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\ Wanted. si**/ ANTED KNOWN. -- Selling on, -| W Sailing o», Cheaper than over ! I have 31 ju-t opened a Large Assortment of Vat 63, Glass I "hades, fancy Uuode, P.atodware atd Cntlery - (mitable for Christmas Presents). Those wIU be ' Hold at nongiaorably less than town prices, in I intend to keop up my name for cheapness and quility combined. My orloaß fjr Chlni, Gliss ', and K&tthenwaro, of boet deßcrlptldnp, nre lower than U nsually bharged for auction bom lit rubbish. One vlnlt will enanro another. - Note the address: c. A. Hanmau, Kurangahopa . road, opposito Newton Hotel. ANT.D KNuWJX—Stirling iSiivor and Gold Jowallery.-Chai'los Kolsey and i Co.keep nothing except Real Sterling 611 rer and Gold Jowollory, and coneaciuontly guarantee everything. N.B.—Thoy keep no 811verlno or washed goods of any kind, no Abyreinian or Amorican Gold. Purchasers, thoremro, may bo Quito sura of what they aro buying.—Charles Kolsoy & Co., two doors bolow Morrins", Ironmongers. AS T El) KNOW B. _ SMVD TO SMITH & CAUGIIISY, 300 and 302, Upper Queen street, yon an ASSORTED PACKET OF 12 BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARD 3 (Post paid), for Is Cd. Over 8,000 to chooao from. WANTED KNOWNMRS. B» TTBUWORTH, MIU.IHBH, Ia Now Snowiso n, I arko Assonmont cf I.OMJUN AND PAUia MIL'.I«EKY, In nil tho Newest Styles Also, FKATHKHS, KLOWKRB, HIilBON?. SUIC^, LAOISfI, NWT3, SCO. Q U E X N~S~T R V, E T, Oppoßite the City Market. WANTED KNOWN.-CHEAP BOOTS 1 CHEAP HOOTS I FOIt CHRISTMAS, including Ladles' IClustio-sitlo Kid Boota, 6s Od; Ladfcs' Prizo Medal High Hool, High Lor, ITicnch Solo Sown Prunolla Boots, Bs Od; Ladlea' High Hool, Fronch Solu, JCvcnJiig BrcßS Sliobs, ds Cd; Largo lot Of Children's Dross Shoes, Biso G to 13, very choap; Infant.' Patont Lonther Klaatlo Shoea, with roaettes and buckles, 2s; Ladies'Patont Leather HUisUo Sllppcra, 2s 6d: Ladiea" Buff Slippers, 3s: Lfulica' Houao Boots, 2s Cd; Grand Line of Youths' Klastic-sldo Boots, 8s Od ; Gentlemen's Derby Cut Shoea (pur own mako), 10a. &c, &c; also, a job lot of Men's and Women's Boots (odd sixes), very cheap; about 60 gross of Leather Laces, which avorago 3fl inches in length, Id tho pair, or S)d tho doaon pairs; much cnoapor by tho gross.-W. Hi DAMPIER, Boot Manufaotiiror, la t« W.Johns tone, Viotoiias.root N. 8.: Plcaso obßorvo that W. 11. Dampicr is written at tho bottom of the shop-front. vyANTKD KNOWN-MUSICI »* MUSIC. MUSIC. Tho 65 coses just received from England include on immense quantity of Piano Music, making my Stock about Fifteen Thousand Copies, all ONLY SIXPENCE EACH, including Sacred Songs, Sentimental Songs (English, Irish, and Scotch), Comic Songs, Dances, Pieces. Music in Books, &c, &c. Also, Ceerney's 101 Exoroises, Is; Heray's Tutors (tho new edition), 3a; Violin Duets, Is; Violin Tutors, Is; Violin ■ Strings (Ist, 2nd, 3rd, and dth), 3d; Superior do., 4d and 6d.—N.B.—A large quantity of tho abovo Musio for tho Piano nro arranged as Duots by tho celebrated Julius Benedict.—A liberal nllowanco to tho trndo and profession.—DAMPlEß'S Hobaon-strcet Shop. WANTED KNOWN—The Auckland Pantheon, opposito St. James's Church, Wellington-street, is Now Opon.—John Eastwood bogs to inform tho public of Auckland that ho has Just Openod tho abovo Pantheon with a First-class Selection of EDglish, Araerioan, French,' and German Novelties (direct Importation per liermlono and Langstonc). consisting of Fanoy Goods, Toys, Jewellery, China, Ornaments, Hardware, Crockery, Po/fumery, Brushes, Comba, Stationery, Glassware of every description: largo assortment of Beautiful Dark Marbled Glass—the only store in Auckland having tho samo ; magnillcont collection of Sea Shells from all parts of tho world; splendid collection of raro Engravings and other Pic> Utrcs, dillbront from any others cvoroiFered in Auckland; largo collection ot Books of ovory loscriptlon; and a great variety of quito Npw Novoltios. All Goods sold 20 to 30 por cent, cheapor than any othor houso in Auckland. Terms Cash. The trade, bazaars, and hawkors supplied. Largo Show Uoo'm. ANT_.D TO SELL CUKaPGood Rice, Siba for U; Good Picklao, only 9d >o<r bntilo; While and Gold Cupa and ouucnrv, 9d ooob, Ha (51 tha doz : iipioiaolo. it, 3 f-r 2. Bd. WwU to 8 11 lot O\ ohn»p To\'i, for Chiisnuna uo o. from irt<i p ur iaaen; Tin toys, 29 61 to 7< por dozen ; Vlt In-.s. with camu and bos'* from Hi «•» asa: Toi Wutchte, wih j-iwola In thciu. only G<l: Mtuloil Popgui?. iU nnoli, 2- Hi tho 'okoii: SCO gio>» box's ot Pens, Id dot donjn, o»ly Cd tha ktom box; PonhuUors, 2a the Kruea, 2 oroaa (or & Bd ; ISO ceta of Whlto Jujs, !g tha Bet of 2; anothur l-»t of oheap SpooiiO', from 2d wi 2a; 12 dozon Klowor 'ot», omy ii oaoh; IS dotpn Sash Qnuhos, from 1\ to la G 1 ; 3 dozen I 'nnh Box>», from 2rt Cd to te Od j li diajn Larga Piotursi-. onl> fid each ; 21 dozen ■mall Piotnrep, onlr 21 tmoli. )a tho dr r.-n ; 6 dozon Ball>-ojo Lantomp, only ;od enoii. ca 6A the dozen; IS dc-on N»ll Bicjnoi 5 for 1«. 2'ii the clozes ; 3 gross of t'trponWo P«no>is Id eaoh. lOd ton dozen; IS doyo« Vnsas. only 10d each, 2 for lt&\; targe Pictures, in Ul'.t Frames, only oa each, 2 for 9«; 50 d zon Wine H1«BS«», onl/ 3d each, InlMinr dozun. Bu In Hiiv. 25 doz^n Cut Sherry Wasse*. 3d eiof, 2< Od tte diz-in; 0 dcxen Stn«l Oolonrod Tumblora. only d, or lH 101 ttin rionm; 31 <tczan Larg) TurabUrs, 3d onoh. 2i 81 ilio iio«an; 13 dortu Engraved Otouuorr, omy Id Bd Oich, a Sd ihe p-iir; U'RO tIM IJC-anUvs, eEg'>ve<l, 3s oioh, 3s 6i fio pair: Br«a* Trayn. 10J Aid. 1b 8-1; lf|p"»e" »n 4 Flfiarca, under itlaai shado'. from 2a\ to Bs Od, nod a v&rinty of o'hfr thnirp. Uhilst-nas Hatdl-B 8 forOl.Ss box of 50, 3 toxea fnrfis Cd. ]">> in rime ana do not come Into — H. WATT. t-IH-atjeet. Yy A N T 15 D. W-XTKD TO SKUi, AND MUST BK SOLD, about £»,0 worth ot To"i s, they will bo sold very o«eap, n»xt door to Mr Porkinton, the artist, in Grc<y»troot: Pa>iar M»oho Tableß, otny 16'; To*M»ya only 2s 6d aid 63 6d tho Bet of «hi>e ; win uiah Ouv<ra, from 6' to 3a oaoh, 9as»t; I* txl and ia Toys will bo M>id for od, 3 for 2s ; Marbles 10 for 1<(; SOO boxm) Mttbloß (or 7d >o Is 2d a box; Jugs, 2s the set ot 3; Paus.lM a box; V«_holdrw. 21 the 6oz; Pprnga from Sd 10 G<: Uhitdren's TosEnt', from is to 3* 61; Toy Watohts, Sd and (U; Carving Knives a«d Forks, only la and la 0a; Bread Knives, Cd; Wine G'DSiSa. 1b 10d thedomn; Bread Trays, Od and Is; Oeoanto'S. 2a 61 and Sa 01 the pair: Small Tomb er«. 2d : Nail Uru.lus, Sd each. 5 for 1(, 2a per dozan; Kgg Hollers, 3d, 2j tha dozen; VleovaLnts, only 2-1 a Bit; Ballt-eie Lanterns, 1M; Flower Potn. 2a o»ob, 3a Bd tho pair lln Ouw, la Gd tho doz; Hat Hook', Id; B dtaen Vutohora' Kdlvob. from Sd to Od each ; Cruots, 9a Cd to MM; Small Trays, only 3d. Mesas to come to the Broy-Btroet »hnp baforn you buy olsawboro, ss I am in want of money u.idtho things mudt bo Bold.—if. Wiitts, Grujstreet, noxt door to Mr Pnrklnton, the Artist, if lute?, 2s aad 2i Od: Oornotii, is lid and 3s fid; T'oiu, is tho dozon boxes. 12 dozen in a "ox; Toaoots with Motui Lids Is Od and it ; White n.ti(l Gold China Caps ana r<«,uco 3 3i Odtho doz; Pnwmr I»k6tands,; Gecd Accoraiao-, 10s to 163. jEL W at t Si PITT-3T«EET. \\7 ANTED KNOWN. —PrintCostumep, V? in; stnff COBturaes. lfs to 255; Black S-tirj,lß 6d: Needier, Id t'-n paokot—At Damp er's Ohrlntmas aejllng oIT. WakefMd-Jtreefc _i?O K.I I .—Wanted to Borrow, on first' fI class freehold security in tho country, high rato of interest.—C. Williamson, Land Agent, Vulcan Lane. *""WKLITeDUCaTED lady, recently eX. from London, offers a Oomfortabio Home and Thorough laatractlon In KniUrb, gjod Frenoh, and Mu«lo to a Gfrl, from 8 to 14. Beautiful »nd healthy f otslde pKo« ; moderate terms.—Addrots Mrs Foale, Palhla, Boy of leHnas^ GEWfTEMAJi. just from America, is open for Engagement for a limited time; well up in Poultry and Bee-keeping— late Secretary to Stato Beo-kespers' Association and Poultry Sooicty of Colorado, U.S.A.—Address Robert James, Arondale, New Zealand. ffO MASTER BUTCHBUS.-A SituaR tlon Wanted by ft Pir^tolnßS Butohsr.— A psly by letter T.H., Star Offlce. B~ RONNE* COAL CO. —20 Coal Minsrs.—2o Miners Wanted br above Company; psrmanent employment—Apply to Qtone Bros., Auckland, or Eenaedy Bros, Oreymonth. Tenders. *TIO BUILDBBS. Tondo-s are required for Addltlors to fhnrs ano BesidonFoii. Kar' ngahape reoelvable o"t> ti i p.m. SATUfIDAY, 30* December. Plans at my Office, Cußtcmhouoe-Btreet Wost. THOMAS HOLDKB. Arohlteoll. Meaicul. ARE you subject to Colds in the Head ? if so, tska Aconite and Bryonia alternately a'dyauwi'l soon be oured, is each; ot GoodsOD's London Aroadc. K KPLEt; T JJXXBA6E Tho underalgned, AS AOKNT, has just opone In«Xa«.LLENT COKUITIOW the first shipment ot the following I— KKPLKB'S BXTRACT Off MALT, Large and Small Blzoa. KEPLKHS EXTRACT Off MALT, Wltb Hops KKPLER'S BXTBAOT OF MALT, With • HwoPHOßrnrrES. KKPLER'S KXTfIAOT OF MALT. Wlih Pmpsnrn KBPLEB'3 MXTBAOT OF MALT, With Ghbmioal Food, KEPLER'S EXTRACT OfT MALT, With Bisks' and Ibon, KBPLBB'S BXTBAOT OF MALT, With Oil and lodidic or Iron, Thß"Lanoet' Bays:—"Kepler Malt Extract Is very good, and may bo used with confidence." e©4ond Report of the Lancet" on the Keplor Malt Kxtraot I—Keolor's Kxtraot of Malt 1b aB distinct an advance in therapeutics as was the introduction of cod-liver all. It is one of our beat remedies for atonio dyspepsia, and is undoubtedly useful In consumption and othor wasting diseases." Agent yon AooKtANn— GKAVES Alt! KIN. KOBINSON-B "DOYAIi "OAKING "TJOWDEK, XV i> -V In Tins, ft. la; lib,. 2a. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST MADE. 1 TK-.DE To be had of Qrooera and Provision Dealers, or the maker, J W. KOBIJNBON, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. MANUKAU KOiD PABSBXiI.,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 19 December 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 19 December 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 19 December 1882, Page 3