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Amusements. BBOTT'S OPERA HOUSE. Leasee and Manager. Ulan ti Holt Business Manager. ._...._W. H.Senarrava Assistant Stage Mans got _ Mr Nell O'Brien SUCCESS FOLLOWS SUOCE3SI E_.h__i__.i- R_o_pj-ion o. __kd Hor/r'a FOUBIH N.OV-UY, TAKEN TJUtOM T I**. AKICN J. ROM JUIFE. ■ Its First Representation ia tho Colonies, OH Saturday Night, one of tne Largest Audiences of the S-tPon- to bo an Unqualified Mucosal Hearty Applause Conti.uous During tho FrOi gress ot tlio Play I "Taken from Life" Is aokuowlc-clged by OWJ and ull to possess Interesting Uial-gue, BoantH fnl Scenery, and Splendid Meok.nioal Display^ It must be seen to ba appreciated. The Drama will bo presented again THIS (Monday) KVENIKO. With the same cot-p'.otenesa whloh character' land the Ui.lul perform>uno3. Box Office at Wayta'p, 100, Quooustto.t, wherfi Stall and Pit! Tickets can be prooure.. Prices -8 üßuiii. W. K. BISHOP. Eußlrcss Agonfc ABBOTT'3 OPSIU H'>U_tt. • tambour major opera company. On or about THIJ R -sDaY, 2nd Novembar, A Grand Coml. Opora Season ot Kiuutona Nlgbta will "ba inaugurated by iho above 00., during whtcu will be presented (by up .-oial ar« rangoments with Messrs Williamson, Gamer, and Muagrov.) the cieino delaoifl no of European Novoltlo3, Olle_b_c_'a latest and greatest work. LA FILLE DU.TAMBOUR MAJOR I Stephens and Solomon's immensely successful INantlcal and Operatlo Extravaganza. BIL_EH! TAYLOR; or. The Howard ot Virtue! A Grand Ropro-uctlon of Gilbert and _ullivan'a World-famed Now —-athetlo Opera, PATIaNOE j or, BUDtiiorne's Bride! And other Favourite Operas. With all the Now Scenery, paiuted by Messrs • ""nGordon, Bennings, and Uabbe. The COST uw Kb aro precisely similar to those used in the original London produotlonß. and were Bpoolally imported from London and Pari*. Tho different {Operas will be presented on a scale of magniflcenoe nover surpassed In New. Zealand. The Vooal Parts will be rendered by a OBBt oC characters embracing the LKADING OPERATIC aRTIS CBS ot the .outhern Hemisphere* and the Chorus and OrohOßtra have been specially selected to render those grand prodnotlonac worthy ot tbe moat orltloal. Tho PROSPECTUS, with the names o. thePrincipal Artistes, number of Choruß, synopsis of Scenery, detailed Cbaraoteristlc Costumes, Propertles and Appointments, and Scale ofi Prloes of Admission will be publised to-morrow* 0. NOBILI, Buslnoßß Manager, -\TEW ZEALAND ORDER uOOD i_l TEMPLARS. Temperanoe HaU. - A Grand Concert, tendered as a compliment to tho Exeoutlveof the above Order by the combined, lodges, will be given THIS EVENING. October 23, 1832, This being an especial occasion, the best local talent baa been securedA good Programme deserves a good house. Conoert at 8 sharp. Tickets, Is, Oome early.— J. MARSON, Secretary. HE GREAT WONDttRoifTHEA-F,' lately arrived from New Bouth Wales, where it was exMbited to crowds at the Kxbl. bltlon a-d ether leading oitles. a CALIT with E„ht Legs, Fonr Ears, Three lyes, iiro lou., a Trunk, and a Kangaroo Head, ON Yucwf at the MARKET. Admission: Adults. 6dj Children,?- The entrance after six will bet through Mir. Qolo-'e yard.—Thomas K-k_*n. i "DONSONBY j.ANCY DRESS BALL^ ponsonby"hall, ... FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 188$ E-_wASDa: Messrs A. Bosrdman, J. Onhni-sh-tn,' A3 Dovore, W. F. Jones, Ed. Lewis, T. T. Masai field, Chas. Maolndoo. and F. Quick. D. F. EVANS, ■ Hon. Sf 0. TORNE.STREET HALL^ GRAND CONCERT AND BALL, BY THB -RTILLEhY BAND, Will bo given In the above Hall on MONDAY _.V_NING, OCT.■ 30th, 1882. Doors open at 7.30 p.m.. overture at 8 sharp. Pnoes ot Admitslon—Front Beats, 3a; body ol ball, 2b ; gallery Is, admit to concert only. Programme in future Issue. "PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT,.' ST. MATTHEW'S ENTERTAINMENTS Will be oommenosd on FRIDAY EVENINGr NEXT, ana continued fortnightly, In St* James' Hall, ; : . Admission to all parts of the Hall > m ONE SHILLING.' TO . THE Concert in aid of MIS 3M. JV WILLOWS will be repeated In the HYes Methodist Sohool-room on FRIOAY _o_t,2___ Inst., Mr Hodgßon in ihe chair. Doo.B open aft 7.50 p.m., to commonoe at 8 p.m. Bharp, a good programme provided. Admitbion, is.—M. A« ANDERSON, Secretary. * "DONSONBY HALL. AN EVENING WITH "JOHN PLOUGHMAN.^ The Bey. T. Spueqko- has consented to give Reaalußß from tho obave popular workoC * .e..? e7' °- B- Sturgeon, with Lime-light Viewa of Joha Ploughman's'' Pictures, and of C. H. Spurgeon's Tabernacle aud Orphanage. &o. on THURSDAY KVKNING, October 26, at 7.30. Admlßßlon-2s j Children under 12 years, Half. prloe. fcjportme:. ROBERT BLAT X IK. Member of TATTERS_i_,'s,A.o____irD, Has Books open on all forthcoming events,' Double Events—Melbourne Derby and Cup. odds from 600 to 2 to 600 to 20; Cup (straight ont), from 200 to _to 200 to 21; C.J.O. Handicap (straight out), from 100 to sto 100 to 20. Longest current Odds laid, nnbjeot to Market alterations. All Bets " P.P." Bu-Utesa striotly confidential, Itl-uremoo. MUTOaL FIRE AND MARINE IN, BURANOE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. This Company wIU be prepared to aooept Finr and Marine Risks on and after MONDAY, Sod Ootober. Business will be oonduoted in tbe offices at present ocoupied by Mr Blnney, Queen .street, so soon as neoesairy alterations have been made By order of the Board. ROBERT DOBSON, _, -_ General Manager. Temnorarv Offloes 1 Canada Buildings. WANTED. WANTED K«OWN, that E. Mitchelson ft Oo„ No. 18, Quoen-ritreet Wharf, are selling Malae, Oats, Bran, Sharps, Floor. Oatmeal, fee.. lowest market rates. WANTED K_OW«--A. MALLINSON, late ot Viotorla-Btreet, has opened a Hair Dresßing Saloon in Wellfißley-Btr eet, threa doors below the Young Men's Christian ajsboolatlon. Hair Cutting, 6d; Shaving, 3d: Child* roa'a Hair Ont. 3d. "VfyT ANTED known,; JUST OPJINED UP, AT STEPHEr. SO N'S--600 Ladles' and Children's Straw Hats, /6 to 2/6 1000 yards Millinery Nett, /3_ per yard 180 Gainsborough, Foko, and Queen Shape Rush Hats, !.i 600 Twilled Cretonne, splendid vathe. /7_'_e_ yard .30 yards Heavy Tweed. 1/8 per yard Oatmeal Cloths, newest shades, /9J to 1/3 Soarte Cloth, Nuns, Beiges, Lustres. &0., /a ta 2/0 yard Oarmelltos, Bplendld value, /9} per yard Uneauallod Value In Btrlped noae, /6J, 19_, 1/ pcs pair Ohlldron's Coloured Sooks, /2} per pair upward. Hoyles s Prints in newest pattorns, /i. to /8l Basket Pattern la a sped-llty, 5 shades Special Line In Boys' atraw Hats, /»} eaoh Sateens In all the newest shades, /10J per yara Blaok Satin UmbrellM, laoe round team, ./11. 6/11. 6/11 Children's Sun9ha-iOB,I/3 upwards Corsets In all tho newest makes, 2/6 to 12/0 We are showing Dolmans, nicely trimmed for spring wear, 16/ to 70/ eaoh, DBF-SU-KiN- and Millinery on Premises.' A. O. STEPHENBON' KARANQAHAPE ROAD. WBWTON. WANTED KNOWN, that I have Landing, ex Ashmore, the best approved Sugar Boots at 2b 6d per lb; Elvotham Mammoth Long Red Mangold, Ohamiiion Orange Globe, Champion Yellow Globe, Champion Red Globe, aud Long Yellow MauKolda, at la Cd r,_d 1b 9d per lb. Also, New Turnip Soed, Sklrvina'a Improved Purple Top, Purple Top Yellow Sootoh, and King ot tho Swedes.—THOMAS BTEADMAN. Seed Merchant and Nuraoryman. Auckland and Remnera. ■yLT ANTED—Tailors to bo&r _. maid «.«,._. 'I h„7 Bla-Btook a largo assortmo.t of Blaok and Blue Superflnes aud Doea_u__ Tweeds. Ooatlngs, Bedford Oords, arid mlngs of all desoi-lpUon., short latathaot which I out at wholesale brio.. A. LOVETT, Wellcaley-otriwl. ; WANTED KNOWM~C_T__i ___£! B_B I Cac-p Timbek I Aud all othoc • kinds ot Building Materials, oan be put-chased ■ cheaper and better than any whore ohm at tha ; Van& of D.Go_~i-, Albert-street. There belna no manufactory for Joiner.' Timber on the _r_. ', the. oUßtomer has an additional on_or. _?_S_5. l i ß _.ttrnß. TOPMto* Umber, Wheel, rights' MaterlaU) aiwa-_ in stock* "■"«' ,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 23 October 1882, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 23 October 1882, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 23 October 1882, Page 1