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Auotioiiß. ' ' J TO'•M OR X O Tf, ( • At 1 o'clock, LAND! LAMM LAND! LASDI J, B. MARRIOTT \%Tlhli sell by auction, at his Land V? Mart (adjolninn Banit Sow Zealand), Queen-street, Ift AUotmenta in tho rlsinj? township of io HelonsvlUo 1 Largo Cornor Allotment, Avonuslo ttoad O Allotments in Roseb&nk Usad 2 AUotmenta, Pokeno. J. B. MARRIOTT, Auctioneer and Goneral Saloeman, TO-MORROW, At 12 o'Clock. QUEEN - STREET AUCTION MART (Adjoining Bank of New Zealand). J. B. MARRIOTT VTTILL Sell by Auction, at his Matt, Iron ana Wood Bedsteads, CheSonlors Tables, Couches, Cnaira. Oil Paintlnjja WEBhatands. Drt-cslng Tables Book-caao, Sftfoa, Ro., &o. Gold and Silver Watouo3 And n Largo Assortmont ot Clothlnpt J, B. MARRIOTT, Auctioneer at>d General Salesman,

FRIDAY, WOYBMBEK S, at 12 Nook. VAILB & DOUGLAS WILL sell by auction, at their Sale Rooms, Shortland-Btreet, THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE PROPERTIES, Viz :- MANGARS'.-Seven oholce Farms, boing snbj divisions of part of seoiion 75, the property of G. W. Wyman, Esq. No. 1 contains IS acres, all fenced with tho exception of about 0 ohnins, tha greater portion by water. Tho whole Is well drained and laid down In good grass. 1 hers Is also an orohard and ornamental plantation. Tho buildings ooniprise a oomtortable seven, roomed house, with dairy, etablo, oowehod, fto. No. 3 contains 18J acres, Is about halffenoed, drained, and laid flown In good grass. No, 3 contains 13a. lr. 10p,, abont half fenced, drained, and laid down in good grass. JLII tho aboto threo Farms have flno water frontages, from which good boating and fishing caa bo obtained. No. i contains 16a. 3r. 16p., holf-fencod, drained, and in good grass. No. 5 contains lla. lr. 38p., half-fenced, drained, and in good era's. No. 6containslla. 2r., half-fcncod, drained and in grass. No. 7 contains Da. 2r. 17p., half-fenced, drained, and in grass. All tho abovo Farms are easily approacliablo by good level roads, and being within a 13 rallo drive from Auckland arc admirably adapted for I'ruit, Poultry, Dairy Farms, Market Gardens, or Country Residences. . • Terms: One-fourth Cash, balancp at Olper cent. for flvo years. Thoio la a Dlsitrlot Sohool, Fo3t Offloe. Library, Knglisb, Prejbytorlar, and Wodeynn Ohurotien within seven mtautca walk of theEe valuablo properties. ONEIIUNGA.-Neat four-zoomed COTTAGE situated in Arthur'Streot, cloao to Quoenstroet, and llvo minutes' walk from Railway Station. Tho allotment has af< ontngo of 60 foot by a depth' o£H7 feet, being part of allotment I, section 18. Town of Onehunga. Terms: One-third Cash, balanco at 8 per cent, for three years. NEHUNGA.-T WO SHOPS and DWELUNG HOUSES in Quaen-etreet, adjoining SalUvan'ti Uotel, and close to Railway Station. Kaon tenement coißlsts ot a shop and three rooms, at present let at 10j p*r weot. Tho property has a (i-ontagoto Qaeon-street of 20 feet by a depth ot 80 feet, AWITU. — North-Bastern middle portion of Allotment 92, containing 50 aoree. OTAHUHII,—I otß 12 and 13 ot Section No. I, of Bub-divieion of partot Jlr Thomas Falrbnra'd Grant (Foley'a Townehip). near Tnniflkl Bridge. OBURU.-AUotraent 147, Farlßh ot Mannga tanlwha. 270 aorep. KOMAKOBAU.-AUolmont 85, ootainldg SO acres.

ELtERBLIE.—HOUSE of four rconis ana scullery. 2 tanks. &o. I'his property is situated oloso to the Hallway Station, and has a frontagoto thePanmure Road ot 311 ' feet, oontainliitf about ono Acre. Terms i One-fourth Cash, balance at 8 per cent, (or three years. THK Well Koown HSTATS of the late 4. K. Allen, E*Q, situated in PUKmKOHE WHSC This beautiful property, oontalnlog nearly SCO aoroe, U delightfully situated near the Walkato ulver, and within two miles oC the Baokland Station. Sixty aoios are in new grass, and there 1b a lprge quantity of rough feed all over the property. .About one husflrort acres conbUt ot valuable bush, scattered in park-like clumoa over the eetate; there Is also a splendid etroani, with a beautiful and valuable waterfall. The greater portion OC the property la fenoed and divided Into five paddooke, Tha Boild ings consist of a now, roomy.and woii-flnlehecl Bouse of sb: rooms, detaohed pantry, etable, 3 stalls and loose box, ooaoh house, workshop, wash house, man's room, woman's room, store room. Bbsd for 9 cow?, Dlggerles, tee., all n«w, and of the best description. Terms: CHX) cash, balanco at 6 per cent, for 5 or 7 yean, Messrs Wilson and Carter's Highly Imnroved FARM of 200 acres, Bltuated at KAMAKAMA, on ttie Great South Uoad. aibont 1} miles from Kunolman Station. 65 acres are in new grass, 83 In crop. 18 acres fallow, li acres bush,remainder fern. Dwelling house of 6 rooms, dairy, thed f«i 16 cows, stable 4 stalls, other shads. &o. This desirable property havlna un extensive frontage to the main rosd, is admirably adapted for future pub-dl vision. It Is one ot the prettiest farms r car Auckland, is well watered, and bolng Bimated near the principal sale ynrdp, is very eultablo for a cattle dealer. Turnip, as agreed. WO3DHOUBK FARM. PUKEKOHB WKST, eltu»ted about 6 miles from Ptikekohe Station, and containing 1356 acres, nearly the whole level and undulating land, and well watered, About 300 sores In good mixed bnnh, 30 acre* are in graa?, the remainder fern, &o. On this property, there Is a very beautiful waterfall, also a two ' roomed oottage and a considerable amount of fencing done. Terms, one-third oanh; balanoe at C per oont. for 6 years, HUNUA.-Allotraents U, 51, 53, and S3, containing 158 aores superior quality LAND, bounded on one side by the Walroa River. This fine blook ot land contains a largo proportion oi elluvlal flat, the remainder la valuable bush and fern land) situated eight miles from Papakuri Station. Terms, half cash, balance at f par cent, tor 5 years. The well-known WAIKODKOU (KUMEU) BLOJK, estimated to contain 1200 act o?, and situated v/lihin £03 lards of the Kumeu Junotlon Station on the Kaipara Railway. About 900 acres of thiß valuablo property Is lovgl and easily plough able land, woll watered, and of superior quality, a larxe proportion bolng rloh sllurlal flat. The remalndorla mostly good useful bash linri, Oa-iuc( to its close proximity to Auokland, this flae Estate muat ra^Hly attain a gn m onhuticsd vrlqo. Terma:-0 efoarth Uaehbalance at 6 per cent., for five year?. HBPBURV-STRKBT.-Oommodlonß and wellbnile Famllv Reaidence of aaven roomßi with bath-room, Urge cellar, &0.. fitted with Qas throughnut, Gab Stove, Leamipgton Range, water laid on, and overy convenience for a fanillr. -Allotment 31 x 119. Terma:-£SO Cash : balance, weekly or otherwise. OONQHH3T-VLACB!, PARNBLL -Nearly new Hou^e of sovan roimi. andsonllery,all wellfinished'and fitted; also, dont and back venmrUhß. Allotment 50x120, having two frontßgea. Thi3 House Is very pleasanlly situated near the residence ot Or. Gampbell. Terms on npplioatipn. ANOI^BSffiA-STREEr.—Vow and Handsomo Dwelllne Honee, containing eeven rooms, veracdah and baloany, the wholo well ilnlshud and fitted. Guq, Water, and every convenience for a family. Allotment 100 x 280. This very desirable propory la one of the.few City Residences left with tnreequnrtors of an acre around It. Terms on Explication. VAILE & IJOUGLAS, Land and Estate Auctioneers, Shottland-stroot.

B, TOHK3, B. O. OAEK, B. D, TOHKS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15. WINDSOR CASTLF, PARHELL. mHK LEASE FOR U YKARS, WITH PURJL CHAisING OLADSffi, ot tho above old established Hotel, with Large Corner Allotment, in consequence of the oontlnaed ill-houlth ot Mr. T, Johnson, Particulars in a few day». B. T O n"k"b & CO,, Anctioneers. ~^———— ———— __________ EARLY IN DECEMBER. BUILDIMG SITES AT MoKNINGSIDE. VILLA SITES AT MOKNINGSIDE. Volcanic Soil—Railway Station on Property. WE hayo bpen instructed by A. K. UTaylor, Hsq, to Bell above Property. It is surrayedi and pinna will bo read? In a tew days. B, TONKS~& SO.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3816, 1 November 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3816, 1 November 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3816, 1 November 1882, Page 4