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J Wanted. ■ «»' ANTED, sober, clean Man to run ; I T V Coffeo Stall: good wages to bs maae.Anp'y at u>. Cook's St ibles. Quest-Btreet, Auok II -nd. I \Aj~AHTnD, thoso who are not very V? ,iok to Bee tho Women's Elastio-side Bontaat 2s, 3i6d. ond 4^._Sl the pair; Chl.dren'c largo do, Is and Is lid; at Dan pler'u Boot thop, Vlotorla-ptroot. __^_ __^ ANTED, a good Second Cook.—Apply Thames llolo'. Dining Room.*, Lower Qucon Bl r itt. ia. T ANTKD, a Kitchcnman.—Apply at " on oat Uio Police Borraoks, Albert Park W ANTBD KNOWN. — Selling on, Selling or, (Reaper than ever! I have ju t opened a Large Assortment of Vates, Glr-es -hades, Fnnov Guodn, P.atedware at d Outlory (.uKablo for Cttrlitmaa Presents). These will be sold ot noißlrlerably leßß than town prioes. as I Intend to keep up my name for ohe apneas nnd quality combine!. My nrloes far China, Glias and. Itarthouware. of best descriptions, nro loWor than la usually oharged for auction bou. lit rubbish. One visit wl 1 ensure onothor. Notothe sdd ess: v. A. Honman Kurangohipo road. oppoßita Nowton Hotel. ANTE 0 X NOWN—That the Largest Selection of School Prizes in tho Colony is being sold at Wayto's at Special Clearance Prices. Open on Saturday till 0 p.m., 100, Quoon-stroot. \V7 ANTEO,| Housemaid and BMtna'd t T for hotel in town; HmsemalelE (oorintrj) w»Kes 15s tt"d 16s: General SJtrvat te and Young eilrla —K. Itenry . I O'lstry. WANTED KNOW*—Frozen Meat! ' Frozen Meat!—R. Hutohinsein, Butcher, Victoria-street, bogs to call tho attonwon of his numerous frieii.3 and tho public in gencrailhat all his Meat from this elate goesunelcrtho freezing proeoss. It Is acknowledged by tho leading connoiseui-s to bo equal to the Homo Relish. y*/ A NTT. ED KNO WN. Send to SMITH & CAUGHEY, 300 and 302, Upper Queen Btreot, KOlt AN ASSORTED PACKET OF 12 BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS (Post paid), for Is Od. Over 8.000 to chosso from. WANTED KNOWNMUS. BUTTEKWORTII, Milliner, Is Now SnowiNQ a I arga Assortment Of LONDON AND PARI- MILLINERY. In all tho Nowest Btylcs Also, FEATHBRS, FLOWKHS, RIBBON!*. SILICA, LAOES, NUTS, Seo. Q U E F. N~fTT R E E T, Opposite tha City Market, r^STED KiNuWN, that very choice Chrlßtmaa and Now Year's Bards on Sat _ havo just been rcoolv.d n". Lennox.. Open till 0 p.m. on -atnrday. \\f ANTED KNOWN.-Chiistmas and Vl Now Year Cards la Great Variety., at the fcillowln_r prices viz.. Jo eaoh, Id, i lor Sd ; 2d, 1 for (id: 3a, 6 for lei: id, 4 for Is: 6d, 1 for Is Gd; 91. -3 for 2<; Is,3for 2, 6d: extra good valuo Fringed < .rdn, iroin 91 each lovely doslitnß; Mand-Viattd Photogr.pha, Carte do Vißlts Bize. Is each; Cabine* size, 2« eaoh; Boantlf al Goods ; Poriumed S'aototß, Id, 21, 3d. Id, 01, and Is eaoh, a vory rloo nsaortmo-t, and roitly oheap; Si k wovon Bjokmnrks, 8d and Is eaoh All tho abov-. are for Chitetoias aod New Your. Biitbday C.rja and i-atohets. Wellef Sorap3 Bnd ir»n fera, also very cheap. _! libaral Discount allowed to Dial up.— C. MaOKAY, Bock o'lew. eto., 11, Grcyßircot. _ \\ ANTED KNOWN—The Auckland -*» Pantheon, opposite St. James's Church, Wellington-street, is Now Qpon.—John EASTWOOD begs to inform the publio of Auckland that be. litis Just Opened tho nbo»o Pantheon with a First-cliißS Selection of English, American, French, and German Novelties (direct importation per Hermiono and Langstono). consisting of Fancy Goods, Toyß, Jowollory, China, Ornaments, Hacdwaro, Crockery, Pefumory, Brushes. Combe, Stationery, Glasswaro of every' description: largo assortment of Beautiful DarK Marbled Glass—the only store in Auckland having tho samo; magnificent collection of Son, Sliulls from all parte of tho world; splendid collection of rare Engravings and othor Pictures, different from any othors ever offered in Auckland; largo collection of Books of overy description; and a great varloty of quito New Novcltios. All Ootids sold 20 to 30 por cent, cheopcr Miuu any other house in Auckland. Terms Cash. Tbo Undo, boaaars, mid hawkers supplied. Largo Show Room. ufANTiil) TO SELL CHEAPVl Good hlpo, sbs for Is; Good Pioklw, only 9d tor bottfe: Whlto and Uo'd Cups and «naoer», Od o»ob, 8l 61 iho doz : Spsotoclos I*. 3 f r2- Bd. Wtt" td to S II lot ot ohenp Tvy*, for (jnilitnaß tio •», Irom IIM por elra-.n; Tlu Toy^, 2s eri to 7a l*'r dozen ; Violins with cantvt aael bowß. from Hi »■ 20s; Toj Watches, vtl h Jawols In tboui. only Od : Musical Popkuos. 8 i caul', 2 01 tlio • tenant 300 giois box.R of Pm»b, Id per de _->.>, oi Iy tdthoKroau box; I .nhullors, 'ii Iho Rr,.88, 2 irroßß for 3i 6(1; ISO sum «if Wnlto Jugs, !a tho sett of 3; oroihor lit o( ohoap Sponire', from 2d to 2s; 12 dezon Klowor ' 6lr, o».y 2| oach; 15 ilewen Baßh Unit lies, from 11 to Is 01 ; 3 dozen Toah Boxas, from 2i Od to Jb Oil; 12 elrzwu Large Picture, onlir Od each ; 21 »m»li Plotnres, only 21 oaoh. Is tho dez'ii ; 6 dozen Bula-eye Innternp, only Od e»ct> te flu tho down; 18 dozen .Nail B-Usno-e. 5 for Is. 2--3 d the rtozou ; 3 gross of O.rpoutm's Peno'is Id eech. lOd tho dozen ; 18 dozen Vases, only 101 eocb,2fot I*B-1; largoPintnrcs in Ui'.i Frames, only oa oicn 3 for 9,: 50 d-zon Wiae H1»«B»», onlj 2d eaoh. le lSd nfr dozen. BointJm-. 25 don-n Cut Kberry HlaßSew. 3d o»cn, 2i 0,1 tt.o demn; 0 dtrzon Sui»P O^lonrud Tumblers only d, or la 101 tho rJoz.n; 31 cozon 1-org. Tumbl rB, 3d oaoh. 2j 81 tho uozon; 18 dozen Engraved Uec»nter^,on.y l»lM o»cb, a 6d iho nil.-; lvge oltiO Doeantorp, OPg'aVed, 23 oneih, 3s Si the pair: Ureal Troys. lOd a„d. la 31; Flower* and Flgarcß, under Blast Blwide". from 2a Cd to 5s 6d, and n vaiintyof oth»r th nue. chiistaias i'a»dl'S 8 forO',3B boxotSti, 2 boxoa for 5s cd. Bi in 'into and do not come late — U. WaTT. i-lit-stwet. \AT A « TED. WANTED TO SKLL. AND MUeIP BS SOLD. about £3' 0 worth ot To} s thoy will bo aoid very or. eon, next door to Mr Partlnton, iho artist. In Grey>treet: Paid. Maohn Tnblon, omy 151; To^crays only 2s 6d aid 6i 6d iht) EOt of thn,e : Wire oißh Gov. rs. frooa 6' to 3a oaoh. 9ss?t; 1-. 6d and 'Ji Toja will ho cold for 9d, 3 for 2s ; Marb'cs 10 for 11; TOO boxnn Mit bios for 7d'O l«2d„ box; Jugs, 2a thoentof 3; Pene.Olnbox; Peiitholder.', 21 tho doz; sponge, from 2d to _•': Olilirtren'a To6Bit', from ia to 3. 61; Toy Watches, 3d and 8l; Carving Knives and Forks, Only 1b and In Od: Bread JKulvob. 5d ; "Wldo G'ssioe. la Hid thudozin; Bread Tr-js, 9daudlß-, dooanteys. 2s 6 loud 3s CI the pair; Small Tumb ore. 2d ; Natl llruth-s, 3d osoh. 5 for Is, 2s per dozen; Bgg Mollorß, 3d, 2i th 3 dozen; tJleovoLnks, only 21 a Bet; Bollr-sje Luntornp, lOd: FlowurP'ots. 2a oaob, 3s Hi tbo pair; KguCups, Is 6dthe doz: Hat Books, Id ; 9 atzsn Cutohern' Knives, from 3d to 9d osob ; Crnets, 3a fd to 5 63; Small Trayß, only 3e\. fleasa to oomo to tho Groy-stroet Shop bs/oro you buy olsswhoro, ns I am In want ot money and the things mual bo sold.—lf. Wotta, Gro)strnet, noxi door to Air Parklaton, tbo Ariißt. B"lut08, 2a and 2i 6d ; Cornotp, 2s 6d nnd 3s 6il ; •tent-, 5i tho dozen boxefl. 12 ooKen in » h o x ; Toarjots with Metal Lids la 9,1 and 2s; WnlK) and Gold China Caps and 8 8i Odtbo doz; Pnwier likstands, only 21; Uocd Accordlan«, 10s to 15f. R W "I TT S, Pn'f-BTUKET. itmr A N T E D 1/ HOWH, THAT . GARRETT BROS., Finding their Promises too Small for conducting their business as Tanners and Boot Manufacturers, havo decided on GIVING UP THE BOOT BUSINESS, and dovoting tho wholo of their timo to TANNING AND FELLMONGERY. &c. They aro determined to SELL THE WHOLE OF THEIR SffOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOE 8, Valued at £10,000, nej pER pENT. T ESS ITIHAN rjOST So as to pnsare A SPEEDY GLEARANCE. N.B,— Great Ekdijctioks Made to SrORBKEEPEKS. tt)"" POSITIVBLY THE BALANCK OF OUU STOCK oir Boots and Shoes, Sec, wiil be SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION. GARRETT BROS. * wakehkld-street, avckland. ANTttDKNOWN.-PrintCostumeß, 1<; Stuff Coßtnmoß, lfs to 2Sa: Black S tin, la 6d: Neadlor, ldfo packet—At Damp or. Olirlttmas aoltlni; off. Wakefl-.le-sir. ot. Ak'I'NKR WANTED.—Opening for Working good piylngbußincs', with 4100 to at Auto a Hoto', Victorla-a treet. " a WELL-EDUCaTED LADY, recently c\. from London, offers a Comfortable Home and Thorough Instruction In Kniillßb, good Frenob, and Mnslo to,a Girl, Irom 8 to H. KOiUtiful snd hca'thviovßtde p^oe; moderate terms.—Addrees Mrs 1 oj)e, Paihla, Bay of I-lands. ______ ~JJ*i% P_(JSI' —Wanted to Borrow, on Hrstr&/^o"* class freehold security in the country, high rate o£ interest.—C. Williamson, Land Agent, Vulcan Lane. rjiEKEE HUNDIUD PuUnDS ■ PARTNERSHIP.-Goncral and Wholesale Liquor Businosi; must have a knowledge of. the business.-AddrcßS C.F., Star Oflico, RUNNEtt COAL C 0.—20 Coal Minors.—2o Miners Warned by above Company ; permanent employment —Apply to Stone Bros., Auokland, or Kennedy Bros, Grey mouth ■ ' " _a Tenders. rjjl U BUILDERS, Tenders are invited for the Removal and Reerection of Two Shops in Onehunga.—For par ticulars, &c, apply to Captain M. Yates Selwyn-street, or at the T Mart, Qnecn-strect Onejiunga. | I ,t»-« t\ TO £10,000 LENT on Buildup I ife 1"" Fooieiy princlplea. or on othe: ' teimn ta suit botrowe.e. Allotments bough > and Housos built on weekly poymont system ' Mortgages and loans negotUtel. dee j-lsto - ProPßrtlSß for sale on Ith page. Six per oenl : allowed on money deposited for Investmenti C. Wiixiamson. Land. Estate, and Flnancle Agont and Valuator, 3, Vulcan Lane.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3854, 21 December 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3854, 21 December 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3854, 21 December 1882, Page 3