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I Goodson's Arcade, /^OODSON'S I ONDON * 11 CADE IS NOW ItKPLETU WITH THE MOST SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF TJSEFUL AND QKHAMEMTAL nOODS, SUITitD FOR CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAKS, OK MttTfIDAY PRESENTS. MH. GO^DSON having m/v^o norsouol sslco'lon of the Greatest Novelties during hla Krßllsh and ronilnomal vlelt. piwohasi d for cftah at au bx:9ptlonally favourable time, tlia Patrons of Iho Arcade will have tho tall bone lie, A Greit Variety in Ot.OCKS, WATOHK3. GOLD anil S:LVEIt JRWHIAKJIY ol all klnflfl. JuitßooMved—A Consignment of W&TKKBOHY WATOHJte, Claris No. 2 at 17s 6d; tin f-o. lat 'its, an boforo advertised, caunot bo proouiod at a lower prico. A Spoolft'w in SPANISH DIAMONDS sat in GOLD aod KNGLISH UaUNKT, bains? Klegant and-Brilllant. ABi'rtßlN AN GOLD, cquil in appowanoe tfl Colonial Gold, specially introduced at the London!A'eaile, (Hnwaroot imitations). QObIMMSBU JKWKLLERY, by whloh process a Borfnce ot 15-CARAT GOLD la Beoured, and win wear wall. OBIQtt GOLD, being a motal the colour of Fine Gold. liVtfKY ARTICLE IS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. Supplied otther from the Windows or tbo Stalls at tho prico irarkod in Plain Figures, ALIKE TO ALL, BUBJKOT TO A LIBKBAi DISCOUNT TO WHOLESALE OUfITOMERS, ScnOOLS, AND BAiJAABS. ELECTKO-PLATE TEA AND COFFEE SETS, BISCUIT BOXES, EPEKGJNES, Flt-H KNIVES AND FORKS, CAKVEUS, FORKS AND SPOONS, So., &o. Mestonn Hllvcrtao. a pcrfoot substitute for Fl'vm1 In Forks and Bpooon ; Phatogcnpblo fiorap an 4 Stamp Albums, Desks; Work-boxoa. Vlotortac, Companions, Ladfeb' Baga in Seal, PJnub, Votvot, and Leath«r: t mslnn Cases, elegantly fitted | Baskets of all kinds; Kite, Maori ana Euroneaji; Gents' Travelling Bage and UremlPK Cuoeo; Purses, Cigar Cases, &o.; Japanose Wools, Terra Cotta, Majr)Uo>, China and Parian Ornament?, a specialty In elegant Moss licodp, Vauep, Lustres, Bi'oakfaat, Dinner. (oa Dessert, Attcrnoon Tea, Toilet and Toto-a-toto Sote. 'Ibo Pußhionabla Ivory StaffoMshlro Ware in ipleodld asaartanent. Vbovon and Frails under aiaua Shades ; Puna; Lofileij' Glove Button Hoots; Uoid-casaa Thimbleg; Doi'a 1b qu»Uty and (jusnUty unßurpassoJ, fscia 3d to £10 oaoh; Accordionß and Concerting, a large atuck and low price; cioturoa, yoraiw Trauatere, Medallions in Krotit vorUty. Ohristinsß, Now Year, aiid Blrtbdar Cards, more lovely than over, and cheaper thvn be/ore. Books at Kntllflh prlotu : Fatnl.y Hlblea In o'egant biedtoeu, well suited fur piowntu; MuUooi Boxes, playing 2orupto 10 tunea. from 20s oaoh; Htntlonory at oiir usual Jaw prloo; Tora, which* will iloHgttt ths roolpaata. ouch as have not before been seen in Auokhwd, 'itio 'i-i, (M. and la counters aro laden with New Goods, whilit tho boMxir olaas Toys nro nia/vo-toualy attractive. '1 to stock i» do vnetjlc iMiat bo scon to bs bollevort m d appreciated. Hvwy realrtent of, und every vl ltor ta-iuokland boforo inaklpf; their purohaios should *«v tho Arcade Siook. un< gu&Uod In value, cxtont, novolty, or ohoapocsa. Ad luupcotlon fa cordially invltod, irrcspootive ot any pnrcliasa being mtflu, KOTK THE ADDBESBES— GOODSOIN'cJ LONDON AHCADE, AUCKLAND. ~ ~ ~ NAP I "It. „ „ „ GIiBOr<NF, „ „ „ THAMES. T.nwnnw nififTnw. . na rt juiiv avh

Public Notices, XTACHT ANP BOAT-BUILDING. A. W AKb'r IC X (Several years Foreman In Mr. C. HRllesAi shod), Hab Commenohu Himi-iiiss in UcS'-om-hoosi'-st. IVbst (opposito Ulecaon'a Hotel), on vu own accuu*t. BOATS KKPAIRISD OHBAPLY. Ploasuro and other classes ol Boats built at Lowest Priooe. tf. 15. JB LAIK IE, VICTORIA-STKEET. IMPORTER. OF BUifjDKßa' & FURNI3HING IRONMONGERY UIBEOT FROM MANUJUCTOIUIHS, Una for Bale, at Low Kates— Oarpenters' Toola 'SMk, Looks. Hlngea ICltohen Kangcß Henlster Gratw.ln groat Variety Uarblo and Knamolled ula'a Mantlcpleoes, Largest Stock In Auckland Marble, Eleotro-PI»to, Curb and other Fenderß Galvaaised Iron, Shoot Lend, and Zino Slates, Cement, and 1-Ustcr INSPECTION INVITKD. F, J. MOBS,] [W. F, O'SUMiPTAN. F. *J. Moss * Co. H0U&8, LANP, AND E3TATK AGENTS. EHOIWLASn BTRKBr, IntoudiQi? Buyers are reepootfally Invited to Inspect our List of Properties. Money to Lend at Current Katea o( Interest. "x vf 5 a ii D I W, * LAND, COMMISSION, AND BSTATK ABSNT. MONEY LKNT OH PKKSONAL SSCHBITy. HiaH-BTRHBT, AUOKDAHO. ODSOI^STKEEr STB AM COFFEE MILLa-U. P. GIBBO.VS and CO., Tea. Coffee, and Sploa Merohan»a, and Family Grocera, OoiL Firewpod, ana Produce Dealore.-H. P. GIBBONS and CO, HobsonHtreot. Ancblgnd. i R. J. P. KIDD, National Insurance Bulldtego, Qtieen-streot, boss tn inform hla ntrmerous friendß and the publlo Reuorally that he boa eronimoncod bneineßß as a LanQj Kstote, and QmHrrlsiiion AJant. Any businesa wIOi wiiirti ho may bs enfrntted will rocelve prompfaftentloa^CeoetnoO* S, IBBa. i S C~ ING I? of eyorr fleeorlptlon put np by conJreot Nobody CMi do it cheaper Or better than B«m White. Paling Fences, poat and rail; Wire and Piokot Fenoeß of every sort, Prloes on ftpplloatlon. All kinds of Gotoa made to order, and fixed whsra required. Fenoea Painted. Posts, Bftllß, Pollnw. BMnalea, Hoase Blooks, fco,, for Bale at yards. SAM, WHITE. Fencer, Gore-street (near Btltomart Hotel T*r H. SKIN NEK & SON, YT . nUILDERS, carpenters and joiners, Vulcan Lane. All Branclien of the Building Trado oxeoutodby Esperioncod Workmen. Shop Fronta, Offlco gfttinga Ice. __._ FISHER AND CO. (LIMITKD), WnotEßAtm EifiPi'iwa and Family HcTcnitsß, Quoen-fltreot (next Bank of Now Zealand, Auckland). — Poultry ot all kinds diopaed to order. Prime Smoked Tobruch, Home-cured Bsoon, Comod Beet on Sale In laii?o quantities.- N.B.—Dealers in Game. Llvo Pheasants forwarded to all nnrtn of the Colony upon reooipt or oriier. ITaudHlies waited on in town or suburb?. . i IROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Important f-'oTiOE to thk Podiic. Opaniag of tho American Caoh Btorn. Aloxandra and Moaat atreets. W. Kiko hiving bonsht over the Business from Mr ii. Raw (for Cash), und has losolvoi to Soil all tin old Stock at Groitly Kodcccd Pricoa. N.B.—"Vcu can JQcnroneo yoar Homo Kxteassß by Buying your groceries and Pfovlslana at W, KINS'd Am»hioan CAsn Stokf, Alexandra and MoTfnt btreetg. T HENDERSON, K3USE, SHIP, SIGN, AND GENERAL DECORATIVE PAINTER. MO. 8, WYNDH AM-STKEET. CLAKKE BROTHERS, ARTIST PHCrOSKAPHBRS (OPrOSITE INION HANK), QUEEN-STRBIST, AUOKLASD, Photography In the Latest and Most Fashionable Btylea. executed in a mannor Unenrpaesed in tho Colonies. AU Photographs taken by the HOT IWBTANTANEOCS PROOHSS, "El IAKGB COLLECTION HEW ZEALAND VIEWS Alwaya on Hand. _ tmTortant announcement Just Received, per Looh Awe, A Solendld Aeßortment of VIOUNB, BOW 9, and FITTINGS, MKLODIANS, CONOER. lINAS, and aU kinds of MUBIOAL INSTRUMENTS, at THOS. E. CARTER'S, 82, VICTOEIA-STREET, AIfCKI/AND (3ix doors above Albert-street). TISACHEB, Tuner, and Repairer of. Pianoforte, Cornat, and VIOLIN. Terma and a'eatimonlals on application, Tuner and Repairer of all ktnda o( Moaloal Inßtrtuneifta,

WAITEDv%/'AS'r»»" K»uvvr(—uubap xra--7 J Biw i Ou**j" TiuflXH I Ana all otbei tluds of liTil!4isi? listorialo, onn bo Dwohasod ofcer.osr mid (j^'tor timn anywhere eloe at tte Yards of !J. (ioiois, Albert-stress. There bcir.B ao mauiitavtu: j> foi JolDCitf Timber on Uio premise?, ihs mmwiiistf 'isyi an additional oppotJajiiy oJ ueuiiig superior kimtw, wbbol. risbtfl" Mt!6rt»\o »i w««» In alnnlr. 8,%/" AKTJSD X NUW N- * ' J. W. & W. WILLIAMS, IMPORTBHB OF DRAPIIUY & CLOTHING 82, Karanuauai-k Koad, Aro now soiling Men's Twosd Trousers, fti Mon'H puimnor Ker^o, light nnd dark colours, 8,-6 Hiiys' nvocii Troußars and Veate, 9/6 'JiVlßon bfcapo Foil Haw. 2,'fl Gems' Drill Coata. &6; BoyB1, i/i. Ks a p. Potoil, from Londoil, ONR CASK CIUU3TMA.9 I>BU3SMTa-Ofil>, Toyß A large asaortmont Chrlstoaa Cards. To Arrive, ptr Wo&lhardflold, 12 CAMS J and WALKo—Pompadonr and oihor Vtcaa l-'<, Jlnii'jooab QoillS, Jloneyojuib Towhlh, Oil und Stsir Hafeca Huarth ltopr--, Kolt Cnii)BUiiH», Coooa ond Ficoy f'nrd Mattlnßn. Muelta". Culloof, 40 p'ocob I)rc»3 Hoilunklfs Tallin Damaafe', Window Uollandg, 1 caseKanoy Di-es» Stuff*. Luatrca, Oatmo*l Cotus, Civihincros, Kooito, New DresH Material. As coon aa thoeo flnods am unpacked thoy will b3 noil at pneo, at about Wholeeulo l'rloeu, to Hbora a quinte onah rotnrn. 2 oasea Uenrs' AVblte and lio#atta Shirts (com Hi X First olass White Sblcte at 6/; Hegatta and Uxfonl dr., Ma. J. 'W. & \7. W/lAIAM-1. Importers ot Drapery and Ulolhloy, Newton \RANTED KNOWN to Ladieo of * * Auckland and District, especially to Milliners and Urosamukors, that Mrs W. JI. Tonch is prepared to Teach ouly a limited numbor of Ladies Hio Art of Feather Dressing.—For terms, &c, apply Mra W. M. Tench, Feather Dresser, opposite Princo Arthur Hotel, Hobson strcot vy AN TED XX O AV~N. YOUTHS' SPLENDID BLUE SEHGE SUITS, No. IS, 1, 9, only 18s. 9a ASD MEN'S CLOTHING IN GREAT VAJRIETY, AT DREJNNAN'S, OHBAP PLOTHING WAR«HOUaB, Foot ot Vlotorla-atroet. \\r ANTED KNOWN.-Chtistmaa and i " Now Yo»r Cards in Great Variety, at tha (oUowlnu prices, viz., 14 each, Id, 4 for 3d; Zd, 4 for Oil: 35, 6 for H: h, i for Is s Bd.lfor Is fid; OS, 3 for 2j ; Is, 3 for 2i 6H; estra Rood valno Fringed Oardn. from 9d each, Jovoly doblhdb; HandßOintfd Pbotogritphs, Carte do Vlalto slzo. Is each: Cabinet size, 2a enoh; Bountiful Goods; Porfnmed Pfflclictß, Id, id, 3d. Id, GJ, ar.d Is eayJi, a very nloe aseortment) and roMy cheap ; Hi.k -\vovon Bookmarks. 8d and IB each. All the übuv» are foj: Ohrlatmas and New Year. Btituday Cards and Satoheta. Belief Scraps and Transfers, also very olicap, a liberal Discount allowed to fiial>rp. —C. MaOKAY, Book ellar. fee, 11, Grey-street. \*/" A~a~T ED KNOW H." JUST OPBNKD UP, AT SIEPHENSOK'S--600 Ladles' and Children's Straw Hate, IB to 2/0 IHCO yams Alllllnory Not, /3i per yard 180 Golnaborougb, Puka, autl Qnoen Shape Rush H*t9. /91 50) yds Twilled Cretonne, splendid value, /7}] per yard - • 100 ya-ds Heavy Tweed", 1/iJ poryard Oatiuoi! Cloths, r.ewCGt, eljufies. ;9} to 1/3 Koana Cloth, Kuae, Bolgen, Lustres, &o, /6 to 2/d j'licd Carmo'ites Bplendld value, ;fli per yard UceQuslled Value in etrlpod Hose, Mi /%. I/per pair Children's Coloured Socks, /.'J por pair upwards Hoylu'o Frlnta In .ue -voat pattern?, Ik) to /Si Basket Pattern la a Speciality. S Bhades SDeolal Linn In Eoyß' Straw Hatj, /9J eaoh Sateens la all the newest shades, /10J por ya,i d Blaok 3a'in UmDrellaß, luce round thorn, ill, 5/11, 6/11 Ohlldren'B Sauehados, 1/3 npward Corsets In ull the do won makes, 2 8 to 19/6 Wo aro showing. Drtmanß, cicely trimmed far Bprlng woar 15/ to 70/ eaoh DnxSSMAKIKO AND MIIiIKfaSRY OX FIISMISES. A. O. STEPHKKSON, KARA NGAHAPE ROAD, NEWTON. v%T ANTED ~K X O W N. AT BKIQHTO>T HOUSE, LADIKS1 LKATHKR BAGS. J. RBNIJBLL Ha1) cloared a utook,'and will offer thnm at SsOJ, la Cd, 53 fid; ye: y lar,?e Biza, 03 Bd, ■ S»| FEATHERS. A Lot of Roal Ostrich from 2s 6d to 2l«. BOYB' HOItAND O'UTS, ?S lid ; YOCTHS1 80, ds 6d; Men's do, da lid; Imitation Silk do, la fid. BLACK EGYPTIAN CLOTBS, Suitable tor aummnr, mourning or other wear, Is2dandls6d. Fof CmuDittN's 'Whithi Pbubbks, PwakoksS, IDBEBBEB. THIJIMUD HATS AND BONKKTB. TKY BRIGHTON HOUSE, PRICES TO HUM EVERYBODY. A faw pieces of Horrookn's B Long Cloth still unßOlb\ at 4s lid doz, yd wide; Blaos Cushmoro Capes, n'oely trimmed, from 83 61 i a Cheap Lot ot Ooßtnrmi Cloths from 4|d; Cheofe GUass Olotha bom 3sd ye. Ladles Reed not tronbl* to give orrlera for Millie cry. At BRIGHTON HOOSE they oan Bolt themselveß In on' price or stylo, bb we KE'tP A L.\R9E ASiOKTMSNT TO CHOOBB feom. Prioea-irrom 33 6d to 12s. MOUBNING MItjiaNSRT A FEW HOUB3'NOTICE. J. gEMDELt, ISO and 182, top ot Grey-atreat.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 19 December 1882, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 19 December 1882, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 19 December 1882, Page 1