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_uu ■■>■!■ inn—_«iiin« ___SSBB_SBBSSSS~ - Sawinj? Maohinea. . 1 ESTABLISHED 1855. by special ,f%s^^, aspoinimbikh . Buy ONLY THS >- OELtfBRATKD \ -O ..- EWING MAOHINB S. Tho Easiest, Simplest, Best Made, and Most Durable. Tho only Sowing Maolilno which haa never bijenlbeoton in competition. Folo A?e-ta In New Z-nl.wd I SHAKI-'SPEAIt AND CO., (Opposite the Market.l QUKKtt-STREET. w n \\ •*• sr »s TB3S GRSAT SB-WING ftJAOHiNE IMPOB^-KH SA?i IVVS Ki-OS!VED A f,^i'i"S Shlpao-Jt «" *,-.,■! Uhallonga Mai'thte* ras Weits Co.. Swjso Maceisr. .lie Most Silent Xho Cheapest Tha Moat Rapid Tho Hlglioeit Arm This Moot Simple Tha Largest i'snlp Tho Moat Has? te Wcri: _ !eu 'Sdst Cover Tho Most Curabla Tea .liuplr.itt LlSuttls Tr.e Most KlPftanJ 'XS? HwitMtt "t"j?KAr.L% MAilHliiEii "Iroro fcJ. ls> 4;::,7^"F""''"'-:-:-::;7^iJWi -U(:L':-fe.:. '\'' ~ ,»ij^ ;..'-:^.;?■-?.". f.%„..:'r; / !}i-.-*'-V.?\ fa..* :-', ~:■■■. I "ii-j, ~.,;,._,; ; -I^7- sB TUB BSST' SSWISG KAOHINSS EVa_ !~4t,E Price 'oJ HASD MAOHINffIB, £3 10a , Also. AIiW_SS ON OAIfD-Gfi-olno SSsgas; Fruiter and Ro smau WorUioim Si_adard Howe Company _ Whooler andiWßsoa Qrovcr and Ba.t_*3 Jonee's ABO DamsatUj Ar.floiher good malxej rao_ 3a, V, VSR WSSS i 2fl. 6D, PBR W»KSt ALL )-AO-IK2a aiiABA-ieTESJJ. ;.hs_l Maohinea con be had ot my Agoata i— N. MoLoonandCo., Ploneor Storo. Whaugxeo 1 TOnmtvi Wells,CumbrldsKi; WilliamatevonnoE Cnohnnga; E. Wayto. Hamilton; Parnell and Boylan, Glsboroc; i3naoo.;i and OOu 'f)>ttK~i?a »nd at other placet. : rpiXS g HEAT |)*POJ. QUEEN-STREET. QINGKK'S ÜBWIING "^/TACHINES. S'li^or'n MMbiuoa Singor'B Maohlnos , Singer's Maohinea Singer's Mbohlnaa Slurior'e Mne-iUlnoa ' Stiigflr'i' Msoblnea • Slagoa's DewSislvo' Maohlnes Singst. Doolslvo Maohlnes Singer's Deoißlve . Maohlnos SinKsr",-! Uecisivo Maohlnes Singer. Decisive Machines Singer's Decisive Mi-oh-oea Blnger'a Muchinos Singer's Alto Maohlnos Sliigoc"ii Msehlnes SteKSi's Overwhelming Machines SiKK'r"" Ovorwhelming MacMnes 1 Singer's Ororwholmlng M.-sohlnes o.nttitr't" Overwhelm teg Maohlnes . S':=;.-esr- OvorwhelntUxg Mochinen SL-,(K-r'e Ove»"wholmlng Mauhmoa S-ngar'a Overwhelming Mochlnea Staiei-'B Moohlnes Slucoy'B —— Maohlnos Siugor'a ..oohinos Singer's Vlotory for the Singor Machines Singers Vlotory for thn fltager Machines Singer's Viotory for tho Sinner Machines Blngor's Viotory for tbe Singer Moohlnes Singer. Viotory for the Skigc. Machines i Singers Victory for tho Steßer Maoblnoc Blngert) Viotory for tho Slngor Manhlaes • SingeiTß Machines Bhtgar's — -ftohlnes Slngt-rs iJachlnes Elnger 8 Two Gold Mo-ali Maohinos Singer b 4'wo Gold Madf,ls Machines SiuKer'a Two Gold Medals MaoWnoß , Slagß. b Two Gold Models Mschlnea Singer's Two Geld Moialri Maohinea Slngoi-'s Two Gold MortaiD Machine* Stngor'i. Two Gold Medals .Machines Slngsfs -..cUn«s SinTCrt M-ohtwti Slsi-er. Maohlaßfl Singer's Bsatingalieouit''jej .icbinos's Beating £.11 OompotitOrs L-.tachteci Singer. BeaMnanllCo-^ipct-Itorj LWoohliwa Singer's Beating all Competitors MEohlnoa Slngart Beatlntc all Compeiltoi-n Wochtees Stuker'a 'Boating all Compotltore L'll-Ohinos Sin-ior's Beating nU'Jompetitofß Maohinea ginger's Machines Stegor's — Maohlnes ' Slngor. Maohlnes Singer. !Hr_pte3t arid Test Machines SliisLc.'-'!: • Dluiplest and Bent «oohte«i Singer's Simplest »r>tt Jlo;t Machines hlnkeir't Slmplesl and ilt-_ Maohlnee Sii-.ssr'a SlntploL't and Bc_t Maohineß Slngor'e Simploiit ami i.tosi Ai&uliUios Sintror'ti rttrap't:,; f.ui B?s* Maohlnes , Sir.f-»»"', Mttchlnca ; S!ngci*ii — MnoMr.ea " Blngor's Moohlnes Smger"p Tho Slng6r Is Un.-Qaai.ts,". Mr-cblnoj i Blutfcr'e Tho Slnirer la Unequalled Mocbinos Slngurt The Singer 1b Unoquuilort Machine. Singe, f ThoSlnwr is Uncquallod Machines Sinmjr's Tho Slngor is UnequsUeel "_?.ohmea Slngttr'. Tha Stager is Unsquallod Machines SteTOr's The Sinsjer Is Unoqnalißd Maohlnos SlngefE Moohtaes Slnzert Maohlnes Sln^r'f Maohlne? Stngert Haft the Largfist Sals Maohlnos ainsor'i Haa tho Largest sale Machines Btagert Has tho Lorgost Salo SinKer"!. Has the Largest Salo Mr-jhlaett i Blngor'e Has tho Laritost Salo Maohlnos Stngor/B Has tho Largoet Sals Jdaohlncs Slngort Haa the Laxgewt Sals Uociunoa Singer's Machines Hlngor-e Mooh nos Stogefs Machines blngor'i Is tha Choopost Maohinea Stager's la tho Cheapest Maohlnos fcinser'B IB tho OhonpoaJ Machines Singer's la the Cheapen! Machines Singor'e Is the Choapest Maohlnes Singor'o Is tiio Cheapoat .Machines Blngor. Ia tbe Cheapest Mnoh non Bingor'ii Machines Blngor. —~ Machines Slngort Machines Singar'B Halt-a-crown pt-r Week Maohinon Blnuor'B Holf-a-orown por Wee* Machines , SlEgor'B H-lf-a-orown per Week Maohlnes Slngor'ii Hidl-a-crown por WeeSs Maomnos Slngot's Hal?-a-orown por Week Machines Blnger'B Half-a-orown por Week Machines Blnger'B Half-o-crown por Woolr Machines Blnger'a Maohlnos Singer. —' Maohlneta Singor't Machines Hinger'e Beakob Maohlnes , Slnget'd .Machines '. liln.or'i- 261, Qnoen-sfrect MichlnOß : Sintrd;'is SBI, Qn-nn-street Maohlnos ' sinji-er'i. 261, i-toeon'street M-Cnlne. Sini'.or'a 201, Qnecn-aiL-.-oct Machines ' -teKor'e 2SI, -nreu-iitreol Moonlnos • Bln.tor'.-i 3'jl, Ouoo.i-Ktrcct SlMbllWS I Slavst'? Ml, Qneen-street Mcohtaes • Slog*r'B Maohinea • tltngor*^ Auckiffod Mo-hlhes , Sliiger'i. Audi land Ms.rJiteo.l • Blngsr*. Anckland Machines • Btoger/r Aao:.l»ml Moohlnes , Mngor's AnoSJanel (Bachlnes rilr.gcc't AtioXltiJtr. MooWttoa Blngor'e AaoKlaad Maohlnes Stager's; Maohlne. SlnSw's - MocWbos fltaxcr's! M'-chlnes ' Dinger's Maohinea Ktagor. S^Si"* B B!ut;'/r'a! Maohirtoi SINGEK'S SEWING MACHINES. ~-'"' ' v. m Prospectus. F. KOSPE-TUS OS1 THB BELENSVILLE FLOUB MILL COMPANY (LIMITED). CAPITAL ..-. :... £20,000 IN 20,000 -BARK-.OF £1 KAOH, PATA Lis AS follows : — Ten Shillings per Share to bo paid tfurlng the first Twelve Aloathß ; Ono Hhilllng on npplioatfon ; Ono Shilling on -Uotmeiit; Two shillings on l6t February; Two hibilllnra on lot May ; Two Shillings on lot AUKuat; Two Shillings on lot of September, 1883. PitoviHioHAL Directors: Mr John Foster Mr 11. P. KavanagMr Jamss Haml Mr Itwnc Mol^turl Mr D. MoOloiman Mr "VVilllaiu Aelsius _ Mr It, A. McLeod. With power to sdl to tbplr number. anker• • National ank of Now Zealand, SOIIOITOK3I • Messrs Dlgnon and Armstrong, B.onETARr pro tern.; Joseph Giifflths. The objectsof tbe HelensvUleP lour Mill Company (Limited) will ba the erection of a Flour Mill and Grain Store, and the Importation o Grain from the Soutn or any other part of tti ■world where they can purchaso with advantage. r The ndvaniagoo tbat the proposed Company would posses a ovor all others In tha provisos ore patent, Vobeols coming from tho SoutH to Kaipara Porto for timber aro, ni? a rale, freighted wit* nrdin,nnd tho Helensvllle Timber tionipuny'fi mills being now in full operation, would i bo & siren', inducemttnt for that olftßß of VC3SCIB to run to Helensviile, nnd wonld eiipuro cbenp i freights, whilnt tho consumption ot flour in tho rjono will guuruntoo a flarge trade to I i the Company, '

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3854, 21 December 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3854, 21 December 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3854, 21 December 1882, Page 4