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{ TE2STDBBS. I —. — ( THAMES iEAIIiWAY. HAJHJLTOM-MORRINSVILI,B AND UAMIWOHCAIIDBIBQB SECTIONS, 13,000 KAUBI EAILWAY SLEEPBBS. Public Works Office, - Wellington, 2ith November, 18S2. Tenders T7ill be received at this office until noon on THURSDAY, the 18th January, 1883, for the above Contract. They are to bo marked on the outside, "lenders for Sloepers," and iiddressed to the Hon, the Minister for Public Works. Telographio tenders, similarly addressed and marked, will be received if preoented at any Telegraph Office by noon of the same date, providod that tenders as above are lodged at any District or Resident Engineer s Office by the sume hour. Drawings, specifications and general conditions may bo seen at this offlce j at the Public Works Offices. Auckland, Hamilton, Kawakawa, and Whangarci; the Railway Stations, Helensvillc nnd Pnkekohe; and at the Warden's Office, Grahamstown. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accopted. By command. JOHN BLACKETT, Bnginoer-in-Charge, North Island. KTEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. LITTLE RIVER, AnFaKAKOA BAIL WAY, LAKK FORSXTH CONTRACT. FORMATION ONLY, Written Tenders will be received at this offloo natil uooa oi MosDAV, the Bth Jannarv, 1883, (or the above contract. They are to be marked on the outside " Tender for i*ke Fornyth Oontraot" and addressed to the Hon. the Minister for Pabllo Works, iiunedin. Telegrapbio Tenders similarly addressed and marked will be reoelved if presented at wiy telegraph offloe by coon of the eonio date, provided that written tandors are lodged at anj- Distrlot or Keslrient Kcglneer's Offloe by the sama hour. Dratrlogs. spsolflcatlons, ku<i general oonditlona may oe seen at this offloe, and at the PubUo Works Offioes at Auoklaud, Wellington, and- ChrlstOhurch, The lowest or any tender not oeces* saiily aooeptud. Byoommana. W ,^ UB , Engineer in oharge M,I, PnWio Worka Offlce, , „„ Donedln. Deoember 11th, 1862. FREIGHT FROM WELLINGTON TO PICTOK'. FabUo Works Offloe, ■yVelliißKton, 13th December. 188'■'. Teadora v/lU be recelred at ttlfl Office rffitll ft'uOtf ot FRIDAY, \ha JSth December. 1832, for tbe Conveyance ot about 223 tons Bills from WdliinKton to Piotonj Tenderu to bo addressed to the Hon. the Minister for Pnblio WcrKS, Wellington, mcrked ontßlde^ ' XeniJer for •ifrelehi.," End to contain a marked cheque for fild made payable to tha Heoelver-Ganerals DauoU; icoount only. Speoifioßtlonß and Conditions may be seen in the PuUlc Works offloes, Auckland, Wellington, Kelson, Ohnßtohnron, Dad- ijuuedin. Tolenraphlo Tendere, similarly a:drooflei and marked, v»l'i bareooived if pres ntua at aay Tolegrapk Offlce by NOON of »he gjnut date, provided that written tenders in ''ne farui tie lodged at any OC the abovo-Jism'ai OSC9S by the came hour. The loweßt oi any tender not neoessarliy aoeepted. Engineer In Charge. North Island, A UOKLAND HAEBOUK BOARD* |x°«r n fsw m Tendors will bB reooived at this office until THURSDAY, the 28th Instant, at noon, for the construction of a New Tee, Queen-street Wharf, la terms of plans and specifications to be seen at the Bnßineer's Offlce. The lowest or any tender not necessarily AOoaotsd. Tonfioia to bo endorsed "Tender for New KM. Qawn-stree. Wborf." aiokin Chairman, Harbour Board Offlo*. Auofeland, December 13th. 1882. "a UCKLAKD GAS COMfANY i3L <LaOTBD>. . TENDERS FOR SHARES. Tho Directors of tho Auckland Gas Company (Linuted) invite Tenders for the Purchase OI Seven Hundred Shares in the Company. Tenders to be delivered on or before THURSDAY, the 21st December, 18S2, at 2 o'clock p.m., addressed to the Directors of. the Auckland Gas Company (Limited), Fort-street, where copies of the last report and balanco-sheet and further information may be obtained. „, Tenders may be fox tho whole of these Shares or any less number. ' All Shares which may be allotted tinder those tenders will be placed on tho Eectistor, and a certificate granted free of Transfer fees, and will carry the dividend for the half-year ending 31st December, 18S2. . , „ ■ . The dividends paid by the Auckland Gas Company (Limited) for the last two half-years were at the rate of seventeen per cent, per annum, and for the seventcon previous halfyears fifteen per cent, per annum. By order of the Board of D^«| oNSf Secretary. A«eklaai D'eeembet 13,1882. fp~~O~~~C~A X P E M T E R S. Tenders Jnvlted until m on of THDESDAY, the2lst Instant, for tbo Removal of »nd Additions to s House In Union-street (labour onlj). Plan 9. *&. at my offloy LXii Arohlteot._ rfIENDERS will he received by the underF signed «b to Slst December, to Freight, by raft or scow, One Million Feet of Baulk limber in the round from Coromandel Harbour to Mechanics' Bay, Auckland, delivery to be given at the rate of from forty to sixty thousand feet per week. UNION SASH & DOOR CO. (Limited), Mechanics'Bay.rn O B 17 ' I I- D E X S. BXTKNSIO~N~OF Tenders wilt be received until Noon of FRIDAY, tho 22nd instant, for tho Ejection ot a Roatdenco at Ecmnera. Plan?, &c%, at Nob. 8 ana 9, Bouth British Obambere. BDMUND ?'BIjI>, Arehltect. Corporation Notices. f(ITY O! AUCKLAND. T«NDBRS FOR SUPPLY OF COAL FOB WATKRWOBKB PUMPING STATION. The fllty Council will receive tender until 3 p.m. of THUR«DAY, tho Slit lnetant. for various descriptions of Coal. In terms of conditions to 1)3 viewed at this offloo, Connoil Chamberp, High-street. The Council do not bind ttiemselves to accept ODy tender. Tenders to be endorood '' Tender lor —• Coal." Town Clerk, Town Clork's Offloo. Doocmbei' 18th, 1882. . niTY OF AUGKLAMD. TKNDKBS FOR PRINTING. The City Counoll w )1 rfflfelvo Tenders until % p.m. of THURSDAY, the 2let Instant, for above work, In tornn of speolflostlODß and conditions to be viewed at this Offlce. Council Chambers, Hlgh-etreot Tho Council do not bind themselves to aecepi any tender. Tenners to ba endorsed " Tenders for Printing." ■ P. A. PHILIPS. Town Clerk, Town Clerk's Offlce. Deoember 12. 1852. nilY OF. AUCKLAND. ' CLO3BT BY-LAW. Notice is hereby given that the above By-Law, made on t >a 23rd day of November. 1832, by the City Counoll ot Auoklaad. (undor ana In pursuance of the powers of " Tho Mualoipat Corporations and Puttllo H««lth vota"), will ba confirmed on THUR9UAY. D^cambsr the 21st. 18S?. P. A. PHILIPS, Xown Clerk. Town Clerfc'B Offlce, iSducationai. MB, •PO O h EV, organist of St. Matthew's Cannon (Late Organist and Choirmaster for Fourteen Years ot tbe Cathedral Cnurch ot Liverpool, Kngland), Toaohor of Organ, Pianoforte, and Singing; also, Cornet, and other Brass Wind Instrnmentß. —• —— At the suggestion of several musioal friends, Mr Pooibt oontetnplates tbe formation of a eentleman'B Brass Band Club durina the ensulng mußioal bcbboi), ot which particulars will be .sneonnoed in due course. MKNDK&BBOHN VILLA, Ylnoent-street. ff\ H 0 S. B A L L •*- LANDBOAPB PAINTBR, MOUNT KOSKII.L ROAD. L E S SONS~" 6 I V E W. Views of Houses, F&rms, etc., taken for business purposes" at abort aotloe asd a modenita a rice

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 20 December 1882, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 20 December 1882, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 20 December 1882, Page 1