tin giil told him tbat the dii not think that U'cctsary, but that he might po through the house then. He allowed bis wife to go into such of the rooms as the j^irl took her into, and he contented himsell with looking at the outsido of tho bouse and at tho.,grounds and oiliccs. 'Lite result was to satisfactory that be bought (he property, Tne next day he received a most abnsivo letter from the ' laity ' who was occupying tho house, telling him that he had been guilty of the grossest rudeness, that she strongly objected to ''tramps and other loose characters " prowling about her house, and tint slm h»d jilaoed herself and her property under the pretention of the police, t'f conric he diet not acknowledge the receipt of htr letter or reply to it in any way, bufmercly wrote her a polite note, informing her that he had bought tho house, and giving her itrmal notice to quit. Ol such is tbo would-be aristocracy of Auckland."

Our London correspandout writes:—Her Majesty in her Privy Council bus before now had many important colonial appeals to decide, but none appears to have involved larger issues than tho great Hew Zca'and vrill case of l'hotles v. Bhodes, recently decided. It will bo remembered that thongh the Lords of the Council ruled in favour of tbo appellaut Miss Mary Aane Khodcs (thereby upsetting the decision of tho Supremo Court at Wellington), thsy directed that tho costs oi all parties should be paid out of the estate. Three sets rf solicitors were engaged and tbe arguments lasted sis days. The importance of the appeal aud the anxiety of the Government p to give the petitions of colouM subjects due attention is shown by the fact that besides the four ordinary judges, Lord Blackburn and Lord Watson attended the bearing. The costs incurred iv Unhand have now been taxed, and amount to the good round sum of £2810. Mr Benjamin, QC, the appellant's leading counsel, bad 250 guineas on his brief, besides refreshers and consultation fees everyday. The acting lor the next of kin, had a like sum. Thero were also two junior counsel on each side, and the trustees paid 100 guineas to counsel to watch the esse on their behalf. These costs are in addition tv those incurred in New Zealand, so that the lawyers seem to have hud fully their fair share ol the late lumcntod Knowlcs's four millions, It may be interesting to mention that the for I unate litigant, M iss M ary Au ne Knowlcs, heard the case, and, before, she returned home, had the honour of hunting with the Empress of Auitria.

Many cf our readers will remember the visit pain to Auckland some years ago by Mr G. Wright, who was canvassing on behalf of an extensive gazetteer, which be intended to publish on his return to Aew York. He has since travelled through Australasia, America, and India, and as the result of his labonrs, has now issued the "Commercial Directory and Gazetteer." The volume is a very large one, containing fully 2000 pages, and is replete with information concerning the seven colonies with which it professes to deal. It is a complete handbook of trades, professions, commerce and manufactures in the Australian Colonies, and possesses special value from the fact that it is the only work that embraces all tho colonies, and is one of tho largest Directories published in the world. Tho Melbourne "Age,'' referring to the Direct ry, says it forms a "handbook of trades, professions, commerce, and manufactures in the Australian Colonies, and includes a supplement ou the trades of ludia and the Uuited States. The Australian portion of the work, wbich is its principal part, combines general description with lucal details accompanied by directories of trades and professions. • The Directory isj alphabetically arranged by towns, Use name of each manufacturer, trader, or jirofessional man appearing under his town and calling. To facilitate reference, the various sections of tbe book devoted to different colonies or countries are printed oa papers of different thus, aud the name is alto printed ou the edges of tiie leaves, an arrangement which will be appreciated by all who have to consult the volume ! with frequency. The "Gazetter" is furnished with handsome colouied maps mado expressly for this work under the direction of Mr Gaylord Watson, of New York. County maps arc given of the Australian Colonies, showing all railroads, coach roads, towns, cities, stations, &c, The printing and binding of tbe book are maiked by that excellence which is com- j mon with the American pres-." Mr Wright is now staying at the Koyal Malt ; Hot-Ji, where applications for copies by those not already subscribers may be for- I warded, j

Mr F. Porkr and family left inilios.B' | Wairaiapa lis Fnglami to-day, via tbe ■ South and Australia. Mr J. Sheehan was I a passenger to Napier. I

The residents ol Upper Sytnonds-sjr-'ct complain of tae danger to vehicles arising from the heaps of weeds and other rubb'sh left on the roadside by the city workmen.

By a typographic il error in tho last two issues the price of stalls at tha Thcatio Koyal has beeu made to appear 2a instotd ti 2* Gd, the proper amount. This exp'anition will no rtuubt satisfy those persons who felt themselves a?giicveclat the ticket cilice last evening,

It is understood thai; the new Pedigree Stock Company are negotiating with the Auckland Stud Company tn amalgamate. The combination would bn a powerful one, and is the only thing necessary to make the new Pedigree Stock Company the most impoitant brooding es ablishmmt in Australasia.

There will be no meeting cf tho City Council to-n glit and the business therefore stands postponed till Thursuay evening next.

An extraordinary mcotieg of Barrett's Gold Mining Company was to have boon held in Mr Stodait's olUee this afternoon, but it lapsed for want of a quorum.

A cricket match will be played on Saturday in ihe Domain between the linns of T. and S and E. Porter and Co Morrin's ■ Cole (captain) T. L. Drumnn nd, It. A. Druniniond, Swanson Keep, Clayton, Leonard, t'oiiieilitld, Farquhar, Shepherd and George; emergencies: Colebourne, and Wallace. Portci's: Mogioie (captain), Summer, Ctsiuch, Nelson, Stoke*, Lambert, Sainton, Meg-or, Smart, Clayton, and Alfred Porter.

Owing to the illness of Mr Cecil Girdner, the "Penny Time TaMe" for Janua-y is later than usual iv making its appearance. U will, however, ba published to-morrow morning, and con lie obtained from the runners and from all beo'cscllera aud stationers. This Now Year's numbor contains much new and valuable information.

Charles Ererett, ono of the youths convicted nt the luvercargill sessions of burglary, addrctscd the jury on bis behalf, and concluded with this appeal: —" Wo now await tho angelic sound, not guilty, aid may God direct you so." The stern logio of tho facts pteson'od by I lies Crown had more weight with the jury than what the "News" terms tho prisoner's "rough eloquence."

A promenade concert and ball by Dean's Minstrels will tike place at the Ction,l Hall on tbo29th hist, in aid of the iundsot tic Naval Brigade Band. An entirely new jjrjgrnnimc is announced.

The bead of one of the clothing fact'lies in Melbourne informed tho rcprcscntntii c ct the "Ago" that they employed about •100 hands and turned cut about 12,000 garments per week, exporting niott of them to Sjdnoy and New Zealand. Last year there were 70 clothing factories in V.ctoiia, employing 5391 hand*, the great majority of whom were females. The value of this class of goods expoi ted from Melbourne last year was £226,203.

An entertainment of a musical and literary caaiaeter will bo f;iveu to-morrow (Friday) evening in tno Epsom Hall, in aid of ttie buildin;; fund. Tbe programme is seasonable, and specially attractive, with promises of soucs, music, and original sketches. At the close of this portion of tiic bill of fare the disciples of Terpsichore will havo an opportunity of footing it on tho boards to the sounds of Paganiuian instrument*, under the inilueuco of Vesta and the girls of. the district.

A lad namcel James Jones, n son of a farmer at Sheopwash, iv the Sandhurst distiict, Victoria, has been dangerously injured through being gored by a bull belonging to 1113 father. The animal was well-known to bo vicious. Jones, who was running, fell, and was tosscil several times iv the air, and wan picked up insensible ; several ribs wore brskon, and his luoga were injured,' also there wore severe cuts and bruises on his head and bctly.

Articles have been Bigned and Ihe first d'pof-itof £100 a-ide made, for a seullisg race between lay cock and Ru«h on the Clarence River on March 10th next. Tho stakes are to ho £500 aside, and the distance 'Ah nd'es. Mr F. Punch has been appointed stakeholder and rtfoico. Ttc second deposit of £50 in the match between M'DoaaM and Clifford, which is to. pl.VfiC on 10'h February over the champion, Parrnmatta Hirer, has been mado good. The stakes are £100 aside.

To Urn Ivii'or : Sir,—Kindly allow me lo

ask lluoiigU your columns, tlioie who are in n''u to answer, whether the lour, talked of niatcb between the Victerii -i .'■} Ko. " o(i!i)',a>!i's i-i likely to b»mm.ite. An eviden'ly well founded rfcrsattr is now gaining currency, to tho ell'ect that, surprised and dismayed at the unexpected acceptation of tho Victoria challenge by .No. I!, the former company is using every possible subterfuge to secure 1 thesubrcr.-i'U of tho match. It is duo in. all fairness to the "shots" of bjtb companies, that the leadcs should meet at once aud arrange preliminaries, place tho stakes, or p»rt, in trustworthy bauds, and thus put an end to the diUtoriuess which is so characteristic of some volunteer companies. —I am, eSic., CASDOUK.

A notico is gazetted that tbe sum f £0,000, voted br parliament for distribution lo public libraries*will bo distributed on the Slit January, 188U, and no claim will bo considered that shall not have been sent in due form, and reeiivcd by tbo Secretary for education, Wollincton, btf >re tho 22nd January, 1883. Evory public library maintained by rates will be entitled t,o share in Ihe distribution according to its income fiom rates; and every library maintained by subscriptions aud voluntary contributions will bo entitled to share according to its income from subscript'ons and voluu'ary contributions : Provided in either case that admission to tho library, if withia a borouuh, is open to tbe public freo of charge. Tho distribution will not be in proportion to the several inclines of the libraries; but a nominal addition of £25 will bo mado to the .-.mount of each income, and tbo vote of jCh',ooo will he divided in proportion to tbe amounts as thus augmented, Applications to share in the distribution must be made iv tho form of a statutory declaration, a copy of wbich appears in the "N. Z. Gezetto" of Ucecmbcr 2Sth.

We havj received a copy of the wall almanao for 18S3, issued by tbe Government Insurance L'ep rtmont, hut we canuot congratulate tho authorities on what they have tutno 1 out, It is quite timo that t.o Government set the example of eneturagius; local industry, trnd not going outside tbe c lony for work which can be execute! equaly'well w thin it. The ulmauac before ua was pcibted by a B'rraiophnm firm ; but whether ths design is also English does not appear At »ny rata it is po w enough. A badly-drawn Bn aunia, s aodiog in an impas'lble position oa the cuive of a i.loba, holds iv one ban I the orthodox shield, and ia the other an i gly flat;, displaying the advant; gas of iv ur ng with tin Government. In tho lour comers of the desisru are stuck four willow-pattern plates. Why plates— dinner plr.tes—should bi there, why the plates should be of tbe willow-pittcrn, which )s charac eristic ot Chin* if of any laDtl on the earth we are unable to understand. Possibly the designer, who modestly veils his. identity under tlie epithet " Phizo;," intended si me mystic cabalistic signification by "those symbols, incompreh.'nsib'c to the uninitiated. We fail to untestand why the design could not have been of a co'ouial character, something in tbe sains direction wbich the New Zealand Insurance Company have so successfully followed wi'hthiir little calendar for the present year.

The usual fortnightly meeting of the Onehunga Borough Council was held on Tuesday night last. Present—the Mayor ((J. T. Cod Jin), Hartnetl, Earle, Tapp, Hastie, Jackson, aud Lundon. Cr Lunetou moved that the minutes of the 18th Dec. be not now read as they aro not the minutes of the preceding meeting and arc irregular. A lively scene took place over this motion which completely quashed all tbo business of the meeting. The Mayor ruled that no business would be proceeded with until the minutes of the ISth De-e-ember be mail and confirmed. Cr lundon said, the ruling of tho Mayor would bring discredit on tbe Council. He would not withdraw his motion, Let the farce go on. He rend a clause ,froiu the Municipal Corporation Act to support his argument. Cr Jackson moved that tho initiates of the 18th December hi tow read. ( airieel - 4 to 3. Cr Jackson said that Cr Hustle was riding in Cr. Lundon's saddle. Some uncomplimentary remarks ensued. Cr Jacksm declared he would not b* insulted by Cr Hastie. Cr Hastie would cot be insulted by Cr Jackson, He was an independent inti". At this sage of the proceedings tho burgesses present enjoyed the fun immensely, and engaged iv a discussion amongst themselves, It appeared tbat the Council was not inclined to proceed with business, and Cr Jackson moved that the Council now adjourn until next Monday nighf. The Mayor put the motion and it wa3 carried.— (Own Correspondent).

ff. A, Vivian, J. M, Morrison, aDd W. Moldrum of Auckland have passed tl(j Civil. Service examinations.

The rules and regulations under the Law Practitioners Act, given under the hanel of the iiva Judges ot tie ' upeme Courf, with tho subjects of examination for admission to tho bar, appear iv the liozetto of tho 2Sth December.

During the New Year holidays two members of the Auckland Bicycle Club—Messrs Alfred Barllett (soo of Mr Bartle^, jeweller) and W. Johnson, of Kempthorne, Prosser, aud Go's. — *'machined" from Auckland to Mo cor and back in one day. The distance is S8 miles, nnd wc arc given to understand that tbe ride is ihe longest yet performed in the povincial district, lur Bicycle Club is rapidly ginning iv strength, and many ot its members have become efficient 'cyclists. Perhaps a bicycle laco or two might be ar anged for at the next athletic carnival held here. A cinder track round the Domain cricket ground would be a boon to the 'cyclists, and would prove an additional attraction to this charming resort.

To the Editor : Sir,-To the long list of qua ilictlioiis enutnera'od by your correspondent "Another Builder" (presumablya draughtsman) which appears iv your issue of Ihe 2oth) should he added tho not unreasonable and, to my view, indispensibe qualiiicn of keeping a civil tongue iv their heads, doing whut they are lequestod when. requested, and doing it correctly, not laying claim to the work of others, aod, above al', In know their place and keep it. It is no; uausnal for a draughtsmm to sit ova ato* 1 for days doing nothing but smoking or reading papers, which iind very convenient hiding .places under their drawing boards'! Njr is it at all an unlikely thing that aottc draughtsman or other, probably possessed of a highly-cultivated ariistical insight, may make an architect's specification tbeg ound for airing all sorts of fancied reformations of suppo cd errors in tho long-established vooibulary of technical building terms, and, in short, branding Gvtilt, Ncwkrads, and Nicholson (npt to mention a host of other*) as ignoramuses. Add to these minor accomplishment", being able to keep a pipe going all through business hours, aid the capacity and ability of being able to give any aniouut of insolence whenever and wherever they please, and you have a specimen ot draughtsmen not wholly unknown to the city of Auckland.—lam, &c, Nemo.

To-morrow's "Observer" will contain: Kissing «s one ot tin lflno Arts; Hurst to tho Corn; Hlorh-toncd Burglars; tne RolllcUntt Kami as Waiwora: Mr oaunders'ltomarksblo Hat; iho Kovivai Movenioutln Tauranga; tbo "Observer" In demand; Mr Spurueon as v. Wood-snfjr&vor; Pulpit slhetohos, Key. A. Held ; Successful Men ot Uuslnesa. Motors Munio and Million, biojropby and Oaitoon: Jack and .liini', a raor c uirso idyl; Hull list of dresses m iho racoa, latest iaehtous, tpartinir. See: £5 iOi cU'oredln prizae.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 3865, 4 January 1883, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 3865, 4 January 1883, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 3865, 4 January 1883, Page 2